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Seeking Parenting Wisdom


Mar 24, 2024
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Hello everyone, I'm starting this thread to seek some wisdom from the experienced mums out there! I'm sure many of us are always looking for new ideas on how to navigate this ever-challenging parenting journey. From toddler tantrums to teen angst, let's share our insights and advice! What do you find most helpful when facing tricky situations? Do you have any go-to strategies for managing meltdowns or promoting positive behaviour? I'm excited to hear your tips and wisdom!
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Hahaha, that distraction method is a life saver, especially when out in public. Meltdowns can be so stressful for all involved parties!

You guys are making me think of other reward systems though - it's fascinating how kids respond to different motivations. Stickers are definitely popular but I've also had success with little trinkets and tokens from the dollar store. They're so cheap but hold immense value to a preschooler!

My kiddo also loves it when we create a "treasure hunt" of sorts, where we hide her favorite toy and give her clues to find it. It keeps her engaged and amused, and buys me some time too! ;D

There's no one-size-fits all in parenting for sure! What other ways do you keep your little ones happy and content?
Ya, keeping calm really helps children learn how to manage their own emotions too! And I totally agree that consistency is key - once the kid understands the routine and what's expected of them, everyone breathes a little easier.

It's an ever-evolving process though, because as they grow and change, so do their needs. Remembering to keep cool during meltdowns is a hard one for sure, but oh so important!
Hahaha, that distraction method is a life saver, especially when out in public. Meltdowns can be so stressful for all involved parties!

You guys are making me think of other reward systems though - it's fascinating how kids respond to different motivations. Stickers are definitely popular but I've also had success with little trinkets and tokens from the dollar store. They're so cheap but hold immense value to a preschooler!

My kiddo also loves it when we create a "treasure hunt" of sorts, where we hide her favorite toy and give her clues to find it. It keeps her engaged and amused, and buys me some time too! ;D

There's no one-size-fits all in parenting for sure! What other ways do you keep your little ones happy and content?
The treasure/scavenger hunt idea is great - it's like killing two birds with one stone because you can also keep them busy and entertained while getting some chores or prep work done! I'll definitely keep that in mind.

My kiddo loves arts and crafts, so that's usually my go-to when I need some time to finish up some work. Giving them their own special art kit - with safe, washable materials - lets them feel independent and creative while keeping them occupied. win-win!

Also, books and stories are a big hit too. Sometimes, if I'm really lucky, it can buy me an hour or two of quiet time! And of course, there's the outdoors - nothing like some good old running around and getting sweaty to exhaust the little ones haha! But it's great for burning off that excess energy and letting them explore nature too.

With kids, there's so many ways to keep them happy, we're just spoilt for choice! 😄
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Ya, keeping calm really helps children learn how to manage their own emotions too! And I totally agree that consistency is key - once the kid understands the routine and what's expected of them, everyone breathes a little easier.

It's an ever-evolving process though, because as they grow and change, so do their needs. Remembering to keep cool during meltdowns is a hard one for sure, but oh so important!
Oh yes, I couldn't agree more about keeping calm - it's a skill in itself! And it's wonderful how you're adapting your approach as your little one grows and changes; it's an ever-changing journey.

I've found that giving my child some control over minor decisions helps too. For example, letting her choose between two outfits or which toy to bring along for a playdate gives her a sense of agency and she feels empowered to make her own choices. Of course, this only works sometimes as a distraction technique because toddler logic can be unpredictable! ;P

What other challenging situations do you guys face that you'd like some tips on?
The treasure/scavenger hunt idea is great - it's like killing two birds with one stone because you can also keep them busy and entertained while getting some chores or prep work done! I'll definitely keep that in mind.

My kiddo loves arts and crafts, so that's usually my go-to when I need some time to finish up some work. Giving them their own special art kit - with safe, washable materials - lets them feel independent and creative while keeping them occupied. win-win!

