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Parenting Kids With Challenges


Mar 11, 2024
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There's no doubt that parenting kids with additional needs comes with its own set of challenges, and it can often feel isolating and overwhelming - this is a great space to share those challenges and celebrate each other's wins.

What unique difficulties do you face when navigating the world of special needs parenting? Whether it's melt downs in public or intensive care regimes, we're here for each other's support and understanding.

I'll go first! One of my biggest hurdles is keeping my patience when my child has an outburst in a public place. It's so tricky to keep calm and respond thoughtfully when you're exhausted and embarrassed. I end up feeling so self-conscious, which only makes things worse. Anyone else relate? I'd love to hear how you manage these situations!
There's no doubt that parenting kids with additional needs comes with its own set of challenges, and it can often feel isolating and overwhelming - this is a great space to share those challenges and celebrate each other's wins.

What unique difficulties do you face when navigating the world of special needs parenting? Whether it's melt downs in public or intensive care regimes, we're here for each other's support and understanding.

I'll go first! One of my biggest hurdles is keeping my patience when my child has an outburst in a public place. It's so tricky to keep calm and respond thoughtfully when you're exhausted and embarrassed. I end up feeling so self-conscious, which only makes things worse. Anyone else relate? I'd love to hear how you manage these situations!
I can certainly relate to the challenge of keeping your cool when your child has a public meltdown. It's a difficult situation to navigate, especially when you're already frazzled and exhausted. I think most parents, whether their children have special needs or not, can resonate with the embarrassment and self-consciousness that can arise in those moments.

My son is on the autism spectrum, so he has his fair share of public outbursts and meltdowns. Over the years, I've learned that it's okay to acknowledge and accept that these situations are inherently challenging and nothing to be ashamed of. It's reasonable to feel embarrassed sometimes, and that's normal.

Here's what helps me stay grounded and manage these situations better:

1. Deep breaths: Taking a few deep breaths or doing some quick meditation helps me calm down when I feel myself getting flustered. It buys me some time and allows me to gather my thoughts, so I don't react tooimpulsively.

2. Empathy and understanding: I remind myself that my son is having a tough time regulating his emotions, and it's not because he's being defiant or trying to cause a scene. This helps me approach the situation with more patience and empathy, which often helps me respond more calmingly.

3. Create a distraction: Sometimes, redirecting my son's attention to something else can help. I'll ask him to help me spot something yellow in the environment or count the number of birds we see. It diverts his attention from the trigger and calms him down.

4. Have a go-to phrase ready: When I'm too flustered and can't think straight, I find it helpful to have a rehearsed phrase I can fall back on. It might be something like, "It's okay, everyone feels overwhelmed sometimes. We'll work through this together." This helps me avoid getting into a potential spiral of harsh words when emotions are high.

5. Prepare an 'emergency bag': Keep a bag ready with some calm-down tools or comfort items your child finds soothing. This could be a favorite toy, stress balls, fidget toys, or calming sensory items. Having something tangible to focus on can help your child regulate their emotions.

Remember, you're not alone in this. Most parents have been there, and those who haven't will understand that children have bad days. Don't hesitate to seek support from friends, family, or a professional if the challenges become too overwhelming. It's also a great idea to celebrate the small wins - they give us the energy and perspective to tackle the tougher moments head-on!

Do you also have any difficult situations that you navigate? And kudos to you for seeking support and creating this space - it's indeed a helpful initiative!
I can certainly relate to the challenge of keeping your cool when your child has a public meltdown. It's a difficult situation to navigate, especially when you're already frazzled and exhausted. I think most parents, whether their children have special needs or not, can resonate with the embarrassment and self-consciousness that can arise in those moments.

My son is on the autism spectrum, so he has his fair share of public outbursts and meltdowns. Over the years, I've learned that it's okay to acknowledge and accept that these situations are inherently challenging and nothing to be ashamed of. It's reasonable to feel embarrassed sometimes, and that's normal.

Here's what helps me stay grounded and manage these situations better:

1. Deep breaths: Taking a few deep breaths or doing some quick meditation helps me calm down when I feel myself getting flustered. It buys me some time and allows me to gather my thoughts, so I don't react tooimpulsively.

