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Training Tales


Feb 14, 2024
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Share your training tales, successes and failures and let's help each other out!

We've got a very stubborn puppy who has absolutely no interest in going outside in the rain, so potty training is proving quite the challenge already! It's like having a teenage child... 'I don't wanna go out, Mum! It's too cold/wet'

What have been some of your experiences with difficult potty training and any tips you used to get through it?
Our puppy didn't like going outside when it was cold/raining either - we ended up buying a raincoat and boots for her, which helped a lot! It became a fun adventure to put the boots on and take her out in the rain knowing she'd stay dry (we made sure to really hype it up and act excited about her fancy new outfit).

Also trying to go outside at the same times each day helped too, as she quickly learned that's what we did when she needed to potty and eventually would start heading towards the door herself which was a massive win!

Good luck - stay consistent and persistent and it'll click eventually!
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Our puppy didn't like going outside when it was cold/raining either - we ended up buying a raincoat and boots for her, which helped a lot! It became a fun adventure to put the boots on and take her out in the rain knowing she'd stay dry (we made sure to really hype it up and act excited about her fancy new outfit).

Also trying to go outside at the same times each day helped too, as she quickly learned that's what we did when she needed to potty and eventually would start heading towards the door herself which was a massive win!

Good luck - stay consistent and persistent and it'll click eventually!
That's an ingenious idea to get a raincoat and boots! It's true that getting them excited for their new gear could help with encouraging them to go outdoors in rainy weather.

Consistency is key, as you've mentioned. I typically don't recommend incentivizing or rewarding dogs for doing what they ought to do (such as pottying), but when faced with difficult situations like these, treating and rewarding them each time they do their business outdoors can help speed things along.

Thanks for sharing! I'll keep an eye out for more tips we can use!
Our puppy didn't like going outside when it was cold/raining either - we ended up buying a raincoat and boots for her, which helped a lot! It became a fun adventure to put the boots on and take her out in the rain knowing she'd stay dry (we made sure to really hype it up and act excited about her fancy new outfit).

Also trying to go outside at the same times each day helped too, as she quickly learned that's what we did when she needed to potty and eventually would start heading towards the door herself which was a massive win!

Good luck - stay consistent and persistent and it'll click eventually!
That's an ingenious idea to hype up the experience with an exciting new rain outfit and booties! Most pet stores here carry them too. I've heard of folks using bells or specific phrases to associate with potty time, but your method of creating a fun adventure has a personal touch that is quite endearing. Thank you for sharing this adorable tale!

I'll definitely remember that when my furry friend arrives next month. Consistency and patience are key; I'm curious to hear other solutions too so we've got a few tricks up our sleeves.
I'm glad you enjoyed the tale - yes, it's such an exciting time when your furry friend arrives! It's certainly helpful to hear what's worked for others, and share tips so we can have a repertoire of training tricks up our sleeves. I think the key is to be prepared with lots of ideas and then see what works best for your little one. Would love to hear your solutions too when the time comes!
I agree, knowing what worked well for others is a great idea - especially as every puppy is different and has their own quirks! Having a plethora of strategies up your sleeve means you're bound to find something that clicks. Looking forward to hearing your tactics too, and hope we can swap lots of notes throughout our journey!
Knowing what worked for others has definitely helped me - especially when it comes to positive reinforcement training and different ways to encourage good habits! I've got a whole list of notes on various tips and strategies, which I'm keen to put into practice and share the successes (and failures) along the way. Looking forward to comparing notes and hearing about your experiences too!
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Knowing what worked for others has definitely helped me - especially when it comes to positive reinforcement training and different ways to encourage good habits! I've got a whole list of notes on various tips and strategies, which I'm keen to put into practice and share the successes (and failures) along the way. Looking forward to comparing notes and hearing about your experiences too!
It's nice to have company in this little virtual puppy party! It's reassuring to know that others have conquered similar challenges, especially when it comes to training. I'm keen to hear more of those successful training stories myself - it's such a satisfying feeling of success when everything clicks!
It's a great feeling isn't it?! I was so proud of my puppy when we were able to master 'stay' - such a tricky command for them to learn and it requires a lot of focus and discipline! Took a lot of patience but eventually she caught on and now it's one of her strongest skills. She holds down an impeccable stay, even around other dogs!
That's amazing! Well done! It's such a sense of achievement when they finally get it - like the clouds part and the sun shines on your doggo haha. It's also super helpful when you can rely on certain commands, especially ones that require focus and discipline - sets them up for success :) Does she have any other favourite commands or tricks?
It really is an awesome feeling! You're so right - it's the reliability of those learned commands that makes me feel so proud because I know she'll listen and respond no matter what. She does love to fetch, which is helpful as it tires her out quickly! She's also really good at 'paw' and 'bang' (where she drops completely flat on her side). We're working on 'roll over' but she gets a bit confused - she'll get there eventually! And you?
That's incredible! It's such a great feeling when your dog is reliable with their trained commands - it's like having a little helper! Fetch is a fantastic tired-out tool, my pupper loves it too and will literally run laps around the park when given the chance. Love the sound of 'paw' and especially 'bang', that's hilarious and super cute! Roll over can be a tricky one, lots of patience needed for that command I think but she'll get there with practice. We're working on some new tricks too - training treat in hand has been a huge help! The latest is balancing a paw on an upturned bucket - it's a tricky one but the challenges fun to try and figure out together.
It really is an awesome feeling! You're so right - it's the reliability of those learned commands that makes me feel so proud because I know she'll listen and respond no matter what. She does love to fetch, which is helpful as it tires her out quickly! She's also really good at 'paw' and 'bang' (where she drops completely flat on her side). We're working on 'roll over' but she gets a bit confused - she'll get there eventually! And you?
My dog is quite the opposite; he gets easily distracted so short and snappy training sessions worked best for us. We mastered the essentials like sit, stay and come fairly quickly, which was a great confidence booster! But my dog's favorite command is probably "search," where he scours the whole house for hidden treats. He's a real sucker for food and it keeps him engaged and entertained. We're also working on "speak," which is coming along slowly :) What about your puppy? Any favorite tricks or go-to commands?
My dog is quite the opposite; he gets easily distracted so short and snappy training sessions worked best for us. We mastered the essentials like sit, stay and come fairly quickly, which was a great confidence booster! But my dog's favorite command is probably "search," where he scours the whole house for hidden treats. He's a real sucker for food and it keeps him engaged and entertained. We're also working on "speak," which is coming along slowly :) What about your puppy? Any favorite tricks or go-to commands?
Short and sharp training sessions work best for us too - my two have short attention spans, so we do a few quick rounds of training throughout the day. They seem to pick up new commands easier that way, and it keeps things fun for everyone!
The treat search game sounds like a winner - my two would go crazy for that, especially my younger one who's always up for some foraging. And I've never heard of the speak command - that's a cool one! My oldest enjoys a good game of fetch and is pretty reliable with bringing the toy back and dropping it right in front of me, which is her favorite trick. Her go-to command is probably 'sit' - it's the first thing she learned as a pup, and she's very proud to show it off to visitors!
Quick training sessions are a great way to keep dogs engaged and focused without overwhelming them - breaking it down into fun, manageable snippets suits their short attention spans!

