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Prioritize Self Care


Feb 21, 2024
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Before we dive into discussions about prioritizing self-care, what do you all think are some of the biggest barriers to practicing effective self-care?

I'll go first: For me, it's often feeling guilty for taking "me time" and also struggling with setting boundaries, especially with work. I'm interested in hearing your experiences and any strategies you've found helpful to overcome these hurdles!
Guilt is a big one for me too! The sense of duty and obligation to others can be so strong and it's an ever-present struggle.

I've found it helpful to think about how I present and word my self-care practices - instead of saying "I need to take some time off/go offline/step away", which can sound very much like a dismissal or even a rejection, I now try to use phrases like "I'm powering up" or "I'm refuelling" which implies that by taking this time for myself, I'll come back around with renewed energy and focus. Makes it feel less selfish and more of an investment in everyone's best interests!

Boundaries are tough but crucial. I've had to set some really clear digital boundaries - designating times when I'm available online/on certain apps and communicating these clearly to others. It helps me avoid the temptation to continually check work messages/emails outside of my designated hours.
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Before we dive into discussions about prioritizing self-care, what do you all think are some of the biggest barriers to practicing effective self-care?

I'll go first: For me, it's often feeling guilty for taking "me time" and also struggling with setting boundaries, especially with work. I'm interested in hearing your experiences and any strategies you've found helpful to overcome these hurdles!
The biggest hurdle for me is the overwhelming sense of guilt, especially being a full-time homemaker. I feel like there's always something else that needs doing - laundry, preparing meals, cleaning up after everyone and their messes, which seem never-ending now that the kids are older and messier!

I've learnt to deal with this by scheduling "me time" like it's an appointment with an important client. Sounds funny but visualizing it as a non-negotiable, time-sensitive commitment has helped ease my conscience, especially when I tell myself that I'm doing it so I can be a better mom and wife - which is true!

Also, explaining to my family that Mommy needs some quiet time to reset, has helped them understand why I need to close the door and take that bubble bath or do whatever it is I need to do to recharge.
Before we dive into discussions about prioritizing self-care, what do you all think are some of the biggest barriers to practicing effective self-care?

I'll go first: For me, it's often feeling guilty for taking "me time" and also struggling with setting boundaries, especially with work. I'm interested in hearing your experiences and any strategies you've found helpful to overcome these hurdles!
Yup, guilt is a big one. Can't focus on yourself without feeling like you're neglecting other important areas of life, right?

And boundries - that's another difficult one. Especially when you're a people-pleaser or find it hard to say no. You end up spreading yourself thin and then wonder how did I get here?

I'm quite lucky because taking time for myself has never been a huge issue for me personally. My husband is fairly traditional and thinks that's just the woman's role so he'll often encourage me to go out with my friends or do my things. But of course, that also comes with its own challenges - balance is key, right?

I try to remember that in order to pour efficiently, you need to refill your own cup first. It's cliche but true - you can't care for others or be productive if you're running on empty. So I do try to make sure I have some form of me-time daily - even if it's just a long hot shower or doing something I enjoy like reading or painting.

I'm keen to hear other people's experiences too! What works for you all? Any clever strategies out there?
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Before we dive into discussions about prioritizing self-care, what do you all think are some of the biggest barriers to practicing effective self-care?

I'll go first: For me, it's often feeling guilty for taking "me time" and also struggling with setting boundaries, especially with work. I'm interested in hearing your experiences and any strategies you've found helpful to overcome these hurdles!
Same here, guilt is a big one for me too! Especially being a mom, the idea of "selfishness" is often linked to guilt. But I remind myself that taking care of myself allows me to be a better caregiving mom, which is a great way to shift my perspective and prioritize my self-care activities.

Setting boundaries is tough, and more so in our case, as our jobs are such that they can easily overflow into our personal time. I've had to learn the hard way - burnout and all - to establish clear cut off points and stick to them. Being present physically and mentally during family time makes me feel better about the quality of interaction, which is a great trade-off for the quantity of work hours missed.

It's also an ongoing challenge to continually evaluate if my idea of self-care is up to date, because sometimes, what worked before might not work now. For example, my yoga and meditation routine had to be adjusted upwards when my stress levels increased, but decreasing it was a great reminder to take things slowly during recovery periods. So, keeping an eye on my routines and being mindful of their effectiveness is an ongoing commitment.
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The biggest hurdle for me is the overwhelming sense of guilt, especially being a full-time homemaker. I feel like there's always something else that needs doing - laundry, preparing meals, cleaning up after everyone and their messes, which seem never-ending now that the kids are older and messier!

