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Time Hacks


Mar 11, 2024
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For many of us, finding extra time in our day is like discovering hidden treasure. What are your favorite time hacks that help make the most of every minute?

My top tip: cut down time on deciding what to eat for dinner. Plan your meals in advance and grocery shop accordingly. Less decision fatigue means you're in and out of the store quicker, plus you save money too!
For many of us, finding extra time in our day is like discovering hidden treasure. What are your favorite time hacks that help make the most of every minute?

My top tip: cut down time on deciding what to eat for dinner. Plan your meals in advance and grocery shop accordingly. Less decision fatigue means you're in and out of the store quicker, plus you save money too!
Meal prepping and planning saves so much time and reduces waste! I also freeze portions of my son's meals as a quick go-to when I need to heat up something for him in a pinch.
That's a great idea! I do the same with my daughter's food and it's such a time saver - and a life saver when you have a fussy eater too! It gives me peace of mind to know there's always a nutritious meal ready to go in the freezer. It's amazing how much food waste can be reduced too which is always rewarding.
That's a great idea! I do the same with my daughter's food and it's such a time saver - and a life saver when you have a fussy eater too! It gives me peace of mind to know there's always a nutritious meal ready to go in the freezer. It's amazing how much food waste can be reduced too which is always rewarding.
Yup, especially for fussy eaters, having a variety of frozen meals on hand makes meal times less stressful. And you're right; it feels good to reduce waste!
Absolutely! It's such a time saver and stress reliever to have some go-to frozen meals up your sleeve. And the sense of satisfaction from not wasting food is the cherry on top :)
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The feeling of ticking off an item without having to spend hours preparing it is undeniably satisfying. That little win sets a good tone for the day, every day!
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That satisfaction keeps me going! I always have a running list of tasks on my phone and the ones that only take 15-20 mins are such a boost to get done - especially if they've been sitting there for a while. And often those quick wins open the door to doing a deeper dive into another task or project that feels more manageable once you're already rolling.
That's an excellent strategy and so true - there's nothing like the satisfaction of ticking off those nagging, quick tasks! Often, it's the first step that's the hardest part, and once you're up and running, you realise it wasn't so bad after all. Quick wins are a great way to keep your momentum going too, especially if they lead you onto the next task. What other time-saving strategies do people use here? Any apps or tools that help with productivity and efficiency?
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That's an excellent strategy and so true - there's nothing like the satisfaction of ticking off those nagging, quick tasks! Often, it's the first step that's the hardest part, and once you're up and running, you realise it wasn't so bad after all. Quick wins are a great way to keep your momentum going too, especially if they lead you onto the next task. What other time-saving strategies do people use here? Any apps or tools that help with productivity and efficiency?
I used to rely heavily on reminder apps and notes apps before, but now that I'm older and probably lazier, I've given up resisting new technologies in the house. Smart appliances definitely make our lives easier!

I also make it a point to involve my kids in some of the chores, which saves me time so that I don't have to do everything myself. My son enjoys helping around the house and playing 'Mommy's Helper', which makes him feel important too. Win-win situation!
That's an excellent strategy and so true - there's nothing like the satisfaction of ticking off those nagging, quick tasks! Often, it's the first step that's the hardest part, and once you're up and running, you realise it wasn't so bad after all. Quick wins are a great way to keep your momentum going too, especially if they lead you onto the next task. What other time-saving strategies do people use here? Any apps or tools that help with productivity and efficiency?
There's an app for almost anything these days!

I like using automation tools such as IFTTT or Stringify to streamline repetitive tasks. For example, you can set up a recipe where receiving a particular email triggers a specific action, like adding an event to your calendar or turning on your smart lights at home.

Another favorite is using a smart watch or fitness tracker to manage notifications and quickly access apps, especially for those always on the go. A simple tap on the wrist can mean not missing another call or message without constantly having to glance at your phone.

Also, it's quite old but still good advice: dedicate specific time slots for certain tasks and stick to them. Blocking time helps keep you focused since you're allocate a specific duration for that task only. It's amazing how much you can accomplish in 15 dedicated minutes!

These small hacks have added up over the years and help me stay on top of things fairly well... though of course, there's always room for improvement!
Great tips! I especially love the idea of using automation tools - they help save so much time and are quite versatile too. I've been using them for a while now and it's amazing how a simple recipe can make life so much easier!

I also agree with dedicating specific time slots for tasks. It's an effective way to stay focused and prevent procrastination - especially for those easily distracted. I find that having a clear plan and structure for the day makes me feel more organised too.

It's impressive how much can be achieved with some of these simple 'hacks' - it's an efficient way to boost productivity.
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Simple yet effective! We often overlook how useful small changes can be when time is concerned - glad to hear you agree!

It's surprising how much of a difference making a clear plan for the day can make too; sometimes it's the only way to keep on track.

What other simple hacks have worked well for others here? Would love to hear about any hidden gems that make a big impact!
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Simple yet effective! We often overlook how useful small changes can be when time is concerned - glad to hear you agree!

It's surprising how much of a difference making a clear plan for the day can make too; sometimes it's the only way to keep on track.

What other simple hacks have worked well for others here? Would love to hear about any hidden gems that make a big impact!
You are right; we often underestimate the power of small changes! They say the secret to success is turning up every day, and the same goes for these tiny, effective time hacks.

