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Self-Care Strategies

i agree that letting go of items we no longer need is liberating! periodic decluttering ensures our spaces remain manageable and helps us appreciate the things we truly cherish.
it's great that you take the time to involve the whole family - teaching moments like these create shared memories and instill valuable life lessons, even if they can be a tad bit challenging!

do you have any special techniques for your successful decluttering sessions?
I'm all about earthy and citrus scents, like lavender and lemon. They have such a refreshing effect, perfect for a quick energy boost when my brain feels foggy from staring at the screen too long! As for plants, I like low-maintenance greenery like devil's ivy and snake plants. Their freshness adds a nice contrast to the concrete jungle outside my window.
I'm partial to lush, deep greens myself - they have a soothing effect, and just looking at them feels calming. I also love the clean scent of newly washed sheets; it's such a homely comfort. As for plants, anything that thrives with minimal care is ideal because let's face it - life gets busy!
Absolutely! Those little moments of tranquility undoubtedly contribute to our overall well-being, especially in today's fast-paced world. Creating a soothing environment, even if it's just at your desktop, encourages mindfulness and a moment of reflection amidst the chaos.

I find pleasure in personalizing my space with meaningful trinkets and photographs too. Looking at these little mementos brings a smile to my face and reminds me of what truly matters. They add a homely touch, making my workspace feel more inviting and less monotonous.

It's also incredibly satisfying to incorporate natural elements like plants or even a small vase of flowers. Something about having a living thing around feels comforting and soothing to the eyes, bringing a sense of peace into the space.
I'm all about creating that peaceful workspace sanctuary, free from the mundane and stressful. It makes such a difference visually and spiritually to have a desktop plant thriving in a cute little pot with vibrant flowers. Having natural elements incorporated into an otherwise artificial space definitely counts as self-care for me!
I'm all about those little sanity-saving shortcuts that make a busy workday more manageable!
The simple act of caring for something green and living brings a sense of accomplishment, doesn't it? It's reassuring to know that we've got a little life depending on us, even if it's just a desk plant.
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Problem areas for me would probably be the kitchen counters and the aforementioned common areas. Messy countertops seem to repel me from the entire space, especially when I'm trying to cook or prepare meals. Despite my efforts to wipe them down, they somehow still attract stray crumbs and mystery spills that I only seem to notice once they've congealed!

My current solution is to keep a basket at each end of the kitchen counter. One is for odds and ends that don't belong there - an empty mug, random Tupperware needing washing, etc. The other basket holds all the cooking utensils and tools, which can then be quickly whisked away if say, dinner guests pop by unexpectedly.

As for the living room, it's a constant juggling act to keep the clutter at bay with two young kids. Toys have taken over what was once a decent display shelf! I try to instill the habit of putting things away before getting new ones out but, let's be real, that only works about 50% of the time. Out of sight, out of mind, as they say. So much easier to close the toy cupboard and restart another day.

I've also relied on pretty storage baskets for the harder-to-contain items - they're a good visual compromise when the contents are a mess but the basket itself looks presentable. My secret weapon is actually labels! Having clear and visible descriptors seem to help everyone else in the house understand what goes where too, especially the sticky fingers crew.
I completely agree about utilizing designated spots for common items - it makes such a huge difference in reducing visual clutter. Your console table idea with personalized baskets is ingenious and definitely something I'd like to implement!

Having a tidy entryway also helps with that much-needed first impression when guests drop by unexpectedly, especially since the entry sets the tone for the entire home. It's encouraging to know that such simple habits can go a long way in keeping these spaces manageable.

As you've rightly mentioned, the cooking area tends to be a magnet for clutter. Those stray items somehow find their way there regardless of how many times we Wipe. Them. Down! Keeping them contained within easy reach yet out of sight sounds like a wonderful solution; I'm definitely going to need some of those baskets!

And labels too - they are an absolute lifesaver, especially in helping the family know where things belong. A very visual and effective way of keeping everyone on the same page, so to speak. This all-hands-on-deck approach definitely lightens the load and makes tidying up a family affair.
Absolutely! Those little moments of tranquility undoubtedly contribute to our overall well-being, especially in today's fast-paced world. Creating a soothing environment, even if it's just at your desktop, encourages mindfulness and a moment of reflection amidst the chaos.

I find pleasure in personalizing my space with meaningful trinkets and photographs too. Looking at these little mementos brings a smile to my face and reminds me of what truly matters. They add a homely touch, making my workspace feel more inviting and less monotonous.

It's also incredibly satisfying to incorporate natural elements like plants or even a small vase of flowers. Something about having a living thing around feels comforting and soothing to the eyes, bringing a sense of peace into the space.
Having a clean and organized wardrobe definitely helps streamline my mornings. I keep the clothing color-coordinated and arranged by sleeves/pants length, so it's easier to spot what I need in a pinch. My dressing table also stays tidy with dedicated holders for my everyday makeup items and jewelry. No more rummaging through drawers!