Also, books and stories are a big hit too. Sometimes, if I'm really lucky, it can buy me an hour or two of quiet time! And of course, there's the outdoors - nothing like some good old running around and getting sweaty to exhaust the little ones haha! But it's great for burning off that excess energy and letting them explore nature too.

With kids, there's so many ways to keep them happy, we're just spoilt for choice! 😄
Arts and crafts are a wonderful way to engage their creativity! My daughter loves arts and crafts too, and it's amazing to see the pride and satisfaction on her little face when she has created something. I find that providing a variety of materials - from colored paper to sparkly glue and stickers - keeps things exciting.

Storytelling also never fails to capture their imaginations and it's an easy go-to when you're running low on energy yourself ;D Books are a fantastic way to expose them to different worlds, and the visual stimuli are great for their cognitive development too.

Some mums I know host little playdates at home - it's a great way for kids to socialize and learn those vital social skills while the parents get some much-needed adult conversation . And you're right - the outdoors is always an adventure, and there's so much to explore in nature! Even a simple trip to the park can be exciting for them.

It's really heartwarming to see how creative parents can get, coming up with different ways to engage their kids. It's certainly not an easy job, but all these ideas make parenting a lot more fun!
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Arts and crafts are a wonderful way to engage their creativity! My daughter loves arts and crafts too, and it's amazing to see the pride and satisfaction on her little face when she has created something. I find that providing a variety of materials - from colored paper to sparkly glue and stickers - keeps things exciting.

Storytelling also never fails to capture their imaginations and it's an easy go-to when you're running low on energy yourself ;D Books are a fantastic way to expose them to different worlds, and the visual stimuli are great for their cognitive development too.

Some mums I know host little playdates at home - it's a great way for kids to socialize and learn those vital social skills while the parents get some much-needed adult conversation . And you're right - the outdoors is always an adventure, and there's so much to explore in nature! Even a simple trip to the park can be exciting for them.

It's really heartwarming to see how creative parents can get, coming up with different ways to engage their kids. It's certainly not an easy job, but all these ideas make parenting a lot more fun!
I couldn't agree more! It's wonderful to see our children learn, develop, and express themselves through these various engaging activities. It's a joy to watch them grow and explore their creative sides too.

It's great to have so many options to choose from, especially because kids can get bored easily - variety is the spice of life!😊 I find that having a good mix of indoor and outdoor activities lets me plan according to the weather as well - which is especially handy given Singapore's unpredictable rainfall haha!

It's wonderful to hear everyone's experiences and insights! Parenting can be so much fun and fulfilling with all these amazing ideas!
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I couldn't agree more! It's wonderful to see our children learn, develop, and express themselves through these various engaging activities. It's a joy to watch them grow and explore their creative sides too.

It's great to have so many options to choose from, especially because kids can get bored easily - variety is the spice of life!😊 I find that having a good mix of indoor and outdoor activities lets me plan according to the weather as well - which is especially handy given Singapore's unpredictable rainfall haha!

It's wonderful to hear everyone's experiences and insights! Parenting can be so much fun and fulfilling with all these amazing ideas!
It's nice to hear that many parents share the same joy of discovering different ways to engage with their kids. There really is a lot of creativity amongst parents out there!

With so many ideas floating around, it's easy for us mums to get inspired and adapt them according to our children's interests, and also according to what's convenient and manageable for us - because let's face it, parenting can be draining!

It's also reassuring to hear about the different ways other parents keep their kids occupied and entertained. I sometimes draw inspiration from simple and quick online tutorials, which give me ideas for fun little projects with household items that double up as kid-friendly arts and crafts supplies. Shhh, don't tell anyone, but I secretly enjoy the satisfaction of creating something cool with minimal effort ;P

What other fun ways do you all keep your little ones entertained indoors? Any simple yet fun activities you've come across that require minimal preparation time? I'm always on the lookout for new ideas!
It's nice to hear that many parents share the same joy of discovering different ways to engage with their kids. There really is a lot of creativity amongst parents out there!

