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Toddler & Preschooler Nutrition: Wholesome Meals For Your Little Ones' Growth.

My kiddo's been into pasta with hidden pureed veggies. A bit sneaky but it works! Also, roasted anything is a huge hit in our house too - those crispy edges are加饭加菜 (an extra dish to go with rice). Win when they think it's a treat!
Pasta's a great idea! I'll have to try hiding some pureed veggies in them too. Roasted food does make everything taste so much better; it's a clever way to get kids to enjoy their veggies!
Hey there! My daughter has been into her greens lately, luckily! She calls them her 'super foods' because they give her superpowers, which makes eating them way more fun. I've been able to disguise all sorts of things in a smoothie; spinach, carrots and beetroot are her current favourites. I'll also sometimes add some protein by tossing in some yogurt or egg whites. It's a great way to hide those nutritious veggies!

I keep a close eye on portion sizes too, because preschooler tummies can be quite small! So I make sure she gets a balanced meal that fills her up without overdoing it.

What other fun ways do you guys have to get your kids enjoying their nutrients?
My toddler loves helping me prepare his meals. We usually make fruit and veg smoothies in the blender; he likes feeding the ingredients into the machine and pressing the buttons. He's more likely to eat or drink something he's had a hand in preparing!
Hey there! My daughter has been into her greens lately, luckily! She calls them her 'super foods' because they give her superpowers, which makes eating them way more fun. I've been able to disguise all sorts of things in a smoothie; spinach, carrots and beetroot are her current favourites. I'll also sometimes add some protein by tossing in some yogurt or egg whites. It's a great way to hide those nutritious veggies!

I keep a close eye on portion sizes too, because preschooler tummies can be quite small! So I make sure she gets a balanced meal that fills her up without overdoing it.

What other fun ways do you guys have to get your kids enjoying their nutrients?
That's a clever way to get your daughter to enjoy her veggies by calling them 'super foods'! Mine has unfortunately never been a big fan of smoothies, but I admire your creativity in disguising all those healthy ingredients!

Portion control is something I focus on as well -- I often downsize the portions for my little picky eater or else he'd just fill up on unhealthy snacks. It's a challenge because he's an active kid with a good appetite, so I have to come up with creative ways to ensure he gets enough nutrition without overstuffing himself.

I recently introduced him to wrap sandwiches which is a fun way to enjoy a variety of ingredients. Whole wheat wraps stuffed with chicken or tuna salad, some shredded carrots and lettuce, and a smear of hummus seem to be a hit! The change in texture and taste from the usual meals helps to keep things interesting.
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My kiddo's current obsession is quinoa salads, which I find quite remarkable since it's such an unusual taste and texture compared to the typical kid-friendly foods. Quinoa is super nutty and satisfying, a great source of plant-based protein. I usually cook the quinoa with vegetable broth for added flavor, then toss in some roasted veggies like carrots and pumpkin, and a little feta cheese for saltiness. It's colorful and nutritious, and the different textures seem to keep his attention.

I also pack lots of herbs into his meals, like basil, mint, and cilantro. They add a nice punch of flavor to otherwise bland foods, and make the dishes look prettier too. If your little ones are fussy about vegetables, pesto is a great way to disguise them! I blend spinach, basil, and even carrots into a delicious green pesto sauce that goes well with pasta or as a spread on sandwiches.

What other creative strategies do you guys use to sneak in those healthy veggies? It's a constant challenge but so much fun to come up with new ideas!
That's quite an elaborate meal you've got there! I usually go for simpler meals but also try to include as many nutrient-dense foods as possible. One of my daughter's favorites is avocado toast, which I make extra exciting by using different colored avocado varieties and lots of cinnamon. We also go through phases where she'll love a particular fruit or vegetable, so I ride that wave until it changes!Berry frenzy: My go-to tactic is making berries the highlight of meals. I freeze them, blend them into smoothies with spinach, or top yogurt, oatmeal, or pancakes with loads of fresh berries. It's a simple but effective way to add nutrition and brightness to any meal. Even frozen berries are a great treat when fresh ones aren't in season.

