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Self-Care Strategies

As an avid cook, my main clutter hotspot tends to be the kitchen counter, especially near the stove. Pot holders, cooking utensils, and ingredients somehow always expand and take over the entire surface!

I've found that keeping dedicated spots for often-used items and ensuring regular upkeep help. Every night after dinner, I reload the dishwasher and wipe down surfaces. This 15-minute nightly routine ensures that the kitchen stays relatively clutter-free and maintains a serene vibe.

Another problem area is our entryways. Shoes, bags, and mail have a habit of piling up near the doors. To keep this at bay, I assign specific baskets and hooks for each person's essentials. That way, everyone has a designated space to drop off their things when they walk in, which helps keep common areas clear. A weekly Sort & Toss session also ensures unnecessary papers don't accumulate.

What other nuisance spots do you find challenging to keep organized? Any innovative solutions you've discovered?
I find that the area under the sink tends to become a catch-all for various cleaning products and random items, sometimes forgotten until they're past their prime! To maximize this awkward space, I use stacked slide-out organizers with handles. That way, nothing gets lost at the back, and I can quickly grab what I need without having to rummage. Pull-out drawers also ensure that even the hard-to-reach areas stay organized.
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As an avid cooker and baker myself, I can relate to the importance of keeping the kitchen clutter-free! My countertop seems to magically attract all manner of tools and ingredients, especially during meal prep.

I rely on my utensil holder and a designated spot for each gadget, so I'm not scrambling around looking for things. It's amazing how quickly it descends into chaos otherwise! Drawer organizers also help corral smaller items like spatulas and spoons, keeping them handy yet contained.

For your entryway, I notice you've smartly assigned specific spaces for each person's belongings. This is such a great way to ensure that everything has a place and doesn't become general clutter. With designated spots, it also becomes easier to hold each family member accountable for tidying up after themselves!

I find that maintaining order in the wardrobe can be challenging, especially with multiple family members. In our home, each person has their own hanging space and shelves, making mornings simpler and reducing the "Where's my favourite ____?" meltdowns. Colour-coding or using uniform hangers also creates a visually appealing order that's satisfying to maintain.

Do you have any clever hacks for keeping different areas organized?
Keeping everyone's belongings separate has certainly streamlined our clutter issues, so I'm happy to hear that it resonates with you too! designated spaces really do help with accountability - no more blaming each other for misplacement 😅.

I haven't tried colour-coding clothing but that sounds like a fun and efficient way to keep the wardrobe organised and easy on the eyes. With kids in the house, implementing specific routines and dedicated spaces is especially helpful, though it's definitely a work in progress!

An area I'd like some advice on is our garage, which has become the dumping ground for... well, just about everything. The usual entry clutter plus sports equipment, tools, seasonal items - they somehow all end up there. Any ideas for tackling this intimidating mess? I feel overwhelmed just thinking about it 😂!
As an avid cook, my main clutter hotspot tends to be the kitchen counter, especially near the stove. Pot holders, cooking utensils, and ingredients somehow always expand and take over the entire surface!

I've found that keeping dedicated spots for often-used items and ensuring regular upkeep help. Every night after dinner, I reload the dishwasher and wipe down surfaces. This 15-minute nightly routine ensures that the kitchen stays relatively clutter-free and maintains a serene vibe.

Another problem area is our entryways. Shoes, bags, and mail have a habit of piling up near the doors. To keep this at bay, I assign specific baskets and hooks for each person's essentials. That way, everyone has a designated space to drop off their things when they walk in, which helps keep common areas clear. A weekly Sort & Toss session also ensures unnecessary papers don't accumulate.

What other nuisance spots do you find challenging to keep organized? Any innovative solutions you've discovered?
The clutter creeps up near our doorways, too! As a family of four, the flow of school bags, sports kits, and outdoor shoes can quickly spin out of control. We've implemented a system of low-hanging hooks that everyone uses to hang their bags and an assigned shoe rack for each person. This way, the mess is contained, making it easier to manage and less visually overwhelming.

I also schedule a monthly "clutter crawl" where I get down on the floor and pull everything out from under the sofas and tables. Usually hidden from sight, these spots attract all sorts of random items like lost socks and toys that have rolled beneath the furniture. It's amazing how such a simple job can make the entire space feel refreshed! to make our homes function better for us.
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Scent is a wonderful sensory treat; I agree completely! Sometimes, I'll splurge on a fancy soap or shampoo just for the lovely scent, even if the product itself is nothing special. I love the idea of creating little rituals with scent -- it's like having a secret weapon to brighten your day!

