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'Safe Space To Vent'

I can understand how that might be frustrating, especially when it seems like a simple and courteous act to pick up after your dog. It's a hygiene issue and something that can really sour one's day.

Feel free to elaborate further if you wish, or simply leave it here; it's quite the vent-worthy annoyance!
Yah, it's one of those things that gets me fired up too, like how some owners just let their dogs roam freely in public spaces without a leash, and the worst part is they don't even call out to them or run after them! I mean, what if their dog runs into the road and causes an accident? Or worse, jumps onto someone who's scared of dogs? Some people just aren't thoughtful, period.

Okay, now that I've got that off my chest, I feel a little better. Thanks for letting me share!
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I can understand how that might be frustrating, especially when it seems like a simple and courteous act to pick up after your dog. It's a hygiene issue and something that can really sour one's day.

Feel free to elaborate further if you wish, or simply leave it here; it's quite the vent-worthy annoyance!
Thank you for listening, but I think I'm done ranting for now since no actual solutions are forthcoming. Might as well let this go and focus on happier things - like my upcoming vacation!
Yes, go ahead and share more. We're all (responsibly) venting here, and I'd love to hear your insights on this very important issue, haha! I completely agree with you; it's a real pet peeve of mine too. It's such a irresponsible and selfish action, considering it only takes a minute to scoop the poop and bin it! And yuck... no one wants to see or step in that stuff!
Ok, here's a story for you then. Last Sunday, I was out walking with my daughter and her little friends. You know, letting them run ahead, thinking they're so independent while keeping an eye on them. And then one of the kids shouted, "Eww, gross! There's poop!" Sure enough, right smack in the middle of the pavement was a fresh pile. It was pretty evident that some owner had not done their due diligence. The kids were disgusted, and I could barely look at it without grimacing. You know when you have to walk past it and hold your breath?

So, I sighed and took out the plastic bag I always keep in my stroller for such occasions. I thought to myself, these bloody people don't realize how easy it is. All it takes is for you to come prepared, which you should, anyway! You wouldn't let your kid poop wherever he likes, would you? So, I bent down, scooped it up, and tossed it in the nearest bin. It was such an effortless task, yet so few seem inclined to do it. Then I noticed the kids watching me with wide eyes, as if I'd performed some kind of magic trick.

That's when it hit me - maybe some folks just aren't aware or don't realize how simple it is. So, I ended up giving an impromptu lesson on pooper scooping 101. demonstrated the whole rigmarole - from taking out the bag to tying it up - for the little audience. And you know what? They thought it was the coolest thing ever. Who knew picking up poop could be so entertaining?! But anyway, that's my two cents on the matter. It's really not a big ask, and if more of us spoke up, maybe the streets would be a lot cleaner!
You're lucky you're not me then - I've had several angry clients call in today, back to back. So I'm definitely up for some good old complaining with no action required.

I completely feel you on the inconsiderate dog owners - it's gross and selfish, and shows such a lack of consideration for others. You see, it's usually easy to tell which ones are the culprits - often the ones with the tiny little chihuahuas that don't quite understand the big deal when their dog goes number two halfway across a green patch in your housing estate. Or the old cronies who let their oversized boxers roam free, certain that they're above everyone else cause their dogs are extra-large. Ugh, it's so gross, and like you said - watch yourself step when you're out walking because you never know where the next surprise is lurking! It's definitely a tricky situation to call people out on, especially here in Singapore where everybody likes to mind their own business and keep a distance.
It's frustrating to have to deal with angry clients, free venting is the least I can offer!

Haha, those culpable owners you described sound like quite the characters (or rather, villains!). They seem to think they're above the rest of us, until their pets' messes affect others. It's really not a hard task to pick up after your pet, and definitely not fun for the rest of us to watch where we step!
You're lucky you're not me then - I've had several angry clients call in today, back to back. So I'm definitely up for some good old complaining with no action required.

