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Stay Active Mums: Share Your Fitness Routines & Wellness Secrets

I'm also a stay-at-home mum residing in the east of Singapore! Stroller walks are a great way to enjoy some fresh air and bond with our little ones. After my son grew out of his stroller, we began exploring the neighbourhood parks and playgrounds, chasing after him as he runs ahead. It's a fun way to keep up an active lifestyle and exhaust him so that he sleeps better at night too!

I've also recently discovered online workout videos - some apps and YouTube fitness channels have short, effective workout routines which I can follow at home while my son is occupied with his toys or sleeping. Being able to exercise indoors is a lifesaver during the rainy seasons or for days when we're cooped up at home.

What online resources do you swear by for your fitness fixes? It'd be great to discover new workouts to try!
There are so many amazing fitness apps and YouTube channels out there, it's true. I started with YouTube workouts too, during my pregnancy days, and they're such a convenient way to exercise indoors, especially for us mums who can't always step out.

My go-tos these days are mainly apps: SWorkit for quick exercises targeting specific parts of the body, and the Nike Run Club App which has really detailed running guides and motivational stories behind the coaches, that make me want to get out there and explore.

Also a big fan of Pilates, recently discovered an app called Move with Amna that has easy-to follow Pilates routines. Their tagline is "Pilates made simple" -- love it!

What about you? Any hidden gems you've come across that offer variety in workouts? I'm all ears to discover more!
I'm also a stay-at-home mum residing in the east of Singapore! Stroller walks are a great way to enjoy some fresh air and bond with our little ones. After my son grew out of his stroller, we began exploring the neighbourhood parks and playgrounds, chasing after him as he runs ahead. It's a fun way to keep up an active lifestyle and exhaust him so that he sleeps better at night too!

I've also recently discovered online workout videos - some apps and YouTube fitness channels have short, effective workout routines which I can follow at home while my son is occupied with his toys or sleeping. Being able to exercise indoors is a lifesaver during the rainy seasons or for days when we're cooped up at home.

What online resources do you swear by for your fitness fixes? It'd be great to discover new workouts to try!
I'm not big on apps or YouTube workout channels, but I do enjoy following influencer moms on TikTok who share their stroller walk routines and home workout videos - short, snappy, and catchy! Some of them even have cute kids joining in, which makes it extra fun. Otherwise, I'm old-school and love putting on the radio and dancing along to the songs--a great way to bond with your child and get some exercise too, though my kids always roll their eyes at me nowadays ;P.
Hi there! Your wellness routine sounds lovely, especially the stroller walks and yoga sessions. As a fellowAng Mo Kio mom, I can certainly relate to the challenges of keeping active while looking after little ones!

My three-year-old son has heaps of energy, so we go on lots of walks and runs in the neighborhood. Sometimes, it's a slow stroll to the nearby park, which gives me time to catch up with him about his day and interests (in between his continuous demands, of course). These days, he's been really into "races," so we do short sprint intervals up the footpaths - his excitement makes it fun and motivates me to keep going!

I also like to sneak in some exercises while playing with him. Squats and lunges seem to be a hit, as well as doing 'superhero training' which involves lots of running, jumping and flying around the living room. It's a great way to make fitness fun, and he loves the bonding time too.

Staying motivated can be tough, but I find having a workout buddy helps. I occasionally arrange workouts with fellow mums, like an outdoor HIIT session in the park or, if our helpers are free, we'll take turns watching each other's kids while the other does a quick workout. Having that company and support keeps me accountable and makes sure I show up!

It's great to see how others manage their wellness amidst the mom routine. Any other mums out there with tips on keeping fitness fun and accessible?
Having a workout buddy or arranging group workouts is indeed a great idea to stay motivated! I find that knowing someone else is in it with you adds a friendly competitive element, which keeps things interesting. Plus, it's always nice to have some company!

I've also been getting into superhero role play; who knew it could be such a fun way to exercise? My girl loves it when I mimic frozen heroes 'thawing' and evil villains about to conquer the world - all while doing squats! As mums, we certainly wear many hats, including superhero capes!

On days you feel especially drained, what do you think are good energy boosters, aside from exercise? For me, a quick fix would be some fresh fruit or a quick dance session with the kids to some high-energy tunes. But I'd love more suggestions!
My kids are almost in primary school, so I'm slowly getting some me-time back. But when they were younger, I found that the simplest way to stay active is to incorporate playtime with exercise - running around the playground with my children, doing fun races or going on hikes as a family was an enjoyable way to stay fit and bond too! Also, catching up on some fitness shows on Netflix and working out to their workouts when the kids are asleep helped keep me motivated when I didn't have babysitters.

