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'Safe Space To Vent'

Thank you for listening, but I think I'm done ranting for now since no actual solutions are forthcoming. Might as well let this go and focus on happier things - like my upcoming vacation!
You're welcome! I'm glad we could provide a safe space for you to vent. Enjoy planning your vacation; hope it'll be a joyful and stress-free one!
Ok, here's a story for you then. Last Sunday, I was out walking with my daughter and her little friends. You know, letting them run ahead, thinking they're so independent while keeping an eye on them. And then one of the kids shouted, "Eww, gross! There's poop!" Sure enough, right smack in the middle of the pavement was a fresh pile. It was pretty evident that some owner had not done their due diligence. The kids were disgusted, and I could barely look at it without grimacing. You know when you have to walk past it and hold your breath?

So, I sighed and took out the plastic bag I always keep in my stroller for such occasions. I thought to myself, these bloody people don't realize how easy it is. All it takes is for you to come prepared, which you should, anyway! You wouldn't let your kid poop wherever he likes, would you? So, I bent down, scooped it up, and tossed it in the nearest bin. It was such an effortless task, yet so few seem inclined to do it. Then I noticed the kids watching me with wide eyes, as if I'd performed some kind of magic trick.

That's when it hit me - maybe some folks just aren't aware or don't realize how simple it is. So, I ended up giving an impromptu lesson on pooper scooping 101. demonstrated the whole rigmarole - from taking out the bag to tying it up - for the little audience. And you know what? They thought it was the coolest thing ever. Who knew picking up poop could be so entertaining?! But anyway, that's my two cents on the matter. It's really not a big ask, and if more of us spoke up, maybe the streets would be a lot cleaner!
That's a nice story, especially how you turned the situation into a learning opportunity for the kids. It's amazing how something so simple can make such an impact, like your poop scoop lesson! It's true that many people just need a nudge to realize how easy it is and do their part. Some folks probably just need a bit of education or encouragement to change their ways.

You're right - it's certainly not a hard thing to do, and the benefits are for everyone!
Ok, here's a story for you then. Last Sunday, I was out walking with my daughter and her little friends. You know, letting them run ahead, thinking they're so independent while keeping an eye on them. And then one of the kids shouted, "Eww, gross! There's poop!" Sure enough, right smack in the middle of the pavement was a fresh pile. It was pretty evident that some owner had not done their due diligence. The kids were disgusted, and I could barely look at it without grimacing. You know when you have to walk past it and hold your breath?

So, I sighed and took out the plastic bag I always keep in my stroller for such occasions. I thought to myself, these bloody people don't realize how easy it is. All it takes is for you to come prepared, which you should, anyway! You wouldn't let your kid poop wherever he likes, would you? So, I bent down, scooped it up, and tossed it in the nearest bin. It was such an effortless task, yet so few seem inclined to do it. Then I noticed the kids watching me with wide eyes, as if I'd performed some kind of magic trick.

That's when it hit me - maybe some folks just aren't aware or don't realize how simple it is. So, I ended up giving an impromptu lesson on pooper scooping 101. demonstrated the whole rigmarole - from taking out the bag to tying it up - for the little audience. And you know what? They thought it was the coolest thing ever. Who knew picking up poop could be so entertaining?! But anyway, that's my two cents on the matter. It's really not a big ask, and if more of us spoke up, maybe the streets would be a lot cleaner!
You're doing your part to make the world a better place by educating the younger generation! Hopefully, your story will inspire others to take responsibility and not take the lazy way out. It's certainly left an impression on the kids you taught that day.
It's frustrating to have to deal with angry clients, free venting is the least I can offer!

Haha, those culpable owners you described sound like quite the characters (or rather, villains!). They seem to think they're above the rest of us, until their pets' messes affect others. It's really not a hard task to pick up after your pet, and definitely not fun for the rest of us to watch where we step!
You're right; it's not hard at all, yet some folks think they're exempt from such menial duties. The entitlement is real, and it's quite annoying how they don't seem to care about the trouble their negligence causes. Oh well, their loss, and good riddance to bad rubbish!
It's frustrating to have to deal with angry clients, free venting is the least I can offer!

Haha, those culpable owners you described sound like quite the characters (or rather, villains!). They seem to think they're above the rest of us, until their pets' messes affect others. It's really not a hard task to pick up after your pet, and definitely not fun for the rest of us to watch where we step!
You're right; some people just take the phrase 'it's a dog-eat-dog world' too literally! It's not a lot to ask that they pick up after their pets, especially since most of us are responsible owners anyway.
It's frustrating to have to deal with angry clients, free venting is the least I can offer!

Haha, those culpable owners you described sound like quite the characters (or rather, villains!). They seem to think they're above the rest of us, until their pets' messes affect others. It's really not a hard task to pick up after your pet, and definitely not fun for the rest of us to watch where we step!
Yes, some people are just odd. It's like they don't realize that being a responsible owner actually reflects well on them too, but hey, their loss! At least you're keeping the streets clean AND entertaining the kids - killing two birds with one stone, yay!
It's frustrating to have to deal with angry clients, free venting is the least I can offer!

