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Stay Active Mums: Share Your Fitness Routines & Wellness Secrets

Yoga is a great way to keep active while enjoying some much-needed 'me time'. I usually practice yoga when my kids are asleep, as it helps me stay relaxed and focused, plus it's an opportunity to stretch out those mom-aches from carrying a toddler or chasing after a Presley.

I also make sure to put on some catchy music and dance around with the little ones whenever we're stuck indoors. It's a great way to keep them entertained and get our hearts racing too! If I'm lucky, my older kid will join in for a quick boogie. It's a fun way to keep active as a family without even realizing it. 😁
Dancing is a fun way to workout, especially with the little ones joining in! It definitely keeps the mood light and cheerful, and before you know it, you've broken out in sweat! Does your kid have any favorite kids' songs or nursery rhymes?
Yoga is a great way to keep active while enjoying some much-needed 'me time'. I usually practice yoga when my kids are asleep, as it helps me stay relaxed and focused, plus it's an opportunity to stretch out those mom-aches from carrying a toddler or chasing after a Presley.

I also make sure to put on some catchy music and dance around with the little ones whenever we're stuck indoors. It's a great way to keep them entertained and get our hearts racing too! If I'm lucky, my older kid will join in for a quick boogie. It's a fun way to keep active as a family without even realizing it. 😁
Toddler wrangling can definitely pass off as a full-body workout! Their newfound mobility in the terrirory of your house means that you'll constantly be on your toes, so to speak. When they're up and about, I play little games like "monster tag" where we chase each other around the furniture. It's great fun and burns calories too!
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Good to hear that you and your husband make it a point to go for an evening stroll! It's a great way to end the day as a family and unwind together.
Yeah, we try our best to make it a daily routine, but it can get challenging with the kids' unpredictable schedules! We take it one day at a time, and when we do manage to head out as a family, it's a nice break from the mundane and a chance for some fresh air. A little goes a long way, right?
Good to hear that you and your husband make it a point to go for an evening stroll! It's a great way to end the day as a family and unwind together.
That's our little tradition that helps us stay active and connect after a long day. Indeed, it's the little things that count! 👍I appreciate all your shared tips too; they're easy ways to keep myself and my kids entertained and active. Now, off I go on another power stroll around the neighbourhood with the stroller! 😎
Nightly walks after dinner sound like a lovely way to unwind as a family and catch up with each other! It's a great habit you've started; the fresh air and physical activity must be refreshing after being cooped up indoors.

Do you have any particular goals or challenges in mind for your wellness journey, or does it vary depending on your energy levels and schedule?
I don't have specific goals as such, just trying to keep consistent with keeping active given my fluctuating energy levels as a mum. I go with the flow, taking advantage of opportunities like joining the kids in their playtime runs when they're full of energy, or doing some stretching and quick exercises when the baby's down for her nap. I enjoy being spontaneous about it - sometimes, it's just a matter of seizing the day and making the most of whatever time and energy I have!
That's our little tradition that helps us stay active and connect after a long day. Indeed, it's the little things that count! 👍I appreciate all your shared tips too; they're easy ways to keep myself and my kids entertained and active. Now, off I go on another power stroll around the neighbourhood with the stroller! 😎
Some days, it's a challenge just to get some alone time in, let alone focus on fitness! So kudos to you for managing your me-time despite the kids' schedules. It's inspiring!

I've also started going on evening walks with my family after dinner - the cool breeze is such a nice refresher after being cooped up inside all day, and it's our little de-stressing routine.
It seems that many SPM moms here are managing some form of fitness routine, despite having young children! It goes to show that with creativity and persistence, we can maintain a healthy lifestyle despite life's demands - you ladies rock! 😎
Nightly walks after dinner sound like a lovely way to unwind as a family and catch up with each other! It's a great habit you've started; the fresh air and physical activity must be refreshing after being cooped up indoors.

Do you have any particular goals or challenges in mind for your wellness journey, or does it vary depending on your energy levels and schedule?
We simply enjoy the quality family time and the opportunity to stretch our legs and breathe some fresh air. We don't have any set goals, but it's a wonderful way to keep ourselves motivated to stay active. Once we're out there, we might as well make the most of it!

The kids also love exploring and examining the neighborhood with us - it's their special time to bond with each parent individually which they really enjoy. As you said, it's a great refresh button after a long day and also prepares us mentally for the next day ahead!
That's an excellent idea to join an online fitness group! Support groups really help in keeping motivated, especially when everyone is going through similar experiences. Simple and manageable is definitely the key for busy mums like us!
It's great how you're keeping active despite your toddler's young age! Toddler energy levels are indeed contagious, haha! Chasing after him must be a fun way to get some extra exercise too. Online fitness groups sound like an amazing way to stay motivated; it's wonderful how technology can help us these days!
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Doing a variety of activities like you do keeps things interesting indeed! You must be quite the superstar mum, keeping up with all these exercises!

For mums who are worried they might not be doing enough, what would be your encouragement to them?
As a busy mum, there's always so much going on and it's easy to feel guilty about not doing enough, but I'd say we should celebrate the small wins! Every bit of movement counts, whether it's dancing with our kids or chasing them around the park. Taking care of ourselves and making time for exercise is hard, so we should pat ourselves on the shoulder for every effort made, no matter how small.

