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Solo Parenting

I'm Evelyn, a solo parent living in Singapore. My situation is probably quite common here - my husband passed away four years ago, and I've been raising my son alone ever since.

It's certainly a juggle, especially as I also work full-time, but you adapt and figure out a new normal. At first, the days were a blur of grief, exhaustion and an intense worry that I wouldn't be able to provide for my little one emotionally and physically. But gradually, we found our groove. Honestly, it's been a joy to watch my son grow into such a fun, curious, little human. He's six now, and while I know he misses having a dad, we've created a cozy little life together.

I'm lucky that I have supportive parents who help out when they can, and of course, there are challenges - like when illnesses strike or emergency repair bills crop up. But you learn to budget time and money differently, and somehow, it all works out.

It's great to connect with other solo parents and hear your stories too. Parenting solo definitely comes with its own unique challenges, but the wins are so worthwhile.
Your story sounds quite common in Singapore--a hardworking parent doing their best after the loss of a spouse. It's fortunate that you have help from your own parents, as most people here would usually seek assistance from their extended families too. Budgeting and finding that balance you mentioned are part and parcel of the struggles that solo parents face.
I married young, thinking it was the right thing to do, but soon realized it was a mistake. After a nasty divorce, I was granted full custody of my son since his father hardly fought for him. Being a single mom wasn't my plan, but rather than dwell on the hardship, I embraced it and focused on giving my son the best life possible. It hasn't been easy, but watching him grow up strong and kind makes all the sacrifice worth it.
I'm happy to hear that you and your son are doing well. focusing on the positives and embracing the challenges lead to better outcomes - easier said than done, but kudos to you for making it work!
I married young, thinking it was the right thing to do, but soon realized it was a mistake. After a nasty divorce, I was granted full custody of my son since his father hardly fought for him. Being a single mom wasn't my plan, but rather than dwell on the hardship, I embraced it and focused on giving my son the best life possible. It hasn't been easy, but watching him grow up strong and kind makes all the sacrifice worth it.
Solo parenting often comes about due to unforeseen circumstances, and it's encouraging to see how many of us have risen to the challenge. It's a testament to our strength and adaptability as parents.

Despite the unique paths we've each taken to get here, there's a common thread of resilience and unwavering love for our children. It's heartwarming to know that despite the difficulties, our experiences can unite us and offer support to one another.

What specific challenges have you faced as solo parents, and how do you think society could better support us? For me, it'd be helpful to have more accessible and affordable childcare options and also greater understanding from employers for our unique circumstances.
I married young, thinking it was the right thing to do, but soon realized it was a mistake. After a nasty divorce, I was granted full custody of my son since his father hardly fought for him. Being a single mom wasn't my plan, but rather than dwell on the hardship, I embraced it and focused on giving my son the best life possible. It hasn't been easy, but watching him grow up strong and kind makes all the sacrifice worth it.
Life can sure throw us some curve balls! I'm glad you were able to find the silver lining and focus on the positives despite the difficult situation. Your prioritization of your son's wellbeing speaks volumes about your character.

As a doctor, I also see first-hand how challenging parenting can be, especially when there's only one parent in the equation. The emotional and physical demands are exhausting, but as you all mentioned, the rewards can be so fulfilling.
I married young, thinking it was the right thing to do, but soon realized it was a mistake. After a nasty divorce, I was granted full custody of my son since his father hardly fought for him. Being a single mom wasn't my plan, but rather than dwell on the hardship, I embraced it and focused on giving my son the best life possible. It hasn't been easy, but watching him grow up strong and kind makes all the sacrifice worth it.
As a parent, you just do what needs to be done. Society may have expected me to marry young, but I'm glad I didn't rush into another relationship. I took my time to heal and focus on raising my son with values of kindness and resilience. Seeing him become a thoughtful and helpful young man makes me proud, even amidst the challenges of solo parenting.
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I married young, thinking it was the right thing to do, but soon realized it was a mistake. After a nasty divorce, I was granted full custody of my son since his father hardly fought for him. Being a single mom wasn't my plan, but rather than dwell on the hardship, I embraced it and focused on giving my son the best life possible. It hasn't been easy, but watching him grow up strong and kind makes all the sacrifice worth it.
Parenting alone definitely teaches us a new level of resilience we never knew we had! It's impressive how we adapt to the changes solo parenting brings, and you've certainly proven that. The hardships shape us and our kids in many ways, preparing us for life's uncertainties. Thanks for sharing your experience, Evelyn!
Same here! After a painful separation, I realized being a solo parent was the best option for myself and my little one. It definitely has its ups and downs, but watching my child grow and thrive makes all the late nights and endless days worthwhile. I feel proud that I can provide a loving home even as a single mom.
It's quite reassuring to know that there are others in similar situations and that we're not alone. The experiences of other solo parents really drive home the message that regardless of our different circumstances, there is common ground - the unwavering love for our children and wanting the best for them. Does anyone else have tips for managing work life and parent life? It'd be helpful to hear how others create a balance or manage their time effectively!
Same here! After a painful separation, I realized being a solo parent was the best option for myself and my little one. It definitely has its ups and downs, but watching my child grow and thrive makes all the late nights and endless days worthwhile. I feel proud that I can provide a loving home even as a single mom.
Wow, there are quite a number of us who've taken on the solo parenting journey after a marriage or relationship didn't work out! It's reassuring to know we're not alone in this situation and doing our best for our little ones.

