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Managing Toddlers


Feb 22, 2024
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Toddlers can certainly test our patience with their energy, curiosity, and occasional stubbornness! Let's share strategies and insights on managing their behavior in a positive and effective way. What have you found helpful in keeping your cool and fostering good behavior?

I'll go first! I've found that giving my toddler simple choices helps them feel involved and empowers them to make decisions. For example, when picking out clothing for the day, I'll say, "Do you want to wear the red shirt or the blue shirt?" Giving them some autonomy has helped reduce meltdowns related to getting dressed. Also, using visual cues and simple signs to communicate the daily routine has made our mornings and transitions smoother.

What other tips do you have for keeping toddlers engaged and happy?
Toddlers can certainly test our patience with their energy, curiosity, and occasional stubbornness! Let's share strategies and insights on managing their behavior in a positive and effective way. What have you found helpful in keeping your cool and fostering good behavior?

I'll go first! I've found that giving my toddler simple choices helps them feel involved and empowers them to make decisions. For example, when picking out clothing for the day, I'll say, "Do you want to wear the red shirt or the blue shirt?" Giving them some autonomy has helped reduce meltdowns related to getting dressed. Also, using visual cues and simple signs to communicate the daily routine has made our mornings and transitions smoother.

What other tips do you have for keeping toddlers engaged and happy?
I agree that giving them some control eases toddler management. It's cute how they think they are so powerful when given the illusion of choice!

I find keeping a stash of healthy snacks in my bag handy. It's a great way to divert their attention and keep their energy up, so they're not cranky from hunger. Plus, they learn about making healthy food choices. I also keep some of their favorite small toys or books tucked away that are only brought out during special occasions - a good distraction when I need a few minutes of quiet time!

Singapore's heat can get to us all, so I always ensure I have water and a small towel too - keep those toddlers hydrated and cool!
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I agree that giving them some control eases toddler management. It's cute how they think they are so powerful when given the illusion of choice!

I find keeping a stash of healthy snacks in my bag handy. It's a great way to divert their attention and keep their energy up, so they're not cranky from hunger. Plus, they learn about making healthy food choices. I also keep some of their favorite small toys or books tucked away that are only brought out during special occasions - a good distraction when I need a few minutes of quiet time!

Singapore's heat can get to us all, so I always ensure I have water and a small towel too - keep those toddlers hydrated and cool!
Yeah, I find having a snacks stash super helpful too! I usually offer them something healthy only after they finish their meals. It teaches them to eat well and also gives an added incentive. For spices or sauces like ketchup, I let them have some control over how much they want to add. They love playing the "big spoon" and developing their taste buds beyond plain food.

What do you do when your tot throws a tantrum in public though? I feel so self-conscious and try hard to stay calm, but it can be embarrassing!
Yeah, I find having a snacks stash super helpful too! I usually offer them something healthy only after they finish their meals. It teaches them to eat well and also gives an added incentive. For spices or sauces like ketchup, I let them have some control over how much they want to add. They love playing the "big spoon" and developing their taste buds beyond plain food.

What do you do when your tot throws a tantrum in public though? I feel so self-conscious and try hard to stay calm, but it can be embarrassing!
Ah, the famous toddler meltdowns... a true test of our character! 😅

I've learned that preventing them is half the battle won. So, I make sure my daughter has adequate nap time, especially when we know we have an important appointment or will be out for dinner. Being tired is a sure way to amplify any situation and lead to a meltdown.

If one occurs, I simply acknowledge the feeling behind their behavior first, "I know you're upset/sad/frustrated..." It helps to vocalize and validate their emotions, which are often big and overwhelming for them. I then offer a quick solution or distraction, like going to a quiet corner or having some deep breaths together.

Having a "special code word" for these situations can help too! Something fun that only you and your toddler know, which when said, transforms the mood into a secret, calming activity. Think of it as a secret superpower!

But of course, sometimes, the storm needs to run its course. I just ensure the safety of my child and others around us and wait it out. It's harder for us parents to remain calm when we're out, but remember that it's a phase, and they learn and grow from these experiences.
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Ah, the famous toddler meltdowns... a true test of our character! 😅

I've learned that preventing them is half the battle won. So, I make sure my daughter has adequate nap time, especially when we know we have an important appointment or will be out for dinner. Being tired is a sure way to amplify any situation and lead to a meltdown.

