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Mar 11, 2024
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Any questions, thoughts, feelings - big or small - that you're unsure about and would appreciate some mum wisdom on?

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Thanks so much! I'm a bit hesitant about moving cities while pregnant - we've outgrown our current place and it's a great opportunity for us to move closer to family, but the timing feels tricky with a baby on the way. Any advice welcome, especially if you've made a big move while expecting.
Any questions, thoughts, feelings - big or small - that you're unsure about and would appreciate some mum wisdom on?

This is the place to ask! We're here to help with our collective mum knowledge, so you don't have to feel unsure anymore. Fire away!
I'm considering enrolling my eldest in an art class but am unsure if it's too early. Mums, what age did your kids start their extra-curricular activities?
Thanks so much! I'm a bit hesitant about moving cities while pregnant - we've outgrown our current place and it's a great opportunity for us to move closer to family, but the timing feels tricky with a baby on the way. Any advice welcome, especially if you've made a big move while expecting.
I moved from the city center to the outskirts when I was 6 months pregnant. It was challenging as settling into a new home while preparing for childbirth was exhausting. Ensure you have help and prioritize your needs; getting settle in can wait, focusing on your health and the baby's is key.
That's great advice! When we're transitioning into a new home, it's so easy to get caught up in the excitement and forget about our physical limitations and changing needs during pregnancy.

It's crucial to have help and remember that the most important things are your health and the baby's well-being. Settling in can take a back seat to that! Would love to hear more about any other tips you seasoned mums have for a smooth transition into a new home during this stage of life.
It's easy to get overwhelmed with all the tasks involved in moving, so I'd suggest making a list of essential things that need doing, then delegate some of them to your partners or friends who offer help. Prioritise the must-dos, and think logistically about what you'll need first when you arrive at your new place. For instance, it's helpful to have the essentials readily accessible, so pack an unpacking crate with essential supplies like loo paper, pjs, phone chargers, and snacks for energy!

If possible, plan some nights ahead of time where you can order in food, so you're not exhausted trying to cook in a new kitchen with unfamiliar appliances. And definitely stock up the freezer with easy meals. You'll want to keep things simple, especially as your energy levels can wane later in pregnancy.

Another tip is to think about creating a temporary 'nursery' set-up. Since you won't likely have much time or energy for major decorating projects, use a nearby corner or area for the baby's essentials. You could even keep a changing station on wheels, so it can be moved around easily for middle-of-the-night changes! Finally, enjoy these last stages of pregnancy and remember that settling in is more fun when you allow yourself time to rest and bond with your new addition. The home will fall into place eventually - your health and the baby's comfort come first!
It's easy to get overwhelmed with all the tasks involved in moving, so I'd suggest making a list of essential things that need doing, then delegate some of them to your partners or friends who offer help. Prioritise the must-dos, and think logistically about what you'll need first when you arrive at your new place. For instance, it's helpful to have the essentials readily accessible, so pack an unpacking crate with essential supplies like loo paper, pjs, phone chargers, and snacks for energy!

If possible, plan some nights ahead of time where you can order in food, so you're not exhausted trying to cook in a new kitchen with unfamiliar appliances. And definitely stock up the freezer with easy meals. You'll want to keep things simple, especially as your energy levels can wane later in pregnancy.

Another tip is to think about creating a temporary 'nursery' set-up. Since you won't likely have much time or energy for major decorating projects, use a nearby corner or area for the baby's essentials. You could even keep a changing station on wheels, so it can be moved around easily for middle-of-the-night changes! Finally, enjoy these last stages of pregnancy and remember that settling in is more fun when you allow yourself time to rest and bond with your new addition. The home will fall into place eventually - your health and the baby's comfort come first!
That's a great idea to have a temporary nursery area! A packed corner with baby essentials and a portable changing station sound practical and convenient.

Having some nights off from cooking sounds good too; I'll be too exhausted to handle complex recipes towards the end of my pregnancy. I'll remember to stock up on some quick, easy meals and also order some takeout.

Thanks for the helpful suggestions!
That's a great idea to have a temporary nursery area! A packed corner with baby essentials and a portable changing station sound practical and convenient.

Having some nights off from cooking sounds good too; I'll be too exhausted to handle complex recipes towards the end of my pregnancy. I'll remember to stock up on some quick, easy meals and also order some takeout.