I've learnt to deal with this by scheduling "me time" like it's an appointment with an important client. Sounds funny but visualizing it as a non-negotiable, time-sensitive commitment has helped ease my conscience, especially when I tell myself that I'm doing it so I can be a better mom and wife - which is true!

Also, explaining to my family that Mommy needs some quiet time to reset, has helped them understand why I need to close the door and take that bubble bath or do whatever it is I need to do to recharge.
That's a great strategy you've developed! I can relate to the guilt of taking time off, but I never thought of framing it as a necessary appointment. Visualizing it as a commitment to myself might help ease some of the doubt that comes with prioritizing self-care.

For me, the challenge is also about setting boundaries, especially when work is concerned. I'm an artist and often have deadlines, so finding a healthy balance without compromising my physical and mental health can be difficult. Emails from managers or clients tend to make me feel obligated to respond promptly, even outside of office hours, which can be exhausting.

I'm still working on establishing clear boundaries and learning to switch off, especially during weekends and holidays! It's a process, but I think it starts with being assertively mindful of your own needs :)
Same here, guilt is a big one for me too! Especially being a mom, the idea of "selfishness" is often linked to guilt. But I remind myself that taking care of myself allows me to be a better caregiving mom, which is a great way to shift my perspective and prioritize my self-care activities.

Setting boundaries is tough, and more so in our case, as our jobs are such that they can easily overflow into our personal time. I've had to learn the hard way - burnout and all - to establish clear cut off points and stick to them. Being present physically and mentally during family time makes me feel better about the quality of interaction, which is a great trade-off for the quantity of work hours missed.

It's also an ongoing challenge to continually evaluate if my idea of self-care is up to date, because sometimes, what worked before might not work now. For example, my yoga and meditation routine had to be adjusted upwards when my stress levels increased, but decreasing it was a great reminder to take things slowly during recovery periods. So, keeping an eye on my routines and being mindful of their effectiveness is an ongoing commitment.
That's an interesting point about regularly evaluating what our self-care practices should look like. It's almost like we need to continually adapt and refine them as situations change, especially for us moms! Burnout is a real threat and setting those boundaries becomes so important in preventing it.

I find that saying 'no' is something I'm still learning to do, especially when it comes to social engagements. I usually end up overcommitting and then feeling frazzled. Any tips on politely declining invites would be great! I think this is a common issue, so would love to hear different strategies!
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That's a great strategy you've developed! I can relate to the guilt of taking time off, but I never thought of framing it as a necessary appointment. Visualizing it as a commitment to myself might help ease some of the doubt that comes with prioritizing self-care.

For me, the challenge is also about setting boundaries, especially when work is concerned. I'm an artist and often have deadlines, so finding a healthy balance without compromising my physical and mental health can be difficult. Emails from managers or clients tend to make me feel obligated to respond promptly, even outside of office hours, which can be exhausting.

I'm still working on establishing clear boundaries and learning to switch off, especially during weekends and holidays! It's a process, but I think it starts with being assertively mindful of your own needs :)
Yes, the guilt that comes with taking time off is something most mothers experience, whether we stay at home or work outside of it. And it's so true about visualizing self-care as a commitment to oneself - it's a powerful mind shift that can help overcome that guilt.

Setting boundaries is super important, especially when work can easily spill over into our personal time. I'm glad you're aware of the need to establish clear boundaries - it's a continuous journey, but a necessary one for sure! And you're right, assertiveness is key to putting up healthy barriers and not letting others' expectations rule over us.

I find that switching off is easier said than done, especially when we're so accessible via technology these days. Setting up specific times when you engage with work-related tasks and being clear about your availability can help manage those expectations. Easier said than done, but definitely a worthy goal to strive towards!
Yes, the guilt that comes with taking time off is something most mothers experience, whether we stay at home or work outside of it. And it's so true about visualizing self-care as a commitment to oneself - it's a powerful mind shift that can help overcome that guilt.

Setting boundaries is super important, especially when work can easily spill over into our personal time. I'm glad you're aware of the need to establish clear boundaries - it's a continuous journey, but a necessary one for sure! And you're right, assertiveness is key to putting up healthy barriers and not letting others' expectations rule over us.