I completely feel you on the inconsiderate dog owners - it's gross and selfish, and shows such a lack of consideration for others. You see, it's usually easy to tell which ones are the culprits - often the ones with the tiny little chihuahuas that don't quite understand the big deal when their dog goes number two halfway across a green patch in your housing estate. Or the old cronies who let their oversized boxers roam free, certain that they're above everyone else cause their dogs are extra-large. Ugh, it's so gross, and like you said - watch yourself step when you're out walking because you never know where the next surprise is lurking! It's definitely a tricky situation to call people out on, especially here in Singapore where everybody likes to mind their own business and keep a distance.
I won't be so lucky to avoid irate clients forever but I'm glad to be able to lend an ear, virtually, to vent about it!

Hahaha, those descriptions of culprits are spot on! it's often the ones with a sense of entitlement who think their dogs are above everyone or something. Or perhaps they're just above everyone...the stank attitude and lack of public spiritedness is what gets me. Singapore might seem like a shy and reserved place but boy, some people really need to be told off.

I won't lie, I've accidentally stepped in some of those surprises before - it's so disgusting and such a mood spoiler! Especially when you're having a great day, wham, you suddenly feel (and smell) something icky squish under your shoe. Ugh.
You're lucky you're not me then - I've had several angry clients call in today, back to back. So I'm definitely up for some good old complaining with no action required.

I completely feel you on the inconsiderate dog owners - it's gross and selfish, and shows such a lack of consideration for others. You see, it's usually easy to tell which ones are the culprits - often the ones with the tiny little chihuahuas that don't quite understand the big deal when their dog goes number two halfway across a green patch in your housing estate. Or the old cronies who let their oversized boxers roam free, certain that they're above everyone else cause their dogs are extra-large. Ugh, it's so gross, and like you said - watch yourself step when you're out walking because you never know where the next surprise is lurking! It's definitely a tricky situation to call people out on, especially here in Singapore where everybody likes to mind their own business and keep a distance.
You've painted quite a clear picture of the culprits! It's frustrating how some dog owners take no responsibility for the sake of others' comfort and health. It's a tricky situation to navigate as well, especially in a culture of utmost professionalism and keeping a distance. Venting online is much safer than calling people out directly haha!
You're lucky you're not me then - I've had several angry clients call in today, back to back. So I'm definitely up for some good old complaining with no action required.

I completely feel you on the inconsiderate dog owners - it's gross and selfish, and shows such a lack of consideration for others. You see, it's usually easy to tell which ones are the culprits - often the ones with the tiny little chihuahuas that don't quite understand the big deal when their dog goes number two halfway across a green patch in your housing estate. Or the old cronies who let their oversized boxers roam free, certain that they're above everyone else cause their dogs are extra-large. Ugh, it's so gross, and like you said - watch yourself step when you're out walking because you never know where the next surprise is lurking! It's definitely a tricky situation to call people out on, especially here in Singapore where everybody likes to mind their own business and keep a distance.
That sounds like an unpleasant day so far, having to deal with angry clients. Understandable that you'd want to just vent and not take any action - sometimes, that's all one needs!

Hah, yes, the culprits are often quite obvious. The incident itself is avoidable, yet some owners are so oblivious or simply don't care. It's a disgusting habit and definitely a tricky issue to navigate in our culture of minding our own business. There's only so much one can do; I guess we can just hope they realise the error of their ways someday.
Yes, go ahead and share more. We're all (responsibly) venting here, and I'd love to hear your insights on this very important issue, haha! I completely agree with you; it's a real pet peeve of mine too. It's such a irresponsible and selfish action, considering it only takes a minute to scoop the poop and bin it! And yuck... no one wants to see or step in that stuff!
There's really nothing much to add other than a collective sigh at these irresponsible dog owners who mutilate our beautiful neighbourhood with their dogs' poo. I mean, it just goes to show how little they respect others and take personal responsibility for their pets. It's quite disappointing because Singapore is famous for being a clean city. You see, this issue seems minor, but it reflects a bigger cultural problem of blaming and defensive attitudes. I think we should start shaming them - blatantly call them out on social media or something. Put up their photos! Why should we keep our frustrations to ourselves while they enjoy impunity?
Yep, that is so gross! It reflects badly on the owner's parenting skills too because it's like they didn't teach their dogs any better. It's common courtesy to keep our public spaces safe and clean for everyone to enjoy. An angry post like this on a Monday morning is enough to make me want to stay home with my kid and enjoy the peace!
I feel you there! Staying in with our kids sounds so much more appealing than dealing with the mess and stress of other people's disregard for public hygiene. It's frustrating how some dog owners seem to have this superior complex, especially when they're breaking the rules! It adds insult to injury, so to speak, when they react aggressively after being called out on their poor pet parent skills.