Mommy's little helper: I involve my kiddo in the kitchen too! She enjoys washing vegetables (with supervision!), tearing up herbs, mixing batter, and most of all, tasting everything. Getting them involved makes them more inclined to eat what they've prepared or at least explore new foods with curiosity. We also make "dirty" treats together, like chocolate banana Nice cream or healthy cookies loaded with oatmeal and nuts. It's a fun way to show kids that healthy foods can be just as yummy and indulgent!These are some great ideas for making sure the little ones eat healthy! Thanks so much, you guys rock! Keep those creative juices flowing 😎😋
My kiddo's current obsession is quinoa salads, which I find quite remarkable since it's such an unusual taste and texture compared to the typical kid-friendly foods. Quinoa is super nutty and satisfying, a great source of plant-based protein. I usually cook the quinoa with vegetable broth for added flavor, then toss in some roasted veggies like carrots and pumpkin, and a little feta cheese for saltiness. It's colorful and nutritious, and the different textures seem to keep his attention.

I also pack lots of herbs into his meals, like basil, mint, and cilantro. They add a nice punch of flavor to otherwise bland foods, and make the dishes look prettier too. If your little ones are fussy about vegetables, pesto is a great way to disguise them! I blend spinach, basil, and even carrots into a delicious green pesto sauce that goes well with pasta or as a spread on sandwiches.

What other creative strategies do you guys use to sneak in those healthy veggies? It's a constant challenge but so much fun to come up with new ideas!
That's quite an adventure your kiddo is having with quinoa salads! My kids aren't usually brave enough for that, but it's great to hear about other mums winning with healthy foods.

I find fruit a good gateway to healthier eating, an easy entry point for fussy eaters. Smoothies are a great way to pack in multiple fruits and vegetables, especially leafy greens like spinach or kale. My kids love the sweetness of the fruit, and I sneak in avocado for some healthy fats and extra nourishment.

Or, frozen, blended bananas make a fantastic 'nice cream' that can be tricked out with different flavors/colors/ textures. You can hide a whole bunch of good stuff in there, and it feels like such a yummy treat! I recently made a tropical one with hidden carrots and coconut water. Delicious and nourishing!

Also, marinating vegetables make them more palatable for sure. I don't know what it is about the marinade, but my kids will eat all kinds of veggies when they're drenched in that flavorful sauce! It's my go-to trick for making healthy meals more fun.
My little one calls roasted broccolli 'green trees' and asks for them by name too! I'm definitely not complaining, could eat a whole head of broccolli myself, especially charred fresh green-tree straight from the grill!

One of the things I do is hide nutritious ingredients in my kids' favorite dishes. For example, grated carrots and chopped up spinach leaves go into their favorite hamburger/patties and pasta sauce. I also make sure to serve a variety of fruits and vegetables with every meal, be it cooked or raw. It's good to expose them to different textures and tastes, and luckily my kids seem to enjoy the crunch!

Sometimes, I get creative with food presentation too, making cute bento-style meals. It makes lunch and dinner an exciting surprise! Using cookie cutters to make shapes out of their sandwiches or frying an egg and arranging it with other bite-sized snacks in the shape of a smiley face can make meal times fun.

Also, involving my kids in the preparation has also helped with getting them to eat what they've helped to make. They are more inclined to try new foods when they've had a hand in preparing them and are proud of their 'masterpiece'. It doesn't have to be complicated; even young toddlers can help with simple tasks like washing vegetables under supervision or mixing ingredients in a bowl!
Cute bento meals are a great idea indeed! Using cookie cutters to make fun shapes out of food definitely sounds like an exciting, worthwhile effort. I usually go the extra mile and make special bento sets for my kids during the weekends; it's become a little bonding activity for us, with the added bonus of making meal times fun!

On busy weekdays though, I rely on quick, nutritious meals that are easy to prepare. One of my son's favorites is seafood paella straight from the rice cooker - an effortless, one-pot meal!
My kids love their veggies too, especially when I serve them with a yummy dip. Hummus is a great hit in our household, and an easy way to get them eating healthy options without a fight. Also, home-made chicken nuggets made with organic free-range chicken are a staple in our house and a great snack option for the kids' playdates.

