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Training Tales


Feb 29, 2024
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So, who's ready to share their potty training stories? We all know every child is different and there's no one-size-fits-all when it comes to toilet training - it's often a fun journey with many twists and turns!

We want to hear about your adventures in potty training land. The good, the bad and the ugly! Share your experiences, tips and funny anecdotes here.
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My daughter was really easy to potty train during the day - we did it in one weekend when she was 2 ½ and never had an accident after that. But oh boy, night time training was a whole other ballgame! She just could not seem to get the hang of it and would always have at least one accident every night. It wasn't until we instituted a strict liquid curfew at 5 pm that we finally started making progress. She still sometimes wets the bed but it's rare now - usually only when she's really deep asleep after a late night.
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My daughter was really easy to potty train during the day - we did it in one weekend when she was 2 ½ and never had an accident after that. But oh boy, night time training was a whole other ballgame! She just could not seem to get the hang of it and would always have at least one accident every night. It wasn't until we instituted a strict liquid curfew at 5 pm that we finally started making progress. She still sometimes wets the bed but it's rare now - usually only when she's really deep asleep after a late night.
That's great to hear! Some children are just more susceptible to bladder control issues. Good on you for finding a solution that worked! My son was an early potty-training trainee, but my daughter took her time and did it at her own pace. She's now a stickler for using the toilet, but only after we patiently tackled those night training issues similar to yours!
That's great to hear! Some children are just more susceptible to bladder control issues. Good on you for finding a solution that worked! My son was an early potty-training trainee, but my daughter took her time and did it at her own pace. She's now a stickler for using the toilet, but only after we patiently tackled those night training issues similar to yours!
Yes every child really does have different timelines! Night time training can be a tricky beast, and it's wonderful when we figure out what works for our kids. Sounds like you're a patient and fabulous parent!
That's great to hear! Some children are just more susceptible to bladder control issues. Good on you for finding a solution that worked! My son was an early potty-training trainee, but my daughter took her time and did it at her own pace. She's now a stickler for using the toilet, but only after we patiently tackled those night training issues similar to yours!
It's really nice to hear how differently children can be when it comes to potty training! Some pick it up super fast, while others take their sweet time and that's absolutely fine. Night time training can definitely be a challenge for sure - seems like patience and the right strategy make all the difference in tackling it!
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Yes every child really does have different timelines! Night time training can be a tricky beast, and it's wonderful when we figure out what works for our kids. Sounds like you're a patient and fabulous parent!
different strokes for different folks! Patience is truly a virtue when it comes to parenting; it can be a challenging but fulfilling journey. Looks like you're killing it!
Do share any eco-friendly or sustainable hacks you incorporate into your parenting life! I'm always on the lookout for new ideas 😊.
Parenting is a journey, and finding what works best for our little ones is half the battle!

As for eco-friendly/sustainable hacks, I've got a few tricks up my sleeve:

1. Cloth diapers! We've been using reusable cloth diapers for years now - they're cost-effective, reduce waste, and actually easier to manage than disposables.

2. Homemade baby wipes. I've started making my own with some natural ingredients, and they work like a charm. No nasty chemicals on my baby's behind either!

3. Natural, homemade cleaners. Avoiding harsh chemicals has been a priority for me, so I've switched to using white vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils for most of our cleaning needs.

4. Organic, plant-based toys and accessories. I try to opt for these when possible - they're safer for my little one and better for the environment!

5. Breastfeeding and baby-led weaning. Nature's ultimate eco-friendly plan! Breast milk is the most sustainable food source, and BLW lets my tot feed himself natural, organic foods without the need for processed baby meals.

6. Family bike rides! We've started cycling short distances together, which is great exercise and cuts down on using the car.

So many ways to parent mindfully! Would love to hear your tricks too.
What amazing sustainable parenting hacks!

I especially love the homemade baby wipes idea, what a fantastic way to avoid harsh chemicals and reduce waste. And I totally agree on the benefits of breastfeeding and BLW - nature's magic!

I've also found some great eco-friendly substitutes for standard baby products like organic cotton clothes, natural rubber pacifiers, and bamboo toothbrushes. Baby steps make a big difference!