And remember, everyone's journey is different; comparison won't help but knowing that we're doing our best for ourselves and our family is a great motivation!
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Haha 'nap time ninja' sessions! Love it! I should try HIIT workouts to mix things up sometimes, though I'm not sure if I can keep up with the intensity being a slow-and-steady kinda person 😂 Cobra pose is a crowd favourite, my tot also loves it and always wants to join in our yoga sessions.
HIIT might be an intense start for someone who's not used to it, but the good thing about them is that they're quick and you can modify the exercises to your comfort level! You can always slow things down or reduce the number of reps to suit your pace. Give it a go and adapt it to your needs - it's a great way to get the heart pumping, and the endorphins released afterward feel great!

My little one enjoys yoga poses too, especially the ones that involve lots of movement like the crab walk, haha! Kids just bring such a unique perspective to things; their energy and excitement make even simple exercises fun.
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Yes, the numerous hills around our neighbourhood sure do come in handy for some spontaneous exercise! Swimming is a great exercise to tone up; I should make time for it too, thanks for the reminder!
You're welcome! Have you tried the public pool at West Coast Park? It's quite a nice one with various play features and a relaxing environment. Could be a fun family outing, with good food around the area too! The wave pool is a hit with my boys.
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Yes, the numerous hills around our neighbourhood sure do come in handy for some spontaneous exercise! Swimming is a great exercise to tone up; I should make time for it too, thanks for the reminder!
It's indeed surprising how many fitness opportunities our neighbourhood has to offer when we stay vigilant. Have you discovered any other hidden gems for exercise around Clementi?
It's indeed surprising how many fitness opportunities our neighbourhood has to offer when we stay vigilant. Have you discovered any other hidden gems for exercise around Clementi?
There's the Clementi Woods Park nearby which has a nice nature trail - not too challenging but a pleasant walk, especially in the evening! I also hear there's an outdoor workout garden near Clementi Stadium with various exercise stations, though I've not explored that yet. Seems like quite the hidden gem for some variety in our workouts!
Wow, you guys have so many energy-boosting ways to stay active despite the demands of motherhood! I am impressed by all the creative ways you've found to exercise without compromising on time with your little ones and staying committed to your well-being.

As a librarian and not a super experienced mum, I'd recommend some children's fitness books that might be useful for our repertoire - some new ideas for exercise routines, incorporating fitness into our daily schedules, and motivating ourselves amid the joys of motherhood!

I came across this really cute book called Go, Go, Go! It's Filled with Fun Things to Do by Tammy Sauer, with simple ideas for kids' exercises and games like Hop Like a Frog or Twist Like a pretzel- healthy habits disguised as fun activities! Another one is Super Movement Skills for Super Kids by Sarah Powell, which has some cool sports-related exercises focused on developing balance, coordination and strength, aiming to keep the little ones entertained while staying fit.

For us mums, a title like 5-Minute Mom's Workout by Cara Rosenbloom might be a helpful reminder of the quick, effective workouts we can do any time. And for some overall inspiration, there's The Healthy Mama Handbook by Meghan Markle (!) which covers wellness, nutrition and fitness during pregnancy and beyond - might be a good guide for us to borrow ideas from, with a holistic view on maintaining our health amidst the mum life.

These could be some fun additions to our mom bag of tricks, along with all your amazing real-life tips! It's great to stay connected this way and gather all these awesome suggestions. High fives, fit mamas! 🐸👊🌳
Thanks for the book recommendations! I'm sure many of us would appreciate the inspiration, especially with kid-friendly activity ideas. It's a wonderful, healthy habit to cultivate from young. Meghan Markle's title sounds intriguing too; we definitely need all the help we can get to stay inspired and motivated amid motherhood! High fives all around!
Wow, you guys have so many energy-boosting ways to stay active despite the demands of motherhood! I am impressed by all the creative ways you've found to exercise without compromising on time with your little ones and staying committed to your well-being.

As a librarian and not a super experienced mum, I'd recommend some children's fitness books that might be useful for our repertoire - some new ideas for exercise routines, incorporating fitness into our daily schedules, and motivating ourselves amid the joys of motherhood!

I came across this really cute book called Go, Go, Go! It's Filled with Fun Things to Do by Tammy Sauer, with simple ideas for kids' exercises and games like Hop Like a Frog or Twist Like a pretzel- healthy habits disguised as fun activities! Another one is Super Movement Skills for Super Kids by Sarah Powell, which has some cool sports-related exercises focused on developing balance, coordination and strength, aiming to keep the little ones entertained while staying fit.

For us mums, a title like 5-Minute Mom's Workout by Cara Rosenbloom might be a helpful reminder of the quick, effective workouts we can do any time. And for some overall inspiration, there's The Healthy Mama Handbook by Meghan Markle (!) which covers wellness, nutrition and fitness during pregnancy and beyond - might be a good guide for us to borrow ideas from, with a holistic view on maintaining our health amidst the mum life.

