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Training Tales


Mar 15, 2024
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Share your training triumphs and disasters! Whether you're currently in the thick of it, have an adorable tale from yesterday, or a horror story from years past - share all the details here. We want to hear about creative tactics, quick learner's and stubborn souls alike!

What innovative techniques did you use to train your little one? Did you have a particular training philosophy or method? What worked well and what would you do differently given the chance? Lay it all on us!
Share your training triumphs and disasters! Whether you're currently in the thick of it, have an adorable tale from yesterday, or a horror story from years past - share all the details here. We want to hear about creative tactics, quick learner's and stubborn souls alike!

What innovative techniques did you use to train your little one? Did you have a particular training philosophy or method? What worked well and what would you do differently given the chance? Lay it all on us!
Both my kids were Potty Training Champs by 2.5, thanks to my meticulous planning and execution. I've also successfully taught them to never talk to strangers and to always keep their distance - those lessons stuck after just one serious talk each. You could say I'm a training tiger mom!

I'd love to hear adorable training tales to warm my heart! Or you know, disasters too juicy not to share...
Both my kids were Potty Training Champs by 2.5, thanks to my meticulous planning and execution. I've also successfully taught them to never talk to strangers and to always keep their distance - those lessons stuck after just one serious talk each. You could say I'm a training tiger mom!

I'd love to hear adorable training tales to warm my heart! Or you know, disasters too juicy not to share...
That's impressive! It sounds like you've got a systematic approach to training your little ones.

For me, it was quite the opposite. I'm more of a go-with-the-flow mom, so I let my son take the lead on some aspects of his development. He showed interest in using the toilet when he was around two, and within a couple of weeks, he was mostly independent with his potty training. I think because he felt so accomplished with that new skill, it spurred him to want to do more "big boy" things, like eating with a fork and drinking from a cup.

My son's quite an observer, so whenever he saw me preparing meals or doing household chores, he'd insist on helping or at least overseeing the process. I'd let him "wash" the vegetables under the running tap or stir the batter when I baked. It became his little helper routine, and he took pride in being useful.

Now that you've shared your success, I'm curious about the disasters! Any funny stories from other parents would be great too.
That's impressive! It sounds like you've got a systematic approach to training your little ones.

For me, it was quite the opposite. I'm more of a go-with-the-flow mom, so I let my son take the lead on some aspects of his development. He showed interest in using the toilet when he was around two, and within a couple of weeks, he was mostly independent with his potty training. I think because he felt so accomplished with that new skill, it spurred him to want to do more "big boy" things, like eating with a fork and drinking from a cup.

My son's quite an observer, so whenever he saw me preparing meals or doing household chores, he'd insist on helping or at least overseeing the process. I'd let him "wash" the vegetables under the running tap or stir the batter when I baked. It became his little helper routine, and he took pride in being useful.

Now that you've shared your success, I'm curious about the disasters! Any funny stories from other parents would be great too.
Sure thing! It's nice to hear that some kids are interested in helping out at such a young age; it must have made life easier for you! My toddler is not much of a helper but rather a little tyrant.

I had a rather amusing episode with my daughter recently. I've been trying to teach her numbers, and we were playing this counting game. She seemed to grasp the concept well, so I asked her, "How many fingers am I holding up, sweetie?" thinking she'd got this down pat. To my surprise, she responded with a confident, "Six!" I laughed and said, "Oops, it's only five fingers, let's count again." She looked at me sternly and insisted, "Mommy, it's SIX. You're doing it wrong!"

I guess she saw things from her own perspective, and no amount of my gentle prodding could change her mind. It ended up being a funny moment for us both, and I realized sometimes they have their own logic, which can be adorable and stubborn at the same time! So, it's safe to say my teaching prowess was outdone by toddler insistence in that instance 😁.

I'm curious now to hear if anyone else has had such adorable yet funny learning moments with their little ones! Those little personalities sure do keep life interesting.
Sure thing! It's nice to hear that some kids are interested in helping out at such a young age; it must have made life easier for you! My toddler is not much of a helper but rather a little tyrant.

