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Parenting multiples - twin, triplet (or more!) challenges & joys


Mar 9, 2024
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The challenges and triumphs of parenting multiples are unique - let's share our experiences! Whether you have infants, toddlers, or older kids, this is the place to discuss the joys and struggles of parenting two, three, or more at the same time.

What's everyone's biggest challenge right now - aside from the obvious exhaustion that comes with the territory? I'll go first: keeping up with the constant demand for snacks! Seemingly the minute one meal is over, someone else is hungry again! And of course they never all want the same thing...

How do you guys handle this? Any clever strategies for feeding multiples on the go or just day to day at home?
The challenges and triumphs of parenting multiples are unique - let's share our experiences! Whether you have infants, toddlers, or older kids, this is the place to discuss the joys and struggles of parenting two, three, or more at the same time.

What's everyone's biggest challenge right now - aside from the obvious exhaustion that comes with the territory? I'll go first: keeping up with the constant demand for snacks! Seemingly the minute one meal is over, someone else is hungry again! And of course they never all want the same thing...

How do you guys handle this? Any clever strategies for feeding multiples on the go or just day to day at home?
My kids are always hungry little monsters, especially my boy who seems to have an bottomless pit for a stomach! No joke, I feel like I'm constantly preparing meals and snacks. And the chaos of doing this alone while ensuring the baby isn't getting into mischief is tough!

To keep sanity amidst the meal demands, I usually keep ready-to-eat fruits and veggies around that I can quickly grab to stave off hanger meltdowns. Bananas, washed berries and carrots are my go-tos! Also stock up on portable, easy meals like granola bars, sandwiches or those squeezy tot pouches for out and about. At home, I involve the older one in preparing meals - she's entertained and also learning some cooking skills, win-win!
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My kids are always hungry little monsters, especially my boy who seems to have an bottomless pit for a stomach! No joke, I feel like I'm constantly preparing meals and snacks. And the chaos of doing this alone while ensuring the baby isn't getting into mischief is tough!

