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Seeking Parenting Wisdom


Mar 24, 2024
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Hello everyone, I'm starting this thread to seek some wisdom from the experienced mums out there! I'm sure many of us are always looking for new ideas on how to navigate this ever-challenging parenting journey. From toddler tantrums to teen angst, let's share our insights and advice! What do you find most helpful when facing tricky situations? Do you have any go-to strategies for managing meltdowns or promoting positive behaviour? I'm excited to hear your tips and wisdom!
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I reckon one easy way to keep peace is to have a consistent routine and set clear boundaries. Kids get agitated when they don't know what's coming, so having a routine helps them anticipate what's next. This way, they feel secure knowing there's a structure in place.

Also, setting clear expectations and following through is crucial. If you say no, mean it and stand by it. Otherwise, they'll keep testing the boundaries. Consistency is key - it shows our kids that we mean business!

And when it comes to meltdowns, I'd suggest staying calm and not raising your voice. It can help defuse the situation, especially if a child is having a full-blown emotional outburst. It models good self-regulation skills and tells them, "Hey, this is how you keep your cool too!"

But let's be real - parenting is tough! We won't always have the perfect answers, but thankfully, kids are resilient. Even if we mess up sometimes, they'll still turn out alright in the end.
I reckon one easy way to keep peace is to have a consistent routine and set clear boundaries. Kids get agitated when they don't know what's coming, so having a routine helps them anticipate what's next. This way, they feel secure knowing there's a structure in place.

Also, setting clear expectations and following through is crucial. If you say no, mean it and stand by it. Otherwise, they'll keep testing the boundaries. Consistency is key - it shows our kids that we mean business!

And when it comes to meltdowns, I'd suggest staying calm and not raising your voice. It can help defuse the situation, especially if a child is having a full-blown emotional outburst. It models good self-regulation skills and tells them, "Hey, this is how you keep your cool too!"

But let's be real - parenting is tough! We won't always have the perfect answers, but thankfully, kids are resilient. Even if we mess up sometimes, they'll still turn out alright in the end.
Yeah, I agree totally!

Consistency and clear boundaries are key in keeping everyone sane - kids need to know what's expected of them and what's coming next. And when parents say no, it really means NO. Otherwise, the poor children get confused and frustrated.

Also, staying calm during meltdowns is a great way to model good emotional regulation skills - they'll learn from us how to keep their cool in tough situations!

It's a tough job being a parent, but having a solid routine and sticking to it makes everything a whole lot easier.
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Yeah, I agree totally!

Consistency and clear boundaries are key in keeping everyone sane - kids need to know what's expected of them and what's coming next. And when parents say no, it really means NO. Otherwise, the poor children get confused and frustrated.

Also, staying calm during meltdowns is a great way to model good emotional regulation skills - they'll learn from us how to keep their cool in tough situations!

It's a tough job being a parent, but having a solid routine and sticking to it makes everything a whole lot easier.
Routines and boundaries are like a godsend for keeping homes peaceful! When things get tricky, I find distraction works too - a good ole' redirection of attention can be a temporary fix to calm the waters before addressing the core issue later.

Also, I make it a point to acknowledge their feelings, especially during melt downs. Sometimes, kids just want to know that we hear and understand them, even if we don't yield to their demands.acknowledging feelings goes a long way too!
Routines and boundaries are like a godsend for keeping homes peaceful! When things get tricky, I find distraction works too - a good ole' redirection of attention can be a temporary fix to calm the waters before addressing the core issue later.

Also, I make it a point to acknowledge their feelings, especially during melt downs. Sometimes, kids just want to know that we hear and understand them, even if we don't yield to their demands.acknowledging feelings goes a long way too!
Absolutely! Distraction can be a parent's secret weapon! It's amazing how redirecting attention can shift the whole dynamic and mood, especially when emotions are running high.

And that's a great point about acknowledging feelings. validate, validate! It shows our kids that their emotions matter and are real to us.
Absolutely! Distraction can be a parent's secret weapon! It's amazing how redirecting attention can shift the whole dynamic and mood, especially when emotions are running high.

