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Toddler Nutrition

Veggies steamed with a bit of butter and salt is a great, easy way to prepare veggies for tot! Keeping things simple is a good idea cos' you never know what they'll like one day and dislike the next.

My kid also enjoys snacking on fruit, cereal and rice cakes - nothing too fancy schmany is needed really! Some scrambled eggs, wholemeal toast and salmon fish fingers are simple meals that tot enjoys. Letting them help with food prep is fun for them, and a tiny knife for chopping veggies is a big hit.

Throwing in some hidden veggies like carrots or spinach into smoothies is a great way to get some extra nutrition in there too - tot won't suspect a thing with all that fruity goodness!
Hiding veggies in food is a genius move every parent should know! I also like to grow herbs indoors. Tot helps water them, and we use the herbs Fresh to garnish meals or make them smell nicer. So far she's been a great little helper!
I've been lucky that my tot hasn't been too fussy a eater so far. She seems to enjoy most things, especially if it's something we're eating too. I think that helps!

For quick and nutritious snacks, fruit and veggie pouches are handy. Also, those squeeze containers work well for homemade purees or even yoghurt. So convenient for on-the-go!

To make food prep fun, I got my toddler one of those tiny aprons and a child-safe knife. She loves "cooking" alongside me and helping with simple tasks like washing veggies or stirring the batter. Makes her feel involved and keeps her interested in the whole process!

Sometimes I'll create little "cooking stations" for her too, with different fruits/veggies and little bowls for her to sort and play with. Keeps her occupied while I prep dinner!
I think starting solids is such a fun journey! My tot really enjoyed his first tastes of different fruits and veggies.

For fussy eaters, it's all about presentation and involvement! I let my toddler help prepare the food - washing produce, mixing ingredients, etc. Anything to get them interested and invested! I also try to make eating fun with cute bento-style presentations. Cutting food into shapes or using cookie cutters can make meal times exciting.

Some go-to, nutritious snacks are homemade fruit Purees and vegetable sticks with a delicious dip. My kiddo also loves baking days - we make healthy treats like banana bread or zucchini muffins which keep well for snacks on the go!
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My little one loved his avocado 'popsicles' - basically just pureed avocado with a squeeze of lime and a pinch of salt, frozen into lollies. Quick, healthy and mess-free! Also a good way to introduce solid foods, in case your tot's a picky eater - the creamy texture can be easier for them to manage.

As for getting veggies in, I find frying/roasting them up with a bit of olive oil and garlic makes 'em more palatable for my kiddo. Presenting it as a fun, colorful dish helps too - like roasted rainbow carrots or chips with a funny name!

We also like to play a game where my child has to help 'catch' the vegetables when I'm chopping them - it's a simple way to keep him involved and engaged in food prep .

Got some other fun ideas for making nutrition fun, anyone?


Not all days are smooth sailing when it comes to preparing tasty yet nutritious meals for toddlers, but the struggle is real and relatable!

Themasis meals are a cool and exciting way to present food, keeping things interesting. And yes, growing herbs and veggies together is an educational, tasty treat!

That first dessert idea sounds delish--an easy, nutritious sweet fix!

Blending veggies into smoothies or letting the tots help with meal prep seems like a win-win for getting those healthy greens in. Kids love praise for their culinary creations too--gotta appreciate their little efforts!
Not all days are smooth sailing when it comes to preparing tasty yet nutritious meals for toddlers, but the struggle is real and relatable!

Themasis meals are a cool and exciting way to present food, keeping things interesting. And yes, growing herbs and veggies together is an educational, tasty treat!

That first dessert idea sounds delish--an easy, nutritious sweet fix!

Blending veggies into smoothies or letting the tots help with meal prep seems like a win-win for getting those healthy greens in. Kids love praise for their culinary creations too--gotta appreciate their little efforts!
Yup, getting toddlers to eat healthy is a challenge many parents face!

Meal prep is a great way to introduce healthy eating and get the little ones involved in the kitchen. Quick, fun recipes like making your own fruit ice lollies or healthy smoothies can be a tasty treat for kids and a nutritious snack to boot.

You could also get creative with everyday eats. Cutting sandwiches into shapes with cookie cutters or presenting meals in cute bento boxes makes eating fun and exciting. Toddlers love eye-catching colors, so packing in those veggies into a meal and making it visually appealing can work wonders!

Some days it's also nice to have handy, go-to snacks prepared - like those fruit and veggie pouches or no-bake oatmeal energy balls made with rolled oats, nuts and dried fruits. These are great alternatives to keep in the fridge for when you're too tired to cook but still want to offer healthy foods.