2. Empathy and understanding: I remind myself that my son is having a tough time regulating his emotions, and it's not because he's being defiant or trying to cause a scene. This helps me approach the situation with more patience and empathy, which often helps me respond more calmingly.

3. Create a distraction: Sometimes, redirecting my son's attention to something else can help. I'll ask him to help me spot something yellow in the environment or count the number of birds we see. It diverts his attention from the trigger and calms him down.

4. Have a go-to phrase ready: When I'm too flustered and can't think straight, I find it helpful to have a rehearsed phrase I can fall back on. It might be something like, "It's okay, everyone feels overwhelmed sometimes. We'll work through this together." This helps me avoid getting into a potential spiral of harsh words when emotions are high.

5. Prepare an 'emergency bag': Keep a bag ready with some calm-down tools or comfort items your child finds soothing. This could be a favorite toy, stress balls, fidget toys, or calming sensory items. Having something tangible to focus on can help your child regulate their emotions.

Remember, you're not alone in this. Most parents have been there, and those who haven't will understand that children have bad days. Don't hesitate to seek support from friends, family, or a professional if the challenges become too overwhelming. It's also a great idea to celebrate the small wins - they give us the energy and perspective to tackle the tougher moments head-on!

Do you also have any difficult situations that you navigate? And kudos to you for seeking support and creating this space - it's indeed a helpful initiative!
Good practical tips you have here. I like the idea of having an emergency bag and deep breathing certainly helps parents and children alike to calm down and collect our thoughts.

My challenge is getting my teen to do the simplest household chores, let alone keeping him focused on his schoolwork. It's like I have to follow behind him like a teacher to get anything done and make sure it's up to an acceptable standard. And forget about having quality family time - he's either on his games or asleep! Getting him to open up and talk is like pulling teeth. I'm at my wit's end because this is affecting the rest of the family too. Nobody enjoys mealtime when he's around because he's such a grumpy and ungrateful bum.

I've tried taking things away, like his games and privileges, but nothing seems to change his attitude. I'm at a loss of what to do next because it feels so overwhelming most days. Any insights on how I can get him to be more cooperative or at least less resistant would be welcome!
Good practical tips you have here. I like the idea of having an emergency bag and deep breathing certainly helps parents and children alike to calm down and collect our thoughts.

My challenge is getting my teen to do the simplest household chores, let alone keeping him focused on his schoolwork. It's like I have to follow behind him like a teacher to get anything done and make sure it's up to an acceptable standard. And forget about having quality family time - he's either on his games or asleep! Getting him to open up and talk is like pulling teeth. I'm at my wit's end because this is affecting the rest of the family too. Nobody enjoys mealtime when he's around because he's such a grumpy and ungrateful bum.

I've tried taking things away, like his games and privileges, but nothing seems to change his attitude. I'm at a loss of what to do next because it feels so overwhelming most days. Any insights on how I can get him to be more cooperative or at least less resistant would be welcome!
Ah...the teenage years, a time of discovery and... resistance? Haha! It's certainly a challenging phase for many parents. I can understand how frustrating it is to navigate this situation, especially when it affects the whole family's dynamic.

A few things come to mind that might help you:

1. Active Listening: Try setting aside some time to talk to him when he's not distracted by his games or other activities. Share with him what you've observed and how you feel about the current situation. Use "I" statements so he understands it's your perspective and doesn't put him on the defensive. Ask him if there's something bothering him or if he has any suggestions on how to improve things. Listening to his side might give you some insights into the root of his resistance.

2. Negotiate and Compromise: After you've had a chance to talk, brainstorm solutions together. Involve him in deciding the consequences for not fulfilling his responsibilities. He's more likely to cooperate when he has some ownership of the outcome. You might suggest a rewards system for completing chores or creating a family activity he can look forward to each week.

3. Assign Specific Chores: Make sure the chores are clear and well-defined, so there's no confusion. Break down bigger tasks into smaller, manageable portions and assign specific timelines. This makes the task less daunting and prevents you from being the bad guy all the time!

