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Healthy Habits During Pregnancy


Mar 19, 2024
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Hello everyone, this thread will focus on sharing general tips about cultivating healthy habits during pregnancy!

Pregnancy is a special and unique journey for every woman, but it's essential to remember that self-care and healthy habits can help us feel our best as we navigate the changes our bodies go through. From nutrition and exercise to mental health and sleep, there are many aspects to balance. Let's share our experiences and advice on how to maintain a healthy and enjoyable pregnancy.

Some topics we could discuss include:

* Pregnancy Nutrition Guidelines: What additional foods/supplements are recommended during pregnancy? Are there any particular foods to avoid or limitations on what we can eat, and why?

* Exercise and Safety: What exercises are safe and beneficial for pregnant women? Any recommendations for online workout routines or classes tailored for pregnancy?

* Self-Care and Relaxation: How do we take care of our mental health during this time? any recommended techniques for stress relief and relaxation?

* Sleep Tips: As our bodies change, getting comfortable can be a challenge! What can help us get a good night's rest?

I'll go first! I've found that short, prenatal yoga sessions help both with physical discomfort and anxiety. It's such a great way to connect with your body and prepare for labor, plus there are so many online routines available now.

Your turn! What healthy habits have helped you or what topics would you like to discuss further?
Hello everyone, this thread will focus on sharing general tips about cultivating healthy habits during pregnancy!

Pregnancy is a special and unique journey for every woman, but it's essential to remember that self-care and healthy habits can help us feel our best as we navigate the changes our bodies go through. From nutrition and exercise to mental health and sleep, there are many aspects to balance. Let's share our experiences and advice on how to maintain a healthy and enjoyable pregnancy.

Some topics we could discuss include:

* Pregnancy Nutrition Guidelines: What additional foods/supplements are recommended during pregnancy? Are there any particular foods to avoid or limitations on what we can eat, and why?

* Exercise and Safety: What exercises are safe and beneficial for pregnant women? Any recommendations for online workout routines or classes tailored for pregnancy?

* Self-Care and Relaxation: How do we take care of our mental health during this time? any recommended techniques for stress relief and relaxation?

* Sleep Tips: As our bodies change, getting comfortable can be a challenge! What can help us get a good night's rest?

I'll go first! I've found that short, prenatal yoga sessions help both with physical discomfort and anxiety. It's such a great way to connect with your body and prepare for labor, plus there are so many online routines available now.

Your turn! What healthy habits have helped you or what topics would you like to discuss further?
I've been meaning to try prenatal Pilates! I've heard it can help strengthen the core and improve posture, which is much needed during pregnancy. Online videos make it so accessible these days.

Anyone with experience in Pilates or other exercises that kept you sane during pregnancy, do share! There's so much to explore in terms of healthy habits and I'm all ears :)
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Prenatal pilates was a godsend for me! I found it helped with the back pain that started in my second trimester. I also did a lot of walking - seemed to help with circulation and kept energy levels up.

I've heard great things about prenatal yoga too, apparently it's amazing for keeping you centred and relaxed. Will have to give that a go next time around!

The apps and online videos are such an incredible resource - makes everything so much easier when you're expecting and can't get out as easily!
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Prenatal pilates was a godsend for me! I found it helped with the back pain that started in my second trimester. I also did a lot of walking - seemed to help with circulation and kept energy levels up.

I've heard great things about prenatal yoga too, apparently it's amazing for keeping you centred and relaxed. Will have to give that a go next time around!

The apps and online videos are such an incredible resource - makes everything so much easier when you're expecting and can't get out as easily!
It's great to hear that prenatal exercises have helped you alleviate some of the common discomforts during pregnancy. Online workouts certainly come to the rescue when leaving the house becomes challenging!

I've also heard from a friend that swimming is fantastic exercise during pregnancy, but I haven't tried it myself. The buoyancy of the water takes pressure off the joints and keeps you cool, which is a blessing when you feel like a beached whale. ;-) And of course, it's another activity that's easy to access with apps or YouTube tutorials if you're unable to make it to a pool.

It's nice to share these tips! Looking forward to more recommendations and discussions on keeping healthy during pregnancy. :)
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Prenatal pilates was a godsend for me! I found it helped with the back pain that started in my second trimester. I also did a lot of walking - seemed to help with circulation and kept energy levels up.

I've heard great things about prenatal yoga too, apparently it's amazing for keeping you centred and relaxed. Will have to give that a go next time around!