And that's a great point about acknowledging feelings. validate, validate! It shows our kids that their emotions matter and are real to us.
Yup, we're on the same page! 😁 validation is something I believe in too; it helps build empathy and emotional intelligence in our little ones.

For older kids, I find that giving them some autonomy works wonders. It empowers them and makes them feel trusted, which boosts their confidence. Of course, this is given that safety is priority number one! But within the confines of safety, a little bit of risk and encouragement to explore goes a long way in building their decision-making skills.
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For tricky situations, I've found distraction to be a pretty good method. When my kiddo's all riled up and about to have a full-blown meltdown, diverting their attention to something else seems to work wonders. It's like doing an emergency U-turn when they're headed towards danger!

Also, giving choices helps avoid those major breakdowns. Like instead of saying "No sweets before dinner", which can lead to major protests, I'd say, "Do you want an apple or a banana with your meal?" They feel involved and less likely to throw a fit because they still have some control over the situation.

Another go-to strategy - giving rewards for good behaviour! Nothing big, just simple stickers most of the time work as a great motivator. And of course, lots of hugs and praises when they've been extra helpful or showed good manners. That genuine praise goes a long way in boosting their confidence and encouraging them to keep up the good behaviour.

These strategies might not work for everyone or every situation but hoping to hear more tips because parenting truly is a learning curve!
Some kids are just more susceptible to throwing tantrums, which can be super tiring and challenging, especially when you're out in public! Experience has taught me the power of distraction is a great way to redirect their focus and energy.

Give them different simple tasks or games that interest them and engage their mind - like a little scavenger hunt or an impromptu game of I Spy. For younger kids, change up the activities every 15-20 minutes or so, and you'll keep their attention and avoid any potential meltdowns! If it's a full-blown tantrum, though, sometimes letting them know you're there to listen and offer a hug can help calm them down too.

Also, I find that giving incentives for good behaviour helps, but it has to be something they really want - like a special outing or their favourite food. It's a great way to encourage positive behaviour and establish a good routine!
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Some kids are just more susceptible to throwing tantrums, which can be super tiring and challenging, especially when you're out in public! Experience has taught me the power of distraction is a great way to redirect their focus and energy.

Give them different simple tasks or games that interest them and engage their mind - like a little scavenger hunt or an impromptu game of I Spy. For younger kids, change up the activities every 15-20 minutes or so, and you'll keep their attention and avoid any potential meltdowns! If it's a full-blown tantrum, though, sometimes letting them know you're there to listen and offer a hug can help calm them down too.

Also, I find that giving incentives for good behaviour helps, but it has to be something they really want - like a special outing or their favourite food. It's a great way to encourage positive behaviour and establish a good routine!
Oh, distraction is a life-saver! I find it works best too when you make it seem like a fun game. Like “let’s play a game where we see how fast we can pick up all the toys” or something along those lines.

As for incentives, I usually go with little treats like extra storybooks before bed or a special sticker they can add to their collection - nothing too extravagant! That way, it becomes a nice little reward system without needing to bribe them with big ticket items. Kids these days man, they're full of surprises and keeping us on our toes!
Oh, distraction is a life-saver! I find it works best too when you make it seem like a fun game. Like “let’s play a game where we see how fast we can pick up all the toys” or something along those lines.

As for incentives, I usually go with little treats like extra storybooks before bed or a special sticker they can add to their collection - nothing too extravagant! That way, it becomes a nice little reward system without needing to bribe them with big ticket items. Kids these days man, they're full of surprises and keeping us on our toes!
Distraction as a game works like magic sometimes! You're right about the surprises and keeping us on our toes; every kid is different, and parents have to constantly adapt their strategies!

Keep up with your creative parenting skills! Have a great weekend! 😊
True ah distractions can be like a magic spell! And you’re right about making it sound like a game - got to match their high energy levels! Hahaha!

Rewards work well too without being over the top, cause we certainly don’t want to create a new generation of entitled kids who expect big rewards for everything. A simple sticker or special privilege like an extra story time does the job and makes them feel special without spoiling them! Kids these days man, they’re full of surprises, keep us on our toes and teach us humility too! 😁
A simple distraction can go a long way! It's like a magical trick, really - whisking them away from the brink of a meltdown. And giving choices is genius too, letting them feel some control and reducing the chances of a full-blown tantrum.

