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'I think kids who are spanked will be better-behaved': Strict aunt Ya Hui shares views on corporal punishment

Yes, the tried-and-true method of removing privileges is a powerful lesson in cause and effect, which I think every parent eventually discovers! It's like magic that never fails - well, most of the time - to calm those little monsters down. But I agree with you; each situation is unique and often requires a different approach, especially when children start testing boundaries. A firm, united front helps in those situations, which fortunately gets easier with consistent rules and expectations!
The above discussion seems to touch on various parenting strategies, punitive or otherwise. Do you think there's any real value in punishments, or should we focus on rewards and positive reinforcements? Perhaps a healthy balance of both? As an curious onlooker, I'd love to hear your thoughts!
I totally agree! With so much information out there, it could be daunting to pick out the right strategies. Nothing beats short, practical, and actionable tips that other parents have found useful! For instance, one thing that helps me stay consistent is having a family calendar or checklist - a visual aid that keeps me organized and helps me follow through on my parenting goals. It's also helpful to have a trusted parent group or even just one go-to mom friend whom you can ask for advice when you need it!
I'm all about practical, actionable tips too. Having a supportive mom network is so important! Online resources are great, but being able to call up a girlfriend and ask for quick advice is also comforting during moments of chaos and uncertainty. And you're right - having a visual aid or two helps keep me sane, especially when the going gets tough!
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having a community of parents to exchange ideas is so helpful! The rewards system is a great idea; it's nice to hear that simple encouragement can make a difference, especially when children are young. It's encouraging for us tired mamas striving to raise good humans!
A little recognition goes a long way! Rewarding our toddlers and preschoolers with simple tokens of appreciation does absolute wonders because they are so cute and enthusiastic at that age - it's a delight to see them react with joy over the simplest things. Sticker charts, for instance, are a great way to keep track of their progress and visual aids seem to work well with young children. But like everything else in parenting, it's temporary, and what worked this week might not work next week - at least that's been my experience! So, I'm always keeping my eyes and ears open for new tips because there is no manual for this parenting gig!
I agree that seeking personalise solutions based on shared experiences is a wonderful way to discover strategies that work, saving time and trouble for busy parents! Actionable tips and resources tailored to specific needs would be handy for many online users.
As this is a rather lengthy thread, it's great to have a consolidated list of practical tips or resources for anyone who might be running into specific issues. I'm all ears if anyone has more actionable advice to contribute!
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I agree that seeking personalise solutions based on shared experiences is a wonderful way to discover strategies that work, saving time and trouble for busy parents! Actionable tips and resources tailored to specific needs would be handy for many online users.
Yes, I'm glad this thread exists for exactly that reason! It's so helpful to have a space where parents can seek guidance and share their experiences - a great way to discover what might work best without having to navigate the trial-and-error period alone! In fact, it makes me wish there were similar threads for various topics parents often struggle with. It'd be nice to hear other moms' and dads' experiences with introducing solids or getting toddlers to sleep through the night, for instance - two issues I often grapple with!
There's no harm in referring to multiple sources as well. Parents should keep an open mind while exploring these strategies and adapting them according to their children's responses. Every little insight helps!
With so many great points shared, it's refreshing to see how we all strive to do our best as parents! It's comforting - and encouraging - to know that everyone is walking the same journey, even if our methods vary. There are certainly many ways to skin this parenting cat!
That's true; consistency is especially challenging when managing multiple children with differing needs and personalities. And yes, each phase comes with its own set of challenges - some parents may find the earlier years more manageable as the challenges are often more physical then, whereas teens present their own unique issues!
The struggles of parenting sure keep us on our toes, huh? All we can do is our best!
That's true; consistency is especially challenging when managing multiple children with differing needs and personalities. And yes, each phase comes with its own set of challenges - some parents may find the earlier years more manageable as the challenges are often more physical then, whereas teens present their own unique issues!
As children grow and change, so do the tactics we use! I've found that what worked when they were younger doesn't always work now that my boys are older. We have to stay on our toes as parents, ready to adapt our strategies to each new phase.
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That's true; consistency is especially challenging when managing multiple children with differing needs and personalities. And yes, each phase comes with its own set of challenges - some parents may find the earlier years more manageable as the challenges are often more physical then, whereas teens present their own unique issues!
Having a rule that appears to apply equally to everyone but can be adjusted based on individual situations would help with that. Also, it's never too late to start! And no parent is perfect; we're all just doing our best.
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I know that this forum is a great resource to tap into the collective wisdom and experiences of fellow parents! Feel free to share your recommended strategies based on your personal successes (or failures)! But remember, what works for one might not work for another - the key is to keep an open mind and adapt the advice to suit your own children and circumstances.
It's great to have a community to rely on for shared wisdom! it's reassuring to know there are so many ways to improve as a parent and that others have found solutions to problems we also face. I'll definitely be jotting down some of these tips for future reference!
Yes, it can be daunting to navigate the endless pit of parenting resources out there! Having a tailored list based on personal recommendations certainly helps. And nothing beats knowing that a particular strategy has worked for others in similar situations. It gives parenting struggles a whole new perspective!

Maybe we can start a compiled list of effective strategies - a sort of go-to guide with real-life testimonials. That would be an interesting project! We could call it the "Kallang Parents' Guide to Disciplining Youngsters." Kallang being the neighbourhood where many of us reside, and all...
You're right; a curated list of effective parenting tips would be an excellent resource. We could each contribute our favorite tried-and-tested strategies for different scenarios and explain how they worked and why they were successful. It'll be like a secret weapon in our parenting arsenal!

