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Toddler Tales


Mar 12, 2024
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Toddlers are innately creative and have wild imaginations, making everyday situations fun and exciting. They often come up with unique ways to keep parents on their toes and ensure life never gets boring! From playing games like hide-and-seek at bedtime or pretending the floor is made of lava to running away in public places, these mischievous little ones keep moms and dads constantly guessing.

Parents shared some of the tricky situations they've faced with their toddlers and the quirky solutions they've employed to manage them. With toddlers around, there's never a dull moment - moms have to be quick on their feet and come up with inventive ways to handle these adorable monsters! Some common challenges included toddlers running off in public places or resisting bedtime. To solve this, parents have had to resort to sneaky tactics like playing along with their games or using incentives like toys or the promise of a trip to the park.

Moms also shared how these situations, though exhausting and challenging, are a delight to experience. They appreciate the innocence and creativity of toddlers, enjoying the giggles and chaos that come with this stage. It's a unique type of exhaustion, filled with laughter and joy, which only parents can truly understand.

The thread highlights the amusing ways toddlers keep life interesting and how moms find creative solutions while appreciating the cute, imaginative minds of their little ones. Their unfiltered playfulness is a wonderful reminder of the beauty of childhood innocence.

Share your experiences of managing a mischievous tot! It's a place to celebrate the joy, share tips on navigating the challenges, and help each other with solutions to common problems. I'll start with my story of this morning...

My two-year old has recently discovered how hilarious it is to run away when I'm trying to get him dressed - especially if I'm chasing after him! This morning he thought it was absolutely hysterical to dodge me as I tried to get his pants on. He'd stop briefly so I could get one leg in, then take off giggling as soon as I attempted the other leg. We eventually got ready, but not before I stepped on a Lego barefoot whilst chasing him!

I'd love to hear your funny stories and any tips you have for managing the toddler terror stage!
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Share your experiences of managing a mischievous tot! It's a place to celebrate the joy, share tips on navigating the challenges, and help each other with solutions to common problems. I'll start with my story of this morning...

My two-year old has recently discovered how hilarious it is to run away when I'm trying to get him dressed - especially if I'm chasing after him! This morning he thought it was absolutely hysterical to dodge me as I tried to get his pants on. He'd stop briefly so I could get one leg in, then take off giggling as soon as I attempted the other leg. We eventually got ready, but not before I stepped on a Lego barefoot whilst chasing him!

I'd love to hear your funny stories and any tips you have for managing the toddler terror stage!
My 3-year old has also been doing the same! If you're chasing after them, they seem to find it extra fun hahaha. I just let him run a few rounds around the house while I prepare his breakfast or pack his bags if we're heading out. By the time he's back, he's a little more cooperative and less hyperactive. Also helps sometimes to give him a heads up on what's coming next - like telling him it's almost time to go out or it's time to eat, so he can mentally prepare himself . Also also, diverting their attention helps too! Like asking them to pick which shoes to wear or fetching an item you need .
My 3-year old has also been doing the same! If you're chasing after them, they seem to find it extra fun hahaha. I just let him run a few rounds around the house while I prepare his breakfast or pack his bags if we're heading out. By the time he's back, he's a little more cooperative and less hyperactive. Also helps sometimes to give him a heads up on what's coming next - like telling him it's almost time to go out or it's time to eat, so he can mentally prepare himself . Also also, diverting their attention helps too! Like asking them to pick which shoes to wear or fetching an item you need .
It seems like our little ones are in sync! It's comforting to know that giving a heads up and diversionary tactics work for your tot too. I usually end up laughing because his escapades are so cute and cheeky.

The anticipation of what's to come also helps, I've found. For instance, if we're heading to the park, I'd tell him we're going somewhere fun, but he has to finish his breakfast first or get in his shoes. This seems to encourage him to cooperate more!
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It seems like our little ones are in sync! It's comforting to know that giving a heads up and diversionary tactics work for your tot too. I usually end up laughing because his escapades are so cute and cheeky.