I find that involving my kids in preparing the food also encourages them to eat it. They may be young, but they can help wash veggies or fruit, or in a simple task of mixing ingredients together. It makes meal times fun for them and also an educational learning journey as I explain what goes into their tummies to keep them strong.

There's always a lot of mess to clean up afterwards, but it's a small price to pay!
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My son's recent favorite is homemade mini meatloaf. I sneakily pureed carrots and mushrooms to pack some extra veggies into the juicy minced beef. It's a fun, cute meal which he enjoys eating with his hands, and the hidden veggies add some needed nutrients!

I also get his help when blending the ingredients in the food processor, which encourages him to eat what he's helped prepare.
My girl has been into healthy smoothies lately, which is an excellent way to pack various fruits and vegetables into one meal. She helps me pick out the fruits and veggies at the grocery store, and their bright colors and sweet taste make them appealing. I usually add some yoghurt and a banana to mask the veggie taste, so she doesn't realize she's consuming them! A fun trick I do is to name the smoothie based on its color, like "rainbow drink" or "sunshine juice," which she finds amusing.
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My son's recent favorite is homemade mini meatloaf. I sneakily pureed carrots and mushrooms to pack some extra veggies into the juicy minced beef. It's a fun, cute meal which he enjoys eating with his hands, and the hidden veggies add some needed nutrients!

I also get his help when blending the ingredients in the food processor, which encourages him to eat what he's helped prepare.
That's a clever idea to bulk up the meatloaf with veggies. My daughter favorite is salmon patties, another easy way to get some healthy fats and nutrients into her diet. I'll have to try adding some hidden veggies into these too - do you think mashed sweet potatoes would work well with the fish?
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My little one calls roasted broccolli 'green trees' and asks for them by name too! I'm definitely not complaining, could eat a whole head of broccolli myself, especially charred fresh green-tree straight from the grill!

One of the things I do is hide nutritious ingredients in my kids' favorite dishes. For example, grated carrots and chopped up spinach leaves go into their favorite hamburger/patties and pasta sauce. I also make sure to serve a variety of fruits and vegetables with every meal, be it cooked or raw. It's good to expose them to different textures and tastes, and luckily my kids seem to enjoy the crunch!

Sometimes, I get creative with food presentation too, making cute bento-style meals. It makes lunch and dinner an exciting surprise! Using cookie cutters to make shapes out of their sandwiches or frying an egg and arranging it with other bite-sized snacks in the shape of a smiley face can make meal times fun.

Also, involving my kids in the preparation has also helped with getting them to eat what they've helped to make. They are more inclined to try new foods when they've had a hand in preparing them and are proud of their 'masterpiece'. It doesn't have to be complicated; even young toddlers can help with simple tasks like washing vegetables under supervision or mixing ingredients in a bowl!
You're very creative!

I find that preparing healthy options in advance and keeping them accessible helps. Chopping up fruits and storing them in the fridge, or blanching vegetables, makes it easier to grab something nutritious when the kids are hungry. They're also more likely to eat them when presented as convenient snacks.

What other eco-friendly/health habits do you implement in your household?
My little girl has been into her fruits lately, which is a great way to start the day. She calls her favorite fruit "the spiky one", which is a cute name for a kiwi! Kiwis are packed with vitamins and the natural sweetness makes it a winning snack option.

I also blend vegetables like carrots and beets into her afternoon smoothies, which she guzzles down without realizing what's inside. It's a great way to hide some extra nutrition when they're being finicky!
Hiding ingredients is indeed a great tactic when dealing with fussy eaters, especially blending ingredients in smoothies; the choices are endless, and it's a fun way to experiment with different combinations of fruits and vegetables.
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My kiddo's recent favorite is a colorful vegetable quinoa salad, which I call the 'rainbow salad.' It has cooked quinoa, assorted bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, and steamed carrots, all cut into tiny pieces. I also sneak in some boiled peas and sometimes corn kernels for an extra pop of color and sweetness. It's a great way to get some healthy grains and veggies into her diet, and the variety of colors makes it fun and appealing.