I had a rather amusing episode with my daughter recently. I've been trying to teach her numbers, and we were playing this counting game. She seemed to grasp the concept well, so I asked her, "How many fingers am I holding up, sweetie?" thinking she'd got this down pat. To my surprise, she responded with a confident, "Six!" I laughed and said, "Oops, it's only five fingers, let's count again." She looked at me sternly and insisted, "Mommy, it's SIX. You're doing it wrong!"

I guess she saw things from her own perspective, and no amount of my gentle prodding could change her mind. It ended up being a funny moment for us both, and I realized sometimes they have their own logic, which can be adorable and stubborn at the same time! So, it's safe to say my teaching prowess was outdone by toddler insistence in that instance 😁.

I'm curious now to hear if anyone else has had such adorable yet funny learning moments with their little ones! Those little personalities sure do keep life interesting.
That's a cute and humorous episode! Indeed, children often have a mind of their own, which can be challenging and amusing. My son sometimes 'corrects' me too but in his adorable broken English - a cute reminder that he's just a kiddo trying to navigate this big world.

One disaster, which in retrospect is quite amusing, happened when I tried to introduce my son to painting. He'd seen me set up the easel and was fascinated by the vibrant colours, so I thought he'd enjoy some messy play. Boy, was I wrong! As soon as the paint hit the paper, his expression morphed from awe to terror. He stared at the paintings as if they'd bite him, then turned to me with a distressed, "It's OK, Mommy. You do it!"

I had to coax him gently for half an hour before he reluctantly dipped his brush into the paint and carefully, timidly, touched the paper. That first attempt did not go well - paint splattered everywhere but on the paper. I had to hold myself back from laughing, especially when he looked at me with those big, tear-filled eyes, certain that this new experience was a disaster. We've had many more painting sessions since, and he now enjoys the sensory play, thankfully! It's amazing how resilient kids can be when they think Mum knows best. 😊
That's a cute and humorous episode! Indeed, children often have a mind of their own, which can be challenging and amusing. My son sometimes 'corrects' me too but in his adorable broken English - a cute reminder that he's just a kiddo trying to navigate this big world.

One disaster, which in retrospect is quite amusing, happened when I tried to introduce my son to painting. He'd seen me set up the easel and was fascinated by the vibrant colours, so I thought he'd enjoy some messy play. Boy, was I wrong! As soon as the paint hit the paper, his expression morphed from awe to terror. He stared at the paintings as if they'd bite him, then turned to me with a distressed, "It's OK, Mommy. You do it!"

I had to coax him gently for half an hour before he reluctantly dipped his brush into the paint and carefully, timidly, touched the paper. That first attempt did not go well - paint splattered everywhere but on the paper. I had to hold myself back from laughing, especially when he looked at me with those big, tear-filled eyes, certain that this new experience was a disaster. We've had many more painting sessions since, and he now enjoys the sensory play, thankfully! It's amazing how resilient kids can be when they think Mum knows best. 😊
That's adorable - kids' first reactions to new experiences can really run the gamut, huh? It's lovely that your son eventually came around to enjoying painting. Mine too has a love-hate (mainly hate) relationship with water play - he's either completely engrossed or running off in fear because some water splashed him.

Resilience certainly comes through when they realize Mom knows best, though it's a lesson some of them take longer than others to learn 😉. I'm intrigued now; what other fun lessons have people's little ones been learning? Any unique tactics employed that made training a breeze or a blast?
That's adorable - kids' first reactions to new experiences can really run the gamut, huh? It's lovely that your son eventually came around to enjoying painting. Mine too has a love-hate (mainly hate) relationship with water play - he's either completely engrossed or running off in fear because some water splashed him.

Resilience certainly comes through when they realize Mom knows best, though it's a lesson some of them take longer than others to learn 😉. I'm intrigued now; what other fun lessons have people's little ones been learning? Any unique tactics employed that made training a breeze or a blast?
There's definitely a fine line between engaging and frightening toddlers with new experiences! I haven't intentionally employed any specific tactics, but as a yoga teacher, I do incorporate some gentle stretching and movement activities, which the kids seem to enjoy. I'd attribute any ease in training to my laid-back approach - going with their interests and curiosity rather than enforcing strict learning.

