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Toddler Tactics

Yeah, I try to explain the rules too but often have to revert to distractions cos his attention span isn't v long. And yes, distraction works best when I'm out in public and he's throwing a fit over something - engage with something/someone else, or simply redirect and move somewhere else. Hard when we're somewhere where we can't just walk away tho! Got to keep a few tricks up your sleeve ha.
You've got the right idea! You'll have to play it by ear and use whatever works best for your little one in different situations. Some tantrums are impossible to avoid but keeping a cool head and having a go-to strategy definitely helps!
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Some really good points here that I totally agree with!

I've found that keeping calm really helps when my kiddo has a tantrum. Hard to do sometimes, but it just makes the situation escalate otherwise. Also, giving a choice works well - like you said, acknowledge their feelings first, then offer choices . Seems to help them feel somewhat in control, which is what they often want.

Distraction is my go-to; pointing out something interesting outside, or changing the topic of conversation suddenly to something fun works well for my toddler too. And plenty of praise when she does respond well - that helps her understand what's good behavior and what's not!

I think consistently is key, but it's hard not to waiver sometimes especially when you're tired. Timeouts don't work so well for my kid, but taking privileges away does - like if she's being super fussy about eating, I'll say that if she doesn't eat now, there won't be any snack until the next meal. Seems to help!

What do you guys do about backchat, though? My toddler has started talking back and being quite sassy - wonder how to handle that without being too harsh! Would love to hear other parents' experiences with that one.
choices ah? That's a nice one! I've been trying something similar - offering alternatives too but not as calmly phrased as you! Haha! And yup, having some form of support definitely helps us keep our cool and stay consistent. Can't agree more!

Toddlers will be toddlers; we just gotta ride through this phase, which is easier said than done ah... But like you said, remind ourselves it's a necessary stage for their development and growth!
Oh yes, the terrific twos! Tantrums and boundary-pushing, a fun stage for all parents!

I've found that a mix of tactics work best -acknowledge their feelings, give options, and have some distraction up your sleeve too. Like offering an activity they like when they're having a full-on meltdown. But honestly, some days you just ride the wave and survive, no fancy tactics needed!

Staying calm is my main goal because kids pick up on our energy, so if I'm frazzled, it makes everything worse. Deep breaths and counting to ten help me keep my cool. And remember, these phases eventually pass! Doesn't make the day-to-day easier, but it's good to remind ourselves that this too shall pass.
Yeah, distraction really works wonders when you have a million things to do and a toddler demanding your full attention! Choices work like a charm too -- empowers them and buys you some peace.

Keeping calm... now that's another story haha. But yup, it helps to remember this too-shall-pass while dealing with melt downs. Deep breaths help me keep my Zen, along with lots and lots of coffee!


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