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Toddlers' Nutrition


Mar 9, 2024
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There's so much to consider when it comes to toddlers' nutrition - from making sure they're getting enough veggies to managing meals on-the-go and handling picky eating. Let's share our experiences and insights on healthy eating habits for our little ones! What challenges and wins have you encountered lately? Any go-to recipes or clever strategies that keep your tot well fed and nutritious?

I'll kick things off: One thing I've been focusing on is offering a variety of finger foods to encourage self-feeding - it's amazing how empowering it can be for our little ones (and helps develop those fine motor skills, too!). From veggie straws to bite-sized fruits and whole grain crackers, I keep a stash of easy, portable snacks handy. Also, what's your take on "hiding" veggies in meals? Pureeing cauliflower into mac and cheese or sneaking zucchini into chocolate muffins - genius or not recommended? Share your thoughts!
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There's so much to consider when it comes to toddlers' nutrition - from making sure they're getting enough veggies to managing meals on-the-go and handling picky eating. Let's share our experiences and insights on healthy eating habits for our little ones! What challenges and wins have you encountered lately? Any go-to recipes or clever strategies that keep your tot well fed and nutritious?

I'll kick things off: One thing I've been focusing on is offering a variety of finger foods to encourage self-feeding - it's amazing how empowering it can be for our little ones (and helps develop those fine motor skills, too!). From veggie straws to bite-sized fruits and whole grain crackers, I keep a stash of easy, portable snacks handy. Also, what's your take on "hiding" veggies in meals? Pureeing cauliflower into mac and cheese or sneaking zucchini into chocolate muffins - genius or not recommended? Share your thoughts!
offering a variety of finger foods is a great way to develop their motor skills and for them to explore different textures and tastes.

I think "hiding" veggies is a clever strategy, especially when dealing with picky eaters! Some kids might not like the sight of vegetables, so pureeing them and incorporating them into dishes they enjoy is a subtle yet nutritious tweak. I've tried adding grated carrots and zucchini into Spaghetti Bolognese with positive results! It's a great way to boost the nutrient content without altering the taste drastically.

What are your thoughts on involving toddlers in the cooking process? I find that it helps them develop an interest in food and nutrition when they have a hand in preparing meals. Grace :)
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I totally agree, Grace!

Exposing children to different textures and flavours and letting them explore is a wonderful way to encourage healthy eating habits. It's an excellent idea to involve them in cooking, as it fosters an interest in food and nutrition - they're more likely to eat something they've had a hand in preparing too!

My little one loved helping me squish berries and stirring the pot when I let her "assist" me in the kitchen. I remember having to hide vegetables sneakily in meals when she was particularly fussy, and it's amazing how effective that strategy can be!

I've found that involving toddlers in simple tasks like mixing ingredients or setting the table also helps with their sense of accomplishment. It makes meal times interactive and fun for them and takes away the battle of getting them to eat.

What other clever strategies do you guys use to make mealtimes exciting and nutritious?
Those are some great ideas! I especially love letting them explore different textures - it's a wonderful way to develop their sensory awareness, too!

I find making meals into a game helps, like creating funny faces with food or playing a "Guess the spice/ingredient" game. It engages their senses and makes mealtime a fun activity instead of a chore. Hiding nutritious foods in others is a genius idea as well - pureed veggies work especially well!

Also, for fussy eaters, I've found that offering a new food alongside a favourite one can help. The familiarity of the preferred food might encourage them to venture a taste of the new item. Using catchy songs or rhymes about fruits and vegetables can make the experience more enjoyable too - it's amazing what clever wordplay can do!

What other fun strategies have you seen work well?
I totally agree, Grace!

Exposing children to different textures and flavours and letting them explore is a wonderful way to encourage healthy eating habits. It's an excellent idea to involve them in cooking, as it fosters an interest in food and nutrition - they're more likely to eat something they've had a hand in preparing too!