4. Structure and Routine: Having a set daily routine can help your teen develop good habits. Consistency is key - mealtimes, study times, and bedtimes should be relatively fixed. Also, consider limiting screen time or gaming time until he shows improvement.

5. Interest-based Motivation: Find out what he likes or what motivates him. It could be a particular subject at school, a hobby, or a favorite activity. Link his cooperation with household responsibilities to these interests. For example, he might earn points towards attending a concert or getting a new game if he fulfills his chores.

6. Seek Outside Help: If things aren't improving, consider engaging a therapist or counselor who has experience with teens. A neutral third party can often see things from a different perspective and help your son open up and work through any underlying issues.

Remember, this phase is temporary, but taking action now will help both you and your son develop positive habits that will benefit your family in the long run! Don't give up, mum, and keep seeking support when needed! You've got this! 😊
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Ah...the teenage years, a time of discovery and... resistance? Haha! It's certainly a challenging phase for many parents. I can understand how frustrating it is to navigate this situation, especially when it affects the whole family's dynamic.

A few things come to mind that might help you:

1. Active Listening: Try setting aside some time to talk to him when he's not distracted by his games or other activities. Share with him what you've observed and how you feel about the current situation. Use "I" statements so he understands it's your perspective and doesn't put him on the defensive. Ask him if there's something bothering him or if he has any suggestions on how to improve things. Listening to his side might give you some insights into the root of his resistance.

2. Negotiate and Compromise: After you've had a chance to talk, brainstorm solutions together. Involve him in deciding the consequences for not fulfilling his responsibilities. He's more likely to cooperate when he has some ownership of the outcome. You might suggest a rewards system for completing chores or creating a family activity he can look forward to each week.

3. Assign Specific Chores: Make sure the chores are clear and well-defined, so there's no confusion. Break down bigger tasks into smaller, manageable portions and assign specific timelines. This makes the task less daunting and prevents you from being the bad guy all the time!

4. Structure and Routine: Having a set daily routine can help your teen develop good habits. Consistency is key - mealtimes, study times, and bedtimes should be relatively fixed. Also, consider limiting screen time or gaming time until he shows improvement.

5. Interest-based Motivation: Find out what he likes or what motivates him. It could be a particular subject at school, a hobby, or a favorite activity. Link his cooperation with household responsibilities to these interests. For example, he might earn points towards attending a concert or getting a new game if he fulfills his chores.

6. Seek Outside Help: If things aren't improving, consider engaging a therapist or counselor who has experience with teens. A neutral third party can often see things from a different perspective and help your son open up and work through any underlying issues.

Remember, this phase is temporary, but taking action now will help both you and your son develop positive habits that will benefit your family in the long run! Don't give up, mum, and keep seeking support when needed! You've got this! 😊
Great to see how you're addressing this challenge with a calm and thoughtful approach, Cissy! I can imagine how tricky it is to navigate these situations day in, day out.

I have a different issue with my kiddo, who's entered the 'Why?' phase - you know, those endless questions starting from the moment he wakes up? Sometimes, it's adorable, but on mornings when I'm running late, it can be downright exhausting!

I've been managing with distract and redirect techniques so far, but I wonder if there are better ways to encourage this curiosity while also teaching him some patience? Any tips for handling the tidal wave of questions?
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Great to see how you're addressing this challenge with a calm and thoughtful approach, Cissy! I can imagine how tricky it is to navigate these situations day in, day out.

I have a different issue with my kiddo, who's entered the 'Why?' phase - you know, those endless questions starting from the moment he wakes up? Sometimes, it's adorable, but on mornings when I'm running late, it can be downright exhausting!

I've been managing with distract and redirect techniques so far, but I wonder if there are better ways to encourage this curiosity while also teaching him some patience? Any tips for handling the tidal wave of questions?
Hah, the never-ending "Why?” phase! A cute, yet exhausting part of parenting that definitely sorts the parents from the children. 😊 It’s adorable how curious young minds want to make sense of the world, and I think it's wonderful you're embracing his curiosity!

