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Parenting twins and multiples


Feb 23, 2024
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Has anyone got tips on how to prepare for parenting twins, or indeed for managing the early days with tiny twins? I'd love to hear about people's experiences and any suggestions they have for must-have items/gadgets or general advice for those tricky first few weeks!
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Has anyone got tips on how to prepare for parenting twins, or indeed for managing the early days with tiny twins? I'd love to hear about people's experiences and any suggestions they have for must-have items/gadgets or general advice for those tricky first few weeks!
Having twins is double the fun but also double the work! You'll need loads of patience and support, especially during the initial phase. Here are some pointers, based on personal experience:

1. Get two of everything: Two cribs, two car seats, two strollers - trust me, you don't want to deal with the hassle of making do with just one of each; it's a recipe for disaster.

2. accept help - Stock up your fridge and pantry ahead of time because you won't have the luxury to cook or go grocery shopping frequently. Accept help from relatives or friends who offer to run errands, and if no one's around, use delivery services for groceries or meals.

3. Baby carriers are a lifesaver - You'll often have two crying babies and wearing them lets you have hands free to tend to both, plus it's soothing for the little ones.

4. Set up a twin-friendly space - Make sure you have a dedicated area for the twins with all their essentials within reach. You don't want to be running around like a headless chicken searching for items in different rooms.

5. Try not to compare - Each baby has their own temperament and development timeline, so don't freak out if one seems to lag behind the other. Celebrate every milestone they hit, and soon you'll have two happy toddlers running around creating their own brand of chaos!
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Has anyone got tips on how to prepare for parenting twins, or indeed for managing the early days with tiny twins? I'd love to hear about people's experiences and any suggestions they have for must-have items/gadgets or general advice for those tricky first few weeks!
As a parent of a five-year-old and someone who has navigated the challenges of raising twins, here's some advice based on personal experience:

1. Accept Help: Those first few weeks are intense and overwhelming, so don't be shy to accept help from family and friends, especially with meal deliveries or babysitting your older kids if you have them.

2. Routine is Key: Establish a routine as soon as possible, which helps keep everything somewhat predictable. For example, feeding both babies at the same time, which also gives you some one-on-one time with each baby.

3. Create a Calming Environment: I found white noise and ambiance very helpful to soothe both my kids and mask any external sounds that might startle them. Also, having a cozy nursing/feeding area with comfortable seating and soft lighting made those overnight feeds more manageable.

4. Twin Specific Essentials: Two of everything! But in all seriousness, having two baby carriers, two swings, and two bouncy seats came in handy because inevitably one baby would be fussing while the other needed attention. Having a dedicated tandem feeding setup, like a twin nursing pillow, also makes feeding easier.

5. Time Management: Learn to prioritize and manage your time effectively. My strategy was to focus on keeping the babies' needs met first, then tackling household chores or personal time afterward. You might consider employing help for specific tasks like housekeeping during that initial period.

6. Stay Organized: I kept a detailed diary for each baby - logging their feeding times, sleep patterns, and diaper changes. It helped me identify their routines, and also ensured I wasn't neglecting any of their needs.

7. Don't Compare or Stress Out: Every baby is different, including twins! Don't stress if one twin seems to be lagging behind the other in any area. They have their own timelines and milestones, so focus on their individual progress and celebrate those wins.

The first few weeks are a blur, but they're also a special time you'll cherish despite the exhaustion. Remember, you've got this, and the joy of twice the trouble and love is worth it!

What's everyone else's experiences and top tips for those preparing for twins?
Having twins is double the fun but also double the work! You'll need loads of patience and support, especially during the initial phase. Here are some pointers, based on personal experience:

1. Get two of everything: Two cribs, two car seats, two strollers - trust me, you don't want to deal with the hassle of making do with just one of each; it's a recipe for disaster.

2. accept help - Stock up your fridge and pantry ahead of time because you won't have the luxury to cook or go grocery shopping frequently. Accept help from relatives or friends who offer to run errands, and if no one's around, use delivery services for groceries or meals.

3. Baby carriers are a lifesaver - You'll often have two crying babies and wearing them lets you have hands free to tend to both, plus it's soothing for the little ones.

4. Set up a twin-friendly space - Make sure you have a dedicated area for the twins with all their essentials within reach. You don't want to be running around like a headless chicken searching for items in different rooms.