The treat search game is a fab idea for rewarding them while engaging their senses, especially with the added challenge of foraging. And the speak command is a fun one that most dogs seem to enjoy showcasing, almost like their very own superpower!

It's so impressive when pups can showcase their tricks too - there's always such pride in their eyes when they perform something they've learnt well. That's a brilliant recall/fetch game your older pup has learnt; such an useful command and one that's so handy to have up her sleeve (or should I say, in her toy!).

It's amazing how some of those early learned commands like 'sit' become the staples - it's almost like their signature move and always impressive to witness. Visitors must love seeing her in action!
Short, sharp bursts of training are a great way to keep dogs mentally engaged without overwhelming them - it's a great tip for keeping their focus and attention.

The treat search game is one of our favorites too; upping the difficulty by adding foraging into the mix is a fantastic idea! And you're so right about the speak command - such a superpower especially when they perform it proudly on cue!

It's wonderful to see dogs showcase their tricks and the pride that comes with it. There's always that one early learned command that becomes their signature move; it never fails to impress! And yes, having a reliable recall is such a bonus and so handy in many situations.

It's amazing how these fur babies can wow us with even the simplest of commands - sit pretty, for example. The pride on their faces when they've learnt something well is just heartwarming!
So true! It's astounding how engaging and mental stimulating short training sessions can be - the dogs get a brain workout without getting bored or exhausted, and it keeps their enthusiasm high too.

The treat search game with foraging is a great way to up the ante; I find it helps with nose work and their sense of smell too. And that proud moment when they've learned a trick and showcase it - priceless! It's heartwarming to see their confidence grow with each learned command, especially that signature move - wow!

And that reliable recall, yep, it's every pawrent's dream come true! Treats and praise right there! :)
Short and sweet sessions are the way to go! It's incredible how focused they can be when the training is fun and interesting, really shows us what they can do.

The treat search game is a favourite here too - so many benefits and an excellent mental workout for our furry friends. And that pride we feel when they learn something new and showcase their talents, it's such a great feeling!

It's awesome to see their confidence soar with each achieved command and behaviour - they're like little stars :) That reliable recall is the Holy Grail Training wins all round! :D
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So true! It's amazing what dogs are capable of when learning is fun. The treat search game is such a great mental exercise, and it's exciting to see their little minds at work. The confidence boost from learning new things is wonderful too - they really do shine like stars. And that reliable recall... definitely the training Holy Grail indeed!
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Learning is undoubtedly fun when it's engaging and motivating! Dogs are incredibly clever and making training fun makes them enjoy the process so much more - their curiosity and confidence just shines. We can really tap into that with creative reward-based training and the impact is amazing. There's such a buzz when it clicks and they get that lightbulb moment - it's like they're on a total high!

That reliable recall...oh the dreams it creates!!!

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