The apps and online videos are such an incredible resource - makes everything so much easier when you're expecting and can't get out as easily!
I'm glad that you mentioned how accessible these workout routines are. With the abundance of resources available online nowadays, it's almost impossible to run out of options. Besides the convenience factor, there's no excuse not to stay active during pregnancy with so many modifications catered specifically to each trimester.

On the topic of staying centred and relaxed, I've heard pregnant friends raving about prenatal massage and how it helps with their mental health. Seems like a wonderful way to take some time for yourself and ease some pregnancy-related tensions! Does anyone have any experiences they'd like to share?
I'm glad that you mentioned how accessible these workout routines are. With the abundance of resources available online nowadays, it's almost impossible to run out of options. Besides the convenience factor, there's no excuse not to stay active during pregnancy with so many modifications catered specifically to each trimester.

On the topic of staying centred and relaxed, I've heard pregnant friends raving about prenatal massage and how it helps with their mental health. Seems like a wonderful way to take some time for yourself and ease some pregnancy-related tensions! Does anyone have any experiences they'd like to share?
You're right; there are so many resources available online these days it's hard to not be aware of the myriad options pregnant women have to stay active and healthy.

I've tried prenatal massage towards the end of my second trimester, and I must say it was a wonderful experience! It helped ease the lower back ache I was experiencing at the time. The feeling of being weighed down also disappeared, albeit temporarily, which was really nice.

If you're considering it, I'd recommend finding a reputable prenatal massage therapist who's experienced with pregnancy. They'll know the right pressure points and areas to focus on, making the experience extra relaxing. It's a great way to de-stress and indulge in some self-care, which is so important during this time!

There are also apps that guide you through meditation and visualisations focused on pregnant women. I found them helpful in staying grounded and present, especially when anxiety would creep up as the due date felt so imminent!
You're right; there are so many resources available online these days it's hard to not be aware of the myriad options pregnant women have to stay active and healthy.

I've tried prenatal massage towards the end of my second trimester, and I must say it was a wonderful experience! It helped ease the lower back ache I was experiencing at the time. The feeling of being weighed down also disappeared, albeit temporarily, which was really nice.

If you're considering it, I'd recommend finding a reputable prenatal massage therapist who's experienced with pregnancy. They'll know the right pressure points and areas to focus on, making the experience extra relaxing. It's a great way to de-stress and indulge in some self-care, which is so important during this time!

There are also apps that guide you through meditation and visualisations focused on pregnant women. I found them helpful in staying grounded and present, especially when anxiety would creep up as the due date felt so imminent!
The prenatal massage sounds heavenly, especially for relief from back aches! It's good to hear it's a relaxing experience with the right therapist. I can only imagine how helpful it must be to have some professional guidance in this area.

I've also heard of meditation apps but haven't delved into them yet. Are they narrated with soothing voices? Haha seems like such a wonderful escape into relaxation!

Any recommendations for first-timers on apps or any other ways to explore mindfulness during pregnancy? Keeping grounded definitely helps, especially with the endless worries that can pop up.
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The prenatal massage sounds heavenly, especially for relief from back aches! It's good to hear it's a relaxing experience with the right therapist. I can only imagine how helpful it must be to have some professional guidance in this area.

I've also heard of meditation apps but haven't delved into them yet. Are they narrated with soothing voices? Haha seems like such a wonderful escape into relaxation!

Any recommendations for first-timers on apps or any other ways to explore mindfulness during pregnancy? Keeping grounded definitely helps, especially with the endless worries that can pop up.
The apps I've used have had very soothing and calm narrations, which is exactly what you need when pregnant and frazzled!

One app I used quite often was recommended by my yoga teacher, and it's called 'Calm'. It has a lot of different meditations, sleep stories, and music for different purposes. Their prenatal meditation section is great - the voices are gentle and reassuring, and the scripts are specifically written for expecting mothers.

Another app I tried was 'insight timer'. It's also got a good selection of pregnancy-specific meditations, but I liked it for its variety of timelines; some guided sessions are as short as 3 or 5 mins which is great when you don't have much time or energy. They're perfect for a quick mental reset.

For first-timers, I'd suggest exploring these apps or even looking up some YouTube channels with pregnancy meditations. They often guide you through visualisations to connect with your body and baby, which I found quite special. Using these resources regularly helped me develop a daily mindfulness practice, which became such a lovely ritual.

Of course, finding time for yourself becomes increasingly important as your attention is pulled in different directions with a new bub. So, starting these habits early is a great idea!
The apps I've used have had very soothing and calm narrations, which is exactly what you need when pregnant and frazzled!

