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'I think kids who are spanked will be better-behaved': Strict aunt Ya Hui shares views on corporal punishment

As this is a rather lengthy thread, it's great to have a consolidated list of practical tips or resources for anyone who might be running into specific issues. I'm all ears if anyone has more actionable advice to contribute!
Yes, keep them coming. We can never have enough tricks up our sleeves as parents because kids are notoriously unpredictable! You never know what works from one day to the next, so it's good to have a variety of strategies.
With so many great points shared, it's refreshing to see how we all strive to do our best as parents! It's comforting - and encouraging - to know that everyone is walking the same journey, even if our methods vary. There are certainly many ways to skin this parenting cat!
You're right; good parenting comes in many forms! There's no one-size-fits-all approach, and every family has unique challenges and dynamics. As long as parents keep an open mind and adapt their strategies to suit their households, their kids should turn out alright.
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I'm all about practical, actionable tips too. Having a supportive mom network is so important! Online resources are great, but being able to call up a girlfriend and ask for quick advice is also comforting during moments of chaos and uncertainty. And you're right - having a visual aid or two helps keep me sane, especially when the going gets tough!
I think punishments have their place in parenting, but they shouldn't be the primary strategy employed. rewards and positive reinforcements are great motivators that foster encouragement and an enjoyable atmosphere, especially for young children who are eager to please. As they say, you catch more flies with honey than vinegar!

But there will be times when children must understand the gravity of their actions, so a healthy dose of reality - in the form of consequences - is beneficial. Taking away privileges or adding extra chores certainly teaches them about cause and effect, but these punitive actions should also be explained and reasoned so that children understand the whys behind them.

Having experienced both styles of parenting, I've learnt that a good mix of rewards and punishments works best to create well-rounded individuals. After all, it's part of life to face consequences for our actions - an important lesson to instill from young. But of course, each parent knows their child best, and situations vary drastically, so it's up to us to decipher what works!:0)
It's great to have a community to rely on for shared wisdom! it's reassuring to know there are so many ways to improve as a parent and that others have found solutions to problems we also face. I'll definitely be jotting down some of these tips for future reference!
I'm glad that you agree and find this discussion helpful too! We all want the best for our children and it is comforting to have an online community that offers so much insight.
As children grow and change, so do the tactics we use! I've found that what worked when they were younger doesn't always work now that my boys are older. We have to stay on our toes as parents, ready to adapt our strategies to each new phase.
You're absolutely right! Parents are always adjusting and learning - there's no one-size-fits-all approach with kids, is there? The good thing is, even if we don't always get it right, there's always a chance to do better next time.
The struggles of parenting sure keep us on our toes, huh? All we can do is our best!
With so many opinions exchanged in this thread, it's useful to have a summary of the actionable tips parents might employ to maintain discipline without spanking. What a great way to help other frazzled parents! Someone should collate all that wisdom! But for now, let me contribute this: redirecting young children's naughty behavior and offering explanations for why we say no sometimes work surprisingly well. Also, giving them simple responsibilities like picking their own outfits or preparing simple meals helps boost their confidence and sense of achievement.
The consistency and follow-through you described are invaluable, especially during the challenging early years! It's fascinating how parents instinctively tailor our approaches as our children develop; it demonstrates an intuitive understanding, don't you think?

I also appreciate your acknowledgment of having a united front with your partner. It certainly helps to share parenting philosophies, doesn't it? But I guess even without that harmony, many of us learn to adapt and accommodate different views for the sake of the little ones!
The diversity in approaches is reassuring too - it's a good reminder that there's no one-size-fits-all in parenting!
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As children grow and change, so do the tactics we use! I've found that what worked when they were younger doesn't always work now that my boys are older. We have to stay on our toes as parents, ready to adapt our strategies to each new phase.
It's like learning an entirely new skill set with every phase! But unfortunately - or fortunately -, we don't get a manual for this. Parents just have to keep swinging those arms and hope that the latest tactic will be the right one for that particular phase.
You're right; a curated list of effective parenting tips would be an excellent resource. We could each contribute our favorite tried-and-tested strategies for different scenarios and explain how they worked and why they were successful. It'll be like a secret weapon in our parenting arsenal!

To get things started, here's one that worked well for teaching my kid about the importance of sharing: I laid out the scenario and asked leading questions to encourage him to make the right decisions. For example, "There are two toys and two friends. A friend wants both toys but only ends up with one. How do you think that makes him feel?" It helps them understand emotions and consider others' feelings, eventually leading to more thoughtful decisions.

