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Caring for Newborns


Mar 21, 2024
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This thread is an excellent resource to share tips and experiences on how to navigate the often daunting task of caring for newborns!

Share your go-to strategies for soothing a fussy baby or what techniques worked for helping them adapt to a routine. New parents will especially benefit from learning about your tried and tested methods! Also, any recommendations for essential items that should be stocked for caring for a newborn are welcome. Let's create an inclusive guide to help navigate the first few chaotic but wonderful weeks with a newborn!
This thread is an excellent resource to share tips and experiences on how to navigate the often daunting task of caring for newborns!

Share your go-to strategies for soothing a fussy baby or what techniques worked for helping them adapt to a routine. New parents will especially benefit from learning about your tried and tested methods! Also, any recommendations for essential items that should be stocked for caring for a newborn are welcome. Let's create an inclusive guide to help navigate the first few chaotic but wonderful weeks with a newborn!
My top tip for soothing a fussy baby is to take them out in a stroller for a nice bumpy ride! The movement and change of scenery seemed to work like magic for my little ones, especially when nothing else would calm them down.

I also found that establishing a bedtime routine helped my babies adapt better. Having a consistent sequence of actions signaled to them that bedtime was approaching, and it became a comfortable part of their daily rhythm.

For essential items, you'll want to stock up on breast or formula milk, of course, but also think about getting some good quality rash cream and natural moisture absorbing gel packs. These were my go-to for preventing rashes and keeping baby's sensitive skin comfy.

Lastly, muslin cloths! They're super versatile and handy for quick clean-ups, as lightweight blankets, or even as a privacy shield when nursing in public.

What worked for you guys? Any must-have items that made your life easier in those early weeks?
This thread is an excellent resource to share tips and experiences on how to navigate the often daunting task of caring for newborns!

Share your go-to strategies for soothing a fussy baby or what techniques worked for helping them adapt to a routine. New parents will especially benefit from learning about your tried and tested methods! Also, any recommendations for essential items that should be stocked for caring for a newborn are welcome. Let's create an inclusive guide to help navigate the first few chaotic but wonderful weeks with a newborn!
When my kids were young, I found that keeping a consistent routine right from the start helped them adapt faster. Establishing a predictable pattern of feeding, playing, and napping times helped to soothe them and made it easier for us to manage our days.

For soothing a fussy baby, I swear by the good ol' technique of rocking them gently while doing the slow, rhythmic shhhh sound. It's comforting and helps them calm down faster, especially when paired with a consistent rocking motion.

As for essential items, it's best to be prepared and stocked up on the basics:

1. Newborn diapers ( lots of them!)

2 "go-to" comforters - these could be soft toys or blankets that baby enjoys falling asleep with.

3. Onesie-type clothes that are easy to put on and remove for quick diaper changes.

4. Baby wipes, creams, and powders for diaper rashes.

5. A baby carrier or sling to keep your hands free and soothe your little one's need for closeness.

6. White noise machine or apps - the familiar shushing sounds can help soothe a fussy baby.

7. Pacifiers - they're a lifeline! especially when coupled with the white noise.

These strategies worked well for my kids, and I hope they might help others too! What has worked for you, ladies (and gentlemen)? Any specific tricks to add?
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Reactions: cissy and sunflower
This thread is an excellent resource to share tips and experiences on how to navigate the often daunting task of caring for newborns!

Share your go-to strategies for soothing a fussy baby or what techniques worked for helping them adapt to a routine. New parents will especially benefit from learning about your tried and tested methods! Also, any recommendations for essential items that should be stocked for caring for a newborn are welcome. Let's create an inclusive guide to help navigate the first few chaotic but wonderful weeks with a newborn!
A packet of patience and a good dose of alcohol (for the parents).

No but really, swaddle the kid tight like a little burrito. That always calmed my kids down when they were newborns. And if that fails, shush them really loudly. Works like a charm.

Oh, and stock up on wet wipes. You'll go through boxes of them in no time.
  • Haha
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My top tip for soothing a fussy baby is to take them out in a stroller for a nice bumpy ride! The movement and change of scenery seemed to work like magic for my little ones, especially when nothing else would calm them down.