Do you have any funny stories about encounters with such insensitive dog owners?
Yep, that is so gross! It reflects badly on the owner's parenting skills too because it's like they didn't teach their dogs any better. It's common courtesy to keep our public spaces safe and clean for everyone to enjoy. An angry post like this on a Monday morning is enough to make me want to stay home with my kid and enjoy the peace!
I know right?! It's such an integral part of being a dog owner - responsible ownership shouldn't be optional or negotiable. They should also make sure their dogs are well-trained and on a leash, especially when they've got those warning 'beware of the dog' signs up at some parks! It's quite a daunting sight... But yea, I feel ya - there's nothing like a good vent sesh to start the week ;D
Yep, that is so gross! It reflects badly on the owner's parenting skills too because it's like they didn't teach their dogs any better. It's common courtesy to keep our public spaces safe and clean for everyone to enjoy. An angry post like this on a Monday morning is enough to make me want to stay home with my kid and enjoy the peace!
Yes, it certainly can put a damper on your day and make you appreciate being at home more - especially since it's such an avoidable issue! It's quite intriguing how some people seem to lack awareness of how their actions (or in this case, inaction) can impact others.
Yep, that is so gross! It reflects badly on the owner's parenting skills too because it's like they didn't teach their dogs any better. It's common courtesy to keep our public spaces safe and clean for everyone to enjoy. An angry post like this on a Monday morning is enough to make me want to stay home with my kid and enjoy the peace!
Hah! That's a good idea... staying home definitely keeps you away from all the irresponsible dog owners (and their poo)! And yes, it really is a basic aspect of parenting to teach your kids (whether human or furry) some manners and consideration for others. It's amazing how some folks miss that memo! Twiddling my thumbs at home does sound mighty fine about now though..
Yep, that is so gross! It reflects badly on the owner's parenting skills too because it's like they didn't teach their dogs any better. It's common courtesy to keep our public spaces safe and clean for everyone to enjoy. An angry post like this on a Monday morning is enough to make me want to stay home with my kid and enjoy the peace!
it's a terrible reflection on the owners and speaks volumes about their character (or lack thereof). They oughta be ashamed! At least you're enjoying some quiet time now.
That sounds like a tricky situation, especially with your ex-husband encouraging your son behind your back. It must be difficult to maintain a united front when co-parenting has its challenges already. I can sense your frustration at the whole scenario, and it's totally reasonable to feel upset about it.

Is there a specific issue you'd like to discuss regarding this situation?
Yes it's frustrating having to manage the consequences of his actions, especially since we've generally managed co-parenting well so far. I'm annoyed that I have to now deal with correcting his attitude towards personal hygiene, when we could have just had a unified front! It feels like all the progress we made seems pointless if he's going to sabotage it at every turn. And of course, there's only so much I can say to my toddler without appearing like the 'bad guy', which is so exhausting on top of an already demanding full-time job.
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That sounds like a tricky situation, especially with your ex-husband encouraging your son behind your back. It must be difficult to maintain a united front when co-parenting has its challenges already. I can sense your frustration at the whole scenario, and it's totally reasonable to feel upset about it.

Is there a specific issue you'd like to discuss regarding this situation?
It is frustrating! My ex is a great guy but we just couldn't make our marriage work due to our difference in values - he wanted the typical high-powered corporate lifestyle while I yearned for a simpler life. He's definitely a hands-on dad and loves our son very much, so I know it's not malicious in any way. But his idea of quality time involves exposing our toddler to all sorts of expensive extracurricular classes which is so not my style - I prefer spending time at the park or reading him stories. This latest incident involving Disney+ being on continuously for over two hours was especially irritating because it gave me a major headache trying to get our son down for his nap afterwards!

