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Stay Healthy During Pregnancy


Feb 21, 2024
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'Hello everyone,

I wanted to start a thread dedicated to sharing tips and advice on keeping fit and healthy during pregnancy - any stage, though I'm currently 26 weeks myself!

I'll go first:

- I've been trying to stay active by going on daily walks, though I have to admit with the weather getting colder it's getting harder! I find keeping active helps me sleep better too which is so important for my overall health and energy levels.

- Eating lots of fruits and vegetables - I'm trying to get as many vitamins and nutrients from my diet as possible, though with some odd cravings (pickles and ice cream, anyone?!) this is a challenge!

What about you all?'
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'Hello everyone,

I wanted to start a thread dedicated to sharing tips and advice on keeping fit and healthy during pregnancy - any stage, though I'm currently 26 weeks myself!

I'll go first:

- I've been trying to stay active by going on daily walks, though I have to admit with the weather getting colder it's getting harder! I find keeping active helps me sleep better too which is so important for my overall health and energy levels.

- Eating lots of fruits and vegetables - I'm trying to get as many vitamins and nutrients from my diet as possible, though with some odd cravings (pickles and ice cream, anyone?!) this is a challenge!

What about you all?'
I'm glad you initiated this conversation on keeping fit and healthy during pregnancy. It's a lovely idea!

I'm 28 weeks pregnant with my first child, so I can definitely relate to your struggles and cravings!

Keeping active is a great way to keep up our energy levels and manage weight gain during pregnancy. With the changing weather, I find that short, moderate intensity workouts at home or in the comfort of the gym work best for me. I'm also a big fan of prenatal yoga, which helps with flexibility and keeps my mind focused and calm.

As for diet, ahhh the cravings! I've been eating a lot of healthy fats like avocado and nuts to satiate my appetite and keep myself full, which seems to help with those odd food desires. I'm also taking folic acid and omega-3 supplements under the advice of my OB-GYN.

What kind of foods do you usually crave and how do you handle them?
Great to hear that you've been focusing on keeping active and eating right. It's certainly a challenge but so worth it!

I've been lucky that my cravings have mostly been for fruits, which I can indulge in without worrying too much. But I do have a major sweet tooth, so I've been allowing myself some dark chocolate treats - in moderation, of course.

I find that drinking lots of water and keeping hydrated also helps curb those cravings, plus it's good for the baby! I'm due in a couple of months, so I'm also making sure to stock up on healthy snacks for the third trimester. Nuts and avocados are a great idea - I'll have to try those!
Great to hear that you've been focusing on keeping active and eating right. It's certainly a challenge but so worth it!

I've been lucky that my cravings have mostly been for fruits, which I can indulge in without worrying too much. But I do have a major sweet tooth, so I've been allowing myself some dark chocolate treats - in moderation, of course.

I find that drinking lots of water and keeping hydrated also helps curb those cravings, plus it's good for the baby! I'm due in a couple of months, so I'm also making sure to stock up on healthy snacks for the third trimester. Nuts and avocados are a great idea - I'll have to try those!
That's a clever strategy to satisfy your sweet tooth with some dark chocolate treats! Moderation is key, as you've mentioned.

Yes, drinking plenty of water is beneficial, and a good reminder for soon-to-be mums! Staying hydrated ensures our bodies function optimally and helps with digestion and nutrient absorption too.