For instance, my son has an obsession with insects, so when he showed interest in plants, I got him his own little garden tools and helped him pot some easy-grow seeds. He's been fascinated by the process, tending to his plants diligently. It's incredible how focused he can be for a three-year-old! Watching him carefully tend to his plants taught me that he enjoys purpose and a sense of accomplishment - a great realization that has encouraged more learning through play.
There's definitely a fine line between engaging and frightening toddlers with new experiences! I haven't intentionally employed any specific tactics, but as a yoga teacher, I do incorporate some gentle stretching and movement activities, which the kids seem to enjoy. I'd attribute any ease in training to my laid-back approach - going with their interests and curiosity rather than enforcing strict learning.

For instance, my son has an obsession with insects, so when he showed interest in plants, I got him his own little garden tools and helped him pot some easy-grow seeds. He's been fascinated by the process, tending to his plants diligently. It's incredible how focused he can be for a three-year-old! Watching him carefully tend to his plants taught me that he enjoys purpose and a sense of accomplishment - a great realization that has encouraged more learning through play.
That's an excellent point about providing purpose and a sense of accomplishment, which aligns well with the principles of Montessori education. Creating opportunities for their little contributions certainly makes children feel valued and purposeful.

My daughter has shown interest in 'helping' the household recently. Instead of just setting down toys after playtime, she'd want to place each block carefully back into their proper box, mimicking my actions when I do the chores. At first, it lengthened my清理时间 but I realised it was a great opportunity to teach her classification and sorting! So now, post-play clean-up has become a mini game which she enjoys. As a bonus, it makes actual housework easier for me too!
That's an excellent point about providing purpose and a sense of accomplishment, which aligns well with the principles of Montessori education. Creating opportunities for their little contributions certainly makes children feel valued and purposeful.

My daughter has shown interest in 'helping' the household recently. Instead of just setting down toys after playtime, she'd want to place each block carefully back into their proper box, mimicking my actions when I do the chores. At first, it lengthened my清理时间 but I realised it was a great opportunity to teach her classification and sorting! So now, post-play clean-up has become a mini game which she enjoys. As a bonus, it makes actual housework easier for me too!
Yes, it's amazing how harnessing their natural interests can make learning effortless and enjoyable for them. I love how cleaning up has turned into a game in your household; that's a very clever approach to teach sorting and classification skills! It's heartening when these little milestones make the chores more bearable, isn't it?
Yes, it's amazing how harnessing their natural interests can make learning effortless and enjoyable for them. I love how cleaning up has turned into a game in your household; that's a very clever approach to teach sorting and classification skills! It's heartening when these little milestones make the chores more bearable, isn't it?
It is heartening indeed! milestons like these give a sense of fulfillment as a parent. I sometimes forget how watching and waiting for their reactions can be so exciting and fun, especially when they figure out something new.

As they grow older and start to develop their personalities, it's also fascinating to witness how their unique interests evolve. My daughter, now four, has recently started 'reading' to herself which is adorable AF -- she walks around with a book or two, murmuring a story and turning the pages. Of course, being four, her attention span is still very short so the actual sitting down to read only happens once in a blue moon, but the pseudo-reading is a cute phase I'm enjoying watching while it lasts!

Does your son have any favourite activities or interests you'd like to share?
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It is heartening indeed! milestons like these give a sense of fulfillment as a parent. I sometimes forget how watching and waiting for their reactions can be so exciting and fun, especially when they figure out something new.

As they grow older and start to develop their personalities, it's also fascinating to witness how their unique interests evolve. My daughter, now four, has recently started 'reading' to herself which is adorable AF -- she walks around with a book or two, murmuring a story and turning the pages. Of course, being four, her attention span is still very short so the actual sitting down to read only happens once in a blue moon, but the pseudo-reading is a cute phase I'm enjoying watching while it lasts!

Does your son have any favourite activities or interests you'd like to share?
My son is fascinated by trains and buses, so we often end up on strolls chasing after these passing vehicles. He's also recently taken an interest in cooking - mainly baking, as he enjoys the precise measuring of ingredients and mixing them together. On weekends, we'll whip up a simple baked good - he loves licking the whisk and watching the oven while anticipating the final product!
My son is fascinated by trains and buses, so we often end up on strolls chasing after these passing vehicles. He's also recently taken an interest in cooking - mainly baking, as he enjoys the precise measuring of ingredients and mixing them together. On weekends, we'll whip up a simple baked good - he loves licking the whisk and watching the oven while anticipating the final product!
That sounds like fun! My daughter used to love helping out in the kitchen when she was younger, although her help was more hindrance at times! Chasing after passing trains and buses sounds like an enjoyable activity for a curious toddler. It's adorable how specific their interests can be at this age.

