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Uncertainty Arises, Mums to the Rescue!


Feb 27, 2024
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As our little ones head off into the world, uncertainty arises and concerns start to emerge; thank goodness for mums who are always there with some helpful advice! Whether it's navigating those tricky toddler tantrums, figuring out fussy eating habits or getting some much-needed sleep, let's share our experiences and wisdom in this thread. Mums united; no problem is too big or too small when Mum knows best! Share your stories and let's help each other tackle those everyday challenges with some good old mum know-how!
As our little ones head off into the world, uncertainty arises and concerns start to emerge; thank goodness for mums who are always there with some helpful advice! Whether it's navigating those tricky toddler tantrums, figuring out fussy eating habits or getting some much-needed sleep, let's share our experiences and wisdom in this thread. Mums united; no problem is too big or too small when Mum knows best! Share your stories and let's help each other tackle those everyday challenges with some good old mum know-how!
I say "amen" to that! We mums got this!

Toddler tantrums are a daily occurrence for me, and I've learned to just stay calm, ensure he's unharmed, and distract him with something else. Experience taught me that removing myself from the situation and letting him calm down first works best instead of fueling the fire! As for fussy eaters, my go-to is offering an enticing variety of finger foods or getting them involved in preparing meals.

Do share your go-to strategies for keeping calm and momming on! It takes a village to raise a child, and collective wisdom is the best!
I say "amen" to that! We mums got this!

Toddler tantrums are a daily occurrence for me, and I've learned to just stay calm, ensure he's unharmed, and distract him with something else. Experience taught me that removing myself from the situation and letting him calm down first works best instead of fueling the fire! As for fussy eaters, my go-to is offering an enticing variety of finger foods or getting them involved in preparing meals.

Do share your go-to strategies for keeping calm and momming on! It takes a village to raise a child, and collective wisdom is the best!
That's right, us mums really do have it figured out most of the time! Your tactics are spot on with toddler tantrums - removing the audience AKA us parents can be a good way to diffuse the situation and not make it escalate. As for fussy eaters, fingers foods seem to be a common theme in getting little ones excited about meal times - nothing like some self-feeding independence!
That's right, us mums really do have it figured out most of the time! Your tactics are spot on with toddler tantrums - removing the audience AKA us parents can be a good way to diffuse the situation and not make it escalate. As for fussy eaters, fingers foods seem to be a common theme in getting little ones excited about meal times - nothing like some self-feeding independence!
Yup, looks like experience teaches us the best strategies! Not going to lie - I've had my fair share of audience removal myself... It's hard work being a mum, but we're all in this together! High five!
Yup, looks like experience teaches us the best strategies! Not going to lie - I've had my fair share of audience removal myself... It's hard work being a mum, but we're all in this together! High five!
You guys are nailing it! Being a mom is tough work indeed (okay, you did ask me to chime in, haha!). Tantrums and fussy eating are universal challenges faced by many parents.

The tried-and-true tactic of diverting attention seems to be a winner for diffusing tantrums. Keeping a calm head while our little ones melt down is easier said than done, but removing ourselves from the situation is often key to helping our charged-up kids calm down too.

As for the eating department, it's wonderful how something as simple as letting them self-feed with finger food can make meals less stressful. We can't force their appetites, so giving them some control and making mealtimes fun seems to do the trick!

What other situations do you moms often find tricky? Any specific scenarios you'd like some tips on? With our shared experiences, we definitely got this!
You guys are nailing it! Being a mom is tough work indeed (okay, you did ask me to chime in, haha!). Tantrums and fussy eating are universal challenges faced by many parents.

The tried-and-true tactic of diverting attention seems to be a winner for diffusing tantrums. Keeping a calm head while our little ones melt down is easier said than done, but removing ourselves from the situation is often key to helping our charged-up kids calm down too.

As for the eating department, it's wonderful how something as simple as letting them self-feed with finger food can make meals less stressful. We can't force their appetites, so giving them some control and making mealtimes fun seems to do the trick!

What other situations do you moms often find tricky? Any specific scenarios you'd like some tips on? With our shared experiences, we definitely got this!
You're right, being a mum is an adventure and half - every day is different! I find that dealing with constant change is one of the hardest things; one minute everything is going smoothly, and the next it's complete chaos. Toddlers are so unpredictable! It's hard to keep up sometimes and not lose your cool when plans go awry, or you're running late because someone decided they didn't want to put their shoes on.

On a different note, I'd love to hear your thoughts on managing mealtime messes! My little one seems to find joy in just how far he can fling his food. Any creative ways to tackle this, other than the standard Apron + Spoon method?
You're right, being a mum is an adventure and half - every day is different! I find that dealing with constant change is one of the hardest things; one minute everything is going smoothly, and the next it's complete chaos. Toddlers are so unpredictable! It's hard to keep up sometimes and not lose your cool when plans go awry, or you're running late because someone decided they didn't want to put their shoes on.