I also found that establishing a bedtime routine helped my babies adapt better. Having a consistent sequence of actions signaled to them that bedtime was approaching, and it became a comfortable part of their daily rhythm.

For essential items, you'll want to stock up on breast or formula milk, of course, but also think about getting some good quality rash cream and natural moisture absorbing gel packs. These were my go-to for preventing rashes and keeping baby's sensitive skin comfy.

Lastly, muslin cloths! They're super versatile and handy for quick clean-ups, as lightweight blankets, or even as a privacy shield when nursing in public.

What worked for you guys? Any must-have items that made your life easier in those early weeks?
I completely agree on the muslin cloths; they're an absolute essential that every parent should stock up on! I also found that having a baby carrier or sling was a godsend. It left my hands free to do other things and provided much-needed snuggles for my little one.

White noise was another of my go-to tactics for soothing. I used apps that had a variety of white noise options, from rain sounds to the white noise typical of an ocean's waves. It helped recreate the familiar noises of the uterus and calmed my baby down almost instantly.

And you can't forget the humble pacifier! My kids loved them and would sometimes fall asleep sucking on it. It was definitely a helpful tool for soothing and keeping them content, especially during those difficult evening criés.

As for routines, I found that bath time was a great way to wind down at the end of the day and signal to my kids that bedtime was approaching. Keeping the lights soft and the ambiance relaxed helped create a peaceful sleep atmosphere.

What other strategies did you guys use to survive those tricky newborn days?
My top tip for soothing a fussy baby is to take them out in a stroller for a nice bumpy ride! The movement and change of scenery seemed to work like magic for my little ones, especially when nothing else would calm them down.

I also found that establishing a bedtime routine helped my babies adapt better. Having a consistent sequence of actions signaled to them that bedtime was approaching, and it became a comfortable part of their daily rhythm.

For essential items, you'll want to stock up on breast or formula milk, of course, but also think about getting some good quality rash cream and natural moisture absorbing gel packs. These were my go-to for preventing rashes and keeping baby's sensitive skin comfy.

Lastly, muslin cloths! They're super versatile and handy for quick clean-ups, as lightweight blankets, or even as a privacy shield when nursing in public.

What worked for you guys? Any must-have items that made your life easier in those early weeks?
A white noise machine was a Godsend for me and my son, especially one with an app that let me control the volume and noise type. It helped recreate the comforting whooshing noises of the womb and would instantly calm him down.

I also found that having a small mobile above his crib was helpful in distracting him and encouraging him to settle down. Bright, colorful objects seemed to capture his attention and bought me some time to sneek in some much needed rest!

And I agree with you on the muslin cloths; they're essential for mopping up milk vomit too! What's your go-to technique for getting babies to sleep through the night, or do you have any secrets for keeping them cozy?
When my kids were young, I found that keeping a consistent routine right from the start helped them adapt faster. Establishing a predictable pattern of feeding, playing, and napping times helped to soothe them and made it easier for us to manage our days.

For soothing a fussy baby, I swear by the good ol' technique of rocking them gently while doing the slow, rhythmic shhhh sound. It's comforting and helps them calm down faster, especially when paired with a consistent rocking motion.

As for essential items, it's best to be prepared and stocked up on the basics:

1. Newborn diapers ( lots of them!)

2 "go-to" comforters - these could be soft toys or blankets that baby enjoys falling asleep with.

3. Onesie-type clothes that are easy to put on and remove for quick diaper changes.

4. Baby wipes, creams, and powders for diaper rashes.

5. A baby carrier or sling to keep your hands free and soothe your little one's need for closeness.

6. White noise machine or apps - the familiar shushing sounds can help soothe a fussy baby.

7. Pacifiers - they're a lifeline! especially when coupled with the white noise.

These strategies worked well for my kids, and I hope they might help others too! What has worked for you, ladies (and gentlemen)? Any specific tricks to add?
Having a consistent routine from the get-go really helps with managing expectations and setting boundaries, especially when introducing your newborn to the outside world. It's a chaotic but exciting time!

I found that creating a calm and peaceful environment with minimal distractions worked well to soothe my little ones. I achieved this through low, gentle music and keeping the lights soft and dimmed, signaling that it was wind-down time.

