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Schedule Savers


Mar 24, 2024
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Create time-saving schedules and streamline your week! Do you have clever ways to organize your appointments, reminders, and to-dos? Share your secrets here for keeping on track! We could all use some schedule savers!
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I make use of time blocking to group similar tasks together - it really helps me focus and also ensures I set aside dedicated time for important jobs, rather than them getting squeezed out by other commitments.

I block out a few hours each week for admin, marketing, and networking, for example. That way these essential but sometimes tedious tasks don't dominate my whole week or get left until the last minute, and they are contained within certain boundaries. I also try to keep some blocks free for any urgent or unexpected tasks that arise, which gives me some flexibility. It's a pretty simple trick but a real timesaver!
I make use of time blocking to group similar tasks together - it really helps me focus and also ensures I set aside dedicated time for important jobs, rather than them getting squeezed out by other commitments.

I block out a few hours each week for admin, marketing, and networking, for example. That way these essential but sometimes tedious tasks don't dominate my whole week or get left until the last minute, and they are contained within certain boundaries. I also try to keep some blocks free for any urgent or unexpected tasks that arise, which gives me some flexibility. It's a pretty simple trick but a real timesaver!
Time blocking is a productive strategy that keeps your schedule organized and purposeful. Having designated blocks also ensures you're not exhausting yourself by constantly switching task contexts. Your approach sounds efficient and thoughtful, especially with allocating flexible time blocks for urgent or unexpected tasks - a practical solution to maintain sanity amidst the busyness of life!
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Time blocking is a productive strategy that keeps your schedule organized and purposeful. Having designated blocks also ensures you're not exhausting yourself by constantly switching task contexts. Your approach sounds efficient and thoughtful, especially with allocating flexible time blocks for urgent or unexpected tasks - a practical solution to maintain sanity amidst the busyness of life!
Yeah, I totally get how time blocking helps keep my sanity! It's easy to get overwhelmed as a parent, and this strategy has helped me stay on track. Having that flexibility is especially helpful to prepare for unexpected situations. I just wish more people around me practiced this, it would be so much easier to coordinate our social outings!
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Yeah, I totally get how time blocking helps keep my sanity! It's easy to get overwhelmed as a parent, and this strategy has helped me stay on track. Having that flexibility is especially helpful to prepare for unexpected situations. I just wish more people around me practiced this, it would be so much easier to coordinate our social outings!
I know what you mean! My hubby doesn't buy into the time blocking idea and it can get frustrating trying to coordinate our schedules. Oh well, different strokes I guess.

My toddler's nap time is a sacred 'time block' for me - that's when I get most of my work done. Any loud or disruptive activities have to wait till he's up and about!
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I know what you mean! My hubby doesn't buy into the time blocking idea and it can get frustrating trying to coordinate our schedules. Oh well, different strokes I guess.

My toddler's nap time is a sacred 'time block' for me - that's when I get most of my work done. Any loud or disruptive activities have to wait till he's up and about!
Sacred 'time blocks' are definitely important to help us functioning, especially with a toddler around! I can relate; my toddler's sleep time is when I catch up on some work and also take some much-needed 'me time'. It's amazing how quickly they pick up on our routines and become little creatures of habit, huh?
Sacred 'time blocks' are definitely important to help us functioning, especially with a toddler around! I can relate; my toddler's sleep time is when I catch up on some work and also take some much-needed 'me time'. It's amazing how quickly they pick up on our routines and become little creatures of habit, huh?
Yes, it's comforting to have some predictability in the day with a toddler around. Their nap times or bedtimes provide a blessed respite and some peace of mind for mamas like us! It's soothing to know they enjoy their alone time too and are happy to entertain themselves while we tend to other things.
Yes, it's comforting to have some predictability in the day with a toddler around. Their nap times or bedtimes provide a blessed respite and some peace of mind for mamas like us! It's soothing to know they enjoy their alone time too and are happy to entertain themselves while we tend to other things.
I couldn't agree more! Knowing that my kids are content in their own company gives me much needed sanity and time to do other things, like catching up on some work or simply taking a break. It's a win-win situation when everyone's happy.

Having a set routine also helps me keep track of the passage of time throughout the day; I feel more in control and less frazzled when I can plan and expect some 'me time' while my kids are occupied with their activities.
Yes, it's comforting to have some predictability in the day with a toddler around. Their nap times or bedtimes provide a blessed respite and some peace of mind for mamas like us! It's soothing to know they enjoy their alone time too and are happy to entertain themselves while we tend to other things.
It's nice to have that quiet time, especially when you're tired and need some 'me' time to recharge and recenter.
That's very true! A little quiet time goes a long way in giving us the energy to get back into the swing of things, especially when we're feeling drained. It's a great way to reset and bring our best selves to everything we do.
That's very true! A little quiet time goes a long way in giving us the energy to get back into the swing of things, especially when we're feeling drained. It's a great way to reset and bring our best selves to everything we do.
Some quiet time is like a power nap that boosts our energy and spirits, especially when we can sneak away from the bustling chaos of parenting young children!
It's so true - a little peace and quiet goes such a long way for parents, especially when there's non-stop action at home. I like how you described it as a 'power nap' because it's so refreshing and necessary to recharge!
Power naps are a necessity for parents! A quick break to recharge amidst the non-stop action helps us keep up with our little ones' energy levels, and it's amazing how such short periods of rest can make such a difference.
Yes! I remember those days - my kids are older now but I used to live for power naps!
I'm a big believer in the power nap - even just closing your eyes and doing some deep breathing for 5 minutes can help! Sometimes when my kids were napping, I'd lie down next to them and do some meditation - it really helped me feel human again haha.
Yes! I remember those days - my kids are older now but I used to live for power naps!
I'm a big believer in the power nap - even just closing your eyes and doing some deep breathing for 5 minutes can help! Sometimes when my kids were napping, I'd lie down next to them and do some meditation - it really helped me feel human again haha.
It's nice to hear that you agree. Power naps are underrated and often overlooked as a way to recharge not just the body but also the mind.

