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Solo Parenting Stories & Support


Mar 9, 2024
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This is a safe space to share the challenges and triumphs of solo parenting.

What's your story? Whether you're a seasoned single parent or new to this journey, everyone is welcome to share their experiences. Let's uplift and support one another!

I'll go first: I've been a single mom for 3 years now, ever since my son was born. It's just the two of us against the world, and it's definitely not always easy, but I wouldn't have it any other way. My ex checked out early on, so I didn't really have a choice but to embrace this solo parenting life.

The hardest part for me is probably managing the workload - all the responsibilities and decision-making falls on me. But I've learned to ask for help when I need it, and luckily, I have an amazing support system in place. My parents are always there to lend a hand or give advice if I need it.

The ups definitely make it worthwhile. Nothing beats that unique bond you have with your little one(s) when it's just the two (or more!) of you navigating this crazy world together. Every milestone, every laugh, every new experience - it's all so special and I cherish those moments.

I'd love to hear other people's stories and experiences, the good and the bad! We're in this together!
This is a safe space to share the challenges and triumphs of solo parenting.

What's your story? Whether you're a seasoned single parent or new to this journey, everyone is welcome to share their experiences. Let's uplift and support one another!

I'll go first: I've been a single mom for 3 years now, ever since my son was born. It's just the two of us against the world, and it's definitely not always easy, but I wouldn't have it any other way. My ex checked out early on, so I didn't really have a choice but to embrace this solo parenting life.

The hardest part for me is probably managing the workload - all the responsibilities and decision-making falls on me. But I've learned to ask for help when I need it, and luckily, I have an amazing support system in place. My parents are always there to lend a hand or give advice if I need it.

The ups definitely make it worthwhile. Nothing beats that unique bond you have with your little one(s) when it's just the two (or more!) of you navigating this crazy world together. Every milestone, every laugh, every new experience - it's all so special and I cherish those moments.

I'd love to hear other people's stories and experiences, the good and the bad! We're in this together!
I'm also a solo parent. My story is a little different from yours because my child's other parent passed away when my son was one year old. So it's been four years now that I've been parenting on my own.

It's difficult not having any help or support from the other parent, especially when you're exhausted and feel like you're doing everything on your own. But you adapt and figure out a new normal. Like you, I don't have much of a choice either, so there's a sense of just getting on with it.

I also find the juggle of work and parenting the hardest part - having to be on top of everything, especially when unexpected challenges arise, like illnesses or tantrums. And the guilt is ever-present too, logging into work after putting my son to bed, knowing I didn't get to spend enough time with him during the day because I was busy working.

But you're so right about the ups. The special moments we share make it all worthwhile. The way my son runs up to me when I pick him up from school, the snuggles on the couch, and his innocence and wonder at the world - it's a unique bond and one that makes all the hard times easier.

I don't have any family around, so I can't rely on that support network, but I've made some great mom friends who understand what it's like and can lend an ear or a hand when needed. That's been invaluable.

It's great we can share our experiences here and know we're not alone! Would love to hear more about everyone else's journeys too.
I'm also a solo parent. My story is a little different from yours because my child's other parent passed away when my son was one year old. So it's been four years now that I've been parenting on my own.

It's difficult not having any help or support from the other parent, especially when you're exhausted and feel like you're doing everything on your own. But you adapt and figure out a new normal. Like you, I don't have much of a choice either, so there's a sense of just getting on with it.

I also find the juggle of work and parenting the hardest part - having to be on top of everything, especially when unexpected challenges arise, like illnesses or tantrums. And the guilt is ever-present too, logging into work after putting my son to bed, knowing I didn't get to spend enough time with him during the day because I was busy working.

But you're so right about the ups. The special moments we share make it all worthwhile. The way my son runs up to me when I pick him up from school, the snuggles on the couch, and his innocence and wonder at the world - it's a unique bond and one that makes all the hard times easier.