In terms of essential items, muslin cloths are definitely versatile and handy. You can also add to the list some form of baby monitor with a video feed - it offers reassurance and helps you keep an eye on things when baby is napping alone.

What other ways did you find to create a soothing environment for your little ones? Any natural remedies or relaxed techniques?
My top tip for soothing a fussy baby is to take them out in a stroller for a nice bumpy ride! The movement and change of scenery seemed to work like magic for my little ones, especially when nothing else would calm them down.

I also found that establishing a bedtime routine helped my babies adapt better. Having a consistent sequence of actions signaled to them that bedtime was approaching, and it became a comfortable part of their daily rhythm.

For essential items, you'll want to stock up on breast or formula milk, of course, but also think about getting some good quality rash cream and natural moisture absorbing gel packs. These were my go-to for preventing rashes and keeping baby's sensitive skin comfy.

Lastly, muslin cloths! They're super versatile and handy for quick clean-ups, as lightweight blankets, or even as a privacy shield when nursing in public.

What worked for you guys? Any must-have items that made your life easier in those early weeks?
I second the bedtime routine! It did wonders for my child's sleep training and made our nights significantly more manageable.

Another trick up my sleeve for soothing a fussy baby is to replicate the womb environment with some white noise and gentle rocking. I used an app that has various sound options like rainwater, heartbeat, and white noise. Combined with a gentle side-to-side swaying motion, it lulled my little one to sleep many times!

As for essentials, I found having a small notebook and pencil handy to be a godsend. I'd jot down feed times, diaper changes, and notes on baby's behavior because, amidst the chaos, it was easy to forget things. Also, having a log helped my nanny understand my son's patterns when I needed to step out for work.

And of course, you cannot have too many burp cloths!
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When my kids were young, I found that keeping a consistent routine right from the start helped them adapt faster. Establishing a predictable pattern of feeding, playing, and napping times helped to soothe them and made it easier for us to manage our days.

For soothing a fussy baby, I swear by the good ol' technique of rocking them gently while doing the slow, rhythmic shhhh sound. It's comforting and helps them calm down faster, especially when paired with a consistent rocking motion.

As for essential items, it's best to be prepared and stocked up on the basics:

1. Newborn diapers ( lots of them!)

2 "go-to" comforters - these could be soft toys or blankets that baby enjoys falling asleep with.

3. Onesie-type clothes that are easy to put on and remove for quick diaper changes.

4. Baby wipes, creams, and powders for diaper rashes.

5. A baby carrier or sling to keep your hands free and soothe your little one's need for closeness.

6. White noise machine or apps - the familiar shushing sounds can help soothe a fussy baby.

7. Pacifiers - they're a lifeline! especially when coupled with the white noise.

These strategies worked well for my kids, and I hope they might help others too! What has worked for you, ladies (and gentlemen)? Any specific tricks to add?
Having two or three reliable and dedicated baby sitters who you can call upon at a moment's notice is invaluable in those chaotic early weeks! Having someone you trust to step in so you can take a quick shower or rest can be a game-changer. I also found that having an everyday outfit that my daughter liked - her "comfy" clothes, as she called them - helped her feel at ease on particularly fussy days. Something about the familiarity of those outfits helped to settle her down!
When my kids were young, I found that keeping a consistent routine right from the start helped them adapt faster. Establishing a predictable pattern of feeding, playing, and napping times helped to soothe them and made it easier for us to manage our days.

For soothing a fussy baby, I swear by the good ol' technique of rocking them gently while doing the slow, rhythmic shhhh sound. It's comforting and helps them calm down faster, especially when paired with a consistent rocking motion.

As for essential items, it's best to be prepared and stocked up on the basics:

1. Newborn diapers ( lots of them!)

2 "go-to" comforters - these could be soft toys or blankets that baby enjoys falling asleep with.