Despite the challenges, seeing our children grow up healthy, happy, and resilient makes every effort worth our while. It's amazing how much joy and love they bring into our lives despite the difficulties they may have faced.

What other challenges or unexpected triumphs have you experienced as solo parents? For me, it was definitely learning to be handy around the house - had no choice but to pick up some basic repairs!
Same here! After a painful separation, I realized being a solo parent was the best option for myself and my little one. It definitely has its ups and downs, but watching my child grow and thrive makes all the late nights and endless days worthwhile. I feel proud that I can provide a loving home even as a single mom.
The feeling is mutual! Despite the struggles, knowing your child is happy and healthy is a huge achievement as a solo parent. It's a testament to our strength and resilience.
Same here! After a painful separation, I realized being a solo parent was the best option for myself and my little one. It definitely has its ups and downs, but watching my child grow and thrive makes all the late nights and endless days worthwhile. I feel proud that I can provide a loving home even as a single mom.
It's a testament to our strength and resilience as women. Society often Underestimates the capabilities of moms, especially solo parents. We wear so many hats and juggle numerous roles, but we somehow get it done! It's wonderful to witness our children's personalities develop and know that we're doing our best for them.

You sound like a strong and amazing woman who's doing an incredible job raising her little one - solo parenting is definitely no easy feat! Keep up the amazing work and keep embracing all those proud mama moments :) They certainly make it all worth it!

That's what we're here for - to share the victories and difficulties and know that we're not alone in this. Here's to all the badass solo parents out there! We got this!!
My ex-husband's idea of being a dad meant showing up only when it's convenient for him - and that was hardly ever. So, I knew it'd be a much better experience raising our son alone. It has its difficulties, especially financially, but I sure as hell don't miss his deadbeat ass.
Financial challenges are definitely one of the harder parts of solo parenting, especially when you've got bills and mouths to feed. Having an inconsistent parent can be hard on a child, so good on you for creating a more stable home!
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My ex-husband's idea of being a dad meant showing up only when it's convenient for him - and that was hardly ever. So, I knew it'd be a much better experience raising our son alone. It has its difficulties, especially financially, but I sure as hell don't miss his deadbeat ass.
Financial challenges are certainly an aspect that most solo parents face. It's a tough juggling act managing work and providing adequately for your child's needs. But it seems like you've got a good grip on things and are making the best out of the situation.
My ex-husband's idea of being a dad meant showing up only when it's convenient for him - and that was hardly ever. So, I knew it'd be a much better experience raising our son alone. It has its difficulties, especially financially, but I sure as hell don't miss his deadbeat ass.
You certainly don't need that kind of negativity in your life! It's understandable how focusing on work and providing a stable home for your child became a lot easier without him.
My ex-husband's idea of being a dad meant showing up only when it's convenient for him - and that was hardly ever. So, I knew it'd be a much better experience raising our son alone. It has its difficulties, especially financially, but I sure as hell don't miss his deadbeat ass.
I think many solo parents can relate to the challenges of absentee partners. It's tough, but sounds like you made the right choice for yourself and your child. It's so important that our little ones have reliable role models, and if one parent isn't up to the task, it's oftentimes better off without them!
I got divorced after 3 years of marriage due to irreconcilable differences. It was a nasty separation filled with lots of arguments, and being a solo parent was never part of my plan A. But here I am, 2 years later, loving every difficult moment because the payoffs are immense - watching your little one grow up knowing you've got this! Strengthens your bond like nothing else.
It's wonderful to hear that you've found strength and purpose in your solo parenting journey. despite the challenges, the payoff of watching our children grow and thrive can make it all worth it. It strengthens our resolve and reminds us of our inner resilience.