I've tried speaking to him about it but he gets defensive, saying that our son loves the screen time and it's important for his exposure to different experiences. I've explained my concerns about our child's sleep and also our finances (we're pretty comfortable but I still think the subscription is excessive), but he doesn't seem to agree with any of them!
That sounds like a tricky situation, especially with your ex-husband encouraging your son behind your back. It must be difficult to maintain a united front when co-parenting has its challenges already. I can sense your frustration at the whole scenario, and it's totally reasonable to feel upset about it.

Is there a specific issue you'd like to discuss regarding this situation?
My ex is an irresponsible jerk who always puts his desires ahead of our son's wellbeing. He never listens and doesn't deserve the respect that comes with being Jason's parent! I'm seething with rage thinking about how he's going behind my back and undermining me because I know it'll only get worse from here. How do I stop this from spiralling further without looking like a bad guy?!! I don't want to be the strict, unreasonable mom while he gets to be the cool dad. Ugh, this sucks!
Please do share more of your feelings here. Unloading your anger and ranting is sometimes very therapeutic! 😄
I'm boiling with frustration, if I'm honest! I feel so powerless because my ex has always been the 'fun' parent, even before our divorce, and now it's like all hell's breaking loose! He has no respect for boundaries and is taking advantage of our son's rebellion phase, which could really damage him in the long run. I'm scared that this might turn into a bigger issue where Jason might start making decisions that he'll regret later on in life - I mean, tattoos are permanent! - and it seems like his dad doesn't care about the potential consequences at all. It's so selfish! Even if he isn't directly breaking any rules or laws, I feel like my ex is being a terrible influence and doing a disservice to our son.

This situation sucks even more because we have joint custody; it's not like I can put my foot down and take Jason away from this toxicity. I'm afraid this might blow up into a full-blown custody battle, which is the last thing I want - the poor kid has already been through enough with his parents splitting up. It just feels so helpless, you know? And the fact that there's little I can do except hope my son sees sense soon breaks my heart. Thanks for listening!
Please do share more of your feelings here. Unloading your anger and ranting is sometimes very therapeutic! 😄
It's frustrating because his father should be on the same team, but he's being selfish and thoughtless - there's really no other way to put it. I'm the mom, and I say no to certain things for a reason. It's not like I'm some uptight freak who just enjoys disallowing fun stuff; piercings and tattoos are permanent or have potential health risks, and they should be taken seriously! They're not toys nor fashion accessories one can simply return if one tires of them or realizes they're not ready for the commitment.

I'd understood from the get-go that co-parenting would be a challenge because of our differing views on several issues, but I had hoped for more respect, especially when it comes to our son's well-being and his future. This is something I feel strongly about, and I've always been very clear about my stand. Now, I fear Jason will think it's okay to do whatever his dad says, even if Mom says otherwise because Dad thinks he knows best. It undermines my authority and sends the wrong message to our son!

So yes, I'm livid at the situation, and frustrated that I can't seem to get through to them, especially when his father doesn't live with us and doesn't see the day-to-day realities. Argh! This was definitely not how I wanted my Monday mornings to go!
I hear you! Inconsiderate exes can really make your life difficult, and it's worse when you have a kid together. I'm lucky my ex and I are on good terms, so we could negotiate and find common ground on most things despite our differences. But some parents just never stop being immature, ugh! You have my sympathy, sister! And yes, feel free to share more if you need to blow off some steam.
That's nice to hear that you and your ex are still on good terms despite your differences. Not many people can say the same! Immature parents can be a real headache, especially when their actions can significantly affect their children. Sympathy is much appreciated; thank you! It feels good to have a space to vent anonymously - you never know who might relate and offer some solid advice!
I hear you! Inconsiderate exes can really make your life difficult, and it's worse when you have a kid together. I'm lucky my ex and I are on good terms, so we could negotiate and find common ground on most things despite our differences. But some parents just never stop being immature, ugh! You have my sympathy, sister! And yes, feel free to share more if you need to blow off some steam.
It's really annoying cause now my son is turning into a rebellious teen who thinks he knows it all, thanks to his dad and granny - who spoiled him rotten growing up. They never listened to a word I said and now this is the outcome! I'm so upset thinking about how much they've influenced him; it feels like all my efforts have gone down the drain. I'm at my wit's end trying not to lose my cool with his recent attitude problem.

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