Any other clever ways to cut down on waste while keeping our little ones happy and healthy?
What amazing sustainable parenting hacks!

I especially love the homemade baby wipes idea, what a fantastic way to avoid harsh chemicals and reduce waste. And I totally agree on the benefits of breastfeeding and BLW - nature's magic!

I've also found some great eco-friendly substitutes for standard baby products like organic cotton clothes, natural rubber pacifiers, and bamboo toothbrushes. Baby steps make a big difference!

Any other clever ways to cut down on waste while keeping our little ones happy and healthy?
You're doing a wonderful job with those sustainable swaps! I love the idea of eco-friendly teethers and toys - so much more planet-friendly and often safer for our curious littles who like to chew on things.

I've also heard fantastic things about using montmorillonite clay as a natural and effective diaper rash cream. A friend swears by it and says it's a miracle worker!

There are so many natural, waste-reducing options out there that are kind to our kids and the planet - it's encouraging to see more parents embracing these changes!
What amazing sustainable parenting hacks!

I especially love the homemade baby wipes idea, what a fantastic way to avoid harsh chemicals and reduce waste. And I totally agree on the benefits of breastfeeding and BLW - nature's magic!

I've also found some great eco-friendly substitutes for standard baby products like organic cotton clothes, natural rubber pacifiers, and bamboo toothbrushes. Baby steps make a big difference!

Any other clever ways to cut down on waste while keeping our little ones happy and healthy?
You're doing a great job with all these sustainable swaps! It's incredible how making mindful choices can collectively make a huge difference.

I've also come across some eco-friendly parent shoppers who plan their grocery lists carefully to reduce food waste. Buying fresh produce in seasons, utilizing leftovers, and composting are some of their tricks to minimize throwing away excess food.

Also, with Singapore's hot weather, freezing leftover breastmilk or formulas into ice cubes is a clever way to preserve them instead of letting them go bad. They can also be easily thawed for feeding time! Something I wish I had known about earlier haha.

Other than that, maybe cutting down on plastic toys? I notice my kiddo seems to enjoy homemade sensory toys like DIY sand or rice bins, which are a lot cheaper and eco-friendly too. But of course, these are just additional options to reduce waste alongside all the awesome ideas you've shared!
What amazing sustainable parenting hacks!

I especially love the homemade baby wipes idea, what a fantastic way to avoid harsh chemicals and reduce waste. And I totally agree on the benefits of breastfeeding and BLW - nature's magic!

I've also found some great eco-friendly substitutes for standard baby products like organic cotton clothes, natural rubber pacifiers, and bamboo toothbrushes. Baby steps make a big difference!

Any other clever ways to cut down on waste while keeping our little ones happy and healthy?
You're doing an awesome job! It's incredible how mindful you are of the environmental impact of your choices. it is the little changes that can make a huge difference over time! I'm not so clued in on eco-friendly products, but hearing about these options makes me want to explore them more now that my children are older.

My go-to hack is usually just to buy second hand which helps reduce waste and saves money - win-win! I source most of my kids' clothes, toys and even some gear from trustworthy friends who've recommended the items after using them for their own kids. It's a great way to save resources and connect with fellow mums too!
You're doing a great job with all these sustainable swaps! It's incredible how making mindful choices can collectively make a huge difference.

I've also come across some eco-friendly parent shoppers who plan their grocery lists carefully to reduce food waste. Buying fresh produce in seasons, utilizing leftovers, and composting are some of their tricks to minimize throwing away excess food.

Also, with Singapore's hot weather, freezing leftover breastmilk or formulas into ice cubes is a clever way to preserve them instead of letting them go bad. They can also be easily thawed for feeding time! Something I wish I had known about earlier haha.

Other than that, maybe cutting down on plastic toys? I notice my kiddo seems to enjoy homemade sensory toys like DIY sand or rice bins, which are a lot cheaper and eco-friendly too. But of course, these are just additional options to reduce waste alongside all the awesome ideas you've shared!
That's a really good call on the food waste front - it's shocking how much good food ends up in the bin sometimes! I like your idea of planning meals with an anti-waste mindset, and those breastmilk ice cubes are genius.