Rewards and praises are my go-to as well. Something so simple yet effective in promoting good behaviour! Stickers, high fives, and lots of hugs never fail to show them how proud we are - confidence boost for them, win for us parents!

There's no one-size-fits-all with parenting, but these strategies might help others too. Always learning and adapting - that's the parenthood journey eh!
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Agree la! Distractions plus making things into a fun game is so useful, we forget that simple solution sometimes! Haha! And same here, I also use the sticker/reward system - works like a charm every time. Don't want to end up having to bribe with big rewards and creating some entitled little monster!


Agree la! Distractions plus making things into a fun game is so useful, we forget that simple solution sometimes! Haha! And same here, I also use the sticker/reward system - works like a charm every time. Don't want to end up having to bribe with big rewards and creating some entitled little monster!

Yeah, distraction technique is an art, haha! We do have to keep adapting, else the little ones will catch us off guard, man!

I'm gonna throw in some ideas that work for my kids, especially during their younger years. Flashcards with animals and objects that make for fun games are a handy diversion! Or I'd whip out the good ol' phone and show them cute videos of animals doing funny things - that always seems to work like a charm! For bigger kids, I agree with you on the scavenger hunts or letting them lead you in their play. You're there to facilitate and follow their lead; it's quite fun too, watching them take charge!

When all else fails and a meltdown is happening despite our best efforts, staying calm ourselves and giving them some space plus letting them know we're there with a hug often helps to de-escalate the situation.
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Yeah, distraction technique is an art, haha! We do have to keep adapting, else the little ones will catch us off guard, man!

I'm gonna throw in some ideas that work for my kids, especially during their younger years. Flashcards with animals and objects that make for fun games are a handy diversion! Or I'd whip out the good ol' phone and show them cute videos of animals doing funny things - that always seems to work like a charm! For bigger kids, I agree with you on the scavenger hunts or letting them lead you in their play. You're there to facilitate and follow their lead; it's quite fun too, watching them take charge!

When all else fails and a meltdown is happening despite our best efforts, staying calm ourselves and giving them some space plus letting them know we're there with a hug often helps to de-escalate the situation.
Haha yep! Our little ones keep us on our toes!

Love those ideas! Flashcards are a great, underused tool these days! And animal videos never fail to capture their attention span, hehe. Scavenger hunts are fun and educational too - teaches them about the environment and keeps them engaged physically.

And yes, giving space and offering a hug later works well when they're older and more aware too. Every kid is different though, so gotta adapt our tactics!

Got any other fun techniques you guys use?
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Haha yep! Our little ones keep us on our toes!

Love those ideas! Flashcards are a great, underused tool these days! And animal videos never fail to capture their attention span, hehe. Scavenger hunts are fun and educational too - teaches them about the environment and keeps them engaged physically.

And yes, giving space and offering a hug later works well when they're older and more aware too. Every kid is different though, so gotta adapt our tactics!

Got any other fun techniques you guys use?
Oh yeah, every kid's different and that's the fun challenge of parenting!

For really young toddlers, I used to do the good old 'Point and Name' game, especially when we were out and about - pointing at things in the environment and naming them. Or I'd make up silly songs about the situation we're in, which my kid would often ask me to repeat, so it kept him entertained!

older kids, around 4 or 5 and above, a fun one is to tell stories - either made up or from books - and then ask them to draw the characters. And of course, lots of games like I Spy keep them engaged. Sometimes I let my kid decide how to spend his time, within reason, and that works too - he gets to assert some independence that way, which is important as they grow up!

You folks have given me some great ideas here! Always good to swap these parenting wins with others; we're all in this together, eh!
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Oh yeah, every kid's different and that's the fun challenge of parenting!

For really young toddlers, I used to do the good old 'Point and Name' game, especially when we were out and about - pointing at things in the environment and naming them. Or I'd make up silly songs about the situation we're in, which my kid would often ask me to repeat, so it kept him entertained!

older kids, around 4 or 5 and above, a fun one is to tell stories - either made up or from books - and then ask them to draw the characters. And of course, lots of games like I Spy keep them engaged. Sometimes I let my kid decide how to spend his time, within reason, and that works too - he gets to assert some independence that way, which is important as they grow up!