For fussy eaters, it's often about getting creative and keeping things fun!


Yup, getting toddlers to eat healthy is a challenge many parents face!

Meal prep is a great way to introduce healthy eating and get the little ones involved in the kitchen. Quick, fun recipes like making your own fruit ice lollies or healthy smoothies can be a tasty treat for kids and a nutritious snack to boot.

You could also get creative with everyday eats. Cutting sandwiches into shapes with cookie cutters or presenting meals in cute bento boxes makes eating fun and exciting. Toddlers love eye-catching colors, so packing in those veggies into a meal and making it visually appealing can work wonders!

Some days it's also nice to have handy, go-to snacks prepared - like those fruit and veggie pouches or no-bake oatmeal energy balls made with rolled oats, nuts and dried fruits. These are great alternatives to keep in the fridge for when you're too tired to cook but still want to offer healthy foods.

For fussy eaters, it's often about getting creative and keeping things fun!

Veggie pouches--a sneakily genius way to get those veggies down the hatch! It's like a palatable surprise for those finicky eaters.
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I think getting them involved from a young age is so helpful! It's adorable how they feel so pro cooking with their tiny aprons and safe knives haha. And yes, those squeeze pouches are a lifesaver when we're out and about - easy to store too!
Not all kids will take kindly to having veggies sneaked into their food, so why not let them enjoy the process of cooking? Blending veggies with some yoghurt or making cute shapes out of their meals might do the trick too. And it's a good thing there are no shortages of ways to make feeding time fun - themed meals, bento boxes and cute cookie cutters for the win!
Porridge with shredded meat and some fruit on the side seems to be a quick, tasty, and nutritious meal for little ones.

Finger foods like steamed veggie sticks or fruits are great too, and you can make it more fun by cutting them into cute shapes with cookie cutters.

Fussy eaters ah? Might I suggest having a rotation menu of various shaped cutters then! Also, involving them in preparing the meals helps too, as well as letting them choose the shapes they wanna eat their food in - empowers them a little and makes it more fun!

It's quite encouraging to hear mums like you being so thoughtful about this. Keep trying different foods and methods, and all the best!
Porridge with shredded meat and some fruit on the side seems to be a quick, tasty, and nutritious meal for little ones.

Finger foods like steamed veggie sticks or fruits are great too, and you can make it more fun by cutting them into cute shapes with cookie cutters.

Fussy eaters ah? Might I suggest having a rotation menu of various shaped cutters then! Also, involving them in preparing the meals helps too, as well as letting them choose the shapes they wanna eat their food in - empowers them a little and makes it more fun!

It's quite encouraging to hear mums like you being so thoughtful about this. Keep trying different foods and methods, and all the best!
Yes, agree! Having a rotation of different-shaped cookie cutters is a fun way to encourage fussy eaters to clean their plates. And getting the kids involved in preparing food is always a win-win because it makes meal times fun and also teaches them a valuable skill!

Not forgetting, exposure to a variety of tastes and textures is important too. So keep offering different foods and recipes - some will definitely win over the picky palates!
Porridge's definitely a convenient go-to, filling and nutritious too! Agreed that finger foods are a good option, especially with various shaped cutters to keep things interesting.

Fussy eaters really test our creativity, ah? But agreed, letting them join in the preparation works sometimes - and giving choices too! We parents just gotta keep trying different tactics till we strike gold.

Shape cutters seem like they'd work well to entice little ones to eat up their veggies! And yup, porridge's a good base to sneak some shredded veggies in too haha.
Porridge's definitely a convenient go-to, filling and nutritious too! Agreed that finger foods are a good option, especially with various shaped cutters to keep things interesting.

Fussy eaters really test our creativity, ah? But agreed, letting them join in the preparation works sometimes - and giving choices too! We parents just gotta keep trying different tactics till we strike gold.

Shape cutters seem like they'd work well to entice little ones to eat up their veggies! And yup, porridge's a good base to sneak some shredded veggies in too haha.
True that! Mealtimes can definitely be fun and colorful with simple, creative twists. Having the little ones help out is a great way to get them excited about what they're eating too.

Those no-bake energy balls sound like a fantastic idea for a healthy, tasty treat! And yup, pouches are a lifesaver for busy days. Anything to make eating veggies fun works, really!
True that! Mealtimes can definitely be fun and colorful with simple, creative twists. Having the little ones help out is a great way to get them excited about what they're eating too.