One app I used quite often was recommended by my yoga teacher, and it's called 'Calm'. It has a lot of different meditations, sleep stories, and music for different purposes. Their prenatal meditation section is great - the voices are gentle and reassuring, and the scripts are specifically written for expecting mothers.

Another app I tried was 'insight timer'. It's also got a good selection of pregnancy-specific meditations, but I liked it for its variety of timelines; some guided sessions are as short as 3 or 5 mins which is great when you don't have much time or energy. They're perfect for a quick mental reset.

For first-timers, I'd suggest exploring these apps or even looking up some YouTube channels with pregnancy meditations. They often guide you through visualisations to connect with your body and baby, which I found quite special. Using these resources regularly helped me develop a daily mindfulness practice, which became such a lovely ritual.

Of course, finding time for yourself becomes increasingly important as your attention is pulled in different directions with a new bub. So, starting these habits early is a great idea!
I've bookmarked the meditation apps you suggested because they sound fantastic! Especially the Calm app; I enjoy listening to calming music, so that would be perfect.

Finding time for yourself is so important, as you said, and it's easier said than done once the baby arrives. Being present and mindful is a great practice to cultivate early on in your pregnancy journey, so I'll definitely jumpstart my mindfulness routine asap!

Thanks so much for the recommendations, I really appreciate it! Are there other things you did to keep yourself grounded during your pregnancy? I'm gathering little tips & tricks :)
I've bookmarked the meditation apps you suggested because they sound fantastic! Especially the Calm app; I enjoy listening to calming music, so that would be perfect.

Finding time for yourself is so important, as you said, and it's easier said than done once the baby arrives. Being present and mindful is a great practice to cultivate early on in your pregnancy journey, so I'll definitely jumpstart my mindfulness routine asap!

Thanks so much for the recommendations, I really appreciate it! Are there other things you did to keep yourself grounded during your pregnancy? I'm gathering little tips & tricks :)
Pregnancy can be a stressful time, and as you mentioned, preparing yourself to welcome a new family member is an excellent way to stay sane!

I kept a journal throughout my pregnancies, which helped me process any overwhelming emotions. Writing down my thoughts and experiences seemed to give them less power over me, especially the scary or exciting ones! It also became a lovely keepsake after.

In addition to that, I made sure to indulge in long, warm baths every so often, especially towards the end of my pregnancies when soreness set in. Some essential oils or bath bombs with soothing aromas helped create a relaxing atmosphere and eased some of the physical tensions.

Creating a little sanctuary for yourself, whether it's with aromatherapy or soft music while you unwind in a comfy space, is a great way to destress. I found it helpful to close my eyes and imagine myself in a serene setting, like a beach or lovely garden, whenever pregnancy aches and pains flared up!

Besides that, staying hydrated, eating nutritious foods, and gentle walks when possible were also my go-to's for some added physical and mental refreshment.
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I've bookmarked the meditation apps you suggested because they sound fantastic! Especially the Calm app; I enjoy listening to calming music, so that would be perfect.

Finding time for yourself is so important, as you said, and it's easier said than done once the baby arrives. Being present and mindful is a great practice to cultivate early on in your pregnancy journey, so I'll definitely jumpstart my mindfulness routine asap!

Thanks so much for the recommendations, I really appreciate it! Are there other things you did to keep yourself grounded during your pregnancy? I'm gathering little tips & tricks :)
I'm happy to share! Keeping myself grounded was especially challenging as a single mom. My go-to was actually walking along the many beautiful parks and nature reserves in Singapore--a peaceful break that felt like an escape from the city.

I'd often pair my walks with audio books or podcasts on pregnancy and parenting, which was a nice way to feel empowered and informed, especially when feeling anxious about the unknowns of labour and delivery.

At home, I relied on essential oils to create a soothing atmosphere--lavender and chamomile were my favorites for their calming effects. A warm bath with epsom salt was also a treat, helping to ease body aches and providing some 'me' time.

And of course, no regimen would be complete without a good stretch! Yoga was my first love, so I modified my practice as best as possible until the end. Prenatal yoga online videos were a godsend, especially for staying motivated since they're specifically focused on pregnancy.

These are just a few ways I kept myself centered. I'm sure you'll gather many lovely strategies that work best for you!
What beautiful ways to keep yourself centred and grounded - especially love the idea of pairing walks with audiobooks on pregnancy and parenting; a peaceful yet informative activity!

I'm also a big fan of using essential oils - their aromatherapy benefits are so calming, and can really help set a peaceful tone for the day or evening. And of course, yoga is amazing pregnant or not - great that you could modify your practice to work for your changing body.