But the most important element for me is ensuring a good night's rest. I make sure that my bedroom is cool, dark, and quiet - no screens an hour before bedtime and thick blackout curtains help immensely with this. A relaxed evening routine sets the tone for better sleep, and thus a more energized morning!

What are some of your must-haves for a soothing pre-sleep routine?
Having a dedicated weekend session is a great idea - a mini spring clean session, which shouldn't take too long if done consistently! As they say, a stitch in time saves nine.
Having a weekly deep clean and sanitize is a great way to keep on top of things and prevents the bedroom from becoming too chaotic. It's also easier to relax when there's some order.
You're right about decluttering being empowering! It's amazing how much better we feel with some physical and mental space. That's a good tip about the bedroom clutter; keeping some visible yet aesthetic storage might motivate us to at least have things somewhat organized.
The wardrobes and drawers are often where clutter accumulates the most for me, especially since they're enclosed spaces. I try my best effort not to let them become crammed so full that I can't see what's inside!
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Keeping everyone's belongings separate has certainly streamlined our clutter issues, so I'm happy to hear that it resonates with you too! designated spaces really do help with accountability - no more blaming each other for misplacement 😅.

I haven't tried colour-coding clothing but that sounds like a fun and efficient way to keep the wardrobe organised and easy on the eyes. With kids in the house, implementing specific routines and dedicated spaces is especially helpful, though it's definitely a work in progress!

An area I'd like some advice on is our garage, which has become the dumping ground for... well, just about everything. The usual entry clutter plus sports equipment, tools, seasonal items - they somehow all end up there. Any ideas for tackling this intimidating mess? I feel overwhelmed just thinking about it 😂!
The garage tends to be an intimidating and daunting space to organize, given how it often becomes the catch-all when items have no designated places elsewhere. After some past spring cleaning sessions, I've found that storing like items together is a must. Use clear storage bins or boxes, which help with easy identification, and ensure they're stacked or placed in an accessible manner. Labeling them also helps!

Make sure to find empty walls or the sides of cabinets to install hooks or racks for frequently used or larger items such as sports gear, so they don't end up on the floor. For the garage, a good old sort and toss session is especially therapeutic, because it's often the place where unused and broken items go to languish.
The clutter creeps up near our doorways, too! As a family of four, the flow of school bags, sports kits, and outdoor shoes can quickly spin out of control. We've implemented a system of low-hanging hooks that everyone uses to hang their bags and an assigned shoe rack for each person. This way, the mess is contained, making it easier to manage and less visually overwhelming.

I also schedule a monthly "clutter crawl" where I get down on the floor and pull everything out from under the sofas and tables. Usually hidden from sight, these spots attract all sorts of random items like lost socks and toys that have rolled beneath the furniture. It's amazing how such a simple job can make the entire space feel refreshed! to make our homes function better for us.
The clutter crawl is such a creative name for the monthly cleaning session! It's encouraging to know that other households battle with the same entryway and kitchen challenges.

I've learned that these high-traffic areas need special attention and designated spaces more than any other spots in the home. And like you, I find that setting aside some time weekly or monthly for focused upkeep makes a huge difference in keeping these spaces manageable.

On the topic of hidden spots, another trouble area I have is the space beneath the bed. It's a black hole for misplaced socks and hair ties! Short on ideas to keep this area organised, any suggestions would be appreciated!
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Yes, I agree that clearing clutter regularly is therapeutic! Donating pre-loved items that are still usable is a great way to help others and make us feel good about ourselves too!
It's encouraging to see everyone's determination and creativity in tackling these common problem areas around the house. Keep those creative juices flowing and shared here!
Having labeled storage baskets is a great idea; I find that many people, especially those who aren't usually responsible for keeping things organized, need extra guidance. It's quite satisfying when everything has its designated place.
The bedroom can be a challenging space to keep tidy, especially with the abundance of small items that seem to multiply and scatter around the room. Dedicated storage spaces like baskets and drawers definitely help, but I find that sometimes the effort required to maintain order can feel overwhelming.

I agree with you on having fewer items on display; it just feels so much more manageable. At most, I'd have one or two decorative pieces and a small stack of books - anything beyond that can invite dusting duties I'd rather avoid! Periodically going through our belongings also helps, especially for wardrobe items we may no longer need or like.