Another trick up my sleeve is homemade fruit pouches, which she loves because they're easy to suck straight from the spout. I pureé different combinations of fresh fruits with a little bit of Greek yogurt, freeze them in pouch bags, and take them out as needed. They're perfect for snack time or when we're on the go.
Those are some clever tricks to get the little ones eating healthy!

It seems like many of us here have fruit and vegetable sneaksters! Shared meals often help too - my kiddo eats better when others are involved, so play dates often mean cleaner plates all around!

What other tasty treats do you have up your sleeves for those fussy moments?
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Hi there! What a great topic! Nutrition is such an important part of our children's growth and development, and it's a challenge to keep coming up with interesting meal ideas they'll enjoy.

My little one has been into his fruits and veggies lately, thank goodness! We've been keeping it simple with a mixed fruit smoothie for breakfast, which he loves helping to prepare. He gets to toss in his favorite fruits into the blender, and vege-wise, he's been quite taken with roasted carrots and pumpkin. A dash of cinnamon seems to make everything more exciting too!

I find that involving him in preparing the food encourages him to try new things. Also, keeping a constant variety helps, or else he gets bored of the same old meals.

What other simple, tasty, and nutritious foods do you find your little ones enjoy?
Keeping it varied is definitely a great strategy! My kids love sushi rolls - I use English muffins as the 'rice' base and add in their favorite fillings like cucumber, carrots, crab sticks and a dash of mayonnaise mixed with wasabi for some kick. It's fun to eat and a nice change from the usual meals plus a great way to get some fish into their diet too.
My children love Japanese food, which is fortunate because there are many nutritious options! They enjoy diving into homemade sushi made with brown rice, loads of vegetable rolls, and fish. It's a fun meal that they look forward to helping me prepare, too.

While my kids have always loved their vegetables, I've found that adding different dips like hummus or bean-based sauces encourages them to eat even more of them.
Good morning all you wonderful parents!

I agree that it's a challenge but oh so worth it when our littles ones love the healthy foods we prepare for them! It's certainly encouraging to hear about everyone's tasty, nutritious meals their kids are loving!

Travelmum, your Japanese-inspired eats sound delightful! It's great how you involve your kids in the kitchen too. They seem to be loving the process and the reward of their yummy creations. And I think it's brilliant that you've found a way to make veggies even more fun and delicious by adding those tasty dips!

Do you have any other dip recipes or ideas that boost the nutrition of your kiddo's meals?
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My little girl has been into her fruits lately, which is a great way to start the day. She calls her favorite fruit "the spiky one", which is a cute name for a kiwi! Kiwis are packed with vitamins and the natural sweetness makes it a winning snack option.

I also blend vegetables like carrots and beets into her afternoon smoothies, which she guzzles down without realizing what's inside. It's a great way to hide some extra nutrition when they're being finicky!
My kids love smoothies too, I usually add yoghurt to make them more filling especially when served as a meal replacement. Blend in some chia seeds too for that extra nutrition punch and fiber!
Hi there! What a great topic! Nutrition is such an important part of our children's growth and development, and it's a challenge to keep coming up with interesting meal ideas they'll enjoy.

My little one has been into his fruits and veggies lately, thank goodness! We've been keeping it simple with a mixed fruit smoothie for breakfast, which he loves helping to prepare. He gets to toss in his favorite fruits into the blender, and vege-wise, he's been quite taken with roasted carrots and pumpkin. A dash of cinnamon seems to make everything more exciting too!

I find that involving him in preparing the food encourages him to try new things. Also, keeping a constant variety helps, or else he gets bored of the same old meals.

What other simple, tasty, and nutritious foods do you find your little ones enjoy?
Some of the simpler dishes that my child enjoys as a staple includes tofu Pok pok. It's a local Teochew dish with small cubes of soft tofu and fish fillets cooked in a mild soy sauce broth. Tofu is a great source of plant-based protein and my kiddo asks for this comfort food often!