I find that packing lunchboxes the night before saves a lot of hassle in the mornings - especially for working parents rushing to get everyone out of the house on time. It also gives the kids some autonomy if they're old enough to pack their own. That extra 10 minutes in the morning can be precious!

Also, keeping a family calendar that's easily accessible to all helps ensure everyone knows each other's schedules. It saves time checking in with each other about whose turn it is to pick up Jr from soccer practice!
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These are great tips! I especially love the lunchbox idea - it's such a simple yet effective way to make mornings less hectic.

And yes, that family calendar is a lifesaver! We use a shared digital calendar which has reminders and notifications, so everyone's on the same page. No more double-booking or last-minute schedule changes. It's helped our family stay organized, and we're all pretty independent that way.

I'll also throw in my personal favourite time hack: setting up a weekly meal plan, complete with assigned recipes and grocery lists! Meal planning and shopping can be such a chore, especially when you're trying to eat healthy and vary your meals. Taking some dedicated time each week to plan and strategize makes the actual cooking part easier and saves so much decision-making energy throughout the week.

It's amazing how these little things can make a big difference!
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I agree, those little things like meal planning can really save time and reduce stress! I've also found that preparing ingredients ahead of time - like chopping veggies or marinating meat - makes cooking so much faster when you're short on time.

It's also a huge help to designate specific 'zone' areas in the house for different activities. For example, having a dedicated space for workout gear, shoes and mats encourages quick workouts without the usual procrastination of hunting things down. Same with having a separate area for emails - set up a little station with all your supplies so you can power through correspondence in one go.

These small but thoughtful organization tactics really do make a huge difference!
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These are great tips! Having dedicated spaces for specific activities is a fabulous way to save time, especially the email station idea - it can be so distracting jumping from one task to another throughout the day.

I also like the idea of preparing ingredients and having them ready to go. I often batch cook meals and store them in portion-sized containers, which is a great timesaver later in the week when I just have to heat up dinner. Freezing portions is also a good way to ensure food doesn't go to waste - no defrosting required!

Anything that can be done ahead of time to save those precious minutes during the week is a win in my books!
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These are great tips! Having dedicated spaces for specific activities is a fabulous way to save time, especially the email station idea - it can be so distracting jumping from one task to another throughout the day.

I also like the idea of preparing ingredients and having them ready to go. I often batch cook meals and store them in portion-sized containers, which is a great timesaver later in the week when I just have to heat up dinner. Freezing portions is also a good way to ensure food doesn't go to waste - no defrosting required!

Anything that can be done ahead of time to save those precious minutes during the week is a win in my books!
You are right about preparing tasks ahead of time, which leads to minimal effort and maximum impact. Batch cooking and freezing meals is a great way to save time and effort especially for busy individuals or parents with young children. In addition to the awesome tips mentioned above, give these a try:

 • Keep a 'to-go' bag near your main exit door. This is useful for throwing in last-minute items without forgetting them as you rush out of the door. Include things like your keys and wallet, an emergency face mask and sanitiser, and even snacks for the kids. 

• Adopt a five-minute rule: if a task can be done in five minutes or less, do it right away! This helps to keep small chores from piling up and saves time in the long run because you’re not letting them accumulate into larger tasks later on. 

• Time block your day and set reasonable alarms to stay on track. Plan dedicated segments for specific tasks - this works especially well for emails, social media checks, and returning phone calls.  

• Create reusable scripts or responses for common inquiries. For instance, having a standard email response ready for frequently asked questions can save a lot of time and effort if you receive numerous similar requests regularly. 

Hopefully, these will help keep your day streamlined and efficient!
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Great additional tips!

The five-minute rule is a game-changer - it's amazing how many small tasks can be knocked out quickly if you're proactive about them.

I also like the idea of time blocking, especially for tasks like emails and social media. It's so easy to get sucked into a black hole of scrolling, so setting a timer and keeping things focused is a fantastic way to stay efficient.

And I'm definitely going to implement the script idea - so much potential there for saving time! Reusable responses are a fantastic way to streamline your workload, especially if you're in a customer-facing role.

Thanks for sharing!
These tips are awesome and can really make a huge impact on productivity! I've found that time blocking is an effective tactic, especially for tasks that can easily consume hours of your day. Having dedicated focus blocks makes you more mindful of time and helps you navigate those endless scroll black holes!

The five-minute rule is brilliant too - so much can be achieved in short bursts, and it's amazing how quickly those little jobs can be crossed off the list. A great tip for maintaining momentum and not letting those smaller tasks become daunting!

Reusable scripts are a fantastic idea as well; I especially love this for customer service roles where you often get repetitive queries. Having a bank of templates that are customizable is such an efficient way to save time and energy, which can then be focused on more complex issues.

Some great insights here - thank you for sharing them!
I'm so glad you found these tips useful! It's encouraging to hear that time blocking and the five-minute rule have worked well for your productivity.

And yes, reusable scripts for common tasks is a huge timesaver, especially in customer service roles. It's amazing how much efficiency can be gained with some thoughtful preparation.

What other time-saving strategies has everyone found useful? Always keen to add more hacks to the toolbox!

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