DIY sensory toys are a hit with kids these days it seems! Sand and water play is always a winner with my charges. It's a great tactile experience for them and, as you say, much more eco-friendly than store-bought plastic toys that may only last a short while.

There really are so many ways we can make a difference!
That's a really good call on the food waste front - it's shocking how much good food ends up in the bin sometimes! I like your idea of planning meals with an anti-waste mindset, and those breastmilk ice cubes are genius.

DIY sensory toys are a hit with kids these days it seems! Sand and water play is always a winner with my charges. It's a great tactile experience for them and, as you say, much more eco-friendly than store-bought plastic toys that may only last a short while.

There really are so many ways we can make a difference!
It's surprising to see the different environmentally conscious choices we can make as parents that benefit our children too - win-win situations for sure!
Absolutely! It's incredible how much of a positive impact we can have on future generations by intentionally fostering eco-friendly habits. Children are sponges, and they often replicate our actions far more than listen to our words. What specific environmentally conscious choices have you made that you feel significantly impacted your child's development?
I strive to lead by example by making sure that I follow the three Rs - Reduce, Reuse and Recycle! We've cut down on so much waste over the years by doing this, which the kids have noticed.

We also involve them in our food growing efforts. From seed planting to harvesting, getting them engaged with nature and explaining the importance of seasonal eating has really impacted their food choices - they now gravitate towards healthier, more sustainable options.

Another thing we do is outdoor adventure days! We'll pick a local trail or park and explore, focusing on different themes each time. I let the kids lead these excursions, encouraging them to guide me along their routes, which helps them develop an innate connection with the outdoors. These adventures foster a sense of wonder in nature and also teach respect for the environment - an added bonus is that they tire them out!

I want to instil a sense of accountability and empower them to make informed decisions, especially when we discuss topics like conservation and consumption. So I make sure to involve them in decisions too; for example, if we're discussing getting rid of an old item, I'll ask their opinion on reusing or repurposing it first. This little exercise makes them think twice about consumerism and the impact of their choices.

I believe all these efforts are paving the way towards a more conscious and caring future generation!
Your approach is admirable and it's wonderful to hear how your actions have positively impacted your children. Getting them involved in the food growing process and connecting them with nature is a great way to foster sustainability values from an early age.

It's amazing to witness how children naturally gravitate towards healthier, sustainable options when given the right encouragement and education. And it's a fantastic idea to let them lead the outdoor adventure days - giving them ownership and encouraging their innate connection with the environment is a powerful tool.

Involving them in decision-making processes related to consumption and waste also teaches them important lessons on accountability and sustainability. It sounds like you're creating a brilliant foundation for them to become conscious, caring individuals who will make a real difference! Well done and keep up the fantastic work!
Your approach is admirable and it's wonderful to hear how your actions have positively impacted your children. Getting them involved in the food growing process and connecting them with nature is a great way to foster sustainability values from an early age.

It's amazing to witness how children naturally gravitate towards healthier, sustainable options when given the right encouragement and education. And it's a fantastic idea to let them lead the outdoor adventure days - giving them ownership and encouraging their innate connection with the environment is a powerful tool.

Involving them in decision-making processes related to consumption and waste also teaches them important lessons on accountability and sustainability. It sounds like you're creating a brilliant foundation for them to become conscious, caring individuals who will make a real difference! Well done and keep up the fantastic work!
That's encouraging to hear - thank you! I think we're all doing our best as parents to raise mindful citizens. It starts with us leading by example and making conscious choices, which they absorb more than we think. The little wins along the way keep me motivated!
Absolutely - leading by example is so key, and you're right that our children absorb much more than we give them credit for! Well done and keep at it, those little wins are very motivating :)
Those little wins sure are! Thank you! And yes, it's amazing what they pick up on - the other day my three-year-old was helping me sweep the floor and kept picking up every single crumb - it was adorable, and so helpful!
Those little wins sure are! Thank you! And yes, it's amazing what they pick up on - the other day my three-year-old was helping me sweep the floor and kept picking up every single crumb - it was adorable, and so helpful!
It's the little things like that which can make a parent's day. It's amazing how observant kids are; you sound like you're doing a fantastic job!

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