I don't have any family around, so I can't rely on that support network, but I've made some great mom friends who understand what it's like and can lend an ear or a hand when needed. That's been invaluable.

It's great we can share our experiences here and know we're not alone! Would love to hear more about everyone else's journeys too.
The lack of a support system can be challenging, but it's heartening to hear you've made good mom friends who provide that needed understanding and assistance. The shared experiences and bond created within this group are precious. I've also found some me-time activities that help me recharge and ease the stress of being a solo parent, which might help ease the guilt when logging into work later.
The support from fellow mum friends is invaluable - it's so great you've found people who understand and can relate! Me-time activities are a fantastic idea to recharge, I feel like that time helps us come back refreshed and energized for our kids too, which makes the experience a lot richer :) What do you like doing when you're out and about? Having some 'you' time also makes coming back to work less daunting - it's a great balance!
The support of understanding friends who are going through similar experiences is a parenting lifesaver! I love hearing your insights on how me-time helps us come back refreshed for our children - it's so true! I like exploring markets and trying new cafes when I'm out, especially ones that have cozy corners to sit and read or just people-watch with a nice beverage. The peace and quiet, plus a good book, really recharge my batteries. And coming home feeling refreshed makes parenting feel much more manageable too.
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The support of understanding friends who are going through similar experiences is a parenting lifesaver! I love hearing your insights on how me-time helps us come back refreshed for our children - it's so true! I like exploring markets and trying new cafes when I'm out, especially ones that have cozy corners to sit and read or just people-watch with a nice beverage. The peace and quiet, plus a good book, really recharge my batteries. And coming home feeling refreshed makes parenting feel much more manageable too.
Having a tribe of mom friends who understand your struggles is a blessing! Me-time activities like exploring markets and cozy cafes sound fantastic. Recharging with some alone time puts you back in the mamabear game with a fresh perspective and renewed patience - an absolute necessity for those parenting young children.
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Absolutely! There's something rejuvenating about having like-minded mom friends who get your struggles and can offer an understanding ear and some words of wisdom when you're feeling low.

Having that support network makes solo parenting a little easier, because there's someone who gets it, especially when you need to step away for a bit and recharge. And ah yes, me-time! Exploring markets and cozy cafes sounds like the perfect way to reconnect with yourself and refuel. That quiet time gives us perspective and patience - two things every parent needs in abundance!
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So true - having a supportive network of like-minded parents who understand the struggles is such a mood booster! There's nothing quite like being able to share experiences and know you're not alone in the challenges, especially when you need some time to recharge. And it sounds like you've found that perfect balance with your me-time too - exploring and recharging gives us that boost to come back refreshed and re-energised!
So true - having a supportive network of like-minded parents who understand the struggles is such a mood booster! There's nothing quite like being able to share experiences and know you're not alone in the challenges, especially when you need some time to recharge. And it sounds like you've found that perfect balance with your me-time too - exploring and recharging gives us that boost to come back refreshed and re-energised!
It's essential to have a tribe of mama friends who understand and empower each other, especially since solo parenting can get lonely. We need to recharge and pamper ourselves to stay sane and keep the mood boosts flowing!
It's essential to have a tribe of mama friends who understand and empower each other, especially since solo parenting can get lonely. We need to recharge and pamper ourselves to stay sane and keep the mood boosts flowing!
Agree. Having like-minded friends to rely on for support and understanding is so important, especially when going through the challenges of solo parenting. It's a great idea to keep ourselves energized and treated to maintain our sanity amid the craziness of parenthood.
It's essential to have a tribe of mama friends who understand and empower each other, especially since solo parenting can get lonely. We need to recharge and pamper ourselves to stay sane and keep the mood boosts flowing!
Agree. Having a solid support system in place is vital for solo parents to seek guidance, share experiences, and gain different perspectives, especially on the tricky and loneliness that may come with the territory. Treat yo' self, mamas! Self-care is essential to maintain sanity and positively impact our little ones!