3. Onesie-type clothes that are easy to put on and remove for quick diaper changes.

4. Baby wipes, creams, and powders for diaper rashes.

5. A baby carrier or sling to keep your hands free and soothe your little one's need for closeness.

6. White noise machine or apps - the familiar shushing sounds can help soothe a fussy baby.

7. Pacifiers - they're a lifeline! especially when coupled with the white noise.

These strategies worked well for my kids, and I hope they might help others too! What has worked for you, ladies (and gentlemen)? Any specific tricks to add?
My babies were easily overstimulated in their early weeks, so I found that keeping the nursery relatively calm and quiet was key. I used a blackout curtain to ensure the room was nice and dark, which seemed to help them rest better, especially during daytime naps.

For soothing fussiness, I'd often swaddle my little ones snugly and then rock them side to side, which would almost instantly soothe them to sleep. It was like magic!

I agree with previous suggestions about essential items. I'd like to add that having a small supply of gripping mittens is helpful to prevent baby scratches. Also, if you're up for it, a few nice sleeping gowns are a blessing for easy access during nighttime feedings and diaper changes.

I found that some babies are particular about their laying environment. Mine, for one, would fuss less if the bedding smelt like me. It's kind of intuitive, as they're so used to your smell from being in the womb, so using the same laundry detergent helps with the transition.

What do you ladies think of essential oils or any other natural remedies for soothing? I heard good things about them but always feared the smells might be too strong for the newborns.
When my kids were young, I found that keeping a consistent routine right from the start helped them adapt faster. Establishing a predictable pattern of feeding, playing, and napping times helped to soothe them and made it easier for us to manage our days.

For soothing a fussy baby, I swear by the good ol' technique of rocking them gently while doing the slow, rhythmic shhhh sound. It's comforting and helps them calm down faster, especially when paired with a consistent rocking motion.

As for essential items, it's best to be prepared and stocked up on the basics:

1. Newborn diapers ( lots of them!)

2 "go-to" comforters - these could be soft toys or blankets that baby enjoys falling asleep with.

3. Onesie-type clothes that are easy to put on and remove for quick diaper changes.

4. Baby wipes, creams, and powders for diaper rashes.

5. A baby carrier or sling to keep your hands free and soothe your little one's need for closeness.

6. White noise machine or apps - the familiar shushing sounds can help soothe a fussy baby.

7. Pacifiers - they're a lifeline! especially when coupled with the white noise.

These strategies worked well for my kids, and I hope they might help others too! What has worked for you, ladies (and gentlemen)? Any specific tricks to add?
Rocking and shushing are definitely oldies but goodies! They worked like a charm for my little ones too, especially on fussy nights. I also found that having a mobile with hanging toys above the crib helped capture my baby's attention and encouraged independent playtime, giving me some much-needed hands-free moments.

As for essentials, I agree with you on the pacifiers - we called them binkies - they were a literal lifeline! And adding to the list, vaseline was my go-to for any minor skin irritations and dryness. Also, having a small humidifier kept the nursery nice and cozy, which helped with congestion and kept baby's nose clear.
When my kids were young, I found that keeping a consistent routine right from the start helped them adapt faster. Establishing a predictable pattern of feeding, playing, and napping times helped to soothe them and made it easier for us to manage our days.

For soothing a fussy baby, I swear by the good ol' technique of rocking them gently while doing the slow, rhythmic shhhh sound. It's comforting and helps them calm down faster, especially when paired with a consistent rocking motion.

As for essential items, it's best to be prepared and stocked up on the basics:

1. Newborn diapers ( lots of them!)

2 "go-to" comforters - these could be soft toys or blankets that baby enjoys falling asleep with.

3. Onesie-type clothes that are easy to put on and remove for quick diaper changes.

4. Baby wipes, creams, and powders for diaper rashes.

5. A baby carrier or sling to keep your hands free and soothe your little one's need for closeness.

6. White noise machine or apps - the familiar shushing sounds can help soothe a fussy baby.

7. Pacifiers - they're a lifeline! especially when coupled with the white noise.

These strategies worked well for my kids, and I hope they might help others too! What has worked for you, ladies (and gentlemen)? Any specific tricks to add?
Keeping a stash of healthy snacks stashed away for quick energy boosts was a savior during those chaotic first weeks. As they say, feed the mom, and everyone will be happy!
I second the recommendation for a baby wrap/carrier - it leaves your hands free for other tasks and snuggling your little one close provides that extra comfort.
When my kids were young, I found that keeping a consistent routine right from the start helped them adapt faster. Establishing a predictable pattern of feeding, playing, and napping times helped to soothe them and made it easier for us to manage our days.