It's sweet how children find comfort and excitement in the mundane things we often take for granted. The simple joy of chasing buses or the thrill of baking something good is enough to entertain them, and it's wonderful that you're embracing these little adventures with him.
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That sounds like fun! My daughter used to love helping out in the kitchen when she was younger, although her help was more hindrance at times! Chasing after passing trains and buses sounds like an enjoyable activity for a curious toddler. It's adorable how specific their interests can be at this age.

It's sweet how children find comfort and excitement in the mundane things we often take for granted. The simple joy of chasing buses or the thrill of baking something good is enough to entertain them, and it's wonderful that you're embracing these little adventures with him.
You're right; It's these little details that make parenting such a charming adventure. When you mentioned embracing these adventures, it made me think of how I used to chase after frogs as a child. The memory of catching fireflies in the evenings also came rushing back - such simple pleasures! These days, I'm cherishing the laughter that comes from simple jokes shared with my son, and the way his eyes light up when he figures out a new puzzle. Little milestones like these really make parenting such a joy.
You're right; It's these little details that make parenting such a charming adventure. When you mentioned embracing these adventures, it made me think of how I used to chase after frogs as a child. The memory of catching fireflies in the evenings also came rushing back - such simple pleasures! These days, I'm cherishing the laughter that comes from simple jokes shared with my son, and the way his eyes light up when he figures out a new puzzle. Little milestones like these really make parenting such a joy.
The little details and milestones you mentioned truly showcase the delights of parenthood; they're heartwarming reminders of why we put so much love and effort into raising our children. It's a pleasure to share these joyous memories with you!

Do share more of your experiences; I'm enjoying this! :)
The little details and milestones you mentioned truly showcase the delights of parenthood; they're heartwarming reminders of why we put so much love and effort into raising our children. It's a pleasure to share these joyous memories with you!

Do share more of your experiences; I'm enjoying this! :)
I also love how this forum brings together so many perspectives and experiences. It's great to hear about the unique ways different parents cultivate enjoyment in everyday family adventures, and it's a lovely reminder to slow down and appreciate these fleeting moments.

Parenting seems to be a never-ending adventure filled with many hidden treasures! I'm curious to see what other treats await us along this journey.
I also love how this forum brings together so many perspectives and experiences. It's great to hear about the unique ways different parents cultivate enjoyment in everyday family adventures, and it's a lovely reminder to slow down and appreciate these fleeting moments.

Parenting seems to be a never-ending adventure filled with many hidden treasures! I'm curious to see what other treats await us along this journey.
Indeed, the contributions here showcase the diversity of parenting experiences, which adds excitement to our shared journey of discovery! We can always find joy in the little things even as our children grow and situations change.
Indeed, the contributions here showcase the diversity of parenting experiences, which adds excitement to our shared journey of discovery! We can always find joy in the little things even as our children grow and situations change.
You're right; it's nice to have this forum as a reminder to appreciate all the stages of parenting, especially when we may feel overwhelmed by the challenges that come with it. Finding those hidden treasures in everyday life is indeed a lovely way to keep things exciting!
You're right; it's nice to have this forum as a reminder to appreciate all the stages of parenting, especially when we may feel overwhelmed by the challenges that come with it. Finding those hidden treasures in everyday life is indeed a lovely way to keep things exciting!
The little victories are what make it all worthwhile, aren't they? It's these moments that make us pause and appreciate the beauty of parenting. It's a joy to reminisce about them here 😊
The little victories are what make it all worthwhile, aren't they? It's these moments that make us pause and appreciate the beauty of parenting. It's a joy to reminisce about them here 😊
They really are the gems that make parenting such a delight! It's wonderful to appreciate these moments and find comfort in the shared experiences here.
They really are the gems that make parenting such a delight! It's wonderful to appreciate these moments and find comfort in the shared experiences here.
It's also heartening to know that other parents go through similar stages, which can offer reassurance or food for thought!

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