You sound well-prepared for the arrival of your little one. All the best for the final stretch of your pregnancy!
Thank you so much for the kind words and encouragement! I'm definitely trying my best to stay healthy and prepare for the arrival of our little girl. I've been craving sweets a lot lately, so I've been keeping some dark chocolate on hand for a healthier option - it's amazing how good it is for you! And I'm drinking lots of water which definitely helps!
You're doing a great job! It's so smart to satisfy those sweet cravings with dark chocolate - a delicious and healthy treat. Keeping hydrated is also an excellent habit, especially during pregnancy. You've got this! Keep us posted on your journey and feel free to share any healthy swaps or tips you discover along the way :)
You're doing a great job! It's so smart to satisfy those sweet cravings with dark chocolate - a delicious and healthy treat. Keeping hydrated is also an excellent habit, especially during pregnancy. You've got this! Keep us posted on your journey and feel free to share any healthy swaps or tips you discover along the way :)
I'll keep you updated. Currently, I'm finding that having a variety of herbal teas helps with my sweet tooth too, and they're decaffeinated which is a bonus! There's so many delicious and healthy options out there. It's amazing how pregnancy motivates us to make some positive changes :)
I'll keep you updated. Currently, I'm finding that having a variety of herbal teas helps with my sweet tooth too, and they're decaffeinated which is a bonus! There's so many delicious and healthy options out there. It's amazing how pregnancy motivates us to make some positive changes :)
That's a clever idea to switch to herbal tea! It's a great way to enjoy some warmth and flavour without the guilt. You sound like you're doing an incredible job keeping yourself in check. Enjoy discovering all these new healthy alternatives and congratulations on your journey!
That's a clever idea to switch to herbal tea! It's a great way to enjoy some warmth and flavour without the guilt. You sound like you're doing an incredible job keeping yourself in check. Enjoy discovering all these new healthy alternatives and congratulations on your journey!
Aw, thank you so much! I must say, the pregnancy journey has been an exciting one, discovering all these little hacks to stay fit and healthy. I'm enjoying the process of finding new flavours and scents herbal teas, it's like a whole new world! Keeping everyone posted on any new exciting discoveries :)
That's a clever idea to switch to herbal tea! It's a great way to enjoy some warmth and flavour without the guilt. You sound like you're doing an incredible job keeping yourself in check. Enjoy discovering all these new healthy alternatives and congratulations on your journey!
It is encouraging to discover how pregnancy motivates us to make positive changes. Thank you for sharing that insightful thought! All these little discoveries help keep things exciting throughout this journey.

Have a great week and stay healthy!
That's a clever idea to switch to herbal tea! It's a great way to enjoy some warmth and flavour without the guilt. You sound like you're doing an incredible job keeping yourself in check. Enjoy discovering all these new healthy alternatives and congratulations on your journey!
It is encouraging to discover how pregnancy motivates us to make healthier lifestyle choices. We often hear about all the strange cravings, but it's great to focus on the positives and the conscious efforts we make to stay healthy. Congrats again on your pregnancy journey, and here's a round of applause for all the thoughtful changes you've made!

Are there any particular foods you used to enjoy that you have had to give up since becoming pregnant? Or any recommendations for healthier options in Singapore that you have discovered?
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Pregnancy encourages us to prioritize healthiness, and it's wonderful how we adapt our diets for the little one!

As for me, I used to love raw oysters and sushi, but obviously those are out of the question now. Instead, I've been enjoying steamed seafood, which is just as delicious! I make sure to load up on veggies and fruits too.

Also, thanks for the reminder about Singapore's abundance of healthy food options. There are some great smoothie/salad bars around town, like this amazing little spot called The Daily Cut that offers custom-made salads and cold-pressed juices. And for a sweet tooth fix (which seems to be constant these days), there's this fantastic gelato place called Udders that has a variety of quirky flavors, including some sugar-free options!

What about you? Any cravings or healthy favorites you've discovered?
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Pregnancy encourages us to prioritize healthiness, and it's wonderful how we adapt our diets for the little one!

As for me, I used to love raw oysters and sushi, but obviously those are out of the question now. Instead, I've been enjoying steamed seafood, which is just as delicious! I make sure to load up on veggies and fruits too.

Also, thanks for the reminder about Singapore's abundance of healthy food options. There are some great smoothie/salad bars around town, like this amazing little spot called The Daily Cut that offers custom-made salads and cold-pressed juices. And for a sweet tooth fix (which seems to be constant these days), there's this fantastic gelato place called Udders that has a variety of quirky flavors, including some sugar-free options!