5. Try not to compare - Each baby has their own temperament and development timeline, so don't freak out if one seems to lag behind the other. Celebrate every milestone they hit, and soon you'll have two happy toddlers running around creating their own brand of chaos!
Those are some great pointers! I completely agree that getting two of everything is a must; it's more convenient and saves a lot of time and hassle. Accepting help when offered is also key, as those first few weeks can be incredibly overwhelming - you don't want to burn yourself out!

I'd also suggest investing in good quality baby monitors with multiple cameras. It's comforting to be able to keep an eye (or ear) on both babies simultaneously without having to run back and forth between their rooms. And of course, stock up on essentials like diapers, wet wipes, creams, and other toiletries - you don't want to run out of these during the night and have to make a desperate dash to the store!

What other items did you find helpful in the first few weeks?
Having twins is double the fun but also double the work! You'll need loads of patience and support, especially during the initial phase. Here are some pointers, based on personal experience:

1. Get two of everything: Two cribs, two car seats, two strollers - trust me, you don't want to deal with the hassle of making do with just one of each; it's a recipe for disaster.

2. accept help - Stock up your fridge and pantry ahead of time because you won't have the luxury to cook or go grocery shopping frequently. Accept help from relatives or friends who offer to run errands, and if no one's around, use delivery services for groceries or meals.

3. Baby carriers are a lifesaver - You'll often have two crying babies and wearing them lets you have hands free to tend to both, plus it's soothing for the little ones.

4. Set up a twin-friendly space - Make sure you have a dedicated area for the twins with all their essentials within reach. You don't want to be running around like a headless chicken searching for items in different rooms.

5. Try not to compare - Each baby has their own temperament and development timeline, so don't freak out if one seems to lag behind the other. Celebrate every milestone they hit, and soon you'll have two happy toddlers running around creating their own brand of chaos!
Those are some great pointers! Here's adding on to the list which might help during the initial phase with twins:

- Schedule some me-time: When your babies nap, use that time for yourself. Take a bath, read a book, or nap too! It helps to recharge and rejuvenate yourself, especially if you've had a frustrating morning with two crying babies. You might feel guilty doing this, but remember, looking after yourself is looking after your children too.

- Learn the art of breastfeeding twins: If you're breastfeeding, it's manageable with one, but quite the challenge with twins! It's a skill to master feeding both simultaneously, but it's doable and saves a lot of time. Get a breastfeeding pillow to support both babies and get into a comfortable position.

- Color-code or use distinctive clothing: In the beginning, it can be tricky to differentiate between your twins, especially when they look identical! Dress them in distinct colors or patterns to quickly identify who's who, which is also cute and fun.

- Don't hesitate to ask for specific help: People may offer assistance, but sometimes it's not quite what you need. It's okay to politely ask for something specific, be it a particular baby essential or an errand you need running. People will understand and be happy to help.

The first few weeks are definitely daunting, but with an organized approach and plenty of support, you'll sail through!
Having twins is double the fun but also double the work! You'll need loads of patience and support, especially during the initial phase. Here are some pointers, based on personal experience:

1. Get two of everything: Two cribs, two car seats, two strollers - trust me, you don't want to deal with the hassle of making do with just one of each; it's a recipe for disaster.

2. accept help - Stock up your fridge and pantry ahead of time because you won't have the luxury to cook or go grocery shopping frequently. Accept help from relatives or friends who offer to run errands, and if no one's around, use delivery services for groceries or meals.

3. Baby carriers are a lifesaver - You'll often have two crying babies and wearing them lets you have hands free to tend to both, plus it's soothing for the little ones.

4. Set up a twin-friendly space - Make sure you have a dedicated area for the twins with all their essentials within reach. You don't want to be running around like a headless chicken searching for items in different rooms.

5. Try not to compare - Each baby has their own temperament and development timeline, so don't freak out if one seems to lag behind the other. Celebrate every milestone they hit, and soon you'll have two happy toddlers running around creating their own brand of chaos!
Those are some great pointers to survive the initial phase!

I would add that maintaining a routine from day 1 helps, even if you just pretend that you're following a schedule when everything is still pretty chaotic. It gives a sense of order and helps distinguish one baby's needs from the other, especially when they're both so small and dependent.

Also, I found that keeping a checklist on hand for each baby comes in extra handy when you're too tired to remember what you've already done - like feeding logs, diaper changes, and bath time. Ticking things off physically gave me a sense of accomplishment too, which was encouraging during those exhausting initial weeks.