Thanks for the helpful suggestions!
No worries! Hope the temporary nursery set-up and meal planning tips help you prepare for the arrival of your little one. You might want to check with experienced moms on how they organized their space to welcome baby sibling without fussing over permanent changes. It's practical especially when you think about future moves or different layouts for a growing family!
No worries! Hope the temporary nursery set-up and meal planning tips help you prepare for the arrival of your little one. You might want to check with experienced moms on how they organized their space to welcome baby sibling without fussing over permanent changes. It's practical especially when you think about future moves or different layouts for a growing family!
Thanks for the helpful tip! I'm sure the other mums here would have some great insights into setting up a welcoming, temporary space for the new addition without disrupting the entire house. Would love to hear their thoughts on how they managed it!
There are so many great ways to create a cozy space for baby without reconfiguring your whole home. I went with a bassinet next to my bed, which made midnight feedings super convenient and comfortable. And I added some soft lighting - a cute lamp or two really transforms the room and makes it feel warm and welcoming without being too bright.
There are so many great ways to create a cozy space for baby without reconfiguring your whole home. I went with a bassinet next to my bed, which made midnight feedings super convenient and comfortable. And I added some soft lighting - a cute lamp or two really transforms the room and makes it feel warm and welcoming without being too bright.
That's a great idea about the bassinet and soft lighting! It's amazing how a few carefully chosen additions can make such a difference in creating a cozy space for you and the baby.
That's a great idea about the bassinet and soft lighting! It's amazing how a few carefully chosen additions can make such a difference in creating a cozy space for you and the baby.
Ya, it's pretty amazing what some people can do on a budget too! Some mums are so creative! I saw this one mama who repurposed a big plastic storage container and turned it into a cozy crib for her newborn, all dolled up with some cute stickers and ribbon, practical and cheap! She had a whole suite of matching baby furniture as well, very inspiring.
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Ya, it's pretty amazing what some people can do on a budget too! Some mums are so creative! I saw this one mama who repurposed a big plastic storage container and turned it into a cozy crib for her newborn, all dolled up with some cute stickers and ribbon, practical and cheap! She had a whole suite of matching baby furniture as well, very inspiring.
The internet is a great place to find frugal yet fancy ideas from resourceful mums all over the world. I think it's a good way to save some money, especially for new parents who are often burdened with so many other costs. Do you have any photos of the baby furniture? It sounds adorable and practical! I'm keen on DIY projects but often lack the ingenuity to come up with something so clever.
I don't have any photos, unfortunately - this is a throw-back to my own childhood! My mum was incredibly resourceful and made a lot of our furniture herself from scratch - it was the 70s so there was a lot of macrame and untreated wood involved! But some of it was really practical.

She made a fantastic crib out of an old drawer. It had a mattress that pulled out from one end like a tray and stood on sturdy little feet, which meant it could easily be lifted out and rocked when you needed to comfort a fussy baby. She also constructed this amazing tall boy unit with drawers at different levels for storage - it was so handy because the changing table sat on top and everything you needed was right there within reach. It had a very distinct 70s vibe, but the concept was excellent - I've often thought about trying to recreate it with a more modern aesthetic.

I'm not very inventive when it comes to DIY, but I do love hunting down second-hand bargains and upcycling them. A quick coat of paint can work wonders! And it's a great way to save money without compromising on style.
Upcycling is a wonderful, cost-effective way of bringing new life to old pieces, and it sounds like you've got a real head start with your resourceful DIY history!

The crib your mum made sounds absolutely adorable, and what a clever idea to make it so easily accessible for soothing a newborn. Those little touches really make a difference when you're a new parent - anything that simplifies those sleepy, chaotic early days is a godsend!

It's amazing how a fresh coat of paint can transform an old piece, giving it a whole new lease of life and a modern feel. It sounds like you've got a great mindset for taking on these projects - good luck with your upcycling adventures, and keep an eye out for those hidden gems!
Thanks so much for this reply! I'm really excited now about continuing my upcycling journey, especially knowing that others find it useful too - it's such a wonderful community to be part of and an affordable way to create gorgeous pieces.

The paint transformation is definitely one of my favourite parts - giving old pieces a modern twist and adding a bit of personal style is so satisfying! I'm glad you mentioned keeping an eye out for hidden gems; I often find some great pieces but can't decide whether to go ahead with them, so that's fantastic advice.

Your words have definitely given me some extra motivation - bringing new life to old furniture is such a buzz! Can't wait to see the results of all your future projects too and how you bring those together.
Thanks so much for this reply! I'm really excited now about continuing my upcycling journey, especially knowing that others find it useful too - it's such a wonderful community to be part of and an affordable way to create gorgeous pieces.

The paint transformation is definitely one of my favourite parts - giving old pieces a modern twist and adding a bit of personal style is so satisfying! I'm glad you mentioned keeping an eye out for hidden gems; I often find some great pieces but can't decide whether to go ahead with them, so that's fantastic advice.

Your words have definitely given me some extra motivation - bringing new life to old furniture is such a buzz! Can't wait to see the results of all your future projects too and how you bring those together.
It's exciting to hear about your enthusiasm for upcycling and the paint transformation process, which brings new life to old furniture. Finding hidden gems at thrift stores or flea markets can be challenging but knowing others share your passion is encouraging! I love the feeling of giving a dated piece of furniture a modern twist too. You'll have to share your future projects; it inspires others to see the "before and after" transformations.
I agree - seeing the end result after a tedious upcycling process is so satisfying! It's like giving old furniture an entirely new lease of life, especially when you can envision the finished product ahead of time. Sharing our before-and-after transformations can inspire each other to take on some new projects! Can't wait to see your future makeovers!
It's a fantastic feeling I love how you described it: giving old furniture a completely new lease of life. It's encouraging to have a vision and then see it come to life - a great high! Looking forward to more inspiring makeovers! : )
It's a fantastic feeling I love how you described it: giving old furniture a completely new lease of life. It's encouraging to have a vision and then see it come to life - a great high! Looking forward to more inspiring makeovers! : )
Yea, there's a sense of satisfaction and pride in seeing the before and after! Like a little home renovation show playing out in real life. The transformation is exciting, especially when it's something hands-on and done with lots of love. Can't wait to see what you do next!
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