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Toddlers' Table Talk


Feb 21, 2024
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Some interesting table talk topics I've had lately with my toddler:

1) What makes clouds float and not fall?
2) Do plants drink water from the soil?
3) If the sun shines on both sides of the rainbow, why don't we see a night-time rainbow?
4) How does our fridge know to make that noise when the door is open too long?
5) Can dinosaurs go trick-or-treating?

Some great teachable moments and opportunities for toddler cognitive development! What's everyone else discussing with their little ones?
These are such fun questions! I love the curiosity and wonder of young minds.

My little one recently asked why the sky is blue, which led to an interesting discussion about light refraction and how our eyes see colour. Also, on a walk, she pointed out some clouds that looked like different animals - so we discussed shapes in the sky and how our imagination can create pictures from them.

I find these moments so delightful, where simple questions and conversations become exciting learning opportunities!
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Some interesting table talk topics I've had lately with my toddler:

1) What makes clouds float and not fall?
2) Do plants drink water from the soil?
3) If the sun shines on both sides of the rainbow, why don't we see a night-time rainbow?
4) How does our fridge know to make that noise when the door is open too long?
5) Can dinosaurs go trick-or-treating?

Some great teachable moments and opportunities for toddler cognitive development! What's everyone else discussing with their little ones?
Hmmm interesting topics! My tot has been curious about the night sky and space lately. He points out the moon and asks why it follows him everywhere he goes 😊 Also, with the recent solar eclipse, we had a chat about the sun being blocked by the moon and how it looks like a giant round cookie bite.

He also loves to observe plants and flowers and ask deep questions like "How does the flower drink water mummy?" or "Why is the grass green?" We've been having fun exploring the outdoors together and discovering nature's wonders!
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Hmmm interesting topics! My tot has been curious about the night sky and space lately. He points out the moon and asks why it follows him everywhere he goes 😊 Also, with the recent solar eclipse, we had a chat about the sun being blocked by the moon and how it looks like a giant round cookie bite.

He also loves to observe plants and flowers and ask deep questions like "How does the flower drink water mummy?" or "Why is the grass green?" We've been having fun exploring the outdoors together and discovering nature's wonders!
It's fascinating how inquisitive toddlers can be, isn't it? The sky and space are fascinating topics; it's a wonderful opportunity to let our toddlers explore and imagine!

The moon question always amuses me; it's adorable when they think everything in the night sky is following them personally haha! And the way they interpret shapes is adorable too - a giant round cookie bite, oh my! Toddlers' imagination knows no bounds.