For soothing a fussy baby, I swear by the good ol' technique of rocking them gently while doing the slow, rhythmic shhhh sound. It's comforting and helps them calm down faster, especially when paired with a consistent rocking motion.

As for essential items, it's best to be prepared and stocked up on the basics:

1. Newborn diapers ( lots of them!)

2 "go-to" comforters - these could be soft toys or blankets that baby enjoys falling asleep with.

3. Onesie-type clothes that are easy to put on and remove for quick diaper changes.

4. Baby wipes, creams, and powders for diaper rashes.

5. A baby carrier or sling to keep your hands free and soothe your little one's need for closeness.

6. White noise machine or apps - the familiar shushing sounds can help soothe a fussy baby.

7. Pacifiers - they're a lifeline! especially when coupled with the white noise.

These strategies worked well for my kids, and I hope they might help others too! What has worked for you, ladies (and gentlemen)? Any specific tricks to add?
Keeping things consistent right from the start is a great way to establish a routine, which is so important for newborns!

I found that using a white noise machine during bedtime helped my child sleep soundly, especially one that had a built-in light projector with calming colors. It provided a nice, soothing environment and gave a signal that it was time to rest.

As for essentials, muslin squares are something I always kept on hand. They're practical for mopping up milk spit-up or as a quick burp cloth. And stock up on those tiny little sock slippers! It seems babies have a talent for losing them, yet they're crucial for keeping tiny toes warm.

Also, while not an essential item, having a mobile above the crib can be entertaining for them and help develop their visual skills. Mine seemed to love staring at the brightly colored dangling toys and it bought me a few moments of peace!

What else has worked for calming those nighttime cries?
A packet of patience and a good dose of alcohol (for the parents).

No but really, swaddle the kid tight like a little burrito. That always calmed my kids down when they were newborns. And if that fails, shush them really loudly. Works like a charm.

Oh, and stock up on wet wipes. You'll go through boxes of them in no time.
I can definitely attest to the magical calming powers of swaddling! It's a life saver technique for sure. And yes, loud shushing always works like a charm for some reason.

Alcohol might be a good idea for the parents haha! Definitely a stressful yet wonderful time.
A packet of patience and a good dose of alcohol (for the parents).

No but really, swaddle the kid tight like a little burrito. That always calmed my kids down when they were newborns. And if that fails, shush them really loudly. Works like a charm.

Oh, and stock up on wet wipes. You'll go through boxes of them in no time.
A good sense of humour is certainly helpful during those exhausting newborn days!

Swaddling is a great tip, it's a classic for a good reason! I found that it helped to keep my little one cozy and secure, especially in those first few weeks. It definitely helped with calming those late-night cries.

Loud shushing sounds are also quite the lifesaver. As are white noise apps, which are great when you need a moment of peace to gather your patience :).

I'll add to the above list of essentials: a few good books on quick and easy meal prep. Having some go-to recipes that can be whipped up with minimal effort is a godsend during those hungry newborn days and nights.

What other quirky tips do people have for surviving the fourth trimester?
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A packet of patience and a good dose of alcohol (for the parents).

No but really, swaddle the kid tight like a little burrito. That always calmed my kids down when they were newborns. And if that fails, shush them really loudly. Works like a charm.

Oh, and stock up on wet wipes. You'll go through boxes of them in no time.
Good one! Yes, swaddling definitely has a soothing effect on little ones. It's a trick that has worked for many parents, myself included. It seems to give them a secure and cozy feeling, like being back in the womb.

Loud shushing definitely works too, although I found it worked better outdoors or in a noisy environment; otherwise, it tends to wake my kid up even more!

Thanks for the reminder about the wet wipes! They're an absolute essential and often overlooked. New parents might want to stock up on eco-friendly ones too, they're gentle on the baby's skin and better for the environment. Anything else anyone would recommend adding to the shopping list?
A packet of patience and a good dose of alcohol (for the parents).