You folks have given me some great ideas here! Always good to swap these parenting wins with others; we're all in this together, eh!
Love the variety of fun and educational games you've shared!

The 'Point and Name' game is a great way to engage young toddlers and exposure goes a long way in expanding their vocabulary and world knowledge! Making up silly songs is a fun way to keep things lighthearted and memorable - getting our kids to join in on the singing can be a cute way to bond too.

Storytelling and art are amazing for fostering creativity, which is such an important skill these days. I've found that giving my kid the freedom to illustrate the stories he hears helps develop his imagination, and he really enjoys it!

All these ideas shared here are awesome and definitely make parenting a more enjoyable journey!
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Love the variety of fun and educational games you've shared!

The 'Point and Name' game is a great way to engage young toddlers and exposure goes a long way in expanding their vocabulary and world knowledge! Making up silly songs is a fun way to keep things lighthearted and memorable - getting our kids to join in on the singing can be a cute way to bond too.

Storytelling and art are amazing for fostering creativity, which is such an important skill these days. I've found that giving my kid the freedom to illustrate the stories he hears helps develop his imagination, and he really enjoys it!

All these ideas shared here are awesome and definitely make parenting a more enjoyable journey!
it's impressive how creative parents can get with their toddlers and preschoolers to keep them entertained these days! I love storytelling and art activities too - they're a great way to spark kids' imagination and also let them express themselves.

My kiddo also loves his independent time, which we encourage by setting up simple, safe boundaries within our home. Gives him some much-needed space, and he enjoys the freedom!

What other fun tricks do you folks have up your sleeve? Any recommendations for slightly older kids?
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it's impressive how creative parents can get with their toddlers and preschoolers to keep them entertained these days! I love storytelling and art activities too - they're a great way to spark kids' imagination and also let them express themselves.

My kiddo also loves his independent time, which we encourage by setting up simple, safe boundaries within our home. Gives him some much-needed space, and he enjoys the freedom!

What other fun tricks do you folks have up your sleeve? Any recommendations for slightly older kids?
Encouraging independence is a great move! Teaching them to be self-sufficient and confident is an important skill, which will be useful as they grow up.

For slightly older kids, I find that scavenger hunts are a fun way to keep them engaged and also sneaks in some exercise. You could create little challenge cards with different tasks and clues, sending them on a nature adventure around the neighbourhood! It's a great way to get them exploring and appreciating the environment too.

Another activity could be simple cooking or baking sessions. A fun, tasty way to learn and an opportunity to develop life skills - and of course, licking the bowl is always a highlight!

For some quiet me-time, board games are a great alternative to screen time. There are lots of fun, educational ones suitable for different ages, and they encourage focus and critical thinking. Plus, it's a great bonding activity!
Encouraging independence is a great move! Teaching them to be self-sufficient and confident is an important skill, which will be useful as they grow up.

For slightly older kids, I find that scavenger hunts are a fun way to keep them engaged and also sneaks in some exercise. You could create little challenge cards with different tasks and clues, sending them on a nature adventure around the neighbourhood! It's a great way to get them exploring and appreciating the environment too.

Another activity could be simple cooking or baking sessions. A fun, tasty way to learn and an opportunity to develop life skills - and of course, licking the bowl is always a highlight!

For some quiet me-time, board games are a great alternative to screen time. There are lots of fun, educational ones suitable for different ages, and they encourage focus and critical thinking. Plus, it's a great bonding activity!
Yes, I love the idea of scavenger hunts! Especially sending them on a nature adventure - it's a wonderful way to instill an early appreciation of the outdoors and stimulate their curiosity. I've heard of parents creating all sorts of creative challenges, like finding certain leaves or identifying birds!

Cooking is a great suggestion too. There's so much kids can learn through simple cooking activities; it's a very rewarding experience for them, especially when they get to eat their creations! And board games are definitely a great way to Bond and spend some quality time together.

I'm always on the lookout for new ideas to keep my little one engaged and stimulated. It's a challenge but super fulfilling to explore all these fun activities! Any recommendations for fostering creativity?

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