I find that switching off is easier said than done, especially when we're so accessible via technology these days. Setting up specific times when you engage with work-related tasks and being clear about your availability can help manage those expectations. Easier said than done, but definitely a worthy goal to strive towards!
it's a constant and ongoing process to maintain a healthy balance! Being available 24/7, especially with the role of technology these days, makes switching off a real challenge. Setting clear boundaries is an essential part of self-care that I often forget, so I'm reminded once again of its importance.

As mothers, our needs are often pushed aside amidst the chaos of daily life, but I've found that creating a routine or schedule helps me find time for myself and my well-being. Even if it's just 30 minutes of exercise or a quick coffee catch-up with a friend, having that dedicated 'me time' helps me feel less guilty about prioritizing self-care :)

Do you have any go-to strategies to quickly recharge or de-stress amidst your busy schedule?
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I completely agree - creating a routine or schedule is such a helpful way to fit self-care into our busy lives! I'm a huge advocate of carving out dedicated 'me time', even if it's just for a short while because some days, that's all we have!

For quick de-stressing, my go-to is taking my dog on a walk or doing some quick and intense exercises like burpees or jumping jacks - gets the endorphins going and clears my head. If I have a bit more time, I love doing some painting or drawing, getting creative is such a nice way to switch off.

What are your favourite ways to quickly recharge, especially on busy days?
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I completely agree - creating a routine or schedule is such a helpful way to fit self-care into our busy lives! I'm a huge advocate of carving out dedicated 'me time', even if it's just for a short while because some days, that's all we have!

For quick de-stressing, my go-to is taking my dog on a walk or doing some quick and intense exercises like burpees or jumping jacks - gets the endorphins going and clears my head. If I have a bit more time, I love doing some painting or drawing, getting creative is such a nice way to switch off.

What are your favourite ways to quickly recharge, especially on busy days?
Taking a break by yourself to recharge is so important! Quick recharge sessions help us rejuvenate and get back on track.

I tend to step away from my phone and laptop for a quick digital detox. I might put on some relaxing music, lie down, and do some deep breathing exercises. It helps me to just zone out and clear my mind. If I have more time, I enjoy going for a peaceful stroll outdoors and soaking in the nature around me-- it's calming and helps ground me.

I'm also a huge advocate of taking longer breaks once every few weeks to properly unwind, like going on a hiking trip or catching up on sleep. But these quick, daily recharging sessions keep me going, especially on busy work days!

What about you? How do you typically take some time for yourself when you're stressed and are short on time?
Some great self-care strategies you've shared! I also love taking short breaks to recharge, especially with a quick meditation session or some mindful breathing - it's amazing how much simpler things feel afterwards!

I'm a big fan of walking too; it helps me think clearly and is a wonderful opportunity to observe the world around us. There's something calming about being amidst nature, as you described.

I find these smaller, purposeful breaks throughout the day are a great way to maintain momentum and keep stress at bay - otherwise, it can be easy to burn out! It's also beneficial to remind oneself that 'self-care' doesn't have to be a big, time-consuming task; even these small, mindful moments help us return to our days with a fresh perspective.

It's inspiring to hear how you proactively fit these sessions into your routine!
Taking a break by yourself to recharge is so important! Quick recharge sessions help us rejuvenate and get back on track.

I tend to step away from my phone and laptop for a quick digital detox. I might put on some relaxing music, lie down, and do some deep breathing exercises. It helps me to just zone out and clear my mind. If I have more time, I enjoy going for a peaceful stroll outdoors and soaking in the nature around me-- it's calming and helps ground me.

I'm also a huge advocate of taking longer breaks once every few weeks to properly unwind, like going on a hiking trip or catching up on sleep. But these quick, daily recharging sessions keep me going, especially on busy work days!

What about you? How do you typically take some time for yourself when you're stressed and are short on time?
Ah, that sounds heavenly! Creating that mental space is so crucial, especially with our constant access to technology.

I'm also a fan of using music to create a little bubble - listening to calm instrumental music or some light jazz helps me zone out for a bit. I usually pair that with some coloring-in; it's so relaxing and takes me back to my childhood! It's amazing how something so simple can be so effective.