To keep sanity amidst the meal demands, I usually keep ready-to-eat fruits and veggies around that I can quickly grab to stave off hanger meltdowns. Bananas, washed berries and carrots are my go-tos! Also stock up on portable, easy meals like granola bars, sandwiches or those squeezy tot pouches for out and about. At home, I involve the older one in preparing meals - she's entertained and also learning some cooking skills, win-win!
Yes, having them help out in the kitchen is a great idea! It's a good way to distract them from their rumbling tummies too. Teaching them to make simple dishes could come in handy when they get even older and more independent. My twin nieces love arranging their own snacks on those divided plates - one side with fruits, another for crackers and cheese, etc., which helps keep things interesting.
Yes, having them help out in the kitchen is a great idea! It's a good way to distract them from their rumbling tummies too. Teaching them to make simple dishes could come in handy when they get even older and more independent. My twin nieces love arranging their own snacks on those divided plates - one side with fruits, another for crackers and cheese, etc., which helps keep things interesting.
instilling independence and encouraging them to help is a great idea, especially with all the newfound energy twins and multiples seem to have these days! My strategy is usually to make a big batch of pancakes or muffins on weekends, using nutritious ingredients like oats, berries, and seeds. These hearty homemade snacks can be frozen and thawed as needed, which helps when I'm too tired to cook or am running out the door.
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instilling independence and encouraging them to help is a great idea, especially with all the newfound energy twins and multiples seem to have these days! My strategy is usually to make a big batch of pancakes or muffins on weekends, using nutritious ingredients like oats, berries, and seeds. These hearty homemade snacks can be frozen and thawed as needed, which helps when I'm too tired to cook or am running out the door.
That's a great idea to bulk prepare snacks! I've also learned that it's best not to let my guard down when it comes to multiples. They seem to have this uncanny ability to surprise me when I least expect it, whether it's an unexpected mess or a clever new stunt! So, I try to stay one step ahead by keeping things handy like a stroller that can accommodate both my sleeping newborn and adventurous toddler, or having a toy caddy at the ready for quick diversionary tactics.
That's a great idea to bulk prepare snacks! I've also learned that it's best not to let my guard down when it comes to multiples. They seem to have this uncanny ability to surprise me when I least expect it, whether it's an unexpected mess or a clever new stunt! So, I try to stay one step ahead by keeping things handy like a stroller that can accommodate both my sleeping newborn and adventurous toddler, or having a toy caddy at the ready for quick diversionary tactics.
Having a proactive approach sounds like good advice, especially with the unpredictable nature of multiples! The snacks you described also sound delicious - homemade and healthy treats are always a win. I also try to bake cookies or muffins in advance and freeze them; it's amazing how well they keep and it's so convenient to defrost as needed.
Having a proactive approach sounds like good advice, especially with the unpredictable nature of multiples! The snacks you described also sound delicious - homemade and healthy treats are always a win. I also try to bake cookies or muffins in advance and freeze them; it's amazing how well they keep and it's so convenient to defrost as needed.
I'm running out of ideas already, do you guys have any other tips up your sleeves?
I'm running out of ideas already, do you guys have any other tips up your sleeves?
There are days when the snacking demands feel relentless and a constant stream of hungry kids test my creativity. I'll throw together a makeshift picnic with cold cuts of meat, cheese, and berries or whatever's available in the fridge. It's a fun change from the usual routine and makes for a delightful surprise for the little ones.
There are days when the snacking demands feel relentless and a constant stream of hungry kids test my creativity. I'll throw together a makeshift picnic with cold cuts of meat, cheese, and berries or whatever's available in the fridge. It's a fun change from the usual routine and makes for a delightful surprise for the little ones.
Having different options at hand, especially easily portable foods, makes feeding multiples a lot less stressful! The picnic idea also sounds like fun. I'm curious to know if any parents here prepare special snacks for their multiples' unique personalities?
Having different options at hand, especially easily portable foods, makes feeding multiples a lot less stressful! The picnic idea also sounds like fun. I'm curious to know if any parents here prepare special snacks for their multiples' unique personalities?
It's a challenge to manage the constant demands of hungry twins or more, but having a stash of healthy, prepackaged snacks goes a long way toward keeping everyone fed and happy. Do you have other parenting secrets for multiples that we haven't covered yet?
It's a challenge to manage the constant demands of hungry twins or more, but having a stash of healthy, prepackaged snacks goes a long way toward keeping everyone fed and happy. Do you have other parenting secrets for multiples that we haven't covered yet?
Yes, there's always so much to consider when catering to multiples' needs! Apart from the feeding frenzy, I find that having a structured daily routine also helps keep things in order. Establishing clear routines for mealtimes, naps, and playtime ensures the children learn boundaries and provides some predictability in our chaotic lives. It gets easier when they're able to follow a routine independently.

Another thing I do is to keep an activity box or two around, with simple toys and games that can be quickly whipped out when I need some me-time or for keeping them occupied while I prep meals. Just ensure the toys are age-appropriate and supervised for safety!
Yes, there's always so much to consider when catering to multiples' needs! Apart from the feeding frenzy, I find that having a structured daily routine also helps keep things in order. Establishing clear routines for mealtimes, naps, and playtime ensures the children learn boundaries and provides some predictability in our chaotic lives. It gets easier when they're able to follow a routine independently.

Another thing I do is to keep an activity box or two around, with simple toys and games that can be quickly whipped out when I need some me-time or for keeping them occupied while I prep meals. Just ensure the toys are age-appropriate and supervised for safety!
Routines definitely help create some sense of order among the chaos! I'm learning that it's the small things that make a big difference when you have multiples. Being proactive, as many have mentioned, is key to keeping everyone well-fed and happy - it's all about having the right snacks and tools at hand.
Routines definitely help create some sense of order among the chaos! I'm learning that it's the small things that make a big difference when you have multiples. Being proactive, as many have mentioned, is key to keeping everyone well-fed and happy - it's all about having the right snacks and tools at hand.
Having a structured daily routine definitely helps keep me sane, especially with the non-stop energy multiples seem to have! Keeping everyone occupied can be challenging but fun activity boxes sound like an exciting plan B. I'm all ears if anyone has more tips on keeping multiples engaged simultaneously!
Having a structured daily routine definitely helps keep me sane, especially with the non-stop energy multiples seem to have! Keeping everyone occupied can be challenging but fun activity boxes sound like an exciting plan B. I'm all ears if anyone has more tips on keeping multiples engaged simultaneously!
Having twins almost certainly doubles up the fun and mischief, doesn't it? You definitely need a repertoire of tricks up your sleeve, especially for times when you're out and about or running errands with the kids in tow.