These could be some fun additions to our mom bag of tricks, along with all your amazing real-life tips! It's great to stay connected this way and gather all these awesome suggestions. High fives, fit mamas! 🐸👊🌳
You're not the first person to recommend me books.. nor will you be the last! Haha. I do enjoy a good book recommendation though.. thanks! 😀Does anyone have any other non-book related tips they'd like to share? We've got some cool ideas flowing here, it's exciting!
Wow, you guys are super inspiring with all these creative ways to keep fit despite the demands of motherhood! I thought I'd jump in and contribute some ideas that might help others too.

As someone who's passionate about music and motherhood, I find that singing and dancing with my little one is a fun way to stay active. We put on some catchy tunes and groove together - it's a great mood booster and encourages her speech and motor skills too, win-win!

We also created our own "mummy-toddler fitness challenge" involving fun exercises like bear crawls, lunges and super-hero poses which we take turns doing. I let her lead sometimes and join in with her imaginative play - she loves teaching me the routine when she's in the mood.

And when all else fails and we're both in need of some fresh air, we head down to the park for some traditional chalk and bubble fun. This gets us moving and usually ends in giggles - a great natural pick-me-up!

Keep those ideas coming, you guys rock! 😃
Each one of us has unique ways of staying active and maintaining sanity amidst the juggle of parenthood! I love how creative we mums can get with keeping fit and keeping our little ones engaged at the same time. It's a great feeling to uncover these pocket of 'me-time' activities that are so rewarding, especially when they involve our kids leading the way in their imaginative world.

On the topic of music and dance, I think many of us mums can resonate with tuning into some upbeat tunes to get our groove on! It's such a joyful and infectious way to exercise. My little one loves pretending to be a pop star, so we often have spontaneous singing and dancing sessions together, which are so fun and energizing. And who knew toddlers could come up with these wild and wacky dance moves!

For mums who want a slightly more structured workout session involving music and movement, Zumba or Jazzercise classes could be a great fit-- they're high-energy and super engaging for both adults and kids alike. I've stumbled upon some family-friendly fitness groups online that do choreographed routines to Kpop and other catchy songs. They're so addictive and definitely keep you on your feet!

It's lovely to hear everyone's contributions; keep them coming indeed! 😊
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Yeah, who knew that our neighbourhood has so many fitness possibilities! The variety of activities we can do here is quite surprising. Swimming is a great workout option; I should give it a go at the public pool sometime - it's been too long!
I hear Clementi stadium offers some good yoga sessions too. Have you guys been to any? With our schedules, it might be fun to meet up for a session some time.

What motivates us mums to keep active is often seeing the positive impact on our little ones - they tire themselves out and learn so much from these activities! My toddler picks up so many things through our workouts together, it's adorable.
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Wow, you guys are super inspiring with all these creative ways to keep fit despite the demands of motherhood! I thought I'd jump in and contribute some ideas that might help others too.

As someone who's passionate about music and motherhood, I find that singing and dancing with my little one is a fun way to stay active. We put on some catchy tunes and groove together - it's a great mood booster and encourages her speech and motor skills too, win-win!

We also created our own "mummy-toddler fitness challenge" involving fun exercises like bear crawls, lunges and super-hero poses which we take turns doing. I let her lead sometimes and join in with her imaginative play - she loves teaching me the routine when she's in the mood.

And when all else fails and we're both in need of some fresh air, we head down to the park for some traditional chalk and bubble fun. This gets us moving and usually ends in giggles - a great natural pick-me-up!

Keep those ideas coming, you guys rock! 😃
Wow, your mummy-toddler fitness challenge sounds like so much fun! I can imagine the bear crawls and superhero poses being a huge hit with the little ones. This is such a great way to make fitness a natural part of playtime - stealth mom wins all around!
As a busy mum, I find that having a variety of different workout options helps to keep things interesting and motivating. You ladies are doing a great job keeping those creative juices flowing with all these fantastic ideas for staying active!

I've been meaning to try hiking but haven't gotten around to it yet - weekends are usually the best time to plan something like that. Hope the good weather holds up!

Having workouts cater to different needs--whether a quick energy boost or a peaceful mind-body connection--certainly helps to keep that motivation going. And isn't it heartwarming to see our little ones enjoying themselves while we work out, in their own ways?

Here's to hoping we continue to stay inspired and keep up the healthy habits!🌳🚀
That's true--variety is a great way to stay intrigued and engaged with our fitness routines. Having different options for workouts catering to specific needs adds a layer of excitement as well; it doesn't feel like a chore then!

I'm glad you're enjoying the hike idea too--hopefully, the good weather sticks around so we can make the most of it this weekend.
Have a fantastic day ahead! 😀
That's true--variety is a great way to stay intrigued and engaged with our fitness routines. Having different options for workouts catering to specific needs adds a layer of excitement as well; it doesn't feel like a chore then!

I'm glad you're enjoying the hike idea too--hopefully, the good weather sticks around so we can make the most of it this weekend.
Have a fantastic day ahead! 😀
You too! Enjoy the hikes and the lovely weather while it lasts!

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