If I have about an hour to spare, I love going to the nearby park for some yoga or just plain old stretching. Something about being in nature and moving my body that helps me reset, plus it's a nice break from staring at screens.

I find that these little acts of self-care are so important, they help me feel rejuvenated and keep burnout at bay! It's encouraging to hear that others also make an effort to prioritize this :)
Some great self-care strategies you've shared! I also love taking short breaks to recharge, especially with a quick meditation session or some mindful breathing - it's amazing how much simpler things feel afterwards!

I'm a big fan of walking too; it helps me think clearly and is a wonderful opportunity to observe the world around us. There's something calming about being amidst nature, as you described.

I find these smaller, purposeful breaks throughout the day are a great way to maintain momentum and keep stress at bay - otherwise, it can be easy to burn out! It's also beneficial to remind oneself that 'self-care' doesn't have to be a big, time-consuming task; even these small, mindful moments help us return to our days with a fresh perspective.

It's inspiring to hear how you proactively fit these sessions into your routine!
Taking care of one's well-being is often as simple as slow and deep breathing. Short, purposeful breaks throughout my day are intentional pauses that help me regain perspective and avoid burnout. Being a parent and having a demanding career can be draining, so these little moments of serenity make a huge difference in staying calm and focused.
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Ah, that sounds heavenly! Creating that mental space is so crucial, especially with our constant access to technology.

I'm also a fan of using music to create a little bubble - listening to calm instrumental music or some light jazz helps me zone out for a bit. I usually pair that with some coloring-in; it's so relaxing and takes me back to my childhood! It's amazing how something so simple can be so effective.

If I have about an hour to spare, I love going to the nearby park for some yoga or just plain old stretching. Something about being in nature and moving my body that helps me reset, plus it's a nice break from staring at screens.

I find that these little acts of self-care are so important, they help me feel rejuvenated and keep burnout at bay! It's encouraging to hear that others also make an effort to prioritize this :)
I know what you mean! It's heartening to hear that others value self-care too.

Coloring is relaxing I sometimes forget how enjoyable it is until I'm reminded by those fancy adult coloring books. They're so intricate and beautiful; it's a nice break from the mundane and stressful.

I also love a good stretch session, and it feels like such a luxury to be able to take an hour to just relax and move my body. Sometimes I enjoy a slow, solo walk too, which helps me clear my head.

It's these little things that keep us sane, especially amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life and work. It's easy to forget how effective these simple pleasures are in reducing stress!

Do you have any other go-to de-stressing methods? I'm always on the lookout for new ideas to switch things up!
I know what you mean! It's heartening to hear that others value self-care too.

Coloring is relaxing I sometimes forget how enjoyable it is until I'm reminded by those fancy adult coloring books. They're so intricate and beautiful; it's a nice break from the mundane and stressful.

I also love a good stretch session, and it feels like such a luxury to be able to take an hour to just relax and move my body. Sometimes I enjoy a slow, solo walk too, which helps me clear my head.

It's these little things that keep us sane, especially amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life and work. It's easy to forget how effective these simple pleasures are in reducing stress!

Do you have any other go-to de-stressing methods? I'm always on the lookout for new ideas to switch things up!
Oh yes, I've seen those adult coloring books! They're stunning and really help bring out your inner artist. It's a great way to get some mindfulness in too; it's amazing how focused you can become when coloring in those intricate patterns.

I recently discovered these relaxing shower bombs that you can use when taking a bath or a shower. They're like bath bombs but designed to enhance your shower experience with essential oils. It's a lovely way to unwind, especially after a long day - the aromatherapy is so soothing!

I also like to indulge in some journal writing; it feels good to just let everything out on paper. Usually, I'll jot down my thoughts and feelings from the day or sometimes create some mind maps - it's a great way to organize your thoughts and visualsze any issues you might have.

And of course, there's nothing like a good movie or a captivating book to whisk you away somewhere else! Getting lost in a good story is such a nice form of escapism and relaxation.

What about you? Any new discoveries or old favorites that you turn to?
Oh yes, I've seen those adult coloring books! They're stunning and really help bring out your inner artist. It's a great way to get some mindfulness in too; it's amazing how focused you can become when coloring in those intricate patterns.

I recently discovered these relaxing shower bombs that you can use when taking a bath or a shower. They're like bath bombs but designed to enhance your shower experience with essential oils. It's a lovely way to unwind, especially after a long day - the aromatherapy is so soothing!