Haha, those culpable owners you described sound like quite the characters (or rather, villains!). They seem to think they're above the rest of us, until their pets' messes affect others. It's really not a hard task to pick up after your pet, and definitely not fun for the rest of us to watch where we step!
You are spot on about them thinking they are above everyone else. It's quite entitled of them and frankly, disgusting too!
I won't be so lucky to avoid irate clients forever but I'm glad to be able to lend an ear, virtually, to vent about it!

Hahaha, those descriptions of culprits are spot on! it's often the ones with a sense of entitlement who think their dogs are above everyone or something. Or perhaps they're just above everyone...the stank attitude and lack of public spiritedness is what gets me. Singapore might seem like a shy and reserved place but boy, some people really need to be told off.

I won't lie, I've accidentally stepped in some of those surprises before - it's so disgusting and such a mood spoiler! Especially when you're having a great day, wham, you suddenly feel (and smell) something icky squish under your shoe. Ugh.
It happens to the best of us... stepping into dog poo, I mean. And it never fails to ruin anyone's day no matter how great it was going!
I won't be so lucky to avoid irate clients forever but I'm glad to be able to lend an ear, virtually, to vent about it!

Hahaha, those descriptions of culprits are spot on! it's often the ones with a sense of entitlement who think their dogs are above everyone or something. Or perhaps they're just above everyone...the stank attitude and lack of public spiritedness is what gets me. Singapore might seem like a shy and reserved place but boy, some people really need to be told off.

I won't lie, I've accidentally stepped in some of those surprises before - it's so disgusting and such a mood spoiler! Especially when you're having a great day, wham, you suddenly feel (and smell) something icky squish under your shoe. Ugh.
Yuck... that's gross. I haven't had the misfortune of actually stepping into one of those surprises yet, but just thinking about it is making me cringe! You've really got to be mindful of your steps these days.
I won't be so lucky to avoid irate clients forever but I'm glad to be able to lend an ear, virtually, to vent about it!

Hahaha, those descriptions of culprits are spot on! it's often the ones with a sense of entitlement who think their dogs are above everyone or something. Or perhaps they're just above everyone...the stank attitude and lack of public spiritedness is what gets me. Singapore might seem like a shy and reserved place but boy, some people really need to be told off.

I won't lie, I've accidentally stepped in some of those surprises before - it's so disgusting and such a mood spoiler! Especially when you're having a great day, wham, you suddenly feel (and smell) something icky squish under your shoe. Ugh.
Hah! You hit the nail on the head - the stinkin' entitlement! And yup, I've had my fair share of unpleasant surprises too, which is why I always keep a rolled-up newspaper in my bag these days. Not that I'd ever be brave enough to confront those kinds directly though. Better to keep a distance and keep things civilized.
I won't be so lucky to avoid irate clients forever but I'm glad to be able to lend an ear, virtually, to vent about it!

Hahaha, those descriptions of culprits are spot on! it's often the ones with a sense of entitlement who think their dogs are above everyone or something. Or perhaps they're just above everyone...the stank attitude and lack of public spiritedness is what gets me. Singapore might seem like a shy and reserved place but boy, some people really need to be told off.

I won't lie, I've accidentally stepped in some of those surprises before - it's so disgusting and such a mood spoiler! Especially when you're having a great day, wham, you suddenly feel (and smell) something icky squish under your shoe. Ugh.
You're most welcome to vent here anytime!

Ah yes, the entitled ones are the worst - like they think the world revolves around them and their precious pups. I find it's best to just keep a safe distance from these folks and their canine companions.

Eww, I've had my fair share of stepping into surprise poo piles too, and it's never pleasant! It's one of those things that ruin your day in an instant. And the smell lingers too, no matter how much you scrub!
I won't be so lucky to avoid irate clients forever but I'm glad to be able to lend an ear, virtually, to vent about it!

Hahaha, those descriptions of culprits are spot on! it's often the ones with a sense of entitlement who think their dogs are above everyone or something. Or perhaps they're just above everyone...the stank attitude and lack of public spiritedness is what gets me. Singapore might seem like a shy and reserved place but boy, some people really need to be told off.

I won't lie, I've accidentally stepped in some of those surprises before - it's so disgusting and such a mood spoiler! Especially when you're having a great day, wham, you suddenly feel (and smell) something icky squish under your shoe. Ugh.
Yuck - that's the worst! Having to go through the rest of your day with that squelchy feeling in your shoe. I've been there, and it's so gross. And of course, it always seems to happen when you're running late or queuing up somewhere and can't just stop and deal with it.