I also enjoy taking short breaks to stretch and do some basic yoga poses at my desk. It helps me reset, especially on hectic days stuck in front of the computer. Though I'm not very flexible, a few minutes of stretching goes a long way in making me feel refreshed and re-energized.

What about you all? Any unique or simple ways you like to reset during your workdays?
Stretching and doing some yoga poses is a great idea! Especially for those who sit at a desk for prolonged periods, getting the blood circulation going again is so important.

I'm a sucker for fresh flowers too - they add a touch of nature and lively energy to any space. I like incorporating them into my home, especially in the kitchen, where most of the action happens. Seeing them brightens up my mood, and I feel so therapeutic whenever I do the groceries, pick out pretty blooms, and arrange them upon getting home. It's a very satisfying and calming routine.
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I couldn't agree more about the impact of scent on our moods and memories. It's amazing how a particular smell can evoke such strong feelings and bring comfort or inspiration. Perfume and scented candles are definitely a wonderful indulgent treat! Are there any particular scents that you enjoy? I'm partial to florals with a hint of citrus myself.
Yes, citrusy scents with floral hints brighten my mood too. There's one perfume I've been spritzing on for years - it's an upbeat blend of orange blossom and jasmine with woody undertones. It's refreshing yet cozy and never fails to make me feel aligned with myself. The power of smell is amazing; the same scent can transport you to another place and time!
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Those are some handy tips!

I find that having designated baskets and containers helps keep clutter from spreading haphazardly. Like your entryway, our bedroom is also a problem area, especially around the dresser and wardrobe. Clothes, shoes, and accessories have a habit of piled up around there.

To stay on top of this mess, I invested in some elegant-looking wicker baskets and storage boxes that can sit out in the open without making the room look untidy. That way, if things get乱七八糟, everything can be quickly chucked into those containers. Out of sight, out of mind!

I also make it a point to sort through the clutter periodically - old clothes and shoes get donated or tossed, which makes for less mess and more space. There's no point hanging on to items we don't love, right?
Yes, I agree that clearing clutter regularly is therapeutic! Donating pre-loved items that are still usable is a great way to help others and make us feel good about ourselves too!
Scent is incredibly powerful in evoking emotions and transporting one to another place or time. I'm a fan of musky and woody perfumes myself, and like you, find the act of applying perfume as a simple and effective self-care ritual.
It's amazing how a scent can brighten up your mood and give you an instant confidence boost!
Having consistent routines certainly makes maintaining an organised home more manageable. I agree that breaking down self-care into manageable chunks makes it less daunting - you've gotta start somewhere, right? Taming the media clutter with repurposed storage sounds like a nifty idea! That's one way to keep those annoying cables under control.
It feels good to have some order and control over our spaces after clearing the clutter, doesn't it? A sense of relief, almost like a weight lifted off your shoulders!
I would say that our bedroom is a tricky place to maintain order. It tends to be the catch-all zone for everything that doesn't belong elsewhere, which often leads to clutter piling up visibly on our bedside tables and wardrobe tops.

To tackle this mess mountain, I try to dedicate 15 minutes each weekend to a quick room refresh. Linens get changed, the laundry gets sorted and put away, and any stray items are returned to their proper places or tucked away in the wardrobe. It's also an opportunity to take stock of any clothing that needs repairing or altering - I keep a running list on my phone so I don't forget.

Keeping a consistent bedtime routine also helps with keeping the space sanitized and set the tone for a peaceful slumber. Before turning in, I make sure to clear any residual clutter off the nightstand, spray some linen spray for a fresh smell, and ensure the room is well-ventilated. It's like a little ritual that signals beddie-bye time!

Oh, and flash tidying sessions are my go-to when unexpected guests drop by or when the mess becomes visually offensive - a quick 5-minute sweep to hide all the offending clutter into the cupboard!
Having a dedicated, consistent routine like yours makes a huge difference in keeping clutter at bay. It's amazing how quickly those 15 minute sessions add up and help you maintain a peaceful space.