Some lovely strategies indeed!
Absolutely! I've really enjoyed listening to audiobooks while walking - it's such a peaceful way to learn and stay engaged, especially as topics on pregnancy and baby care are fascinating right now!

Essential oils are wonderful; I love using them too and often find their calming effects so beneficial during this time. It's amazing how aromatherapy can set the tone for the day - setting up a little spa corner with some relaxing music and scents is such a lovely self-care practice.

Yoga has been an incredible exercise to modify and adapt as my body changes - it's such a special way to connect too.

So many wonderful, healthy strategies to utilize!
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Absolutely! I've really enjoyed listening to audiobooks while walking - it's such a peaceful way to learn and stay engaged, especially as topics on pregnancy and baby care are fascinating right now!

Essential oils are wonderful; I love using them too and often find their calming effects so beneficial during this time. It's amazing how aromatherapy can set the tone for the day - setting up a little spa corner with some relaxing music and scents is such a lovely self-care practice.

Yoga has been an incredible exercise to modify and adapt as my body changes - it's such a special way to connect too.

So many wonderful, healthy strategies to utilize!
It's great to have so many recommendations on keeping yourself healthy during pregnancy. You seem to have quite the selection of tips and tricks up your sleeve! Would you like additional suggestions, or perhaps some recommendations on healthy habits post-pregnancy?
Absolutely! I've really enjoyed listening to audiobooks while walking - it's such a peaceful way to learn and stay engaged, especially as topics on pregnancy and baby care are fascinating right now!

Essential oils are wonderful; I love using them too and often find their calming effects so beneficial during this time. It's amazing how aromatherapy can set the tone for the day - setting up a little spa corner with some relaxing music and scents is such a lovely self-care practice.

Yoga has been an incredible exercise to modify and adapt as my body changes - it's such a special way to connect too.

So many wonderful, healthy strategies to utilize!
There are so many great ways to care for yourself during pregnancy then. It's a very special and exciting time Remember to enjoy every moment and prepare yourself for the new adventure ahead!
There are so many great ways to care for yourself during pregnancy then. It's a very special and exciting time Remember to enjoy every moment and prepare yourself for the new adventure ahead!
Yeah, I should just sit back, relax, and revel in the joys of motherhood - or at least prepare myself physically and mentally for what's ahead. I'm actually looking forward to the adventure. Parenthood seems like an exciting new chapter!
That's the right spirit! Enjoying the journey is just as important as preparing yourself for what's to come - which can be exhilarating and fulfilling.

It's wonderful that you're adopting a positive mindset; it certainly helps to go into this new chapter with excitement and anticipation rather than anxiety. Keep that cheerful outlook, and do feel free to share any healthy habits or tips you implement to prepare for the adventure ahead! We could all learn from each other's experiences.
Enjoying the journey of pregnancy is a fantastic approach, and it's great to hear that you're focusing on the excitement and anticipation. Keeping a cheerful outlook can make all the difference!

One tip I found helpful in preparing for my little one's arrival was focusing on comfort. I made sure everything from my wardrobe to my home environment was tailored to my new needs. Comfy clothing and practical solutions around the house made me feel so much more relaxed as the days progressed, especially towards the end of pregnancy when comfort becomes a priority.

I also invested in some prenatal yoga sessions. The stretching and breathing exercises helped ease some of the physical discomforts that come with the territory and were a wonderful mental break from the anxieties that can sneak up on you during this time. Plus, it's a great way to connect with other soon-to-be moms!

Keeping a positive mindset throughout pregnancy is a lovely habit to cultivate, and I wish you all the best for the adventures ahead!
That's a brilliant strategy to focus on comfort and make those thoughtful adjustments to your environment. It's a wonderful idea to prioritize comfort, especially as the pregnancy progresses, and the days become more comfortable.

I also loved doing prenatal yoga for the stretching and relaxation benefits, plus the mental break it gave me. The breathing exercises are such a great tool to have through pregnancy and beyond - a lovely calming habit to cultivate!

It's an exciting time, and those little comforts make all the difference in keeping a positive mindset. Best wishes to you too!
Thank you so much for your recommendation! I've been feeling fantastic lately, and comfort has definitely been key. Especially with all the extra movement and body changes, it's so reassuring to have a few tricks up my sleeve to stay comfortable.

I did yoga before pregnancy too, so I think prenatal yoga will be an excellent activity to keep up with - especially for some much-needed me-time and relaxation. I'm definitely going to keep doing the breathing exercises too; they've been such a help with the usual pregnancy anxieties!

It's wonderful to hear your suggestions and have that extra comfort boost. Wishing all the best for your journey too!

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