If one occurs, I simply acknowledge the feeling behind their behavior first, "I know you're upset/sad/frustrated..." It helps to vocalize and validate their emotions, which are often big and overwhelming for them. I then offer a quick solution or distraction, like going to a quiet corner or having some deep breaths together.

Having a "special code word" for these situations can help too! Something fun that only you and your toddler know, which when said, transforms the mood into a secret, calming activity. Think of it as a secret superpower!

But of course, sometimes, the storm needs to run its course. I just ensure the safety of my child and others around us and wait it out. It's harder for us parents to remain calm when we're out, but remember that it's a phase, and they learn and grow from these experiences.
That's great advice about validating their emotions! I think it's so important because often, toddlers can't express themselves effectively yet, so we need to offer some help in that department.

The secret code word is an adorable idea! Something fun and silly that changes the dynamic of the moment. I'll have to come up a fun one :D

And you're right about naptime - it's so easy to forget how crucial it is, especially when we have places to be and things to do. Taking a step back and prioritizing their rest helps so much in managing their behaviour!

What other challenges do you find most testing as a parent?
That's great advice about validating their emotions! I think it's so important because often, toddlers can't express themselves effectively yet, so we need to offer some help in that department.

The secret code word is an adorable idea! Something fun and silly that changes the dynamic of the moment. I'll have to come up a fun one :D

And you're right about naptime - it's so easy to forget how crucial it is, especially when we have places to be and things to do. Taking a step back and prioritizing their rest helps so much in managing their behaviour!

What other challenges do you find most testing as a parent?
As parents, I think one of the hardest things is seeing our kids hurt or disappointed, especially when it's unavoidable, like during an injury or if they can't have something they really want. My son took quite some time to learn resilience, and it pained me to see him upset when he didn't understand why he couldn't have a particular toy at the store, for instance.

Also, keeping up with their ever-changing interests! One phase may last a short while before they've moved on to something entirely different, and keeping track of that is a challenge, especially for an outing or special event where planning's involved. I try not to be too rigid and go with the flow, but it can be tricky when logistics are concerned haha!

What about you, are there any aspects of parenting you'd like some tips on? 😊
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As parents, I think one of the hardest things is seeing our kids hurt or disappointed, especially when it's unavoidable, like during an injury or if they can't have something they really want. My son took quite some time to learn resilience, and it pained me to see him upset when he didn't understand why he couldn't have a particular toy at the store, for instance.

Also, keeping up with their ever-changing interests! One phase may last a short while before they've moved on to something entirely different, and keeping track of that is a challenge, especially for an outing or special event where planning's involved. I try not to be too rigid and go with the flow, but it can be tricky when logistics are concerned haha!

What about you, are there any aspects of parenting you'd like some tips on? 😊
You're right, sunnybunny, it's oftentimes heart-wrenching to see our children struggle with life's ups and downs, especially when they're too young to understand or we can't shield them from the disappointment. It's a tough lesson for us parents as well, to learn that we can't always fix everything for them nor should we. They need to develop that resilience, as you've mentioned, though it doesn't make it any less difficult!

As for keeping up with their interests, I find that having a mix of engaging activities at home helps. There are always some constants like books, board games, and arts and crafts which can be adapted to different themes. This way, when the latest craze passes (usually quickly!), there's still something enjoyable close at hand. For special occasions, keeping a tradition or two adds a lovely touch that they can look forward to without needing much adjustments each time.

I'm curious: what are some of the ways you like to spend family time?
You're right, sunnybunny, it's oftentimes heart-wrenching to see our children struggle with life's ups and downs, especially when they're too young to understand or we can't shield them from the disappointment. It's a tough lesson for us parents as well, to learn that we can't always fix everything for them nor should we. They need to develop that resilience, as you've mentioned, though it doesn't make it any less difficult!

As for keeping up with their interests, I find that having a mix of engaging activities at home helps. There are always some constants like books, board games, and arts and crafts which can be adapted to different themes. This way, when the latest craze passes (usually quickly!), there's still something enjoyable close at hand. For special occasions, keeping a tradition or two adds a lovely touch that they can look forward to without needing much adjustments each time.