As much as possible, try to enjoy the whirlwind that comes with twins! Before you know it, they're already five and a whole new set of challenges await!
Having twins is double the fun but also double the work! You'll need loads of patience and support, especially during the initial phase. Here are some pointers, based on personal experience:

1. Get two of everything: Two cribs, two car seats, two strollers - trust me, you don't want to deal with the hassle of making do with just one of each; it's a recipe for disaster.

2. accept help - Stock up your fridge and pantry ahead of time because you won't have the luxury to cook or go grocery shopping frequently. Accept help from relatives or friends who offer to run errands, and if no one's around, use delivery services for groceries or meals.

3. Baby carriers are a lifesaver - You'll often have two crying babies and wearing them lets you have hands free to tend to both, plus it's soothing for the little ones.

4. Set up a twin-friendly space - Make sure you have a dedicated area for the twins with all their essentials within reach. You don't want to be running around like a headless chicken searching for items in different rooms.

5. Try not to compare - Each baby has their own temperament and development timeline, so don't freak out if one seems to lag behind the other. Celebrate every milestone they hit, and soon you'll have two happy toddlers running around creating their own brand of chaos!
Those are some good tips! I'm glad you mentioned about accepting help, which is often hard for Asian parents, but definitely helpful to have another pair of hands around! Also, babywearing certainly helps especially when you're out and about and they can be soothing for the little ones. Perhaps I should prepare a twin-friendly space downstairs so that I'm not running up and down the stairs for various items! And you're right about not comparing - I have a 7yo who's quite advanced for his age, so definitely need to remember that the twins will have their own timeline. Thanks!
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Having twins is double the fun but also double the work! You'll need loads of patience and support, especially during the initial phase. Here are some pointers, based on personal experience:

1. Get two of everything: Two cribs, two car seats, two strollers - trust me, you don't want to deal with the hassle of making do with just one of each; it's a recipe for disaster.

2. accept help - Stock up your fridge and pantry ahead of time because you won't have the luxury to cook or go grocery shopping frequently. Accept help from relatives or friends who offer to run errands, and if no one's around, use delivery services for groceries or meals.

3. Baby carriers are a lifesaver - You'll often have two crying babies and wearing them lets you have hands free to tend to both, plus it's soothing for the little ones.

4. Set up a twin-friendly space - Make sure you have a dedicated area for the twins with all their essentials within reach. You don't want to be running around like a headless chicken searching for items in different rooms.

5. Try not to compare - Each baby has their own temperament and development timeline, so don't freak out if one seems to lag behind the other. Celebrate every milestone they hit, and soon you'll have two happy toddlers running around creating their own brand of chaos!
Great tips! I'd also suggest investing in a double electric pump for breastfeeding mums - it's a godsend and will help keep your sanity intact if you plan to breastfeed those littles ones. Also, while it might seem impossible to fathom now, try to imagine life without them - date nights, for example. Arrange babysitters ahead of time, so you and your partner can have some much-needed time out once in a while; it's important for your own sanity and relationship.
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Having twins is double the fun but also double the work! You'll need loads of patience and support, especially during the initial phase. Here are some pointers, based on personal experience:

1. Get two of everything: Two cribs, two car seats, two strollers - trust me, you don't want to deal with the hassle of making do with just one of each; it's a recipe for disaster.

2. accept help - Stock up your fridge and pantry ahead of time because you won't have the luxury to cook or go grocery shopping frequently. Accept help from relatives or friends who offer to run errands, and if no one's around, use delivery services for groceries or meals.

3. Baby carriers are a lifesaver - You'll often have two crying babies and wearing them lets you have hands free to tend to both, plus it's soothing for the little ones.

4. Set up a twin-friendly space - Make sure you have a dedicated area for the twins with all their essentials within reach. You don't want to be running around like a headless chicken searching for items in different rooms.

5. Try not to compare - Each baby has their own temperament and development timeline, so don't freak out if one seems to lag behind the other. Celebrate every milestone they hit, and soon you'll have two happy toddlers running around creating their own brand of chaos!
Great tips! I'd also add that a tandem feeding pillow is a must-have for bottle-feeding twins. It saves so much time and effort trying to juggle both babies on your own. Also, if you're planning on breastfeeding, a breast pump is a godsend! It's helpful to pump milk in advance, especially when you're exclusive pumping or combo feeding.

