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Toddler Behavior Tips

I love this! Creative solutions are sometimes the only way to go with toddlers - and you're right, it makes the experience a lot more enjoyable too. A win-win for all when parenting totes!
It's a win-win when everyone's happy, especially because they grow up too fast. Before you know it, these challenges become a faint memory, so got to cherish (and laugh at) them while they last!
It's a win-win when everyone's happy, especially because they grow up too fast. Before you know it, these challenges become a faint memory, so got to cherish (and laugh at) them while they last!
The terrible twos are a trying time that's full of unpredictable toddler tantrums, and every parent could use a few tricks up their sleeve! It's definitely one of those phases in early childhood that you look back on and can't help but chuckle at. There's no other explanation for some of the crazy things they pull!
The terrible twos are a trying time that's full of unpredictable toddler tantrums, and every parent could use a few tricks up their sleeve! It's definitely one of those phases in early childhood that you look back on and can't help but chuckle at. There's no other explanation for some of the crazy things they pull!
It seems like you're seeking ways to maintain your cool as a parent during the notorious 'terrible twos.' Toddler tantrums can certainly be challenging, but it's reassuring to know that fellow parents have been there and survived those tumultuous times! Creative distractions and a secret snack stash can work wonders.
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It seems like you're seeking ways to maintain your cool as a parent during the notorious 'terrible twos.' Toddler tantrums can certainly be challenging, but it's reassuring to know that fellow parents have been there and survived those tumultuous times! Creative distractions and a secret snack stash can work wonders.
You're spot on! Anything to keep our sanity intact during those wild toddler years! It's quite something else to navigate, so any parent-tested tips are welcome. TanTrums can be intense, so anything to make them laugh (instead) is gold.
You're spot on! Anything to keep our sanity intact during those wild toddler years! It's quite something else to navigate, so any parent-tested tips are welcome. TanTrums can be intense, so anything to make them laugh (instead) is gold.
Tantrums are inevitable, but I've learned that keeping a sense of humour and some snacks on hand helps! Diversion tactics and patience usually see me through the storm.
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Tantrums are inevitable, but I've learned that keeping a sense of humour and some snacks on hand helps! Diversion tactics and patience usually see me through the storm.
Having a good sense of humour definitely helps to stay afloat amidst the challenges of parenting toddlers, along with a well-stocked snack supply! And when all else fails, there's always the option of putting on a silly face or initiating a game of peekaboo to distract them.
A sense of humour is certainly key! I find that keeping a stash of snacks and toys help keep tantrums at bay too - distraction is often my go-to parenting strategy!
A sense of humour is certainly key! I find that keeping a stash of snacks and toys help keep tantrums at bay too - distraction is often my go-to parenting strategy!
You seem to have figured out the secret code to surviving toddlerdom - distract and snackage! And you're right; this challenging phase will soon pass, so it's best to enjoy the little jokes and create funny memories.
Toddlerhood is a phase of extreme emotions and constant challenges - but those cute giggles and snuggle requests make it all worth it! Making light of the situation and focusing on the temporary nature of this stage helps me navigate the tumultuous waters. And yes, snacks are the currency of life at this point!
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Toddlerhood is a phase of extreme emotions and constant challenges - but those cute giggles and snuggle requests make it all worth it! Making light of the situation and focusing on the temporary nature of this stage helps me navigate the tumultuous waters. And yes, snacks are the currency of life at this point!
You've got a good attitude towards the whole situation! Toddlers will be toddlers, and their emotions are genuine and intense, which can be exhausting for parents. But their love and adorable moments make up for all the effort!
That's right! Their feelings are intense and understanding this really helps me keep my patience with them, especially during the trying times. And those cuddles and kisses make up for everything! What do others do to keep their cool in difficult situations? I could use all the tips I can get!
Feelings are so big and overwhelming at that age, it's amazing how understanding that alone can help us stay patient. I find keeping mine calm has a lot to do with how I prepare myself mentally ahead of challenging situations. Like knowing tantrums are normal and finding ways to manage my own stress when they happen helps me respond better. Also, keeping realistic expectations of what behavior is age-appropriate has helped me too - for some reason, realizing that fusses aren't personal has saved many a nerve!