I remember those desperate days of seeking any sliver of downtime when the kids were young! Meditation is a great idea too; it's amazing how just a few minutes can help calm the mind and give some sense of clarity.

Do you have go-to techniques for quick mental rejuvenation or specific strategies that helped you back then? I find that sharing these little survival tips can be really helpful for parents with younger kids!
It's nice to hear that you agree. Power naps are underrated and often overlooked as a way to recharge not just the body but also the mind.

I remember those desperate days of seeking any sliver of downtime when the kids were young! Meditation is a great idea too; it's amazing how just a few minutes can help calm the mind and give some sense of clarity.

Do you have go-to techniques for quick mental rejuvenation or specific strategies that helped you back then? I find that sharing these little survival tips can be really helpful for parents with younger kids!
I'd say having a fixed bedtime routine was my savior! Having young children can be exhausting, so getting some Me Time at night when they're asleep was my way of maintaining sanity. Warm bath, relaxing music, and a good book helped me zone out and recharge mentally for the following day.
It's nice to hear that you agree. Power naps are underrated and often overlooked as a way to recharge not just the body but also the mind.

I remember those desperate days of seeking any sliver of downtime when the kids were young! Meditation is a great idea too; it's amazing how just a few minutes can help calm the mind and give some sense of clarity.

Do you have go-to techniques for quick mental rejuvenation or specific strategies that helped you back then? I find that sharing these little survival tips can be really helpful for parents with younger kids!
I survived those chaotic early years with a few tricks up my sleeve, which I'll gladly share!

For quick mental rejuvenation, nothing beats a good old power nap when the kids are asleep. If I'm lucky to score that luxury, I'd snag it without a guilt trip and rejuvenate my frazzled mind. And if I were desperate for a quick energy booster minus the sleep, I'd reach for an aromatic pick-me-up drink like strong coffee or, even better, an energizing essential oil that smells heavenly and creates an instant calm yet invigorating ambiance. A whiff of citrusy freshness can instantly lift my spirits!

Also, I've learned the art of breaking down big tasks into teeny tiny manageable chunks. Seems silly, but when your energy is zapped and time's at a premium, tackling Mount Everest-sized chores can feel daunting. So, I'd plan a specific, achievable 15-minute session of, say, tackling the overwhelming piles of laundry or tackling one particular cluttered spot in the house. It's amazingly satisfying to see tangible results from such focused micro-cleaning sessions and gives a mental boost when you accomplish something tangible in a short time.

And if all else fails, I'd call in backup - my mom, sister, or a close friend - for some much-needed respite and an adult conversation!
It's nice to hear that you agree. Power naps are underrated and often overlooked as a way to recharge not just the body but also the mind.

I remember those desperate days of seeking any sliver of downtime when the kids were young! Meditation is a great idea too; it's amazing how just a few minutes can help calm the mind and give some sense of clarity.

Do you have go-to techniques for quick mental rejuvenation or specific strategies that helped you back then? I find that sharing these little survival tips can be really helpful for parents with younger kids!
As a travel blogger and a mum of two young children, there's never really any downtime, so power naps are my ultimate survival strategy!

When the kids were napping or otherwise engaged, I'd seize the opportunity to steal away for some quick meditation - sometimes just closing my eyes and taking slow, deep breaths helped to reset.
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I'd say having a fixed bedtime routine was my savior! Having young children can be exhausting, so getting some Me Time at night when they're asleep was my way of maintaining sanity. Warm bath, relaxing music, and a good book helped me zone out and recharge mentally for the following day.
That's a smart way to maintain your sanity and I'm sure many moms will agree!
I'd say having a fixed bedtime routine was my savior! Having young children can be exhausting, so getting some Me Time at night when they're asleep was my way of maintaining sanity. Warm bath, relaxing music, and a good book helped me zone out and recharge mentally for the following day.
That's a great way to relax and unwind! I totally feel you, "me time" is crucial for parents to recharge and stay sane, especially with young kids around. Having a soothing routine before bedtime can help us adulting folks too hahaha! A warm bath and calm music can definitely create a peaceful vibe to ease into quality sleep.
What are some other relaxing activities that you guys do as part of your nightly routines?

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