What about you? Any cravings or healthy favorites you've discovered?
My pregnancy cravings have fortunately been fairly tame. I mostly just want lots of fruits and vegetables, which is pretty boring, to be honest! But it means I'm keeping things simple and plain these days - which is a nice change from my usual complicated Asian cooking!

I used to be able to down spicy laksa and curry meals daily, but now, at the mention of spiciness or rich flavours, I immediately get heartburn. So that's been quite a switch, reaching for the healthier and tamer options instead. I do miss them though, so it's great that you're still able to enjoy some steamed seafood - that's one of my favourite dishes!

Have a fantastic evening and here's to hoping we can keep these healthy cravings going!
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It sounds like your pregnancy cravings are certainly keeping you healthy! It's quite funny how our taste buds can change so suddenly - but it's great that you're still enjoying a varied diet with all those fruits and vegetables.

I also had a complete shift in my food preferences during my pregnancy - from someone who rarely touched sweet foods, I found myself craving desserts and pastries like there was no tomorrow! Unfortunately, it meant I put on a lot more weight than expected during that time, so I had to rein it back in pretty quickly - but it was definitely hard to resist.

Here's to maintaining these healthier cravings (even though it can be tough!)
It sounds like your pregnancy cravings are certainly keeping you healthy! It's quite funny how our taste buds can change so suddenly - but it's great that you're still enjoying a varied diet with all those fruits and vegetables.

I also had a complete shift in my food preferences during my pregnancy - from someone who rarely touched sweet foods, I found myself craving desserts and pastries like there was no tomorrow! Unfortunately, it meant I put on a lot more weight than expected during that time, so I had to rein it back in pretty quickly - but it was definitely hard to resist.

Here's to maintaining these healthier cravings (even though it can be tough!)
It's interesting how pregnancy can make us crave the opposite of what we used to enjoy. It's a real shift and definitely not easy to adapt to, especially when we have all these newfound food desires! I'm lucky that my cravings are fairly tame too, but they can be quite intense at times - like I need to satisfy them right now! Keeping a variety of healthy snacks around helps me, so I don't give in to the less healthy options.

You've probably got a good system going if you're managing those dessert cravings! It's a great habit to form and certainly makes for a healthier pregnancy. Here's to us and our changing diets!
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I know right, it's like our bodies naturally know what they need and try to satisfy those cravings with the healthiest options available! It's a good idea to keep a stock of nutritious snacks to ensure we're getting the best cravings satisfaction. Let's hope we can continue these healthy habits even after pregnancy!
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I know right, it's like our bodies naturally know what they need and try to satisfy those cravings with the healthiest options available! It's a good idea to keep a stock of nutritious snacks to ensure we're getting the best cravings satisfaction. Let's hope we can continue these healthy habits even after pregnancy!
it's fascinating how our bodies can intuitively tell us what it needs. I've always believed that cravings are natural cues to pay attention to, and pregnant or not, they can guide us towards being healthier.

Keep those nutritious snacks around - they're a great way to satisfy those intense cravings without overindulging! And good luck to us and our ever-changing dietary wants. Haha, it's a fun ride!
I couldn't agree more - our bodies are incredibly intuitive, and cravings can definitely nudge us towards certain nutrients we need. It's so important to listen to those cues and have healthy snacks on hand to satisfy them. You're absolutely right!

It's a fun and fascinating journey, and I wish you an enjoyable pregnancy ride filled with delicious yet nutritious treats 🙂
I couldn't agree more - our bodies are incredibly intuitive, and cravings can definitely nudge us towards certain nutrients we need. It's so important to listen to those cues and have healthy snacks on hand to satisfy them. You're absolutely right!

It's a fun and fascinating journey, and I wish you an enjoyable pregnancy ride filled with delicious yet nutritious treats 🙂
That's some encouraging words you've got there. Enjoy your day ahead!

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