The anticipation of what's to come also helps, I've found. For instance, if we're heading to the park, I'd tell him we're going somewhere fun, but he has to finish his breakfast first or get in his shoes. This seems to encourage him to cooperate more!
Oh man, that's some mission impossible stuff right there - trying to get a toddler to cooperate when they're in that cheeky mood! But it's adorable and funny at the same time so we can't really fault them.

My tot has this thing about wanting to do everything himself - which is a great trait to have, I guess, but it slows everything down so much! Getting him to cooperate involves me giving lots of warnings or else we'll be late for sure.


Oh man, that's some mission impossible stuff right there - trying to get a toddler to cooperate when they're in that cheeky mood! But it's adorable and funny at the same time so we can't really fault them.

My tot has this thing about wanting to do everything himself - which is a great trait to have, I guess, but it slows everything down so much! Getting him to cooperate involves me giving lots of warnings or else we'll be late for sure.

That's a funny gif! The look on Tom Cruise's face - I can imagine that being my reaction when my son does something particularly cheeky!

It's impressive how toddlers can keep us on our toes with their determination. It's like they have a mindset of, "I want to do it, and I want to do it my way!" Encouraging them to be independent is a tricky balancing act because we also need to get everywhere on time!
That's a funny gif! The look on Tom Cruise's face - I can imagine that being my reaction when my son does something particularly cheeky!

It's impressive how toddlers can keep us on our toes with their determination. It's like they have a mindset of, "I want to do it, and I want to do it my way!" Encouraging them to be independent is a tricky balancing act because we also need to get everywhere on time!
Yeah, that look says it all - disbelief mixed with a hint of exasperation!

They sure keep us on our feet, these little ones. Gotta love their determination and feistiness though; it's a phase that'll eventually blow over too quickly. We're gonna miss these playful times when they grow up!
I feel ya! My toddler thinks it's a game too when I try to change his diaper. He wriggles and giggles as though being chased by an ice cream truck. And the legos - ouch!! Happens way too often.

Toddlers ah, always keeping us on our toes. But it's cute how they find joy in the simplest things. Can't help but laugh along, even when I'm frustrated!
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My kiddo did that too! The game of chase while getting ready is fun for them but a nightmare for us. Sometimes I join in the fun by pretending to “catch” him and tickle him when I finally get hold of him. It’s a good way to add some fun and get everyone giggling instead of it being a stressful experience. Also teaches them that this behaviour is not actually fun if Mum isn’t amused ha! But I do keep a watchful eye on him so he doesn’t really get far. Safety first! And of course, keeping all the sharp edges and breakable things out of reach.

Doesn't hurt to remember that they're just beginning to explore their autonomy and learning what they can do and how far they can push us - as frustrating as it might be for us!


You think that's funny? Wait till he starts to comprehend the concept of hide-and-seek and uses it as an excuse to dawdle whenever you ask him to return his toys or books to their respective places. And good luck getting him to wear clothes that you pick out instead of what he wants to wear, because that's another hilarious game he can play!


I've been there! My tot thinks it's a game too when I'm trying to change her. She'll run off giggling, and then get distracted by something else, only to realize I've sneakily managed to get her dressed without her knowing! Toddler sense of humour, man. It's real fun.
Running after a bare-naked kiddo who's determined to give you a game of chase sounds like the cutest and most hilarious thing ever! It's definitely a challenge when they discover the joy of games like these, especially when it involves them running off giggling and leaving you with only one leg of pants on.

It's a phase that I'm sure many of us can relate to, including me! The other day, my little one decided it would be fun to hide under the table every time I tried putting on her shoes. Kids, man! They're full of surprises!
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Running away eh? That's a tricky one! My toddler's fav trick is to run into the kitchen when I'm trying to change her and grab something off the counter - usually a pot or mug that she can then 'drink' from. Anything to delay getting dressed, right?!

I've taken to just leaving her in her nappy for longer if she's being particularly tricky because sometimes it's just not worth the hassle! I also keep a few select toys only available for playtime AFTER getting dressed - that can be a good incentive. And if all else fails, I turn it into a game. Like, 'let's see if you can run away from me with your pants on...but first, race you to the couch!' Toddler logic can be hard to follow but it often seems to work!
You're dealing with a typical toddler there! Mine once threw every single item from the spice rack into the cooking pot after I left the kitchen briefly. Another time, I found her painting the wall with toothpaste. Toddlerhood is a fun stage - they're so curious and full of beans!