It's great hearing about your routines! Can't wait for more ideas to keep us mums inspired! 😁
Some great suggestions, indeed! It's amazing how creative we get with keeping fit when becoming a mum! Haha. I especially love the idea of 'superhero training' - my girl would enjoy that, and it's a wonderful way to bond too.

I also want to try aromatherapy and essential oils; they sound so relaxing! Being in a conducive environment makes a workout so much more enjoyable.

Does anyone else here do their exercises based on apps or online programmes? I used to follow blogilates and popsugar workouts when I had time to myself, which were easy to follow and could be done indoor too. They're great for variety! 😊
Hi there! Your wellness routine sounds lovely, especially the stroller walks and yoga sessions. As a fellowAng Mo Kio mom, I can certainly relate to the challenges of keeping active while looking after little ones!

My three-year-old son has heaps of energy, so we go on lots of walks and runs in the neighborhood. Sometimes, it's a slow stroll to the nearby park, which gives me time to catch up with him about his day and interests (in between his continuous demands, of course). These days, he's been really into "races," so we do short sprint intervals up the footpaths - his excitement makes it fun and motivates me to keep going!

I also like to sneak in some exercises while playing with him. Squats and lunges seem to be a hit, as well as doing 'superhero training' which involves lots of running, jumping and flying around the living room. It's a great way to make fitness fun, and he loves the bonding time too.

Staying motivated can be tough, but I find having a workout buddy helps. I occasionally arrange workouts with fellow mums, like an outdoor HIIT session in the park or, if our helpers are free, we'll take turns watching each other's kids while the other does a quick workout. Having that company and support keeps me accountable and makes sure I show up!

It's great to see how others manage their wellness amidst the mom routine. Any other mums out there with tips on keeping fitness fun and accessible?
Having a workout buddy or arranging sessions with fellow moms is a great idea to stay motivated! It's encouraging to have company and share experiences, knowing that other mums face similar challenges.

I usually avoid exercising in the morning as that's when my son demands my full attention for his breakfast and school preparation. Instead, I aim for an afternoon workout session after his nap, which he sometimes joins, or I do a quick one while he's occupied with independent playtime. It's also easier for me to sneak in some stretching and yoga poses then, as he's happily immersed in his activities.

For a fun change of scenery, we occasionally do family workouts in the park! It becomes a nice picnic with some exercise on the side - races, bubble fights, and rope-skipping sessions keep everyone engaged. A good old game of tag or hide-and-seek also gets us all moving, and it's lovely to witness my son's excitement when I'm 'it'!

Do share any other fun fitness ideas you mums have come across! It's a great way to mix things up and stay active together.
My kids are almost in primary school, so I'm slowly getting some me-time back. But when they were younger, I found that the simplest way to stay active is to incorporate playtime with exercise - running around the playground with my children, doing fun races or going on hikes as a family was an enjoyable way to stay fit and bond too! Also, catching up on some fitness shows on Netflix and working out to their workouts when the kids are asleep helped keep me motivated when I didn't have babysitters.

It's great hearing about your routines! Can't wait for more ideas to keep us mums inspired! 😁
That's fantastic that you've found ways to make fitness fun and engaging, especially by involving your kids! As parents, we sure need all the inspiration we can get to stay active, so thanks for sharing :) Are there any other mums here who'd like to chime in with their secrets to staying motivated? It'd be great to hear some fresh ideas!
Hi there! Your wellness routine sounds lovely, especially the stroller walks and yoga sessions. As a fellowAng Mo Kio mom, I can certainly relate to the challenges of keeping active while looking after little ones!

My three-year-old son has heaps of energy, so we go on lots of walks and runs in the neighborhood. Sometimes, it's a slow stroll to the nearby park, which gives me time to catch up with him about his day and interests (in between his continuous demands, of course). These days, he's been really into "races," so we do short sprint intervals up the footpaths - his excitement makes it fun and motivates me to keep going!

I also like to sneak in some exercises while playing with him. Squats and lunges seem to be a hit, as well as doing 'superhero training' which involves lots of running, jumping and flying around the living room. It's a great way to make fitness fun, and he loves the bonding time too.

Staying motivated can be tough, but I find having a workout buddy helps. I occasionally arrange workouts with fellow mums, like an outdoor HIIT session in the park or, if our helpers are free, we'll take turns watching each other's kids while the other does a quick workout. Having that company and support keeps me accountable and makes sure I show up!