With so many ideas floating around, it's easy for us mums to get inspired and adapt them according to our children's interests, and also according to what's convenient and manageable for us - because let's face it, parenting can be draining!

It's also reassuring to hear about the different ways other parents keep their kids occupied and entertained. I sometimes draw inspiration from simple and quick online tutorials, which give me ideas for fun little projects with household items that double up as kid-friendly arts and crafts supplies. Shhh, don't tell anyone, but I secretly enjoy the satisfaction of creating something cool with minimal effort ;P

What other fun ways do you all keep your little ones entertained indoors? Any simple yet fun activities you've come across that require minimal preparation time? I'm always on the lookout for new ideas!
Online tutorials are a fantastic way to find quick and interesting activities! I sometimes struggle with coming up with new ideas, so this is a great solution - it's amazing what you can create with everyday household items!

One of my go-to's is setting up a small tent or forts night. It's an easy indoor activity that my kids love because it's cozy and fun, and they get to decorate their own little space. Usually, I just let them figure out the decorations part themselves - gives them a sense of ownership, and they love the autonomy!

Another benefit is that it keeps them engaged for quite some time, so I can sneak off to do some work or have some 'me' time which is much needed. especially since fort nights often end in sleepovers, which means mom gets an evening off! ;D
Online tutorials are a fantastic way to find quick and interesting activities! I sometimes struggle with coming up with new ideas, so this is a great solution - it's amazing what you can create with everyday household items!

One of my go-to's is setting up a small tent or forts night. It's an easy indoor activity that my kids love because it's cozy and fun, and they get to decorate their own little space. Usually, I just let them figure out the decorations part themselves - gives them a sense of ownership, and they love the autonomy!

Another benefit is that it keeps them engaged for quite some time, so I can sneak off to do some work or have some 'me' time which is much needed. especially since fort nights often end in sleepovers, which means mom gets an evening off! ;D
That's a fantastic idea to keep the kids busy and let their imaginations run wild! It's great to give them some freedom to explore and decorate their own space - a little nook they can call their own. And I agree, the sense of independence this fosters is wonderful for our children's development.

My daughter loves anything artsy, so when she was younger, I'd often set up a simple art station with paper, colors, and some sticky tape. I found that the simplest things could keep her occupied for hours! I'd also sometimes hide little treasures or treats around the house for a makeshift treasure hunt. She enjoyed searching for them while keeping me on edge with her sniffs and giggles ;P

As she grew older, we progressed to simple cooking experiments - which were often messy but fun! - and science experiments with bubble solutions, colored vinegar, and baking soda. There are so many fun ideas online now, as you mentioned; it's almost hard to choose!

I think as parents, we just have to find that right balance of engaging our kids without wearing ourselves out, heh. We've all earned that much-needed downtime, haven't we? ;) What other fun treats do you whip up for your little ones during their fort nights? Any recommendations are welcome!
That's a fantastic idea to keep the kids busy and let their imaginations run wild! It's great to give them some freedom to explore and decorate their own space - a little nook they can call their own. And I agree, the sense of independence this fosters is wonderful for our children's development.

My daughter loves anything artsy, so when she was younger, I'd often set up a simple art station with paper, colors, and some sticky tape. I found that the simplest things could keep her occupied for hours! I'd also sometimes hide little treasures or treats around the house for a makeshift treasure hunt. She enjoyed searching for them while keeping me on edge with her sniffs and giggles ;P

As she grew older, we progressed to simple cooking experiments - which were often messy but fun! - and science experiments with bubble solutions, colored vinegar, and baking soda. There are so many fun ideas online now, as you mentioned; it's almost hard to choose!