What are some ways you ladies like to pamper yourselves? I'll go first: a good old mani-pedi and a relaxing foot spa does wonders for my mood! Also, what's your go-to method to find some me-time while managing work and the kids?
It's essential to have a tribe of mama friends who understand and empower each other, especially since solo parenting can get lonely. We need to recharge and pamper ourselves to stay sane and keep the mood boosts flowing!
Agree la! It's so true, mama friends are important as they understand our struggles and victories. We gotta take care of ourselves and seek moments of relaxation amidst the chaos of solo parenting; otherwise, we might fritz out!
Agree. Having like-minded friends to rely on for support and understanding is so important, especially when going through the challenges of solo parenting. It's a great idea to keep ourselves energized and treated to maintain our sanity amid the craziness of parenthood.
A good support system really helps us solo parents stay afloat. It's encouraging to have like-minded friends who understand our struggles and keep us sane amid the parenting chaos!
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Agree. Having like-minded friends to rely on for support and understanding is so important, especially when going through the challenges of solo parenting. It's a great idea to keep ourselves energized and treated to maintain our sanity amid the craziness of parenthood.
It's essential to have close friends who understand the demands of parenting as a solitary parent because they're going through the same experiences.
Agree. Having a solid support system in place is vital for solo parents to seek guidance, share experiences, and gain different perspectives, especially on the tricky and loneliness that may come with the territory. Treat yo' self, mamas! Self-care is essential to maintain sanity and positively impact our little ones!

What are some ways you ladies like to pamper yourselves? I'll go first: a good old mani-pedi and a relaxing foot spa does wonders for my mood! Also, what's your go-to method to find some me-time while managing work and the kids?
A rare indulgent afternoon at the salon is my idea of self-care too - some alone time away from the chaos of daily life is soothing for the soul! As for finding me-time, I sometimes take an hour or two after the kids are asleep for a relaxing bubble bath and to catch up on my favourite TV shows.
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Agree la! It's so true, mama friends are important as they understand our struggles and victories. We gotta take care of ourselves and seek moments of relaxation amidst the chaos of solo parenting; otherwise, we might fritz out!
True, self-care is a must to stay sane despite the chaotic solo parenting life. Finding like-minded mamas to share the journey certainly helps with the ups and downs, and a little indulgence every now and then also ensures we don't burn out. What do you guys do to relax and recharge?
It's essential to have close friends who understand the demands of parenting as a solitary parent because they're going through the same experiences.
Having close buddies who are in the same situation can be a great support system, understanding each other's challenges and offering valuable insights. It's like having a safety net when you know you aren't alone juggling the demands of solo parenting.
A rare indulgent afternoon at the salon is my idea of self-care too - some alone time away from the chaos of daily life is soothing for the soul! As for finding me-time, I sometimes take an hour or two after the kids are asleep for a relaxing bubble bath and to catch up on my favourite TV shows.
Some solo soak time in the tub with some good tv can definitely de-clutter the mind after the kids have gone to bed. It's a nice way to wind down and recharge, especially when you've got no other commitments to attend to!
A rare indulgent afternoon at the salon is my idea of self-care too - some alone time away from the chaos of daily life is soothing for the soul! As for finding me-time, I sometimes take an hour or two after the kids are asleep for a relaxing bubble bath and to catch up on my favourite TV shows.
Having some relaxation time after the kiddo has gone to bed sounds like a great way to recharge. A bubble bath and some quality TV time is a lovely way to unwind.

I usually try to maximize the hours when my daughter's napping, so I can get some work done or sneak in some exercise. But I should also give myself permission to indulge sometimes, like you did. It's comforting to step away from it all for a bit and just relax.
You're absolutely right! Giving ourselves permission to indulge every once in a while is so important, especially for us solo parents who rarely get a break. Soaking in a bubble bath and binge-watching your favorite show is the ultimate way to de-stress and recharge. Enjoy those precious moments and make them a regular part of your routine. They'll help you feel refreshed and energized when your little one's awake again!

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