I found that creating a streamlined routine, almost assembly-line style, helped me keep on top of things. Once you and the twins establish a good feeding and napping routine, everything becomes more manageable. You got this!
Great tips! I'd also suggest investing in a double electric pump for breastfeeding mums - it's a godsend and will help keep your sanity intact if you plan to breastfeed those littles ones. Also, while it might seem impossible to fathom now, try to imagine life without them - date nights, for example. Arrange babysitters ahead of time, so you and your partner can have some much-needed time out once in a while; it's important for your own sanity and relationship.
You're spot on about the double electric pump - it's a breastfeeding mom's best friend, especially with twins! Also, planning ahead for date nights is a great idea; babysitters will be a lifesaver when you need some alone time or couple time. It's easy to forget about yourself when you have two new little humans demanding your attention, so making sure you have some outlets is important!
Great tips! I'd also suggest investing in a double electric pump for breastfeeding mums - it's a godsend and will help keep your sanity intact if you plan to breastfeed those littles ones. Also, while it might seem impossible to fathom now, try to imagine life without them - date nights, for example. Arrange babysitters ahead of time, so you and your partner can have some much-needed time out once in a while; it's important for your own sanity and relationship.
Those are really good pointers! Especially about arranging babysitters - we tend to forget that we'll need a break from time to time too, and it's good to remember that date nights (or dates during the day!) can happen, even with twins. And yes, I've heard horror stories about breastfeeding, so definitely going to look into getting a double electric pump, thanks!
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Those are some great pointers! I completely agree that getting two of everything is a must; it's more convenient and saves a lot of time and hassle. Accepting help when offered is also key, as those first few weeks can be incredibly overwhelming - you don't want to burn yourself out!

I'd also suggest investing in good quality baby monitors with multiple cameras. It's comforting to be able to keep an eye (or ear) on both babies simultaneously without having to run back and forth between their rooms. And of course, stock up on essentials like diapers, wet wipes, creams, and other toiletries - you don't want to run out of these during the night and have to make a desperate dash to the store!

What other items did you find helpful in the first few weeks?
Having good quality, multiple baby monitors with a long battery life and clear audio/video feedback is a great add-on to the twin setup. It gives you eyes and ears on both kids simultaneously, which ensures that you're not caught unaware if one starts fussing unexpectedly. As for must-have essentials, I'd also include nasal aspirators; they're a godsend for clearing any mucus or congestion, especially if your little ones are susceptible to colds and flu.

Keeping a stockpile of easy-to-prepare, nutritious meals also helped me a lot because feeding the twins took up so much of my time and energy. Having quick meal options that could be warmed up easily were a lifesaver on those sleepy, chaotic days. I'd also recommend having a small, portable changing table with storage for diapers and wipes handy; it's a convenient setup that allows you to change diapers without running around too much.

Otherwise, it's really about creating a calm and efficient workflow in your home. You're essentially managing two babies, so any time-saving hacks or comfy stations for nursing, changing, and soothing are precious!

What other hacks do you guys have for surviving and thriving with twins?
Those are really good pointers! Especially about arranging babysitters - we tend to forget that we'll need a break from time to time too, and it's good to remember that date nights (or dates during the day!) can happen, even with twins. And yes, I've heard horror stories about breastfeeding, so definitely going to look into getting a double electric pump, thanks!
Mums of multiples tend to forget about themselves because there are just so many demands from the little ones. But it's certainly good to keep in mind something to look forward to, like a date night! It helps us keep our sanity too and makes us realize there is life outside of feedings and diaper changes 😅.
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Those are really good pointers! Especially about arranging babysitters - we tend to forget that we'll need a break from time to time too, and it's good to remember that date nights (or dates during the day!) can happen, even with twins. And yes, I've heard horror stories about breastfeeding, so definitely going to look into getting a double electric pump, thanks!
Hah! You will need all the help you can get with two little ones. As much as we want to be superheroes, it's unrealistic to think we can manage everything ourselves. You'll soon learn that there's no shame in seeking help and accepting it when offered! Having a network of support is invaluable for your own sanity and well-being.
Those are really good pointers! Especially about arranging babysitters - we tend to forget that we'll need a break from time to time too, and it's good to remember that date nights (or dates during the day!) can happen, even with twins. And yes, I've heard horror stories about breastfeeding, so definitely going to look into getting a double electric pump, thanks!
Don't forget to enjoy the journey - it goes by in a blur! It's okay to ask for help and seek advice from experienced parents. We all want to do our best for our children, and sometimes that means learning from others' mistakes!
Hah! You will need all the help you can get with two little ones. As much as we want to be superheroes, it's unrealistic to think we can manage everything ourselves. You'll soon learn that there's no shame in seeking help and accepting it when offered! Having a network of support is invaluable for your own sanity and well-being.
I've found that managing expectations and keeping an open mind are crucial when preparing for twins. That applies to most parenting situations actually.
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Don't forget to enjoy the journey - it goes by in a blur! It's okay to ask for help and seek advice from experienced parents. We all want to do our best for our children, and sometimes that means learning from others' mistakes!
Good advice! It's a crazy rollercoaster ride that goes by too quickly; you've gotta enjoy the ups and downs with the twins while you can! And asking for help or advice is nothing to be shy about; it's part and parcel of the learning curve of being a parent - might as well use all the resources you can get!
Having good quality, multiple baby monitors with a long battery life and clear audio/video feedback is a great add-on to the twin setup. It gives you eyes and ears on both kids simultaneously, which ensures that you're not caught unaware if one starts fussing unexpectedly. As for must-have essentials, I'd also include nasal aspirators; they're a godsend for clearing any mucus or congestion, especially if your little ones are susceptible to colds and flu.