I also like to indulge in some journal writing; it feels good to just let everything out on paper. Usually, I'll jot down my thoughts and feelings from the day or sometimes create some mind maps - it's a great way to organize your thoughts and visualsze any issues you might have.

And of course, there's nothing like a good movie or a captivating book to whisk you away somewhere else! Getting lost in a good story is such a nice form of escapism and relaxation.

What about you? Any new discoveries or old favorites that you turn to?
I'm glad we share similar tastes! I've also been getting into scrapbooking lately, which has been a fun way to be creative and indulge in some mindless cutting and sticking. There's something satisfying about being a bit artsy, and it's amazing how therapeutic gluing down memories can be!

I've also started taking up knitting again after many years. It's one of those relaxing hobbies I enjoyed as a kid, taught to me by my grandmother. It's incredible how calming it is, and I love the sense of achievement from creating something tangible. Plus, my daughter enjoys playing with the soft toys and wearing the scarfs I knit, which makes it even more worthwhile.

On the days when I need a quick reset, I turn to deep breathing exercises. It's surprising how effective just a few minutes of mindful breathing can be in calming me down and recentering my thoughts. I've also been testing out various herbal teas, and they're a lovely way to wind down; some have such unique and comforting flavors.

It's always great discovering new ways to unwind. It's like finding little pockets of peacefulness amidst our busy lives! Do share if you discover any new gems; I'd love to hear them!
I'm glad we share similar tastes! I've also been getting into scrapbooking lately, which has been a fun way to be creative and indulge in some mindless cutting and sticking. There's something satisfying about being a bit artsy, and it's amazing how therapeutic gluing down memories can be!

I've also started taking up knitting again after many years. It's one of those relaxing hobbies I enjoyed as a kid, taught to me by my grandmother. It's incredible how calming it is, and I love the sense of achievement from creating something tangible. Plus, my daughter enjoys playing with the soft toys and wearing the scarfs I knit, which makes it even more worthwhile.

On the days when I need a quick reset, I turn to deep breathing exercises. It's surprising how effective just a few minutes of mindful breathing can be in calming me down and recentering my thoughts. I've also been testing out various herbal teas, and they're a lovely way to wind down; some have such unique and comforting flavors.

It's always great discovering new ways to unwind. It's like finding little pockets of peacefulness amidst our busy lives! Do share if you discover any new gems; I'd love to hear them!
I love the sound of scrapbooking - it's like creating a tangible timeline of memories and must be very satisfying And knitting is a wonderful skill, something artisanal and wholesome that has been passed down to you. There's a sense of comfort and homeliness associated with it.

The little things we do to recenter ourselves make such a big difference, don't they? It's like stopping to smell the roses and appreciating the simpler joys in life. I find that these acts of self-care are so important, especially for us mums, to recharge and reset.

I've recently discovered the benefits of stretching exercises - nothing too intense, just basic yoga poses - they're fantastic for releasing tension from my muscles and easing my mind. I typically use an app that guides me through some beginner's stretches and provides peaceful music too. It's amazing how much fresher I feel afterwards.

And I'm a big fan of listening to audio books while doing some light housekeeping or chores - it makes the mundane tasks more bearable and is a great way to multitask. I get through my to-do list whilst catching up on some good stories!

What about your daughter, does she have any favorite activities that keep her entertained?
My daughter enjoys drawing and painting, especially when accompanied by some calm music. She also loves being outdoors; going for walks and exploring nature. We recently got her a new sketchbook and some watercolors, which she's been enjoying.

She also likes doing little DIY room decor projects - the other day, she made this cute macramé hanging plant holder. It's so adorable seeing her take pride in her creations.

I completely agree about the benefits of taking some time for self-care. It's heartening to hear how other mums manage to fit some 'me time' into their busy schedules and still keep their little ones engaged and entertained!
That sounds awesome, and it's so lovely that you've encouraged her creative side. My daughter also loves arts and crafts - there's a sense of calm that comes with creating something visually appealing, isn't there?

The benefits of taking some time for self-care are immense; I find that it helps me reset and refocus, especially when there's so much going on. It's wonderful how you're exposing your daughter to different creative outlets and fostering her interests.

The plant holder sounds adorable - a talented girl! What other materials has she enjoyed working with?

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