It's great to see how others manage their wellness amidst the mom routine. Any other mums out there with tips on keeping fitness fun and accessible?
I think it's awesome how you ladies are keeping fit and healthy in midst of your busy schedules! As someone who also lives in Singapore, I can certainly relate to the challenges of keeping active in our concrete jungle!

My go-to fitness routine is quite simple: jogging with my dog around the neighborhood. It's a win-win because my four-legged friend gets to have some fresh air and exercise too (she gets quite energetic at home). Plus, having company while jogging makes it less tedious, especially on those days when I feel unmotivated.

When in the comfort of my home, particularly during the weekends, I turn on some jazz music and do a mix of yoga and simple dance moves. My kids join in once in a while too, which makes it even more enjoyable - they come up with their creative moves! It's definitely not your typical workout, but it gets our bodies moving and boosts our mood.

I've also recently discovered the fun of hiking trails around Singapore with varied difficulty levels. Some are stroller-friendly, so it's an enjoyable family outing with gorgeous views as a reward!

With so many simple ways to keep active, we staycationers can also join the fitness bandwagon, right?! 😄
My kids are almost in primary school, so I'm slowly getting some me-time back. But when they were younger, I found that the simplest way to stay active is to incorporate playtime with exercise - running around the playground with my children, doing fun races or going on hikes as a family was an enjoyable way to stay fit and bond too! Also, catching up on some fitness shows on Netflix and working out to their workouts when the kids are asleep helped keep me motivated when I didn't have babysitters.

It's great hearing about your routines! Can't wait for more ideas to keep us mums inspired! 😁
hearing everyone's wellness secrets keeps me reminded that being a mum doesn't have to mean sacrificing everything about our pre-baby lives! Keeping up with fitness and wellness is definitely a challenge, but it sounds like we're all doing our best and having fun with it too.
It's encouraging to know that simple methods like in-house exercises, Aromatherapy, and essential oils can make a difference. As a creative, I also enjoy making time for dance sessions with my daughter. We put on some fun music and have a boogie as a little exercise routine!

Are there any other creative ways fellow mums here keep active? Something to add some spice to our routines? 😉
Hi there! Your wellness routine sounds lovely, especially the stroller walks and yoga sessions. As a fellowAng Mo Kio mom, I can certainly relate to the challenges of keeping active while looking after little ones!

My three-year-old son has heaps of energy, so we go on lots of walks and runs in the neighborhood. Sometimes, it's a slow stroll to the nearby park, which gives me time to catch up with him about his day and interests (in between his continuous demands, of course). These days, he's been really into "races," so we do short sprint intervals up the footpaths - his excitement makes it fun and motivates me to keep going!

I also like to sneak in some exercises while playing with him. Squats and lunges seem to be a hit, as well as doing 'superhero training' which involves lots of running, jumping and flying around the living room. It's a great way to make fitness fun, and he loves the bonding time too.

Staying motivated can be tough, but I find having a workout buddy helps. I occasionally arrange workouts with fellow mums, like an outdoor HIIT session in the park or, if our helpers are free, we'll take turns watching each other's kids while the other does a quick workout. Having that company and support keeps me accountable and makes sure I show up!

It's great to see how others manage their wellness amidst the mom routine. Any other mums out there with tips on keeping fitness fun and accessible?
Having a workout buddy is a great idea, which unfortunately I'm unable to implement as most of my neighbours and relatives live far away, but it's nice to know that there are lots of online resources one can tap on! Online fitness communities such as this one also help to keep me motivated by sharing experiences and routines I could try.

I'm interested in essential oils too; they sound like a great way to enhance my relaxing downtime. What are some recommendations you've come across, besides the diffuser? I'm new to the whole range and scents out there!
Hi there! Your wellness routine sounds lovely, especially the stroller walks and yoga sessions. As a fellowAng Mo Kio mom, I can certainly relate to the challenges of keeping active while looking after little ones!

My three-year-old son has heaps of energy, so we go on lots of walks and runs in the neighborhood. Sometimes, it's a slow stroll to the nearby park, which gives me time to catch up with him about his day and interests (in between his continuous demands, of course). These days, he's been really into "races," so we do short sprint intervals up the footpaths - his excitement makes it fun and motivates me to keep going!

I also like to sneak in some exercises while playing with him. Squats and lunges seem to be a hit, as well as doing 'superhero training' which involves lots of running, jumping and flying around the living room. It's a great way to make fitness fun, and he loves the bonding time too.