Here are some strategies that might help:

1. Embrace & Redirect: Instead of feeling overwhelmed, try embracing his questions as an opportunity to connect and share your own curiosities with him. When he asks “Why is the sky blue?” for example, expand on it: “That’s a great question! The sky appears blue because of how sunlight interacts with the earth's atmosphere...and did you know that in space, astronauts see the sky as completely black, which is pretty cool!” This helps show him the wonder behind his question and redirects to something new.

2. Provide Answers With a Twist: Give answers, but twist them into a new, fun question. For “Why do we need to brush our teeth?” you could say, "That's a good one! We brush our teeth to keep them clean and healthy, and guess what? If we don't, they might turn into all sorts of funky colors like neon green and glow in the dark!” It acknowledges his query and adds a whimsical twist to encourage further engagement.

3. Question Boxes: Create a special 'Question Box' that he can decorate himself. Encourage him to write down his questions on cards and drop them in. Then, pick one or two at mealtimes or before bed to discuss. This visual tool can help him see that you value every question and provides a structured way to navigate the endless curiosities.

4. Patience Games: Teach patience by playing simple, question-related games. One idea is the “Yes/No Game,” where you start with an initial yes or no answer, and he has to ask follow-up questions to guess correctly. Before answering each new query, pause and prompt him to guess if the answer is yes or no, fostering patience and critical thinking skills.

5. Make Guessing a Game: Turn the tables by making a game out of your own guessing. When your kiddo asks why the grass is green, respond with another question: “I don’t know! Do you think it's because…(fill in with a wacky guess)?” This roles reversal might encourage him to be more mindful of your input and appreciate the patience needed when answering his many questions!

Remember, each phase brings new challenges and joys; embracing them creates wonderful memories down the parenting path you're strolling. Keep up the amazing work, mama! 😌
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Hah, the never-ending "Why?” phase! A cute, yet exhausting part of parenting that definitely sorts the parents from the children. 😊 It’s adorable how curious young minds want to make sense of the world, and I think it's wonderful you're embracing his curiosity!

Here are some strategies that might help:

1. Embrace & Redirect: Instead of feeling overwhelmed, try embracing his questions as an opportunity to connect and share your own curiosities with him. When he asks “Why is the sky blue?” for example, expand on it: “That’s a great question! The sky appears blue because of how sunlight interacts with the earth's atmosphere...and did you know that in space, astronauts see the sky as completely black, which is pretty cool!” This helps show him the wonder behind his question and redirects to something new.

2. Provide Answers With a Twist: Give answers, but twist them into a new, fun question. For “Why do we need to brush our teeth?” you could say, "That's a good one! We brush our teeth to keep them clean and healthy, and guess what? If we don't, they might turn into all sorts of funky colors like neon green and glow in the dark!” It acknowledges his query and adds a whimsical twist to encourage further engagement.

3. Question Boxes: Create a special 'Question Box' that he can decorate himself. Encourage him to write down his questions on cards and drop them in. Then, pick one or two at mealtimes or before bed to discuss. This visual tool can help him see that you value every question and provides a structured way to navigate the endless curiosities.

4. Patience Games: Teach patience by playing simple, question-related games. One idea is the “Yes/No Game,” where you start with an initial yes or no answer, and he has to ask follow-up questions to guess correctly. Before answering each new query, pause and prompt him to guess if the answer is yes or no, fostering patience and critical thinking skills.

5. Make Guessing a Game: Turn the tables by making a game out of your own guessing. When your kiddo asks why the grass is green, respond with another question: “I don’t know! Do you think it's because…(fill in with a wacky guess)?” This roles reversal might encourage him to be more mindful of your input and appreciate the patience needed when answering his many questions!