I also whip up an easy one-pan savory oatmeal porridge with loads of chopped veggies and eggs. Oats are a great source of whole grains and when topped with diced vegetables like peppers, it makes for a colorful and nutritious meal.

Both of these dishes are quick to prepare, which is perfect for busy mornings!
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Hi there! What a great topic! Nutrition is such an important part of our children's growth and development, and it's a challenge to keep coming up with interesting meal ideas they'll enjoy.

My little one has been into his fruits and veggies lately, thank goodness! We've been keeping it simple with a mixed fruit smoothie for breakfast, which he loves helping to prepare. He gets to toss in his favorite fruits into the blender, and vege-wise, he's been quite taken with roasted carrots and pumpkin. A dash of cinnamon seems to make everything more exciting too!

I find that involving him in preparing the food encourages him to try new things. Also, keeping a constant variety helps, or else he gets bored of the same old meals.

What other simple, tasty, and nutritious foods do you find your little ones enjoy?
Simple meals with plenty of colors seem to work well for my tot. She calls it her "rainbow food"! Roasted mixed nuts, seeds, and berries also make a regular appearance on her plate, and she enjoys the crunch of almonds and the sweetness of raisins.
It's great to see other mummies' strategies for keeping their little ones nourished!
Hi there! What a great topic! Nutrition is such an important part of our children's growth and development, and it's a challenge to keep coming up with interesting meal ideas they'll enjoy.

My little one has been into his fruits and veggies lately, thank goodness! We've been keeping it simple with a mixed fruit smoothie for breakfast, which he loves helping to prepare. He gets to toss in his favorite fruits into the blender, and vege-wise, he's been quite taken with roasted carrots and pumpkin. A dash of cinnamon seems to make everything more exciting too!

I find that involving him in preparing the food encourages him to try new things. Also, keeping a constant variety helps, or else he gets bored of the same old meals.

What other simple, tasty, and nutritious foods do you find your little ones enjoy?
Some of my son's favorites include breakfast pancakes with hidden mashed up bananas or avocado for some extra nutrients. He helps mash them up with a fork, which keeps him entertained!

Another one is the good old peanut butter and banana sandwiches, a classic that seems to work for most kids! I make it more fun by cutting the sandwich into different shapes with cookie cutters.

For dinner, stews and soups are a good way to go, loading them up with veggies. My son is quite partial to a good minestrone, especially with some pasta shells thrown in for good measure!

I'm always on the lookout for more ideas too - it's a constant juggling act keeping meals interesting and healthy!
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My kiddo's recent favorite is a colorful vegetable quinoa salad, which I call the 'rainbow salad.' It has cooked quinoa, assorted bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, and steamed carrots, all cut into tiny pieces. I also sneak in some boiled peas and sometimes corn kernels for an extra pop of color and sweetness. It's a great way to get some healthy grains and veggies into her diet, and the variety of colors makes it fun and appealing.

Another trick up my sleeve is homemade fruit pouches, which she loves because they're easy to suck straight from the spout. I pureé different combinations of fresh fruits with a little bit of Greek yogurt, freeze them in pouch bags, and take them out as needed. They're perfect for snack time or when we're on the go.
That's an interesting idea with the fruit and yoghurt purees! I'll have to try making those homemade fruit pouches, they sound like a lovely convenient snack! My girl also loves her veggies, thank goodness. I've been doing roasted carrot and parsnip fries which come out sweet and crispy - a hit with the little one! I pair them with a side of homemade tzatziki for some extra nutrients. Also been into wrapping veggies or fruits in omelets, it's an easy way to get some protein in too.
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My son loves his veggies too, especially cauliflower and carrots! I usually steam them with a little bit of chicken stock and seasoning. "Veggieggedon" is what we call it in our household because he thinks it's so funny to dip the warm veggies into hummus and call them "dinosaur food." Kid-friendly names seem to work well with our little ones, don't they?

I also whip up a mean smoothie when I want to sneak in extra nourishment. Banana, milk, honey, and spinach go into the blender, and he can't taste the spinach at all! It's amazing how much food you can hide in a tasty, creamy smoothie.
That's an interesting trick with the smoothie! I'll have to try it on my fussy eater.

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