My strategy is to distraction-distraction-distract! When I need to get her focused on getting ready or doing something else, I give her lots of kisses and tickles, which usually divert her attention from whatever naughty thing she's planning. Or I make it into a game - a "Race to the Park!" or some other fun destination helps incentivise her to put her shoes on, for example. I also keep lots of little toys and snacks in my parenting arsenal to whip out when needed. You never know how long these phase last, so hang in there!
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I feel ya! The other day, my tot decided she didn't wanna wear socks and started doing this weird sock-monster impersonation whenever I tried slipping them onto her feet. It was like her feet turned into slippery eels or somethin'! And of course, there were loads of giggles while mama was left with a puzzled expression 😅🤣.
Running tot got ya, ah? Toddler terror stage sure is fulla surprises!

The other day, my little one decided to play a game of hide-and-seek when it was time for her bath. She thought it was funny to climb into the dryer machine when I wasn't looking. Scared me half to death when I couldn't find her and heard giggling from the laundry room! Had to keep a straight face while extracting her from that contraption, but boy oh boy, what an adventure she thought she had!

These mischief makers sure know how to keep us on our toes! Share your stories; let's have a good laugh together!
Running after a toddler is like a high-speed game of dodgeball, but with clothes and legos involved! Managing these mischievous tots sure keeps us on our toes .

Share your stories; let's have a good laugh together and dish out some tips for survival!


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Running away huh? Sound like a game to me! I usually turn such situations into a proper game, like 'Let's see who can put their pants on fastest!' or something else along those lines. Make it a competition and they might just forget that they're actually being managed, ha! Of course, you'd have to be quick on your feet, but it's a life skill we all need anyway. Might as well start young!
Managing a mischievous tot is no walk in the park! But then again, it's also one hell of a fun ride.

My older kiddo once decided that crossing roads without holding hands was a cool thing to do. I nearly had a heart attack each time he darted across the road at lightning speed while I chased after him, screaming internalized expletives.

The solution? We practiced a new game where we held hands and ran together across the roads like a pair of Olympic runners. It was so much fun that it became our new adventure ritual! He got his thrill of speed, and I had peace of mind he was safe. Win-win!

Got many more stories, but that one's a classic. Toddlerhood - gotta love it!
Hahaha! Your story sounds familiar! It's like my kiddo knows that putting on pants is a fun game, especially if I'm in a rush! And ouch to the Lego accident - been there too!

My little one likes playing hide-and-seek when it's time for her baths. As soon as I say, "It's bath time!" she dashes off giggling, and I have to chase her around the house. It's a good thing that she enjoys her baths though, so I'm not too upset about the pre-bath antics! 😅

I've also learnt to anticipate some of his moves, like when he runs off as I'm trying to buckle him into his stroller. Now I keep snacks handy - his favorite crinkly packets seem to appear magically at such times - and that often distracts him long enough for me to strap him in!
Hahaha! Your story sounds familiar! It's like my kiddo knows that putting on pants is a fun game, especially if I'm in a rush! And ouch to the Lego accident - been there too!

My little one likes playing hide-and-seek when it's time for her baths. As soon as I say, "It's bath time!" she dashes off giggling, and I have to chase her around the house. It's a good thing that she enjoys her baths though, so I'm not too upset about the pre-bath antics! 😅

I've also learnt to anticipate some of his moves, like when he runs off as I'm trying to buckle him into his stroller. Now I keep snacks handy - his favorite crinkly packets seem to appear magically at such times - and that often distracts him long enough for me to strap him in!
My little monster also loves playing this game - especially when I'm in a rush to leave the house! It's like some weird toddler law that the most important times to run away are when we're already late!

The key is definitely distraction, but it can be hard when they're onto you. I find having different types of snacks works best - like you said, something crinkly usually does the trick for a minute or two! But then I'm left with a whole bag of crackers to empty into his mouth because he knows that's mom's desperation move! Haha.

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