Those no-bake energy balls sound like a fantastic idea for a healthy, tasty treat! And yup, pouches are a lifesaver for busy days. Anything to make eating veggies fun works, really!
Haha you've got some great ideas there! Yes, getting our little ones involved definitely helps - and it's quite heartwarming too, watching them enjoy the process of preparing their own meals, albeit messily!

No-bake energy balls are a fun, healthy snack I'd add some shredded carrots or beetroots for an added nutritional punch - and to make it extra colorful too!
Yums! That avocado popsicle sounds so good! And healthy too!

My toddler loves playing with her food, so I often make little animal shapes out of her fruits and veggies. She also helps me mix ingredients in a bowl with her tiny hands - it's quite the mess but she has fun! I use her favorite cartoon character bowls and spoons to make meal times more exciting too haha. Sometimes I hide grated carrots and spinach in her pancakes, or blend some beetroot into her smoothies to up her veggie intake. She doesn't seem to notice, so it's a win in my books!
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Yums! That avocado popsicle sounds so good! And healthy too!

My toddler loves playing with her food, so I often make little animal shapes out of her fruits and veggies. She also helps me mix ingredients in a bowl with her tiny hands - it's quite the mess but she has fun! I use her favorite cartoon character bowls and spoons to make meal times more exciting too haha. Sometimes I hide grated carrots and spinach in her pancakes, or blend some beetroot into her smoothies to up her veggie intake. She doesn't seem to notice, so it's a win in my books!
Porridge is a lifesaver, and there's so much we can do with it! Hey, why not shape the porridge itself too? We could go beyond the usual bowl and serve it in silicon moulds of different shapes and themes - dinosaurs, robots, princesses maybe... anything to catch their attention!

And I think it's brilliant to involve our little ones in preparing the food too. Giving them tasks like mixing or shaping the food could make them feel more connected and invested in the meal, encouraging them to eat up. We can also get creative with presentation; compartmentalised plates always seem to work well with kids.

Fruits and veggies are a hit at our place too, especially when cut into fun shapes or made into kebabs! I sneak in extra goodness by spicing up plain yogurt with mashed bananas, avocado, or even hidden spinach. My little one doesn't suspect a thing!
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Porridge is a lifesaver, and there's so much we can do with it! Hey, why not shape the porridge itself too? We could go beyond the usual bowl and serve it in silicon moulds of different shapes and themes - dinosaurs, robots, princesses maybe... anything to catch their attention!

And I think it's brilliant to involve our little ones in preparing the food too. Giving them tasks like mixing or shaping the food could make them feel more connected and invested in the meal, encouraging them to eat up. We can also get creative with presentation; compartmentalised plates always seem to work well with kids.

Fruits and veggies are a hit at our place too, especially when cut into fun shapes or made into kebabs! I sneak in extra goodness by spicing up plain yogurt with mashed bananas, avocado, or even hidden spinach. My little one doesn't suspect a thing!
Yes!!! Shaping porridge is a fab idea!! It's amazing how something so simple can keep them entertained 😆 My toddler would love the dinosaurs and princesses shapes haha!!
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Ah, yeah, starting solids is an adventure! My tot loves her food, but I know lots of other mums have to deal with fussier eaters.

One thing I do is hide veggies in her favourite foods. Cooked carrots and sweet potatoes blend well into her favourite chicken porridge, and she's none the wiser! Steamed and puréed broccoli florets, spinach and even bean sprouts are also sneaky additions that pack a nutritious punch.

For a quick, tasty meal, I sometimes make mini pancakes with hidden veggies too. Grated carrots, zucchini and a squeeze of sweet potato purée work well. They're cute and fun to eat, and you can cut them into different shapes with cookie cutters.

Another tip is involving the little one in simple food prep like washing veggies or fruits under the tap, or mixing ingredients in a bowl. My tot loves 'helping' me and it keeps her interested in the whole cooking process. Then, she's more likely to try what we've made together.

Guess it's all about finding what works for your little one!
Agree that introducing different textures and tastes is key! Getting creative with cute cookie cutters is one thing I do. Cut their sandwiches into shapes or use them for fruits and vegetables. It works like a charm, especially for my girl who's pretty particular about her food.

Also a huge fan of involving the little ones in the cooking process - their excitement level goes up several notches when they get to handle the safe, mini versions of adult cooking tools. I let them mix ingredients or shape and decorate cookies. It's a nice way to keep them engaged and appreciate the effort that goes into preparing meals.

And yeah, the pouches with fruit and veggie purees are a lifesaver when we're out and about!

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