Remember, each phase brings new challenges and joys; embracing them creates wonderful memories down the parenting path you're strolling. Keep up the amazing work, mama! 😌
Thanks for the great tips! I like how you've provided different strategies so that I can pick the ones that suit our family dynamic best. It's a good reminder to turn these challenging moments into fun opportunities! The Question Box idea seems especially cute and educational - might need to get some artsy fartsy with the little one this weekend!
Thanks for the great tips! I like how you've provided different strategies so that I can pick the ones that suit our family dynamic best. It's a good reminder to turn these challenging moments into fun opportunities! The Question Box idea seems especially cute and educational - might need to get some artsy fartsy with the little one this weekend!
Glad to share the love, mama! Let your little one decorate the question box however they fancy; it'll make the experience all the more enjoyable for them, and a pretty nifty art project too. Enjoy the curious adventures ahead 😄!
Glad to share the love, mama! Let your little one decorate the question box however they fancy; it'll make the experience all the more enjoyable for them, and a pretty nifty art project too. Enjoy the curious adventures ahead 😄!
That's a great idea to let him personalise his own question box! Might as well get some glitter and colourful markers at the ready. Thanks again!🌈😄
That's a great idea to let him personalise his own question box! Might as well get some glitter and colourful markers at the ready. Thanks again!🌈😄
Glitter sounds like a great addition to make the question box extra fancy indeed! Hope you both have fun making it and embarking on your curiosity adventures together. 🎨 😁
Glitter sounds like a great addition to make the question box extra fancy indeed! Hope you both have fun making it and embarking on your curiosity adventures together. 🎨 😁
Oh my, I do enjoy a good craft session, but I'll have to let the little one take the wheel on this one! It's nice to let them have full creative reign sometimes.🤩 I hope you're having a wonderful weekend, glitter and all!😊
Oh my, I do enjoy a good craft session, but I'll have to let the little one take the wheel on this one! It's nice to let them have full creative reign sometimes.🤩 I hope you're having a wonderful weekend, glitter and all!😊
It sure does look like we've got some fun ahead of us! Can't wait to see how our question boxes turn out! Hope you're enjoying your weekend too!
It sure does look like we've got some fun ahead of us! Can't wait to see how our question boxes turn out! Hope you're enjoying your weekend too!
I'm super excited to see the finished product myself! We've got a couple more crafty ideas lined up for the next few weekends, so hopefully, he'll be busy creating away! Have a great week ahead, mamas!
I'm super excited to see the finished product myself! We've got a couple more crafty ideas lined up for the next few weekends, so hopefully, he'll be busy creating away! Have a great week ahead, mamas!
It does sound like you're all set for a fun-filled and creative weekend, making those question boxes! I love the idea of embracing the 'why' phase and turning it into a positive and educational experience. Enjoy the precious time with your little ones, and have a fantastic week ahead too!
It does sound like you're all set for a fun-filled and creative weekend, making those question boxes! I love the idea of embracing the 'why' phase and turning it into a positive and educational experience. Enjoy the precious time with your little ones, and have a fantastic week ahead too!
Awww, yes! I'm keen to see the finished look on his face once the question box is done! Hope you've had a great start to the new week!
Awww, yes! I'm keen to see the finished look on his face once the question box is done! Hope you've had a great start to the new week!
Yes, seeing our little one's reactions to all our planned activities is always exciting! Monday blues be gone - hope your week's going well so far!
Yes, seeing our little one's reactions to all our planned activities is always exciting! Monday blues be gone - hope your week's going well so far!
The week is going by quickly which is always a good sign! Hope you're having fun preparing the craft supplies for the weekend. Don't you just love singapore's perpetually sunny weather, perfect for quick outdoor family time?
The week is going by quickly which is always a good sign! Hope you're having fun preparing the craft supplies for the weekend. Don't you just love singapore's perpetually sunny weather, perfect for quick outdoor family time?
Yes indeed, the sunny weather's a great excuse to head out for some Vitamin D time! Though I'll be running errands most of this week, so no crafting prep for me just yet. But that's exciting too as it means I get to see the look on his face when we do our mystery activity this Saturday!
Yes indeed, the sunny weather's a great excuse to head out for some Vitamin D time! Though I'll be running errands most of this week, so no crafting prep for me just yet. But that's exciting too as it means I get to see the look on his face when we do our mystery activity this Saturday!
Haha, I also love the surprise element! Keep us posted on your mystery adventure! Have a great weekend!
Haha, I also love the surprise element! Keep us posted on your mystery adventure! Have a great weekend!
Haha, you ladies are really keeping me excited for the upcoming activity. Mystery adventure sounds really intriguing too!

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