As for my bedroom woes, I'm going to follow your lead and dedicate some bedtime minutes to clearing the mess. A good night's rest is always more enjoyable in a serene, organized space! And I love the idea of a quick tidying ritual when unexpected guests arrive - it's practical and a great way to hide the evidence of daily life haha.
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The little things do make a big difference, especially when they are part of a deliberate practice of self-care. Creating a relaxing environment with scents and a touch of nature is an excellent way to nurture one's mental well-being, almost like a sensory escape without leaving your space.
Oh yes, the backdoor tends to become a cluttered eyesore! I've found that designating specific spots for frequently used items helps. For the rest of the stuff, I try to instill the habit of putting them away in proper storage after use, which isn't always easy with my curious toddlers running about. Still, it's a work in progress!

Clear storage bins and labels are my go-to solution for the under-the-sink mess. It's amazing how much of a difference it makes to have everything visible and easily reachable, no more digging around for that one particular cleaner! And like you, I don't find cleaning enjoyable either - having a quick and efficient system is my way of getting it over with.
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As an avid cooker and baker myself, I can relate to the importance of keeping the kitchen clutter-free! My countertop seems to magically attract all manner of tools and ingredients, especially during meal prep.

I rely on my utensil holder and a designated spot for each gadget, so I'm not scrambling around looking for things. It's amazing how quickly it descends into chaos otherwise! Drawer organizers also help corral smaller items like spatulas and spoons, keeping them handy yet contained.

For your entryway, I notice you've smartly assigned specific spaces for each person's belongings. This is such a great way to ensure that everything has a place and doesn't become general clutter. With designated spots, it also becomes easier to hold each family member accountable for tidying up after themselves!

I find that maintaining order in the wardrobe can be challenging, especially with multiple family members. In our home, each person has their own hanging space and shelves, making mornings simpler and reducing the "Where's my favourite ____?" meltdowns. Colour-coding or using uniform hangers also creates a visually appealing order that's satisfying to maintain.

Do you have any clever hacks for keeping different areas organized?
assign specific spaces/drawers/baskets for each type of clothing/accessory - out of sight, out of mind!
we often get so caught up in our busy lives that a moment of stillness with our plants becomes precious. In addition to my potted plant, I've taken to drawing the blinds at regular intervals just to let natural light in - it's quite refreshing especially when I feel a stuffy head coming on. The sun's rays have a way of lifting moods too!
There's much to be said about the energy a quick blast of natural light can bring - it's a simple yet effective boost, Opening the windows also brings in that crisp breeze which is such a welcome refreshing sensation.
Nuisance areas like the back of the main door and the space beneath the sink are often overlooked but tend to become catch-all spots for various knickknacks. I utilize transparent shoe organizers for the door and clear storage containers for cleaning supplies, so nothing gets forgotten and left behind. These areas get tidied up during my bi-monthly deep cleaning sessions. Unlike some, I don't find pleasure in cleaning, so I keep it quick and focused!
assign specific spaces for each item, so they don't become general clutter. It feels good to maintain an orderly home without sacrificing sanity!
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Problem areas for me would probably be the kitchen counters and the aforementioned common areas. Messy countertops seem to repel me from the entire space, especially when I'm trying to cook or prepare meals. Despite my efforts to wipe them down, they somehow still attract stray crumbs and mystery spills that I only seem to notice once they've congealed!

My current solution is to keep a basket at each end of the kitchen counter. One is for odds and ends that don't belong there - an empty mug, random Tupperware needing washing, etc. The other basket holds all the cooking utensils and tools, which can then be quickly whisked away if say, dinner guests pop by unexpectedly.

As for the living room, it's a constant juggling act to keep the clutter at bay with two young kids. Toys have taken over what was once a decent display shelf! I try to instill the habit of putting things away before getting new ones out but, let's be real, that only works about 50% of the time. Out of sight, out of mind, as they say. So much easier to close the toy cupboard and restart another day.

I've also relied on pretty storage baskets for the harder-to-contain items - they're a good visual compromise when the contents are a mess but the basket itself looks presentable. My secret weapon is actually labels! Having clear and visible descriptors seem to help everyone else in the house understand what goes where too, especially the sticky fingers crew.
Labeling is such a simple yet effective trick - might as well give it a go! At least then, I can blame careless family members who still manage to misplace things...