Keeping a stockpile of easy-to-prepare, nutritious meals also helped me a lot because feeding the twins took up so much of my time and energy. Having quick meal options that could be warmed up easily were a lifesaver on those sleepy, chaotic days. I'd also recommend having a small, portable changing table with storage for diapers and wipes handy; it's a convenient setup that allows you to change diapers without running around too much.

Otherwise, it's really about creating a calm and efficient workflow in your home. You're essentially managing two babies, so any time-saving hacks or comfy stations for nursing, changing, and soothing are precious!

What other hacks do you guys have for surviving and thriving with twins?
Having a constant supply of zip lock bags in different sizes is so useful for storing and portioning food. Also, those portable changing mats that come with compartments for diapers, wet wipes, creams, and an extra set of clothes are really handy when you're out and about or even at home. You never have to dig around for anything; it's all contained in one place!

I also found that learning how to swaddle properly was a godsend, it helped my babies sleep longer, and it gave them some much-needed comfort. Knowing the right technique can make all the difference - I'd highly recommend learning a few baby calming techniques like this, they're your sanity savers!
Having good quality, multiple baby monitors with a long battery life and clear audio/video feedback is a great add-on to the twin setup. It gives you eyes and ears on both kids simultaneously, which ensures that you're not caught unaware if one starts fussing unexpectedly. As for must-have essentials, I'd also include nasal aspirators; they're a godsend for clearing any mucus or congestion, especially if your little ones are susceptible to colds and flu.

Keeping a stockpile of easy-to-prepare, nutritious meals also helped me a lot because feeding the twins took up so much of my time and energy. Having quick meal options that could be warmed up easily were a lifesaver on those sleepy, chaotic days. I'd also recommend having a small, portable changing table with storage for diapers and wipes handy; it's a convenient setup that allows you to change diapers without running around too much.

Otherwise, it's really about creating a calm and efficient workflow in your home. You're essentially managing two babies, so any time-saving hacks or comfy stations for nursing, changing, and soothing are precious!

What other hacks do you guys have for surviving and thriving with twins?
Some excellent suggestions here that I completely agree with, especially the nasal aspirators and first aid kits - so important! I'd also emphasize the importance of a good, sturdy, and comfortable baby carrier. With two little ones, you've got enough on your plate, so having a hands-free option for a walk around the neighborhood or just to keep them calm is a God-send.

Having a solid routine from day one is also helpful, as it gives you a semblance of control and prepares the twins for what's to come. Establishing a feed-play-sleep cycle helps to keep everyone on the same page and provides some structure to your day. Of course, it's also vital to have an open mind and be prepared for when things inevitably go awry - because they will! - and that's when all that accepted help comes into play.

On a personal note, I also found that keeping a small journal helped me keep track of their feeds, nappies, and milestones, especially in the early days when everything was so new and chaotic. It gave me a sense of accomplishment to jot down their achievements and provided some clarity amidst the fog of parenthood!
Hah! You will need all the help you can get with two little ones. As much as we want to be superheroes, it's unrealistic to think we can manage everything ourselves. You'll soon learn that there's no shame in seeking help and accepting it when offered! Having a network of support is invaluable for your own sanity and well-being.
Yup, getting help doesn't mean you can't manage; it just means you're being smart! Everyone needs some help sometimes!

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