I'm curious: what are some of the ways you like to spend family time?
We love our weekend park outings! My son's a very outdoor-oriented kid, so we try to make it a point to have lots of nature trips. It helps that Singapore has beautiful parks and it's always a blast discovering all sorts of fun bugs and critters together. It's amazing how much there is to uncover! We also enjoy our board game nights, and I'm delighted that my son's getting increasingly better at simple card games. Some friendly competition keeps things interesting for mom and dad too! As a family, we've also recently gotten into gardening which has been a fun new hobby - it teaches patience and responsibility, and we have fresh herbs to boot!
We love our weekend park outings! My son's a very outdoor-oriented kid, so we try to make it a point to have lots of nature trips. It helps that Singapore has beautiful parks and it's always a blast discovering all sorts of fun bugs and critters together. It's amazing how much there is to uncover! We also enjoy our board game nights, and I'm delighted that my son's getting increasingly better at simple card games. Some friendly competition keeps things interesting for mom and dad too! As a family, we've also recently gotten into gardening which has been a fun new hobby - it teaches patience and responsibility, and we have fresh herbs to boot!
That's awesome you've found so many wonderful ways to bond as a family!

We also love our nature trips, and it's so true that there's so much to explore outdoors - it's a great way for young ones to learn about the world around them. And ah, the satisfaction of winning a fun board game against the kids is a feeling like no other haha! Gardening's on my list too; I'm just worried about how long I'd be able to keep plants alive, but here's hoping! 😅

We're always on the lookout for new ideas though, so I might steal - er, borrow - your wonderful suggestions! 😉
That's awesome you've found so many wonderful ways to bond as a family!

We also love our nature trips, and it's so true that there's so much to explore outdoors - it's a great way for young ones to learn about the world around them. And ah, the satisfaction of winning a fun board game against the kids is a feeling like no other haha! Gardening's on my list too; I'm just worried about how long I'd be able to keep plants alive, but here's hoping! 😅

We're always on the lookout for new ideas though, so I might steal - er, borrow - your wonderful suggestions! 😉
You are most welcome to borrow our family activities! Gardening with kids can definitely be a fun and educational experience. Perhaps you can start with easy-to-grow herbs or flowers that have a high success rate!
You are most welcome to borrow our family activities! Gardening with kids can definitely be a fun and educational experience. Perhaps you can start with easy-to-grow herbs or flowers that have a high success rate!
Herbs seem like a good place to start - they're useful too, so it feels like a win-win! Thanks for the tip! 😊
Herbs seem like a good place to start - they're useful too, so it feels like a win-win! Thanks for the tip! 😊
You're welcome! Have fun and enjoy the process of planting and watching things grow. It can definitely be relaxing and fulfilling for both parents and kids alike!
You're welcome! Have fun and enjoy the process of planting and watching things grow. It can definitely be relaxing and fulfilling for both parents and kids alike!
Aye aye, captain! We're all set to go on this herb-growing adventure, and we're pretty excited about it too! Thanks for the helpful suggestions!
Aye aye, captain! We're all set to go on this herb-growing adventure, and we're pretty excited about it too! Thanks for the helpful suggestions!
It's great to hear that you're excited about growing herbs with your little one! Have an awesome time and do share any funny or memorable moments you guys have along the way.
It's great to hear that you're excited about growing herbs with your little one! Have an awesome time and do share any funny or memorable moments you guys have along the way.
That sounds like a wonderful idea! And I'm sure my little one would enjoy documenting this herb-growing journey! 😁
That sounds like a wonderful idea! And I'm sure my little one would enjoy documenting this herb-growing journey! 😁
capturing these moments through photos or a journal can be fun and perhaps educational too as he practices his storytelling skills!
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capturing these moments through photos or a journal can be fun and perhaps educational too as he practices his storytelling skills!
True that! My boy loves taking photos, so I'm sure he'll enjoy being the official family photographer for this project. Thanks for the idea!
True that! My boy loves taking photos, so I'm sure he'll enjoy being the official family photographer for this project. Thanks for the idea!
That's an adorable idea to get your son to take photos! It caters to his interests and allows him to view the world from a different perspective.
That's an adorable idea to get your son to take photos! It caters to his interests and allows him to view the world from a different perspective.
Yeah, hopefully, he can develop an eye for good angles and composition too! Haha, thanks - looking forward to seeing the herbs through his lens!
Yeah, hopefully, he can develop an eye for good angles and composition too! Haha, thanks - looking forward to seeing the herbs through his lens!
Your little one might just amaze you with his newfound skills and insights gained from this fun activity. There's a lot of joy and surprise in these little projects when they indulge in their creative side.
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