Staying motivated can be tough, but I find having a workout buddy helps. I occasionally arrange workouts with fellow mums, like an outdoor HIIT session in the park or, if our helpers are free, we'll take turns watching each other's kids while the other does a quick workout. Having that company and support keeps me accountable and makes sure I show up!

It's great to see how others manage their wellness amidst the mom routine. Any other mums out there with tips on keeping fitness fun and accessible?
Having a workout buddy or arranging sessions with fellow mums is a great idea indeed! It adds variety and keeps one accountable, especially with the support and encouragement from like-minded buddies. With regard to keeping fitness fun, I'll occasionally toss in some Zumba moves at home when the mood strikes -- gets the endorphins going and is a nice break from the mundane. Online, there are also live sessions for various workout genres that one can join, which adds variety so that fitness doesn't become monotonous.

For mommas with younger tots, I've found that wrapping the little ones up like a burrito in a yoga mat after their baths -- aka Baby Yoga -- is a lovely way to bond and stretch out those cute little limbs! They usually love the closeness and it doubles up as some quality snuggle time. :) Anyone else with kids of all ages try this?
Stroller walks are a great way to enjoy the outdoors with our little ones and get some exercise too! I find that having a stroll around the peaceful Botanical Gardens is a nice break from the routine and gets me some moderate exercise.

I've also recently discovered online workout videos - the short, targeted workouts are effective and can be done while the kids are occupied or napping. Targeted workouts hit the spot when you're time-cramped as a mum! I'm always motivated to stay active to keep up with my energetic toddler and maintain my gardening pace.
Yes, I'm all for anything that helps us stay energized to keep up with our little ones! Online workout videos are convenient and often free - a great way to discover new exercises too. Have you come across any good kids' workout videos or channels? My kiddo would love something fun and energetic! 😁
Stroller walks are a great way to enjoy the outdoors with our little ones and get some exercise too! I find that having a stroll around the peaceful Botanical Gardens is a nice break from the routine and gets me some moderate exercise.

I've also recently discovered online workout videos - the short, targeted workouts are effective and can be done while the kids are occupied or napping. Targeted workouts hit the spot when you're time-cramped as a mum! I'm always motivated to stay active to keep up with my energetic toddler and maintain my gardening pace.
Yes indeed, it's wonderful how mums nowadays have so many creative ways to stay active! Online workout videos are definitely convenient and versatile, great for fitting in some exercise anytime and anywhere. Stroller walks are also a wonderful way to explore the city and enjoy nature with our little ones : )
Taking strolls with the stroller is a great way to enjoy some fresh air and a subtle work out, especially with the scenic routes in Queenstown. You've reminded me of the good old days when my boys were younger!

I often squeeze in exercise by incorporating activities into our daily routine. For instance, I'll challenge myself to do squats or lunges while playing with the little ones, toiling around the house or doing some gardening. Nobody has time for inertia with such demanding bossbabies around!

Also, I've recently started using an old trick again: tying some resistance bands around my legs just above the knees when I'm doing chores like mopping the floor or doing some serious cleaning. That way, I get some lower body exercise without noticing too much because the resistance is so subtle. It's quite genius because it utilizes otherwise idle time!

Staying motivated can be tough; I find that having adaptable, equipment-free exercises up my sleeve helps because often, the biggest barrier to working out is getting started. Having versatile routines makes exercising feel more manageable and enjoyable, so you're less likely to put it off.

What other clever ways do you guys use to sneak in exercise time without sacrificing your already busy schedule? Share your secrets! 😁
That's an inventive way to make good use of resistance bands! I'm sure many mums will find this helpful as it is such a time-efficient way to fit in some exercise.

I agree that the key to staying motivated is having a versatile workout routine that can adapt to our busy schedules. With young kids around, Multitasking workout routines like your approach of doing squats or lunges while playing with them is a great idea!

Perhaps we can also involve our kids in some of our workouts as they get older, like taking them to the park for some hikes or runs - **** two birds with one stone and bond with them at the same time!
Taking strolls with the stroller is a great way to enjoy some fresh air and a subtle work out, especially with the scenic routes in Queenstown. You've reminded me of the good old days when my boys were younger!

I often squeeze in exercise by incorporating activities into our daily routine. For instance, I'll challenge myself to do squats or lunges while playing with the little ones, toiling around the house or doing some gardening. Nobody has time for inertia with such demanding bossbabies around!

Also, I've recently started using an old trick again: tying some resistance bands around my legs just above the knees when I'm doing chores like mopping the floor or doing some serious cleaning. That way, I get some lower body exercise without noticing too much because the resistance is so subtle. It's quite genius because it utilizes otherwise idle time!

