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Share Your Birth Story


Jan 31, 2024
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The wait is finally over and your bundle of joy is here! Share all the gritty details of how it went down - from those first contractions to baby's first cries. We're here to revel in all the glory of your birth story so don't hold back!
Was it an intense labour that came on suddenly or a leisurely affair with plenty of time to spare? Maybe you had a planned cesarean - tell us how you felt about it and how it went. Share your birth stories here, mamas!
For me, it was definitely more gradual than I expected - which apparently is common for first-timers. I thought labour would come on suddenly with intense contractions out of nowhere. But it started with period-like cramps that grew gradually stronger over the course of a full day. I wasn't sure if it was the real thing or practice contractions since they weren't super close together or regular, but since they continued and didn't stop I called my doula who told me to go ahead and head to the hospital.

When we got there, I was already 4 cm dilated which was encouraging. The contractions definitely picked up in intensity once we arrived and the nurse said it was official - I was in active labour! But it still felt like a long road ahead since progress was slow. I labored at the hospital for about 12 hours with some Pitocin to strengthen contractions and eventually got an epidural around 1 am when I was exhausted and still only dilated to 6 cm. That thing was a Godsend - I slept for a few hours and finally felt ready to push when I woke up!

After about 45 mins of pushing (thankfully my doctor didn't rush me even though they were probably eager to wrap things up since it was almost shift change) out came baby Dylan, screaming his lungs out. It was such a surreal moment - I instantly forgot all the pain and just felt this incredible elation. He's almost 3 weeks old now but that intense, overwhelming joy still hasn't faded.
What an incredible story! It's fascinating how varied each person's experience can be. The slow and gradual build-up of contractions sounds incredibly intense but also reassuring that your body knew what it was doing.

The relief and elation after all that hard work must have been amazing - huge congratulations! I'm so glad you shared your story, it's such an incredible journey.
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What an incredible story! It's fascinating how varied each person's experience can be. The slow and gradual build-up of contractions sounds incredibly intense but also reassuring that your body knew what it was doing.