Then there's the distraction tactics - I've become so good at coming up with random things to keep my toddler entertained in a pinch! Toys, books and snacks are my go-to, but lately, getting her involved in simple chores like setting the table or helping me dust has been a hit. Giving her some responsibility and an important role seems to give her a sense of purpose - keeping her occupied and out of mischief!

What do you guys do to keep things running smoothly?
Great insights! I totally agree that keeping our own cool is half the battle won. Knowing that big feelings are normal at this stage, and quickly acknowledging them seems to help de-escalate the situation sometimes.

Love the idea of giving toddlers some chores - it's a win-win as it keeps them busy and also makes them feel like they're contributing! I find taking my toddler for a walk outdoors or a quick change of scene often helps reset everyone's moods, and it's a great distraction technique too. Sometimes leaving the situation and coming back to it later when everyone's calmed down helps - even if it means leaving that shopping cart half full and trying again another day!

I'm all about the distractions too - my go-to is usually promising a fun activity soon, like a trip to the park or splashing in some water. Anything sensory seems to work well too - like getting them to help with baking or playing with bubbles. But I'll keep chores in mind for sure - especially as it gives mom a break too!
Acknowledging the feelings and naming them is such a helpful strategy! It's amazing how effective a quick change of scene or distraction can be, it really pays to be creative and think on your feet sometimes 😅 Sensory play is so much fun too - brings out their focus and concentration. Chores definitely give a good break and some 'cool down' time for mom too - win-win indeed!
Acknowledging the feelings and naming them is such a helpful strategy! It's amazing how effective a quick change of scene or distraction can be, it really pays to be creative and think on your feet sometimes 😅 Sensory play is so much fun too - brings out their focus and concentration. Chores definitely give a good break and some 'cool down' time for mom too - win-win indeed!
some alone time helps recharge the patience reserves! And it's so true that toddlers seem to embrace any opportunity for sensory play. The simplicity of bubbles or a good old water tub never fails to delight them!
Acknowledging the feelings and naming them is such a helpful strategy! It's amazing how effective a quick change of scene or distraction can be, it really pays to be creative and think on your feet sometimes 😅 Sensory play is so much fun too - brings out their focus and concentration. Chores definitely give a good break and some 'cool down' time for mom too - win-win indeed!
It's like you're speaking straight from my experiences! Yes, that creative thinking certainly comes in handy when dealing with little ones. I'm glad we've got this far without any injuries... err.. today ;) All the fun and innovative ways to keep them engaged are certainly helpful!
I'm glad to hear you've found my experiences helpful! And that's a relief to hear that injuries have been avoided... so far!

It's definitely a challenge but an exciting one and it's rewarding when the creative strategies actually work!
The thrill of victory is such a reward in itself after coming up with a strategy that works - especially since they're constantly evolving and growing! I feel like the injuries are only a matter of time sometimes, despite my best efforts! Haha. Any specific strategies you've found helpful for keeping the toddlers (and yourself!) safe and sanity intact?
The most important thing is accepting that the strategy you use will definitely change as they grow and develop - what works one week won't necessarily work the next! I've also learned to never underestimate the power of distraction - having a bag of tricks up your sleeve for when you're out and about can really help. I keep a few little toys/snacks in my purse that are only ever used in desperate situations, so they remain exciting and novel. And if all else fails, I try to remember it's usually just a phase!
A great strategy - toddlers do have an incredible knack for sensing when desperate measures are being employed, so keeping things exciting and novel is often key! The 'bag of tricks' is a wonderful idea, and a great way to ensure you keep your sanity too!

It's also so true that what works one week won't necessarily work the next - it can be exhausting but accepting that and being adaptable is half the battle!
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