You're right about the kitchen though; it seems to attract clutter and mystery stains like nowhere else. It's a daily battle worth fighting, given how much time we spend in there!
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Nuisance areas like the back of the main door and the space beneath the sink are often overlooked but tend to become catch-all spots for various knickknacks. I utilize transparent shoe organizers for the door and clear storage containers for cleaning supplies, so nothing gets forgotten and left behind. These areas get tidied up during my bi-monthly deep cleaning sessions. Unlike some, I don't find pleasure in cleaning, so I keep it quick and focused!
That's a very functional approach to tackling clutter! It's beneficial to have a system that works for you, especially one that keeps things visible and accessible yet tucked away from sight. Clear storage makes so much sense for those out-of-the-way spots - nothing like finding dust-covered essentials that went unnoticed!

I'm also curious about the scents and colors everyone likes in their space, especially since they influence our moods so much.
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Problem areas for me would probably be the kitchen counters and the aforementioned common areas. Messy countertops seem to repel me from the entire space, especially when I'm trying to cook or prepare meals. Despite my efforts to wipe them down, they somehow still attract stray crumbs and mystery spills that I only seem to notice once they've congealed!

My current solution is to keep a basket at each end of the kitchen counter. One is for odds and ends that don't belong there - an empty mug, random Tupperware needing washing, etc. The other basket holds all the cooking utensils and tools, which can then be quickly whisked away if say, dinner guests pop by unexpectedly.

As for the living room, it's a constant juggling act to keep the clutter at bay with two young kids. Toys have taken over what was once a decent display shelf! I try to instill the habit of putting things away before getting new ones out but, let's be real, that only works about 50% of the time. Out of sight, out of mind, as they say. So much easier to close the toy cupboard and restart another day.

I've also relied on pretty storage baskets for the harder-to-contain items - they're a good visual compromise when the contents are a mess but the basket itself looks presentable. My secret weapon is actually labels! Having clear and visible descriptors seem to help everyone else in the house understand what goes where too, especially the sticky fingers crew.
The cooking utensils holder is a handy solution that can be swiftly dealt with if guests pop over unexpectedly - I might have to borrow that idea! As for the toy situation, an open-and-shut case seems like the most efficient way to keep things tidy in such situations. You're right about how out of sight and out of mind works wonders sometimes; it's a good thing storage solutions these days look so much more appealing than they used to!
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I'm all about earthy and citrus scents, like lavender and lemon. They have such a refreshing effect, perfect for a quick energy boost when my brain feels foggy from staring at the screen too long! As for plants, I like low-maintenance greenery like devil's ivy and snake plants. Their freshness adds a nice contrast to the concrete jungle outside my window.
That's an eclectic mix of scents you've got there; they sure sound invigorating! I tend to gravitate towards warmer, Spicier aromas like cinnamon and vanilla - something comforting yet not too overpowering. Cozy, you could say. As for plants, I find myself drawn to evergreens: the lushness is so calming somehow, even during the dreariest weather.
Absolutely! Those little moments of tranquility undoubtedly contribute to our overall well-being, especially in today's fast-paced world. Creating a soothing environment, even if it's just at your desktop, encourages mindfulness and a moment of reflection amidst the chaos.

I find pleasure in personalizing my space with meaningful trinkets and photographs too. Looking at these little mementos brings a smile to my face and reminds me of what truly matters. They add a homely touch, making my workspace feel more inviting and less monotonous.

It's also incredibly satisfying to incorporate natural elements like plants or even a small vase of flowers. Something about having a living thing around feels comforting and soothing to the eyes, bringing a sense of peace into the space.
Having fresh flowers or potted plants around is enjoyable; it brings a sense of vibrancy - almost like life-affirming energy - into the home. And you're right; the simple act of pausing amidst the busyness to appreciate these little things can be grounding and soothing.
I'm all about earthy and citrus scents, like lavender and lemon. They have such a refreshing effect, perfect for a quick energy boost when my brain feels foggy from staring at the screen too long! As for plants, I like low-maintenance greenery like devil's ivy and snake plants. Their freshness adds a nice contrast to the concrete jungle outside my window.
I love lavender too; its soothing scent is comforting and helps me relax. I also like the crisp scent of peppermint, which seems to freshen up the whole room instantly. As for plants, I'm a sucker for succulents - they're so cute and seem to thrive on neglect, which is perfect for me. Their quirky shapes and cute little flowers are an instant mood booster!
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