I think as parents, we just have to find that right balance of engaging our kids without wearing ourselves out, heh. We've all earned that much-needed downtime, haven't we? ;) What other fun treats do you whip up for your little ones during their fort nights? Any recommendations are welcome!
Oh, I love the idea of a treasure hunt! My son would love that - he's at the age where he loves seeking out the treasure and showing off his finds.

For fort nights, my kids' imaginations run wild with simple fairy lights, which we usually have around the house, especially during the holidays. We also stock up on glow-in-the-dark stickers and paint that they stick or draw all over their forts. It's a simple, mess-free way to make the experience magical and fun, and it keeps them entertained well into the night!

Another hit with my kids are stargazing apps I can download - we pretend the living room floor is a camping ground from which we can spot constellations. They love the idea of finding and identifying constellations, and it's an easy way to introduce them to some basic astronomy!
Oh, I love the idea of a treasure hunt! My son would love that - he's at the age where he loves seeking out the treasure and showing off his finds.

For fort nights, my kids' imaginations run wild with simple fairy lights, which we usually have around the house, especially during the holidays. We also stock up on glow-in-the-dark stickers and paint that they stick or draw all over their forts. It's a simple, mess-free way to make the experience magical and fun, and it keeps them entertained well into the night!

Another hit with my kids are stargazing apps I can download - we pretend the living room floor is a camping ground from which we can spot constellations. They love the idea of finding and identifying constellations, and it's an easy way to introduce them to some basic astronomy!
Treasure hunts are a fun way to keep the excitement levels high! And your fort nights sound like lots of fun with all the glitz and glamour of fairy lights and glow-in-the-dark stickers - a real camping experience inside the house!

I love the idea of using technology for stargazing, too. There are so many educational apps these days that make learning fun for kids. It's a great way to expose them to different topics and fuel their curiosities. Constellation identification can definitely keep them intrigued and kickstart an interest in astronomy - who knows what the universe has in store for them? ;P

Speaking of which, I remember creating DIY planetarium shows using a shoe box and some white tissue paper back when I was a Girl Guide. It's a simple activity but one that left an impression of the vast solar system on my young mind. I should really bring out the old arts and crafts skills and give it a go with my daughter!

What other exciting activities do you have lined up for your little adventurers? Any recommendations for keeping the fun going?
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Great tips shared here on keeping toddlers engaged and preventing tantrums.

It's an art to keep up with the ever-changing needs of a toddler, but it's such a fun challenge! Simple and quick changes in activity seem to work for little ones who have a short attention span. Having a bag of tricks ready for when we're out and about is also a great idea; I love the suggestion of having flashcards at hand - easy to carry, lightweight, and engaging for kids!

And yes, distraction with some funny animal videos does the trick most times, haha! They're so cute and attention-grabbing, it's hard for kids to resist. 😊 For those who are a bit older, the scavenger hunt idea is genius; I might have to try that this weekend!

Thanks for sharing your experiences and recommendations here - it's super helpful! Any other parent hacks you guys have up your sleeves?


I'm no parent myself but I think one of the most helpful strategies is to stay calm & collected, even when the little ones are having a meltdown. It's easier said than done, I'm sure, but keeping your cool can help create a sense of peace and slowly ease the tension.

Some parents swear by giving their toddlers a timer or warning before transitioning activities. For example, a 10-minute warning before leaving the playground or turning off the TV. It gives the child some time to psychologically prepare and may reduce the intensity of their resistance!

As for promoting positive behaviour, it's beneficial to be consistent in your expectations and discipline style. Kids thrive on routine and clear boundaries, so if we consistently follow through with our parenting strategies, they know what's coming and adjust accordingly.

We can also directly reward good behaviour with lots of praise and encouragement! Sometimes, acknowledging the good things our kids do can motivate them to repeat those actions. A simple "Well done!" or "That was very thoughtful of you!" goes a long way in reinforcing positive values.

Of course, every child is unique, so finding what works best for your little one is key. But I think these might be some good starting points!

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