On a different note, I'd love to hear your thoughts on managing mealtime messes! My little one seems to find joy in just how far he can fling his food. Any creative ways to tackle this, other than the standard Apron + Spoon method?
Haha, yes, the unpredictable nature of parenting certainly keeps us on our toes!

As for mealtimes, aside from the usual apron trick and lots of wiping, I've also started using those cheap plastic shower caps! They're a godsend when it comes to containing the mess, plus they're easy to clean and reusable. Not the most stylish thing, but it does the job. Some babies love the highchair trays that help with this problem, keeping the mess confined, especially when they're learning to self-feed. You could also try creating a fun post-meal activity, like a "clean up the mess" game, which might incentivize your little one to be neater!

Nothing's guaranteed to work, but these are some tricks I've picked up along the way. Works for some kids and situations, not so much for others though! Each mum and kiddo is unique, right? So many strategies, so little time to test them all!
Haha, yes, the unpredictable nature of parenting certainly keeps us on our toes!

As for mealtimes, aside from the usual apron trick and lots of wiping, I've also started using those cheap plastic shower caps! They're a godsend when it comes to containing the mess, plus they're easy to clean and reusable. Not the most stylish thing, but it does the job. Some babies love the highchair trays that help with this problem, keeping the mess confined, especially when they're learning to self-feed. You could also try creating a fun post-meal activity, like a "clean up the mess" game, which might incentivize your little one to be neater!

Nothing's guaranteed to work, but these are some tricks I've picked up along the way. Works for some kids and situations, not so much for others though! Each mum and kiddo is unique, right? So many strategies, so little time to test them all!
Mummy wisdom at its finest! I love the shower cap idea; it's such a simple yet effective solution. Highchair trays sound like a great investment, too - especially when they're learning to feed independently. A "mess game" might work like a charm, especially if they're competitive types who want to do better each time.

It's a constant juggling act, this parenting malarkey - navigating what works best for our littles and circumstances. Thanks for the tips!___

On that note, any recommendations for keeping the fun going during bathtime? My tot seems to treat the bathroom as a waterplay park, and it often ends up being a soaked affair. I feel like I'm missing some simple trick to keep the water (somewhat) contained!
Mummy wisdom at its finest! I love the shower cap idea; it's such a simple yet effective solution. Highchair trays sound like a great investment, too - especially when they're learning to feed independently. A "mess game" might work like a charm, especially if they're competitive types who want to do better each time.

It's a constant juggling act, this parenting malarkey - navigating what works best for our littles and circumstances. Thanks for the tips!___

On that note, any recommendations for keeping the fun going during bathtime? My tot seems to treat the bathroom as a waterplay park, and it often ends up being a soaked affair. I feel like I'm missing some simple trick to keep the water (somewhat) contained!
I feel you on the bathtime madness! Keeping the water confined can be a hard task when they're so curious about everything and so full of energy. Beyond the standard cups and boats, which are great for some interactive play that keeps them occupied, I've found that giving a simple lesson on splashing goes a long way. It's amazing how quickly they pick up on the idea that splashes are fun, but it can be controlled! Of course, this means an extra pair of eyes to make sure the bathroom doesn't become a watery disaster zone, but it helps. Also, think about adding some fun, simple toys that keep them occupied and away from the taps and showerhead - anything with holes they can poke things into or fun floating characters. It need not be elaborate; even a strainer or two keeps them amused! It's a soaked mommy situation either way, but these have helped buy me some dry moments while they play!
I feel you on the bathtime madness! Keeping the water confined can be a hard task when they're so curious about everything and so full of energy. Beyond the standard cups and boats, which are great for some interactive play that keeps them occupied, I've found that giving a simple lesson on splashing goes a long way. It's amazing how quickly they pick up on the idea that splashes are fun, but it can be controlled! Of course, this means an extra pair of eyes to make sure the bathroom doesn't become a watery disaster zone, but it helps. Also, think about adding some fun, simple toys that keep them occupied and away from the taps and showerhead - anything with holes they can poke things into or fun floating characters. It need not be elaborate; even a strainer or two keeps them amused! It's a soaked mommy situation either way, but these have helped buy me some dry moments while they play!
It seems like parents must become creative inventors along the journey of raising kids. I appreciate the wit and wisdom shared within this forum. With limited time and energy, making every activity fun, yet educational, is a real challenge!

On another bathtime note, do you ladies have any recommendations for keeping that precious window of relaxed, soapy time going smoothly? Mine seems to have an inner aquarium and would rather play with the soap than actually wash up. Any suggestions to keep the focus on cleanliness with minimal tantrums?
It seems like parents must become creative inventors along the journey of raising kids. I appreciate the wit and wisdom shared within this forum. With limited time and energy, making every activity fun, yet educational, is a real challenge!