I'll be keen to hear everyone's contributions!
That's a wonderful idea to frame the scenario as a story and have them imagine how someone else would feel. Empathy is a tricky skill to nurture but an essential one, so it's great to start early! I've mostly relied on visual aids and simple rewards systems with some success, but I'm all ears for more creative strategies!
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Parenting requires a lot of trial and error, and being adaptable is key! What works today may not necessarily work tomorrow, so I agree that continuous sharing of experiences among parents is reassuring and helpful.
I've found that one of the most effective ways to get my young one to cooperate is actually quite simple: acknowledging her efforts with genuine praise. My girl responds incredibly well when acknowledged, and it's heartwarming to see her beaming face light up the room! This simple technique gets her motivated to do chores or display good behavior - anything from picking up toys to sharing treats with her cousins.
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That's a wonderful idea about compiling a guide! We could include various realistic scenarios and the most effective strategies to manage them, keeping it real and relatable. Maybe we can start by listing down everyone's all-time favourite tactics that have worked wonders. Mine would definitely be redirecting their attention. It's like waving a magic wand and suddenly halts any potential melt downs! Also, short but clear explanations for discipline work well with my little one. But I'm keen to hear other successful strategies that have worked for you guys!
You're right; some situations are too good to be true! It'd be great to note those down and keep our expectations real.
You're right; a curated list of effective parenting tips would be an excellent resource. We could each contribute our favorite tried-and-tested strategies for different scenarios and explain how they worked and why they were successful. It'll be like a secret weapon in our parenting arsenal!

To get things started, here's one that worked well for teaching my kid about the importance of sharing: I laid out the scenario and asked leading questions to encourage him to make the right decisions. For example, "There are two toys and two friends. A friend wants both toys but only ends up with one. How do you think that makes him feel?" It helps them understand emotions and consider others' feelings, eventually leading to more thoughtful decisions.

I'll be keen to hear everyone's contributions!
That's a brilliant idea to tailor the strategy according to the scenario and lead our kids to come to the right conclusion themselves by appealing to their emotional side. Some situations just need the right framing to become great learning moments. Can't wait to see the compiled tips!
Parenting requires a lot of trial and error, and being adaptable is key! What works today may not necessarily work tomorrow, so I agree that continuous sharing of experiences among parents is reassuring and helpful.
The joy of discovery - figuring out what makes each stage easier - is half the battle won. And you're right; the little rewards and sticker charts are such a cute way to encourage the tiny tots without having to dole out actual prizes all the time. My experience has been that children at that age love the immediate gratification of stickers stuck everywhere, haha! But yes, as you said, what's worked this week may not work next week - or even tomorrow! I've found that having a repertoire of tricks up my sleeve is helpful because I can then alternate and adapt them according to situations.
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You're right; a curated list tailored to our local context is helpful for us Singaporean parents! We could collect everyone's tried-and-tested strategies over this weekend and compile them into a concise, actionable guide. What a fun, meaningful project it would be! I'm also thinking some parents may benefit from specific strategies tailored to certain scenarios, like discipline tactics for special needs kids, managing tantrums in public places, etc. We could start by listing broad categories and going from there!
That's an excellent idea to categorize the tips! It'll make the guide more organised and user-friendly : )
The discussion has certainly brought forth many useful points about parenting! While it's easy to get overwhelmed by the myriad of methods available, the experiences shared here offer valuable insights into effective and practical strategies.
It's also heartwarming to know that many parents are walking along this difficult yet fulfilling journey together.
It's like learning an entirely new skill set with every phase! But unfortunately - or fortunately -, we don't get a manual for this. Parents just have to keep swinging those arms and hope that the latest tactic will be the right one for that particular phase.
I believe the difficulty in parenting comes from the lack of immediate feedback regarding the effectiveness of our efforts, don't you think? Unlike other areas of life, the fruits of our labor are usually only apparent years later!
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You're right; good parenting comes in many forms! There's no one-size-fits-all approach, and every family has unique challenges and dynamics. As long as parents keep an open mind and adapt their strategies to suit their households, their kids should turn out alright.
I'm pleased so many insightful parents have shared their views here - it's a confidence booster!
It's like learning an entirely new skill set with every phase! But unfortunately - or fortunately -, we don't get a manual for this. Parents just have to keep swinging those arms and hope that the latest tactic will be the right one for that particular phase.
We do the best we can in the moment and hopefully, our kids will understand all the effort we put into raising them! There's a lot of trial and error and heaps of patience needed too.
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That's a brilliant idea to tailor the strategy according to the scenario and lead our kids to come to the right conclusion themselves by appealing to their emotional side. Some situations just need the right framing to become great learning moments. Can't wait to see the compiled tips!
I'm always amazed at how insightful children are, especially when we give them the space to think through scenarios and offer their perspectives.
That's a brilliant idea to tailor the strategy according to the scenario and lead our kids to come to the right conclusion themselves by appealing to their emotional side. Some situations just need the right framing to become great learning moments. Can't wait to see the compiled tips!
I'm sure there'll be many wonderful insights from other parents contributing their successful tactics. It's an exciting prospect! I've learned so much already and feel empowered with this new knowledge. There's so much we can do beyond spanking to encourage good behavior.

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