What specific experiences or strategies have helped you navigate the difficulties? For me, it was finding a supportive community of other parents and focusing on one day at a time. Also, learning to ask for help and accepting it when offered has been key.
I got divorced after 3 years of marriage due to irreconcilable differences. It was a nasty separation filled with lots of arguments, and being a solo parent was never part of my plan A. But here I am, 2 years later, loving every difficult moment because the payoffs are immense - watching your little one grow up knowing you've got this! Strengthens your bond like nothing else.
Divorce can certainly be a challenging and painful process, especially when it's filled with conflict. It's admirable how you've risen above the difficulty and found joy in solo parenting. The payoff makes all the struggle worthwhile when you see your little one thrive and develop. Well done!

Does anyone else have a different reason for becoming a solo parent?
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I got divorced after 3 years of marriage due to irreconcilable differences. It was a nasty separation filled with lots of arguments, and being a solo parent was never part of my plan A. But here I am, 2 years later, loving every difficult moment because the payoffs are immense - watching your little one grow up knowing you've got this! Strengthens your bond like nothing else.
I hear ya! After a miserable marriage, the only silver lining in leaving was that my kids and I could finally have some peace. The first few months were hell though; adjusting to being a solo parent, working, and keeping everyone afloat took everything I had. But, like you say, the sense of achievement is immense once you've settled into the routine and created a loving, stable environment for your kids - even if it's just the two of you.
I'm a recently divorced mum after a 20-year marriage. My ex took off with a younger model so didn't have a choice but to go solo. Raising a teenage son who's got his own set of issues wasn't easy, especially since he's at that age where he's got a mind of his own and questions my authority daily, but seeing him grow into a respectful young man is what keeps me going.
Sorry to hear about your marriage, but it's great that you're focusing on the positive - enjoying the moments, no matter how challenging they are because, as you said, the payoffs of solo parenting can be so rewarding! It's like we get to embrace all the fun parts of being a parent even more intensely now.
I'm a recently divorced mum after a 20-year marriage. My ex took off with a younger model so didn't have a choice but to go solo. Raising a teenage son who's got his own set of issues wasn't easy, especially since he's at that age where he's got a mind of his own and questions my authority daily, but seeing him grow into a respectful young man is what keeps me going.
That sounds really challenging, especially with a rebellious teenager! I can imagine the difficulties of doing this alone would magnify those challenges but also agree the payoff is in seeing your child grow up with values and character. It's encouraging to hear you're navigating this difficult phase successfully despite the circumstances.
My story's a bit unique, like you said, different strokes for different folks. I never imagined myself being a solo parent, but here I am, embracing the ride of my life!

I was in a committed relationship and never really planned on having kids; my partner felt differently. After much contemplation, I agreed, thinking it'd be nice to have another little person to share experiences with. But things didn't go quite as expected - the dad dipped out when he found out the news, citing immaturity and not being ready for fatherhood. So here I am, unexpectedly embracing solo parenting from the get-go, but determined to give my child all the love they'll need!

It's challenging, tiring, and at times, overwhelming, but also incredibly fulfilling. Watching your kid grow, learning new things daily, and knowing you're doing this all by yourself (with some help from family and friends) is a feeling like no other.

What about you guys? How did you end up on this path?
I never wanted my children - the products of my teenage kicks - to feel neglected or miss out on any life opportunities, so I made sure that they received the best education money could buy, hired help and ensured that they had an enriched and fulfilling childhood despite growing up without their father. I am lucky to have had the support of understanding parents who took care of the kids when I was at work or busy with appointments. As tedious as it sounds, being wealthy has made my experience as a solo parent much easier than most.

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