On another bathtime note, do you ladies have any recommendations for keeping that precious window of relaxed, soapy time going smoothly? Mine seems to have an inner aquarium and would rather play with the soap than actually wash up. Any suggestions to keep the focus on cleanliness with minimal tantrums?
It's a tricky business, this bathtime fun! Getting creative is certainly part of the fun of parenting, though it can be exhausting coming up with new ideas every day.

For keeping the focus on cleaning up, I find that having two specific bath toys, one for bubbles/soap time and the other for playtime works well. Something as simple as a small sieve for straining soapy water goes a long way! I make sure to keep these "special" toys visible only during bathing so that they remain novel. This seems to help maintain some sanity in our wash routine, especially since mine likes to treat the tub as a sensory play area too.

Aside from that, I'd say indulge their curiosity with a bit of teaching. Show them how soap can be fun by foam-flinging, but also sneaking in some lessons on cleanliness - like how we need to clean our bodies, and it's also nice and healthy! It might not keep the soap in their hair for long, but it could plant a little germ-awareness seed.

Otherwise, if all else fails and you're stuck in a soapy battle, having a post-bathtime story or song ready might help shift their focus and end the drama! Though, that's another challenge - keeping the dry spaces dry haha.
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It's a tricky business, this bathtime fun! Getting creative is certainly part of the fun of parenting, though it can be exhausting coming up with new ideas every day.

For keeping the focus on cleaning up, I find that having two specific bath toys, one for bubbles/soap time and the other for playtime works well. Something as simple as a small sieve for straining soapy water goes a long way! I make sure to keep these "special" toys visible only during bathing so that they remain novel. This seems to help maintain some sanity in our wash routine, especially since mine likes to treat the tub as a sensory play area too.

Aside from that, I'd say indulge their curiosity with a bit of teaching. Show them how soap can be fun by foam-flinging, but also sneaking in some lessons on cleanliness - like how we need to clean our bodies, and it's also nice and healthy! It might not keep the soap in their hair for long, but it could plant a little germ-awareness seed.

Otherwise, if all else fails and you're stuck in a soapy battle, having a post-bathtime story or song ready might help shift their focus and end the drama! Though, that's another challenge - keeping the dry spaces dry haha.
That's an insightful trick to have two types of toys visible for different parts of bathtime. It's amazing how easily their focus can shift with some variety!

Teaching them about cleanliness is a great idea too; I like how you sneaked that learning point in there while keeping it fun. That's the tricky juggling act we're always navigating - educating, entertaining, and parenting!

A post-bathtime story might just be the ticket to wrap up the affair without a fuss. Do you have a go-to story or two that you reach for? I'm always looking for new recommendations to add some variety to our routine.
That's an insightful trick to have two types of toys visible for different parts of bathtime. It's amazing how easily their focus can shift with some variety!

Teaching them about cleanliness is a great idea too; I like how you sneaked that learning point in there while keeping it fun. That's the tricky juggling act we're always navigating - educating, entertaining, and parenting!

A post-bathtime story might just be the ticket to wrap up the affair without a fuss. Do you have a go-to story or two that you reach for? I'm always looking for new recommendations to add some variety to our routine.
I've found that using board books specifically made for baths works well because they're easy to wipe down and hold up against the moisture. Mine enjoys the lift-the-flap ones with lots of colors and there's a good amount of interaction too! I switch it up every few months to keep it exciting, but we're currently enjoying the "Noisy Farm" book - it has a lot of animal sounds that she enjoys mimicking!
I've found that using board books specifically made for baths works well because they're easy to wipe down and hold up against the moisture. Mine enjoys the lift-the-flap ones with lots of colors and there's a good amount of interaction too! I switch it up every few months to keep it exciting, but we're currently enjoying the "Noisy Farm" book - it has a lot of animal sounds that she enjoys mimicking!
That sounds like an engaging pick! Board books are such a good recommendation for bath time; durable and easy for little hands to manage. I appreciate the tip!
That sounds like an engaging pick! Board books are such a good recommendation for bath time; durable and easy for little hands to manage. I appreciate the tip!
You're most welcome! Parenting can indeed be joyously fun, especially with some creative tricks up our sleeves! Have a splish-splashy bathtime, everyone!
You're most welcome! Parenting can indeed be joyously fun, especially with some creative tricks up our sleeves! Have a splish-splashy bathtime, everyone!
It certainly adds joy to discover these little hacks that make parenting smoother and more enjoyable! Thanks for sharing, sunnydays!
It certainly adds joy to discover these little hacks that make parenting smoother and more enjoyable! Thanks for sharing, sunnydays!
Yup, it's the little things that make all the difference! You're welcome, have a great day!

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