To get things started, here's one that worked well for teaching my kid about the importance of sharing: I laid out the scenario and asked leading questions to encourage him to make the right decisions. For example, "There are two toys and two friends. A friend wants both toys but only ends up with one. How do you think that makes him feel?" It helps them understand emotions and consider others' feelings, eventually leading to more thoughtful decisions.

I'll be keen to hear everyone's contributions!
Clarity and follow-through have definitely made parenting a lot easier, especially when the kids are young and testing boundaries. Using the same script each time is certainly useful, though I've had to adapt it slightly as my kids grew older and became more inquisitive. You never really appreciate how clever kids can be until they start questioning your every word!

It's great to have a united front with my partner too - we share similar values which makes it easier to stick to our guns, so to speak. But I agree with Travelmum; as enjoyable as it is to indulge the kids sometimes, there's nothing like a good, long reasoning session (tailored for their ages, of course) to really drive the message home!
The consistency and follow-through you described are invaluable, especially during the challenging early years! It's fascinating how parents instinctively tailor our approaches as our children develop; it demonstrates an intuitive understanding, don't you think?

I also appreciate your acknowledgment of having a united front with your partner. It certainly helps to share parenting philosophies, doesn't it? But I guess even without that harmony, many of us learn to adapt and accommodate different views for the sake of the little ones!
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A little recognition goes a long way! Rewarding our toddlers and preschoolers with simple tokens of appreciation does absolute wonders because they are so cute and enthusiastic at that age - it's a delight to see them react with joy over the simplest things. Sticker charts, for instance, are a great way to keep track of their progress and visual aids seem to work well with young children. But like everything else in parenting, it's temporary, and what worked this week might not work next week - at least that's been my experience! So, I'm always keeping my eyes and ears open for new tips because there is no manual for this parenting gig!
Parenting requires a lot of trial and error, and being adaptable is key! What works today may not necessarily work tomorrow, so I agree that continuous sharing of experiences among parents is reassuring and helpful.
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I know that this forum is a great resource to tap into the collective wisdom and experiences of fellow parents! Feel free to share your recommended strategies based on your personal successes (or failures)! But remember, what works for one might not work for another - the key is to keep an open mind and adapt the advice to suit your own children and circumstances.
As a parent, I've learned that the hard way after blindly trying out suggestions without considering my child's unique personality!
The above discussion seems to touch on various parenting strategies, punitive or otherwise. Do you think there's any real value in punishments, or should we focus on rewards and positive reinforcements? Perhaps a healthy balance of both? As an curious onlooker, I'd love to hear your thoughts!
Both methods have their merits; punishments can deter undesirable behaviour, but positive reinforcement encourages good ones. A balanced approach lets children learn faster, especially when parents explain the reasoning behind each consequence - punishment or reward. Explaining the cause and effect helps kids understand the logic and adapt better, I find. It prepares them to make more informed decisions in the future, beyond the scope of the current challenges they present.
Yes, it can be daunting to navigate the endless pit of parenting resources out there! Having a tailored list based on personal recommendations certainly helps. And nothing beats knowing that a particular strategy has worked for others in similar situations. It gives parenting struggles a whole new perspective!

Maybe we can start a compiled list of effective strategies - a sort of go-to guide with real-life testimonials. That would be an interesting project! We could call it the "Kallang Parents' Guide to Disciplining Youngsters." Kallang being the neighbourhood where many of us reside, and all...
You're right; a curated list tailored to our local context is helpful for us Singaporean parents! We could collect everyone's tried-and-tested strategies over this weekend and compile them into a concise, actionable guide. What a fun, meaningful project it would be! I'm also thinking some parents may benefit from specific strategies tailored to certain scenarios, like discipline tactics for special needs kids, managing tantrums in public places, etc. We could start by listing broad categories and going from there!
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There's no harm in referring to multiple sources as well. Parents should keep an open mind while exploring these strategies and adapting them according to their children's responses. Every little insight helps!
That's a wonderful idea about compiling a guide! We could include various realistic scenarios and the most effective strategies to manage them, keeping it real and relatable. Maybe we can start by listing down everyone's all-time favourite tactics that have worked wonders. Mine would definitely be redirecting their attention. It's like waving a magic wand and suddenly halts any potential melt downs! Also, short but clear explanations for discipline work well with my little one. But I'm keen to hear other successful strategies that have worked for you guys!
With so many great points shared, it's refreshing to see how we all strive to do our best as parents! It's comforting - and encouraging - to know that everyone is walking the same journey, even if our methods vary. There are certainly many ways to skin this parenting cat!
I agree; it's nice to have different perspectives to draw from and discover there's more than one way - or set of strategies - to tackle common challenges! Variety is comforting as it reminds us that every family is unique in their approach, and that's okay!
There's no harm in referring to multiple sources as well. Parents should keep an open mind while exploring these strategies and adapting them according to their children's responses. Every little insight helps!
And I'm sure many parents would have experienced success with different techniques! The key is sharing these experiences so that others can draw some inspiration - it's a great way to learn, especially when you're new to parenting. You think you've got things under control, but the game changes constantly as the kids grow older!
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I'm all about practical, actionable tips too. Having a supportive mom network is so important! Online resources are great, but being able to call up a girlfriend and ask for quick advice is also comforting during moments of chaos and uncertainty. And you're right - having a visual aid or two helps keep me sane, especially when the going gets tough!
The discussion has certainly brought forth many useful points about parenting! While it's easy to get overwhelmed by the myriad of methods available, the experiences shared here offer valuable insights into effective and practical strategies.
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