It's a great idea to foster their curiosity by encouraging these little inquiries and providing simple explanations. Their wonderment is so pure and infectious!
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It's incredible how their little minds work, isn't it? Mine keeps asking why the sky is blue and insistes that the sun only goes up at nighttime. I love how they find simple joys in everything - it's a round cookie to them, Their curiosity really is contagious, keeping us on our toes with their why's and how's. It's an exciting phase for sure, fostering their learning and watching their minds expand is a pleasure like no other!
It's such a fascinating stage - they observe so intently and try to make sense of everything, it's heartwarming to witness. I love the innocence and wonder with which they view the world; it reminds us that sometimes, simplicity is best! Their curiosity definitely keeps us on our toes and fuels our own desire to learn and explore right along with them.
It's such a fascinating stage - they observe so intently and try to make sense of everything, it's heartwarming to witness. I love the innocence and wonder with which they view the world; it reminds us that sometimes, simplicity is best! Their curiosity definitely keeps us on our toes and fuels our own desire to learn and explore right along with them.
Simple pleasures and an appreciation for the little things in life - toddlers sure do have a wonderful way of bringing us joy and reminding us of the world's wonders! Their unjaded perspective is a precious gift. They see beauty where we might overlook it.
It's true - toddlers have an incredible way of noticing detail and beauty, their curiosity and wonder never ceases to amaze! The other day my niece pointed out the most gorgeous sunset and it was as if she saw something special hidden from us that she wanted to share. It's a gift to witness the world through their eyes sometimes.
It's true - toddlers have an incredible way of noticing detail and beauty, their curiosity and wonder never ceases to amaze! The other day my niece pointed out the most gorgeous sunset and it was as if she saw something special hidden from us that she wanted to share. It's a gift to witness the world through their eyes sometimes.
It's a humbling experience when our toddlers remind us of the beauty in the everyday things we take for granted! Sunsets, rainbows, and flowers can seem mundane to us but are moments of awe and wonder for them. Their excitement over these simple joys is infectious, isn't it? We just want to keep nurturing their curious little minds and hearten that sense of marvel!
It's a humbling experience when our toddlers remind us of the beauty in the everyday things we take for granted! Sunsets, rainbows, and flowers can seem mundane to us but are moments of awe and wonder for them. Their excitement over these simple joys is infectious, isn't it? We just want to keep nurturing their curious little minds and hearten that sense of marvel!
Yes, toddlers often appreciate the simple joys and wonders of nature better than us. As adults, we should learn from their books and appreciate the smaller things in life! It's a great feeling when our toddlers allow us to see beauty through their eyes and help us remember to slow down and be present. There's so much to discover and enjoy!
It's a humbling experience when our toddlers remind us of the beauty in the everyday things we take for granted! Sunsets, rainbows, and flowers can seem mundane to us but are moments of awe and wonder for them. Their excitement over these simple joys is infectious, isn't it? We just want to keep nurturing their curious little minds and hearten that sense of marvel!
It's a constant reminder not to get too desensitized by the world's stimuli and to stay awestruck ourselves! Their sheer enthusiasm for the small things in life is a great reminder of the importance of appreciation and being present. What a wonderful perspective shift they bring!
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So true - it's a beautiful perspective they have on life and a great reminder to appreciate the little things! It's so easy to get wrapped up in our busy lives and forget to stop and smell the roses, but their wonder and excitement at simple things can really bring us back down to earth.
They appreciate the little things because they are learning about the world around them - everything is new! We tend to get used to and overlook these simple joys as we grow up, getting desensitized by routine and familiarity. It's wonderful how observant toddlers are though, and their curiosity is a great reminder to not take things for granted.
They appreciate the little things because they are learning about the world around them - everything is new! We tend to get used to and overlook these simple joys as we grow up, getting desensitized by routine and familiarity. It's wonderful how observant toddlers are though, and their curiosity is a great reminder to not take things for granted.
That's right. As adults, we can miss out on so much because we're numbed by the familiarity of our surroundings. Toddlers, with their curious nature, teach us to remain vigilant and appreciative of life's magic, which we've come to regard as ordinary. Their wide-eyed wonder is a constant invitation to rediscover the world around us!
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That's right. As adults, we can miss out on so much because we're numbed by the familiarity of our surroundings. Toddlers, with their curious nature, teach us to remain vigilant and appreciative of life's magic, which we've come to regard as ordinary. Their wide-eyed wonder is a constant invitation to rediscover the world around us!
It's easy to fall into the trap of routine and forget the marvels right in front of us. Toddlers never fail to remind us of the world's wonders, do they?
So true - it's incredible how young children can find wonder and excitement in everyday things. They have such a unique perspective on the world; it's like everything is new and exciting again when seen through their eyes. We could definitely use a healthy dose of toddler curiosity and awe in our lives! What are some of the interesting things that your little ones have pointed out or done recently that made you pause and appreciate the world anew?
My three-year-old has recently become fascinated with clouds. Every clear sky becomes an opportunity for her to stare up in wonder and declare, 'look at those fluffy clouds, Mum!' It's so cute and has made me appreciate the beauty of clouds again, something I hadn't noticed since my own childhood.

She also loves pointing out different birds whenever we're outside. She'll stop and watch crows fly overhead for minutes and squeal with delight when she spots the neighbourhood parrots. It reminds me to slow down, look around, and appreciate the wonders of nature that often go unnoticed in our busy lives. Her excitement is infectious!
Oh, I love it! It's so wonderful when they start noticing their surroundings more and develop an interest in nature. My little one also points out planes in the sky and we talk about where they might be going - it's so sweet to see the world through their curious eyes. It's like discovering these ordinary wonders all over again!
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It's amazing how observant little ones can be and it's a beautiful opportunity to foster curiosity and love for the world around us. I find myself looking forward to these little moments now too!
Absolutely! There's so much joy to be found in their worlds when we take the time to notice and appreciate it with them. It's a wonderful exercise in mindfulness too - we can get so caught up in our busy lives, but these little ones have a way of slowing us down and appreciating the simple things. What's your favourite thing your toddler has pointed out or asked about lately?

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