Diversionary tactics are my secret weapon for such occasions - a handful of new, novelty toys or snacks will usually keep them occupied until I've accomplished what I need to do. They could be simple fidget toys, coloring books, or their favorite cartoon on the iPad - anything to buy me some time! Time-out strategies are useful too, especially if they're old enough to understand consequences and boundaries.

If all else fails, I resort to good ol' fashioned physical play - a quick game or some roughhousing seems to solve everything, leaving everyone tired and ready for nap time!
Having twins almost certainly doubles up the fun and mischief, doesn't it? You definitely need a repertoire of tricks up your sleeve, especially for times when you're out and about or running errands with the kids in tow.

Diversionary tactics are my secret weapon for such occasions - a handful of new, novelty toys or snacks will usually keep them occupied until I've accomplished what I need to do. They could be simple fidget toys, coloring books, or their favorite cartoon on the iPad - anything to buy me some time! Time-out strategies are useful too, especially if they're old enough to understand consequences and boundaries.

If all else fails, I resort to good ol' fashioned physical play - a quick game or some roughhousing seems to solve everything, leaving everyone tired and ready for nap time!
Having interactive toys that keep them engaged independently could also be a life-saver in situations where you need to get things done.
Having interactive toys that keep them engaged independently could also be a life-saver in situations where you need to get things done.
Yes, those independent playtime solutions are a Godsend, especially with multiples! It's encouraging to hear these tips from fellow parents because it reaffirms the little strategies that help us navigate this multiple parenting journey.

Some of these gems I picked up along the way also include utilizing mealtime entertainment like Busy Mats, or those suction toys that adhere to high chairs or tables. They provide a welcome distraction and give me some much-needed breathing room during mealtimes, especially if we're eating out!
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Yes, those independent playtime solutions are a Godsend, especially with multiples! It's encouraging to hear these tips from fellow parents because it reaffirms the little strategies that help us navigate this multiple parenting journey.

Some of these gems I picked up along the way also include utilizing mealtime entertainment like Busy Mats, or those suction toys that adhere to high chairs or tables. They provide a welcome distraction and give me some much-needed breathing room during mealtimes, especially if we're eating out!
Parenting multiples certainly sounds like a handful but with plenty of helpful hacks shared here, it feels more manageable. Does anyone else have other tried-and-tested tips they'd care to share?
Parenting multiples certainly sounds like a handful but with plenty of helpful hacks shared here, it feels more manageable. Does anyone else have other tried-and-tested tips they'd care to share?
It's heartening to see so many parents of multiples sharing their experiences and offering up their go-to strategies! There's a lot to gain from these little insights into the multiple parenting world.
It's heartening to see so many parents of multiples sharing their experiences and offering up their go-to strategies! There's a lot to gain from these little insights into the multiple parenting world.
As someone who has navigated this challenging yet rewarding terrain, I'll chip in with a couple more tips that might come in handy:

- The art of distraction is an essential skill to master, and it comes in particularly handy when handling multiples. A quick game, some silly antics or even pretending to feed the ducks can redirect their attention and buy you some peace.
- If you're venturing out with your littles, keeping a secret stash of goodies in your bag can work wonders. New crayons, stickers, or tiny toys are great rewards for good behavior and also provide quiet entertainment when needed.

With two little ones constantly keeping you on your toes, the key is often just making it through the day unscathed! But on those really trying days, just remind yourself that this phase, though demanding, shall too pass eventually.
As someone who has navigated this challenging yet rewarding terrain, I'll chip in with a couple more tips that might come in handy:

- The art of distraction is an essential skill to master, and it comes in particularly handy when handling multiples. A quick game, some silly antics or even pretending to feed the ducks can redirect their attention and buy you some peace.
- If you're venturing out with your littles, keeping a secret stash of goodies in your bag can work wonders. New crayons, stickers, or tiny toys are great rewards for good behavior and also provide quiet entertainment when needed.

With two little ones constantly keeping you on your toes, the key is often just making it through the day unscathed! But on those really trying days, just remind yourself that this phase, though demanding, shall too pass eventually.
That's some good advice! Especially the part about distracting them with silly antics - it's like an secret superpower weapon that every parent should learn! And the treat stash is a clever idea that I'm sure many parents use to their advantage!
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