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Savvy Family Finances


Feb 23, 2024
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Share your top tips on how to manage family finances! From creating and sticking to budgets, to saving on groceries, bills and extra-curricular activities for the kids - we can all benefit from learning about how you keep your family's finances afloat and thriving.

What are some of your frugal hacks or smart money management strategies? Lay it on us!
One of our biggest savers is meal planning and cooking at home - reduces waste and saves us from the temptation to eat out, plus you'd be surprised how much cheaper it is to buy the ingredients yourself. Also, I bulk cook and freeze meals, which is great for those crazy busy days.

We also sit down once a month to go over our finances, seeing where we are and planning ahead - often helps us stay on track and also identify any upcoming expenses we might have forgotten about or not budgeted for (like car servicing etc).

For groceries, I plan my meals around what's on special at the supermarket - often inspires some creative cooking! And obviously, the big one: pay off your credit cards in full every month - interest is such a waste of money. Only put on there what you know you can pay off.
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One of our biggest savers is meal planning and cooking at home - reduces waste and saves us from the temptation to eat out, plus you'd be surprised how much cheaper it is to buy the ingredients yourself. Also, I bulk cook and freeze meals, which is great for those crazy busy days.

We also sit down once a month to go over our finances, seeing where we are and planning ahead - often helps us stay on track and also identify any upcoming expenses we might have forgotten about or not budgeted for (like car servicing etc).

For groceries, I plan my meals around what's on special at the supermarket - often inspires some creative cooking! And obviously, the big one: pay off your credit cards in full every month - interest is such a waste of money. Only put on there what you know you can pay off.
Meal planning is a great way to save money! I do that too, and it helps our family so much because we don't have to buy takeout when we're too tired to cook.

I also agree with you about paying off credit card bills in full each month - it's a great way to avoid unnecessary expenses.

Do you have other financial tips you'd like to share? Some parents here might benefit from hearing about budget-friendly strategies!
Meal planning is a hero in our household finances too!

We also do a weekly 'money meeting' where we go over our upcoming commitments, and plan our spending for the week ahead - especially useful for preventing any surprise expenses popping up. We involve the kids too so they are aware of what's coming up, and more importantly understand the value of money; it's amazing how their perspective changes when they're aware of the costs behind their requests!

Another thing we do is batch cook & freeze individual portions of meals - that way if it's a crazy night and takeaway seems like the only option, we have something wholesome ready to go. We also keep a couple of cheap, easy meal options in the cupboard for those nights - nothing too fancy, just enough to avoid the temptation (and cost) of eating out.

What other strategies do folks use to keep their food costs down? Always great to hear new ideas!
Meal planning is a hero in our household finances too!

We also do a weekly 'money meeting' where we go over our upcoming commitments, and plan our spending for the week ahead - especially useful for preventing any surprise expenses popping up. We involve the kids too so they are aware of what's coming up, and more importantly understand the value of money; it's amazing how their perspective changes when they're aware of the costs behind their requests!

Another thing we do is batch cook & freeze individual portions of meals - that way if it's a crazy night and takeaway seems like the only option, we have something wholesome ready to go. We also keep a couple of cheap, easy meal options in the cupboard for those nights - nothing too fancy, just enough to avoid the temptation (and cost) of eating out.

What other strategies do folks use to keep their food costs down? Always great to hear new ideas!
I second the weekly money meeting! Being on the same page financially as a couple is important, and it's a good habit to set up money meetings especially when you have kids. Teaching them young about money is beneficial, as is exposing them to household finances so they understand the importance of not wasting food or demanding extravagant items.

I like the freezing meals idea; it's something I do too, though with some dishes, the texture changes after freezing and thawing. Maybe that's a personal preference thing though!

I'd love to know more about your go-to cheap and easy meals that you keep in the cupboard for emergency nights! Most of my quick meal ideas end up being expensive because they require various ingredients or a hidden cost like eating out.
I second the weekly money meeting! Being on the same page financially as a couple is important, and it's a good habit to set up money meetings especially when you have kids. Teaching them young about money is beneficial, as is exposing them to household finances so they understand the importance of not wasting food or demanding extravagant items.

I like the freezing meals idea; it's something I do too, though with some dishes, the texture changes after freezing and thawing. Maybe that's a personal preference thing though!

I'd love to know more about your go-to cheap and easy meals that you keep in the cupboard for emergency nights! Most of my quick meal ideas end up being expensive because they require various ingredients or a hidden cost like eating out.
We stock tinned fish - great for a quick pasta dish with some frozen vegetables. Also, boxed/bagged dried soup mix is an easy one to whip up and please the whole family. Porridge made fancy with various toppings is a hit in our house too; a cheap, filling meal that's versatile.
That's a great idea about the tinned fish - so quick and easy and full of good nutrients too. We also like making omelettes - you can pack so many different cheap ingredients into them (we often use frozen peppers, spring onions and cheese) and they're ready in minutes. Porridge is a winner here too - especially with an added pinch of cinnamon and some sliced banana.
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That's a great idea about the tinned fish - so quick and easy and full of good nutrients too. We also like making omelettes - you can pack so many different cheap ingredients into them (we often use frozen peppers, spring onions and cheese) and they're ready in minutes. Porridge is a winner here too - especially with an added pinch of cinnamon and some sliced banana.
Porridge with cinnamon and bananas is a great, tasty, inexpensive breakfast idea, especially for the little ones! It's an excellent way to start the day, warm and filling.