You know, sometimes I think these people do know they should pick up after their dogs, but they just get lazy or decide their pooch's poop isn't as smelly or dirty as other dogs'. Denial much?
You've painted quite a clear picture of the culprits! It's frustrating how some dog owners take no responsibility for the sake of others' comfort and health. It's a tricky situation to navigate as well, especially in a culture of utmost professionalism and keeping a distance. Venting online is much safer than calling people out directly haha!
It's a relief to have a safe space to vent our frustrations!

There really is no harm in being a thoughtful dog owner - everyone stands to gain from a cleaner, fresher-smelling environment! It need not be a huge deal, but it sure makes a big difference.
You've painted quite a clear picture of the culprits! It's frustrating how some dog owners take no responsibility for the sake of others' comfort and health. It's a tricky situation to navigate as well, especially in a culture of utmost professionalism and keeping a distance. Venting online is much safer than calling people out directly haha!
Yeah, it's really not nice to ruin someone's day like that - literally! I feel another poop story coming on...this time, it involves an entire park filled with it. My friend nearly slipped and fell into a huge, fresh pile one evening; it was quite the disaster missed by inches! Some people... 👎🏼
You've painted quite a clear picture of the culprits! It's frustrating how some dog owners take no responsibility for the sake of others' comfort and health. It's a tricky situation to navigate as well, especially in a culture of utmost professionalism and keeping a distance. Venting online is much safer than calling people out directly haha!
Yeah, I find that singling people out like that opens up a whole can of worms.. People have been known to get physical over less! Online venting suits me fine; at least the tantrum's out of my system and no egos were harmed in the making.
That sounds like an unpleasant day so far, having to deal with angry clients. Understandable that you'd want to just vent and not take any action - sometimes, that's all one needs!

Hah, yes, the culprits are often quite obvious. The incident itself is avoidable, yet some owners are so oblivious or simply don't care. It's a disgusting habit and definitely a tricky issue to navigate in our culture of minding our own business. There's only so much one can do; I guess we can just hope they realise the error of their ways someday.
Sometimes all we need is for someone to acknowledge our frustrations! Here's hoping those owners have an epiphany moment soon. They'd probably be mortified if they knew how unpleasant it is to encounter their pets' messes.
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That sounds like an unpleasant day so far, having to deal with angry clients. Understandable that you'd want to just vent and not take any action - sometimes, that's all one needs!

Hah, yes, the culprits are often quite obvious. The incident itself is avoidable, yet some owners are so oblivious or simply don't care. It's a disgusting habit and definitely a tricky issue to navigate in our culture of minding our own business. There's only so much one can do; I guess we can just hope they realise the error of their ways someday.
Yup! Some people just gotta learn the hard way... Hopefully, they'll change their ways soon enough before someone gets hurt or something disgusting gets stepped on. I'm all for live and let live, but stuff like that is just plain rude and gross! Hope your day improves, and thanks for letting me blow off some steam too!
That sounds like an unpleasant day so far, having to deal with angry clients. Understandable that you'd want to just vent and not take any action - sometimes, that's all one needs!

Hah, yes, the culprits are often quite obvious. The incident itself is avoidable, yet some owners are so oblivious or simply don't care. It's a disgusting habit and definitely a tricky issue to navigate in our culture of minding our own business. There's only so much one can do; I guess we can just hope they realise the error of their ways someday.
Unpleasant experiences like yours remind us that we're not alone in dealing with trying situations, even if it's just reading about it! It's almost comical how these situations have such clear patterns; hopefully, a little venting and some awareness will help curb these habits. Here's to hoping they see the light, as you say!
There's really nothing much to add other than a collective sigh at these irresponsible dog owners who mutilate our beautiful neighbourhood with their dogs' poo. I mean, it just goes to show how little they respect others and take personal responsibility for their pets. It's quite disappointing because Singapore is famous for being a clean city. You see, this issue seems minor, but it reflects a bigger cultural problem of blaming and defensive attitudes. I think we should start shaming them - blatantly call them out on social media or something. Put up their photos! Why should we keep our frustrations to ourselves while they enjoy impunity?
Posting shame online is a bit extreme, don't you think? People might misinterpret your actions and the situation could escalate. It's a tricky slope and could backfire. Besides, some folks are simply not aware of the trouble they cause; an educational approach might work better for them.
There's really nothing much to add other than a collective sigh at these irresponsible dog owners who mutilate our beautiful neighbourhood with their dogs' poo. I mean, it just goes to show how little they respect others and take personal responsibility for their pets. It's quite disappointing because Singapore is famous for being a clean city. You see, this issue seems minor, but it reflects a bigger cultural problem of blaming and defensive attitudes. I think we should start shaming them - blatantly call them out on social media or something. Put up their photos! Why should we keep our frustrations to ourselves while they enjoy impunity?
Putting up photos seems a bit extreme but I see where the frustration comes from; I feel the same way too! It's a pain how some folks with such irresponsible behaviour can ruin it for others and make the whole place look bad. Inconsiderate people are often blissfully unaware and it's annoying that we have to deal with their mess. But hey, no use getting too worked up over these folk; let's just hope the message gets across someday!
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