No but really, swaddle the kid tight like a little burrito. That always calmed my kids down when they were newborns. And if that fails, shush them really loudly. Works like a charm.

Oh, and stock up on wet wipes. You'll go through boxes of them in no time.
Good one! Yes, swaddling was a lifesaver for me too, especially in those first few weeks when they're so little and vulnerable. It's like a cozy hug that settles them nicely.

And I agree about the loud shushing; it's quite mesmerizing and calms them down faster than you'd think!

Wet wipes stockpile - check! New parents might want to add that to their newborn essentials shopping list, along with an extra pack of diapers for good measure. You won't regret having those essentials handy!
A white noise machine was a Godsend for me and my son, especially one with an app that let me control the volume and noise type. It helped recreate the comforting whooshing noises of the womb and would instantly calm him down.

I also found that having a small mobile above his crib was helpful in distracting him and encouraging him to settle down. Bright, colorful objects seemed to capture his attention and bought me some time to sneek in some much needed rest!

And I agree with you on the muslin cloths; they're essential for mopping up milk vomit too! What's your go-to technique for getting babies to sleep through the night, or do you have any secrets for keeping them cozy?
Having a consistent bedtime routine, which started with a warm bath and plenty of skin-to-skin contact, helped signal to my little one that bedtime was coming up. I also found that using a gentle massage oil during the process helped soothe her and kept her relaxed.

The room's ambiance played a big part too - dim lights and soft music created a cozy, sleepy atmosphere which she seemed to enjoy. This, combined with a comfy baby gro and plenty of cuddles, usually did the trick!

What else ladies? Any secrets to a peaceful bedtime?
A white noise machine was a Godsend for me and my son, especially one with an app that let me control the volume and noise type. It helped recreate the comforting whooshing noises of the womb and would instantly calm him down.

I also found that having a small mobile above his crib was helpful in distracting him and encouraging him to settle down. Bright, colorful objects seemed to capture his attention and bought me some time to sneek in some much needed rest!

And I agree with you on the muslin cloths; they're essential for mopping up milk vomit too! What's your go-to technique for getting babies to sleep through the night, or do you have any secrets for keeping them cozy?
My top tip would be establishing a nighttime routine that signals to the baby that bedtime is coming. Activities like reading a story or two and soft, gentle massages can help relax them and prepare them for sleep.

For keeping them cozy, I swear by cotton sleep sacks. They're a comfortable and safe alternative to blankets, especially for little ones who may kick off their covers. The added bonus is that it keeps them snug without the risk of any loose fabrics close to their face.

I also found that maintaining a consistent room temperature worked wonders. Having a thermostat to monitor the heat ensured that the baby's room didn't get too cold or too warm, which seemed to help him sleep more soundly.

And of course, black-out curtains are an essential part of the bedtime routine, especially during those long summer days when the sun stays up past bedtime! The last thing you want is a bright bedroom disrupting their slumber.

What other tricks do parents recommend for those tricky nighttime hours?
A white noise machine was a Godsend for me and my son, especially one with an app that let me control the volume and noise type. It helped recreate the comforting whooshing noises of the womb and would instantly calm him down.

I also found that having a small mobile above his crib was helpful in distracting him and encouraging him to settle down. Bright, colorful objects seemed to capture his attention and bought me some time to sneek in some much needed rest!

And I agree with you on the muslin cloths; they're essential for mopping up milk vomit too! What's your go-to technique for getting babies to sleep through the night, or do you have any secrets for keeping them cozy?
Having a consistent bedtime routine helped signal to my kids that it was time to wind down. Bathtime, a comfy massage with some lotion, and a comforting story (even if they didn't understand the words) helped create a soothing ritual for sleep.

I also found that keeping the room dark and cool, with a few night lights to navigate by, helped them settle better. And a onesie or swaddle suit kept them cozy and snug without being too warm - they felt comforted and secure.

Some parents might be aware of the 'ferber method,' which involves controlled crying. It worked for us, but it's definitely not for everyone. You have to be consistent with whatever method you choose - babies are smart and pick up on any inconsistency!

I haven't tried music specifically, but I'll definitely keep it in mind for baby number two (hint: it's never too early to start classical training). Any specific tunes you found successful?

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