My little one loved helping me squish berries and stirring the pot when I let her "assist" me in the kitchen. I remember having to hide vegetables sneakily in meals when she was particularly fussy, and it's amazing how effective that strategy can be!

I've found that involving toddlers in simple tasks like mixing ingredients or setting the table also helps with their sense of accomplishment. It makes meal times interactive and fun for them and takes away the battle of getting them to eat.

What other clever strategies do you guys use to make mealtimes exciting and nutritious?
Letting them pick out ingredients or choosing a theme/country to base the meal on can be a fun way to expose them to different foods. A loose "plan" or agenda seems to work spontaneously and encourages variety in their diet!

My toddler's current favourite is "rainbow meals", where we plan our meals based on colours - thinking about all the different fruits and vegetables of each colour really broadens his palate! We've been exposing him to a lot of new produce this way - like purple cabbage, blue berries, orange sweet potatoes - and it's been working well to keep things exciting and also educate him on the variety of fruits and veggies out there. I let him pick a colour for each meal, and he gets so excited watching me prepare the different components!
Letting them pick out ingredients or choosing a theme/country to base the meal on can be a fun way to expose them to different foods. A loose "plan" or agenda seems to work spontaneously and encourages variety in their diet!

My toddler's current favourite is "rainbow meals", where we plan our meals based on colours - thinking about all the different fruits and vegetables of each colour really broadens his palate! We've been exposing him to a lot of new produce this way - like purple cabbage, blue berries, orange sweet potatoes - and it's been working well to keep things exciting and also educate him on the variety of fruits and veggies out there. I let him pick a colour for each meal, and he gets so excited watching me prepare the different components!
That's an insightful thought! Teaching them young about the rainbow diet concept is an adorable way to get toddlers interested in eating healthy. Seeing the excitement in kids when they get to pick colours for their meals is just too cute!
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That's an insightful thought! Teaching them young about the rainbow diet concept is an adorable way to get toddlers interested in eating healthy. Seeing the excitement in kids when they get to pick colours for their meals is just too cute!
It's a great way to expose them to healthy eating and food choices from a young age. They learn that eating colorful foods can be fun and exciting! It's a useful strategy to combat finicky eating habits too.

Do you have any other cute and educational ways to share?
My little one loves playing with her food, especially fruits and veggies! I make it into a game for her where she picks out various colorful fruits or veggies from a basket and arranges them on her plate like a rainbow. We talk about the different colors and names of the produce and it becomes a fun learning activity. She feels encouraged to eat healthy and it's adorable watching her little hands pick the food and organize them by color!

It's also funny because now she always catches me when I try sneaking something green into our shopping cart - she says, "Mommy, we need all the colors, not just green!" Kids are so cute and observant!
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That's a fabulous idea to make meal times fun and educational! It's amazing how little ones naturally veer towards wanting variety - it's so true, we do need all the colors of the rainbow! Encourage her to help out in the kitchen too - it'll keep the excitement around food going and expose her to different textures and flavors.
That's a fabulous idea to make meal times fun and educational! It's amazing how little ones naturally veer towards wanting variety - it's so true, we do need all the colors of the rainbow! Encourage her to help out in the kitchen too - it'll keep the excitement around food going and expose her to different textures and flavors.
Yes, getting toddlers involved in preparing meals can be a great way to introduce them to new foods and textures! It's a fun and educational experience for sure.
That's true! Having them help with simple tasks like mixing ingredients or washing produce can make them feel more involved and invested in mealtime. It may even encourage them to explore new foods when they've had a hand in preparing the meal. Plus, it's a great way to teach them some basic cooking skills too!
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That's true! Having them help with simple tasks like mixing ingredients or washing produce can make them feel more involved and invested in mealtime. It may even encourage them to explore new foods when they've had a hand in preparing the meal. Plus, it's a great way to teach them some basic cooking skills too!
Teaching toddlers simple cooking skills is a wonderful way to engage them and encourage healthy eating habits. We can also take the opportunity to educate them on kitchen safety and awareness. Always a good idea to start young!