I agree that omelets are a fantastic option for a quick, nutritious meal too, and a great way to use up some of those frozen or fresh ingredients lingering in the fridge.

What other clever, cheap, nutritious meals do you guys prepare on busy mornings? It's always good to have a roster of go-to, easy meals for the family.
Yogurt and berries are a staple here - we buy the big tubs of Greek yogurt and load it with fresh or frozen berries. Healthy, delicious, and the kids can serve themselves which is handy on busy mornings.

We also do 'breakfast wraps' which are basically just tortillas filled with last night's leftovers - a bit of chicken or beef, some veggies and a splash of BBQ sauce, all rolled up and eaten on the go.

Great thread - some good ideas for keeping costs (and waistlines!) down.
Another great breakfast option! We do something similar with big flour tortillas; a layer of yogurt, berries or sliced bananas and a drizzle of honey, then rolled up. Easy to prepare the night before and grab on the way out the door too.

The kids love them and it's nice and healthy so win-win!
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That's a fantastic idea! We also sometimes prepare these ahead of time and freeze them - then you just grab, defrost, and go! We've done this with some success using almond butter too, though it can get a bit messy. Great healthy option for the kids - might even add some protein powder for an extra kick!
Freezing them ahead of time is such a great idea - and a good way to make these convenient and healthy snacks readily available. Almond butter can definitely work well too, but as you say, it's a bit messier. Adding some protein powder would also be an excellent way to boost the nutritional value even further.
It's definitely all about convenience and nutrition! Almond butter might be a little messy but the taste is worth it, and it's a great alternative to peanut butter. Adding protein powder would give the balls an extra nutritional kick which is always a bonus too!
It's definitely all about convenience and nutrition! Almond butter might be a little messy but the taste is worth it, and it's a great alternative to peanut butter. Adding protein powder would give the balls an extra nutritional kick which is always a bonus too!
Yes, I totally agree that almond butter is a delicious alternative to peanut butter! It's a convenient, tasty, and nutritious option which provides a nice change sometimes.

It's also great that you mentioned the messiness factor - definitely something to consider when preparing with kids! Not to mention the potential for fun and mess as an exciting part of the cooking experience:)
Yes, I totally agree that almond butter is a delicious alternative to peanut butter! It's a convenient, tasty, and nutritious option which provides a nice change sometimes.

It's also great that you mentioned the messiness factor - definitely something to consider when preparing with kids! Not to mention the potential for fun and mess as an exciting part of the cooking experience:)
It's the little messy fun that makes great memories, especially when cleaning it up together. The excitement (and taste tests!) while cooking can make kitchen time a fun bonding experience.
So true! We have some chaotic, flour-covered, giggly memories from trying out new recipes as a family. It's definitely those unplanned, silly moments that seem to stick with kids the most.
So true! We have some chaotic, flour-covered, giggly memories from trying out new recipes as a family. It's definitely those unplanned, silly moments that seem to stick with kids the most.
It's amazing how kids remember the random, silly moments! My little one still talks about that time we made pizza pockets and she got dough everywhere 😅 Those messy, fun experiences are often the most memorable, and it's wonderful to hear your family has such lovely food-related memories too!

We're definitely due for another kitchen adventure, might have to plan something soon and let the little one go wild with ingredients again.
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So true! We have some chaotic, flour-covered, giggly memories from trying out new recipes as a family. It's definitely those unplanned, silly moments that seem to stick with kids the most.
You're right; it's the chaotic and unpredictable times, like when cooking or baking with kids, that leave the most lasting memories! These fun, shared experiences are precious and often unexpectedly wonderful.
So true! We have some chaotic, flour-covered, giggly memories from trying out new recipes as a family. It's definitely those unplanned, silly moments that seem to stick with kids the most.
Yeah, my girl loves it when we have 'cooking adventures', as she calls them! There's always plenty of laughter and Mess (with a capital M) but the memories are precious.
It's amazing how kids remember the random, silly moments! My little one still talks about that time we made pizza pockets and she got dough everywhere 😅 Those messy, fun experiences are often the most memorable, and it's wonderful to hear your family has such lovely food-related memories too!

We're definitely due for another kitchen adventure, might have to plan something soon and let the little one go wild with ingredients again.
I know what you mean! My tot has been asking for a repeat of her 'special pasta' after her first (and messy) cooking session! It's a fun bonding activity too, and I can't wait to see what creative mess she comes up with next!

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