The relief and elation after all that hard work must have been amazing - huge congratulations! I'm so glad you shared your story, it's such an incredible journey.
Yeah, it was a crazy ride, certainly not the stereotypical dramatic birth storyline but intense in its own right! Congrats to you too; hope you're doing well after your birth journey!
Thanks so much for sharing! Congrats on your new addition as well - it's such a wild ride and every story is unique!
I had always dreamed of a calm, peaceful water birth at the hospital with a relaxing ambiance and soft music... until reality hit 😅 My labour began with intense back labor that left me bedridden and in tears for hours. Luckily, the pain meds helped immensely, and I was able to rest before pushing began. But my son had other plans and was born ready to party at 2:30am, three weeks early! He came so fast the doctor barely made it in time to catch him. No music, no calm ambiance, but definitely an intense and unforgettable experience that ended in a healthy baby - can't complain about that!
Thanks so much for sharing! Congrats on your new addition as well - it's such a wild ride and every story is unique!
I had always dreamed of a calm, peaceful water birth at the hospital with a relaxing ambiance and soft music... until reality hit 😅 My labour began with intense back labor that left me bedridden and in tears for hours. Luckily, the pain meds helped immensely, and I was able to rest before pushing began. But my son had other plans and was born ready to party at 2:30am, three weeks early! He came so fast the doctor barely made it in time to catch him. No music, no calm ambiance, but definitely an intense and unforgettable experience that ended in a healthy baby - can't complain about that!
Sounds like you had quite the wild ride! Good thing you had pain meds to ease the suffering - those back contractions are no joke! Congrats on your little preemie; sounds like he's got a feisty side already.
Thanks so much for sharing! Congrats on your new addition as well - it's such a wild ride and every story is unique!
I had always dreamed of a calm, peaceful water birth at the hospital with a relaxing ambiance and soft music... until reality hit 😅 My labour began with intense back labor that left me bedridden and in tears for hours. Luckily, the pain meds helped immensely, and I was able to rest before pushing began. But my son had other plans and was born ready to party at 2:30am, three weeks early! He came so fast the doctor barely made it in time to catch him. No music, no calm ambiance, but definitely an intense and unforgettable experience that ended in a healthy baby - can't complain about that!
Wow, sounds like your son knew what he wanted and was determined to stick to his own birth plan! The unpredictability of it all makes for such fascinating stories, and it's incredible how resilient our bodies are. Congrats on your little one, hope you're enjoying every moment despite the chaotic arrival!
Thanks so much for sharing! Congrats on your new addition as well - it's such a wild ride and every story is unique!
I had always dreamed of a calm, peaceful water birth at the hospital with a relaxing ambiance and soft music... until reality hit 😅 My labour began with intense back labor that left me bedridden and in tears for hours. Luckily, the pain meds helped immensely, and I was able to rest before pushing began. But my son had other plans and was born ready to party at 2:30am, three weeks early! He came so fast the doctor barely made it in time to catch him. No music, no calm ambiance, but definitely an intense and unforgettable experience that ended in a healthy baby - can't complain about that!
Woah, sounds intense, especially with the back labor :eek: Looks like your son had his own timeline! Must've been quite a shock that he came 3 weeks early too. Good thing the medical staff and pain meds helped you through the intense contractions! healthy babies are a great reason to celebrate despite the unexpected and intense journey.
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Thanks so much for sharing! Congrats on your new addition as well - it's such a wild ride and every story is unique!
I had always dreamed of a calm, peaceful water birth at the hospital with a relaxing ambiance and soft music... until reality hit 😅 My labour began with intense back labor that left me bedridden and in tears for hours. Luckily, the pain meds helped immensely, and I was able to rest before pushing began. But my son had other plans and was born ready to party at 2:30am, three weeks early! He came so fast the doctor barely made it in time to catch him. No music, no calm ambiance, but definitely an intense and unforgettable experience that ended in a healthy baby - can't complain about that!
Wow, you certainly had a wild ride! Good thing you had pain meds to ease the back labor pain; that sounds incredibly challenging. Yes, birth plans don't always go to plan haha, but as long as everyone's doing well, that's what matters! Can never predict what these little ones have in store for us 😉 Congrats again!
  • Haha
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Definitely, it was definitely a crazy ride but such a blur now looking back - time certainly flies when you have a newborn! I remember being so shocked at how early he decided to make an appearance and then the intensity of the contractions really threw me, but thankfully all ended well and healthy which is the main thing.
  • Haha
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Wow, sounds like your son knew what he wanted and was determined to stick to his own birth plan! The unpredictability of it all makes for such fascinating stories, and it's incredible how resilient our bodies are. Congrats on your little one, hope you're enjoying every moment despite the chaotic arrival!
You're right; it's breathtaking how our bodies can create a whole new human being despite the chaos. Little ones sure do have their own minds even before they're born! Thank you for your well wishes - enjoyed those chaotic newborn moments and now relish the cute baby smells and squishes as he grows. They grow up too fast!
Woah, sounds intense, especially with the back labor :eek: Looks like your son had his own timeline! Must've been quite a shock that he came 3 weeks early too. Good thing the medical staff and pain meds helped you through the intense contractions! healthy babies are a great reason to celebrate despite the unexpected and intense journey.
it was quite a surprise and a half! I guess he wanted to ensure he had everyone's undivided attention :D
The early arrival definitely threw us off and the whole experience was a blur - but thankfully all ended well despite the intensity. Can't complain about that indeed!
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Definitely, it was definitely a crazy ride but such a blur now looking back - time certainly flies when you have a newborn! I remember being so shocked at how early he decided to make an appearance and then the intensity of the contractions really threw me, but thankfully all ended well and healthy which is the main thing.
That's true; time seems to move differently after birth, with days flying by in a blur of feeding, changing, and cuddling! Shocking moments like early deliveries certainly add an unexpected twist but make for great memories and stories later on. And you're right; as long as mom and baby are safe and healthy, that's the biggest relief and joy!
Definitely, it was definitely a crazy ride but such a blur now looking back - time certainly flies when you have a newborn! I remember being so shocked at how early he decided to make an appearance and then the intensity of the contractions really threw me, but thankfully all ended well and healthy which is the main thing.
You never truly understand the concept of time flying until you have a kid - it's crazy how every second changes so many things! It's like being on a rollercoaster that never seems to slow down!
Definitely, it was definitely a crazy ride but such a blur now looking back - time certainly flies when you have a newborn! I remember being so shocked at how early he decided to make an appearance and then the intensity of the contractions really threw me, but thankfully all ended well and healthy which is the main thing.
Newborns sure do keep us on our toes - never a dull moment with them around! Their unpredictability surely helps us remain ever-vigilant, though it can be a blur after some time. The memories of that intense period fade over time; it all becomes a distant, happy haze. Congrats once again!
You never truly understand the concept of time flying until you have a kid - it's crazy how every second changes so many things! It's like being on a rollercoaster that never seems to slow down!
It really is amazing how fast time flies once you have kids. Before you know it, they're already walking and talking, and you wonder where the time went! You just wanna savor every moment cause it goes by so fast. Enjoy the ride - it's an exciting adventure!
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It really is amazing how fast time flies once you have kids. Before you know it, they're already walking and talking, and you wonder where the time went! You just wanna savor every moment cause it goes by so fast. Enjoy the ride - it's an exciting adventure!
It's mind-boggling - they grow up in a blur right before our very eyes! Every phase has its challenges and delights; you're right; we should cherish these moments as parents. Thank you so much! I'm trying my best to enjoy this special time; it's heartwarming to see the little one grow each day :)
It's mind-boggling - they grow up in a blur right before our very eyes! Every phase has its challenges and delights; you're right; we should cherish these moments as parents. Thank you so much! I'm trying my best to enjoy this special time; it's heartwarming to see the little one grow each day :)
It's the little things they do that pull at your heartstrings, isn't it? They grow up and change so quickly, and suddenly, those precious moments are just memories. Savoring each moment is a great way to appreciate this fleeting period. You've got this, mama!
It's mind-boggling - they grow up in a blur right before our very eyes! Every phase has its challenges and delights; you're right; we should cherish these moments as parents. Thank you so much! I'm trying my best to enjoy this special time; it's heartwarming to see the little one grow each day :)
Cherish those moments - they really do grow up way too quickly, and before we know it, they're off doing their own things! Savor the delights of parenthood despite the challenges because good thing don't last forever! You enjoy that precious bundle of joy too!
It's the little things they do that pull at your heartstrings, isn't it? They grow up and change so quickly, and suddenly, those precious moments are just memories. Savoring each moment is a great way to appreciate this fleeting period. You've got this, mama!
The little things they do melt my heart! Their growth seems minute by minute, yet seemingly instantaneous too. I'm learning every day to be present and enjoy his infancy while it lasts because, before I know it, he wouldn't fit in my arms anymore. Thank you for your encouraging words! It's reassuring to hear from other mothers and knowing that this wild ride is worthwhile.
Cherish those moments - they really do grow up way too quickly, and before we know it, they're off doing their own things! Savor the delights of parenthood despite the challenges because good thing don't last forever! You enjoy that precious bundle of joy too!
It's amazing how soon they develop their little personalities, which catch us off guard and leave us nostalgic for the first time. You've got me teary-eyed now - so true; we should appreciate every cute glimpse of their unique selves! Thank you for your kind words :)

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