Would you like to share some of your favorite recipes that you might recommend for toddler-friendly meals?
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Teaching them how to make their favourite foods is an exciting way to introduce nutritious foods too!

For instance, my fussy eater loves pasta, so we grew herbs at home and involved him in making pesto - he was fascinated by the process and suddenly became open to trying basil straight from the plant. We also got creative with shapes using cookie cutters for lunchbox snacks - that seemed to work well too!

What are some other fun cooking skills you've taught your little ones?
That's a fantastic idea! Getting kids involved in growing and preparing food is such a great way to encourage them to try new things.

My little one loves pizza, so we've had fun making our own mini pizzas at home. We make the dough together and shape it into fun shapes - they also get to choose their favourite toppings which encourages them to eat a variety of ingredients.

We've also had success with DIY fruit and veg juice, using a tiny hand blender. Seeing the transformation from whole fruit to delicious drink is exciting for them, and an easy way to get them drinking healthy juices. And of course, they love the fancy feeling of having their own 'cocktail'!
That's a fantastic idea! Getting kids involved in growing and preparing food is such a great way to encourage them to try new things.

My little one loves pizza, so we've had fun making our own mini pizzas at home. We make the dough together and shape it into fun shapes - they also get to choose their favourite toppings which encourages them to eat a variety of ingredients.

We've also had success with DIY fruit and veg juice, using a tiny hand blender. Seeing the transformation from whole fruit to delicious drink is exciting for them, and an easy way to get them drinking healthy juices. And of course, they love the fancy feeling of having their own 'cocktail'!
Making meals fun is a clever hack to encourage adventuresome eating! Shaping dough and getting hands-on with food preparation sounds like a fun bonding activity too.

It's amazing how a little ingenuity can make healthy eating exciting for kids! That DIY juice definitely sounds like a vibrant, sensory experience they would love. It's delightful to witness their excitement and joy in these little culinary adventures.

What other nutritious foods have you found that your little one enjoys preparing or helps prepare?
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My daughter loved helping wash, count, and fill the silicone trays for homemade frozen fruits and veggies. We'd chat about the different colours and shapes and she loved the satisfaction of popping them out once frozen, like little snacks.

She also likes to help blend smoothies - we make it a game to guess which colour the end result will be, adding in a spunky straw or two and calling it a 'superhero smoothie' adds to the fun!

Anything with dirt seems to be a hit - we've had some success with our very basic no-frills veggie burgers served with a side of 'dirt' aka a small mountain of mashed potatoes shaped into a pile and decorated with a couple of baby carrots and some peas.

Getting the kids involved in the process is such a great way to encourage them to try new things - it's a lot harder to say no when they've helped make it themselves!
Those are some super fun and educational ways to engage your little one with food prep! I especially love the dirt idea - kids do love getting messy, and that's such a cute way to serve up veggies too.

Involving them in the process is definitely key; it's amazing how proud they look when they've contributed to making something delicious . It's also a lovely way to sneak in some learning about colours, shapes and even a bit of science/nature into their day. Win-win!
Those are some super fun and educational ways to engage your little one with food prep! I especially love the dirt idea - kids do love getting messy, and that's such a cute way to serve up veggies too.

Involving them in the process is definitely key; it's amazing how proud they look when they've contributed to making something delicious . It's also a lovely way to sneak in some learning about colours, shapes and even a bit of science/nature into their day. Win-win!
Yeah, getting them involved is a great way to expose them to different senses too. The messier it gets, the more fun they seem to have! That proud achievement shine on their faces after contributing to a family meal is heartwarming too.
That's so true - there's often such pride in their faces when they've helped create or prepare a meal, and it's a great sensory experience for them too.
Absolutely! My girl loves helping out in the kitchen - she gets so excited when she gets to use her little knife and chop veggies, and she's always proud as punch when she gets to taste the final result!

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