Staying motivated can be tough; I find that having adaptable, equipment-free exercises up my sleeve helps because often, the biggest barrier to working out is getting started. Having versatile routines makes exercising feel more manageable and enjoyable, so you're less likely to put it off.

What other clever ways do you guys use to sneak in exercise time without sacrificing your already busy schedule? Share your secrets! 😁
I know what you mean about sneaking in exercises into our daily routines! When my daughter was younger, I did a lot of seated exercises while holding her or standing up while breastfeeding - shoulder presses, bicep curls and tricep dips to strengthen those mama arms, haha! Also, chasing after a tot around the playroom is a good cardio workout in itself!

I'm interested in your resistance band idea too - that's an innovative way to multi-task and get some proper lower body exercise in without any extra time commitment. Learning about these creative tips is fun!
Fresh air and stroller walks are a great way to keep fit and enjoy the nice weather! I also like taking my kids to the park, and joining them in using the playground equipment - think monkey bars and slides! It's an unexpected full body workout but so much fun.
The activities certainly keep me supervised , especially with the pair of them both needing attention. I usually let them pick the equipment, and it's surprising how creative you can get turning a simple slide into a race or obstacles to navigate through!
When baby sleeps, Mommy works out! That's my workout motto, which means I do a lot of at-home workouts while baby napping or playing independently nearby. I love high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts for a quick sweat sesh, and I've taken to dancing during the energetic segments! It's a fun way to incorporate some groovy moves into an otherwise intense workout.

Also, I recently discovered that carrying a wriggling toddler is excellent resistance training! Tot weights anyone? 😁
HIIT workouts are a great way to sneak in some exercise during the day - efficient and tiring! And yes, resistance training with toddler weights sounds like fun and a half 😂
Yoga is a great way to keep active while enjoying some much-needed 'me time'. I usually practice yoga when my kids are asleep, as it helps me stay relaxed and focused, plus it's an opportunity to stretch out those mom-aches from carrying a toddler or chasing after a Presley.

I also make sure to put on some catchy music and dance around with the little ones whenever we're stuck indoors. It's a great way to keep them entertained and get our hearts racing too! If I'm lucky, my older kid will join in for a quick boogie. It's a fun way to keep active as a family without even realizing it. 😁
Haha yes, yoga does help to ease those niggling aches that seem inevitable with mommyhood! And ooh, I like the idea of putting on some catchy tunes and dancing with the little ones - a great way to brighten up a day cooped up indoors!
When baby sleeps, Mommy works out! That's my workout motto, which means I do a lot of at-home workouts while baby napping or playing independently nearby. I love high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts for a quick sweat sesh, and I've taken to dancing during the energetic segments! It's a fun way to incorporate some groovy moves into an otherwise intense workout.

Also, I recently discovered that carrying a wriggling toddler is excellent resistance training! Tot weights anyone? 😁
Great job on finding those creative ways to fit exercise into your routine! Dancing during HIIT sessions sounds like such a fun and playful way to stay energized. And yes, tot weights - haha, I can imagine the extra challenge of exercising with a wriggly toddler! That's what keeps things interesting, right? :p
Yoga is a great way to keep active while enjoying some much-needed 'me time'. I usually practice yoga when my kids are asleep, as it helps me stay relaxed and focused, plus it's an opportunity to stretch out those mom-aches from carrying a toddler or chasing after a Presley.

I also make sure to put on some catchy music and dance around with the little ones whenever we're stuck indoors. It's a great way to keep them entertained and get our hearts racing too! If I'm lucky, my older kid will join in for a quick boogie. It's a fun way to keep active as a family without even realizing it. 😁
Dancing is a fun, underappreciated work-out! It's a great way to bond with the little one and stay active, especially if you're stuck indoors. Presley's got some groovy moves, huh? 😎
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When baby sleeps, Mommy works out! That's my workout motto, which means I do a lot of at-home workouts while baby napping or playing independently nearby. I love high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts for a quick sweat sesh, and I've taken to dancing during the energetic segments! It's a fun way to incorporate some groovy moves into an otherwise intense workout.

Also, I recently discovered that carrying a wriggling toddler is excellent resistance training! Tot weights anyone? 😁
Carrying your toddler around certainly provides an extra challenge with their increasing size and weight! Toddler loads must be the ultimate endurance and balance practice :p . It's great how you're able to adapt your workouts according to your kids' schedules.
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