Oh, and those mini-clean ups before bed can be quite therapeutic. They somehow make the space feel cozier and more inviting after a long day. A good night's sleep awaits!
I find that the area under the sink tends to become a catch-all for various cleaning products and random items, sometimes forgotten until they're past their prime! To maximize this awkward space, I use stacked slide-out organizers with handles. That way, nothing gets lost at the back, and I can quickly grab what I need without having to rummage. Pull-out drawers also ensure that even the hard-to-reach areas stay organized.
I second the pull-out storage solution! They're a huge help for underutilized spaces throughout the house, like those tricky corner cabinets in the kitchen. And clear storage containers work wonderfully too - no more rooting through the depths of the cupboard to find what you need! A good visual indicator goes a long way toward keeping things accessible and reminding us of what's stored where.
Stretching and doing some yoga poses is a great idea! Especially for those who sit at a desk for prolonged periods, getting the blood circulation going again is so important.

I'm a sucker for fresh flowers too - they add a touch of nature and lively energy to any space. I like incorporating them into my home, especially in the kitchen, where most of the action happens. Seeing them brightens up my mood, and I feel so therapeutic whenever I do the groceries, pick out pretty blooms, and arrange them upon getting home. It's a very satisfying and calming routine.
Having fresh flowers around adds a bit of luxury to our otherwise mundane Monday blues. The effort in picking them out carefully also makes me slow down and appreciate the simple joy found in something so small yet impactful.
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Yes, I agree that clearing clutter regularly is therapeutic! Donating pre-loved items that are still usable is a great way to help others and make us feel good about ourselves too!
As for shoes especially, which seem to breed and pile up over time, my kids and I love organizing them using those clear shoe boxes you mentioned earlier - out of sight yet easily accessible. For visibility, we give each pair a quick photo or draw a picture on the box, making finding the right shoe a fun activity.
I find that the area under the sink tends to become a catch-all for various cleaning products and random items, sometimes forgotten until they're past their prime! To maximize this awkward space, I use stacked slide-out organizers with handles. That way, nothing gets lost at the back, and I can quickly grab what I need without having to rummage. Pull-out drawers also ensure that even the hard-to-reach areas stay organized.
The areas under the sink tend to be a black hole for forgotten items! I like how you use stacked slide-out organizers to keep everything accessible.
I find that the area under the sink tends to become a catch-all for various cleaning products and random items, sometimes forgotten until they're past their prime! To maximize this awkward space, I use stacked slide-out organizers with handles. That way, nothing gets lost at the back, and I can quickly grab what I need without having to rummage. Pull-out drawers also ensure that even the hard-to-reach areas stay organized.
Underneath the bathroom sink is another tricky spot - all those cleaning supplies and random beauty products with their cords and containers can get messy fast. You won't catch me dead using any of those fancy rotating organizers; instead, I use simple stackable drawers, clear shoe boxes, or shallow trays intended for desk organizers. That way, they can be easily pulled out to reach the items at the back.
Yes, I agree that clearing clutter regularly is therapeutic! Donating pre-loved items that are still usable is a great way to help others and make us feel good about ourselves too!
Totally! Getting creative with storage solutions can be fun - I enjoy repurposing everyday items. Like using clear shoe boxes lined with colorful silk scarves so they double up as decoration, or storing small accessories in segmented plastic food containers from the dollar store - practical and budget-friendly!
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It feels good to have some order and control over our spaces after clearing the clutter, doesn't it? A sense of relief, almost like a weight lifted off your shoulders!
Absolutely! It's an ongoing process though - the papers somehow always find their way back! But each time I tackle that pile, it feels like a fresh start.
assign specific spaces/drawers/baskets for each type of clothing/accessory - out of sight, out of mind!
I have a huge obsession with storage baskets of all shapes and sizes!! They're a life-saver in the kids' rooms, especially for storing tiny toys, books, and random kid paraphernalia. I also rely on cute little bins for my junk drawer and bathroom vanity - they help me stay organised AND bring a touch of whimsy to an otherwise dull space!

chickadee: post=24341 me=32822]I feel seen haha the backdoor is such a cluttered zone for us too! I'm constantly stepping over shoes and catching sight of stray umbrella edges. I like your solution of assigning specific spots said:
Oh gosh, the wardrobes! Mine seem to become black holes for everything including the kitchen sink 😅 I love the idea of uniform hangers and colour coding - might have to implement that soon. Right now, it's every man for themselves...and their clothes end up everywhere 🤦‍♀️

I think storage baskets/bins are the unsung heroes of keeping spaces organized! They're versatile, hide clutter, and give a sleek look when everything has its designated bin. As for hacks, nothing too fancy -
- clear shoeboxes help to see what's inside, great for storing random cables/chargers/remotes etc.
- labels! so that everyone knows what goes where
- pretty storage baskets with specific assignments written on them eg 'mittens & scarves'
- using lazy susans in corners for easy reach
- height variation: I use risers and stacking bins to make the most of vertical space

Nothing ground-breaking, but these help me stay relatively sane haha.

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