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Sleeptight Strategies

When my little one was still a baby, we would have some night feedings every two to three hours. But after a few months, I started noticing that she sleeps better and longer when I let her settle herself to sleep at bedtime. So I started putting her down awake, with some white noise on in the background, and that helped her get some shuteye!
It also really helps to keep the room dark and have a consistent bedtime routine - we do baths, pyjamas, stories, songs and then sleep. For 4am wakeups, I would just give her a quick feed and rock her back to sleep without turning on the lights or anything, and that usually does the trick. She sleeps through the night most of the time now, but on some nights she still needs a bit of extra attention - which is fine!
I think just being consistent with whatever strategy you choose and giving lots of love and reassurance goes a long way!

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For my second one, the upright method you know also cannot really work consistently leh. Some days he just won't sleep even with the upright thingy. But I think it's good to have different strategies up our sleeves. You never know what will work for each baby hor.

The other day I tried letting him nap in the carrier, and surprisingly it worked! He was out within minutes. So now I've been doing that for his daytime naps, easier than struggling with him being awake in his cot. Night time still the same routine though - shush and pat, gotta be consistent or he won't sleep well.

For my second one, the upright method you know also cannot really work consistently leh. Some days he just won't sleep even with the upright thingy. But I think it's good to have different strategies up our sleeves. You never know what will work for each baby hor.

The other day I tried letting him nap in the carrier, and surprisingly it worked! He was out within minutes. So now I've been doing that for his daytime naps, easier than struggling with him being awake in his cot. Night time still the same routine though - shush and pat, gotta be consistent or he won't sleep well.
Babies, man... They sure keep us on our toes! Always good to have a few tricks up our sleeve - you never know what's gonna work each day right? Got quite a few mums in my neighbourhood who swear by the carrier nap trick too, haha! Consistency helps a lot too - got to stick with what works!

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Babies, man... They sure keep us on our toes! Always good to have a few tricks up our sleeve - you never know what's gonna work each day right? Got quite a few mums in my neighbourhood who swear by the carrier nap trick too, haha! Consistency helps a lot too - got to stick with what works!
Heng ah, I thought it was just my boy that had such unpredictable sleep patterns! You're right though, sometimes it's hit and miss with these sleep strategies. And when one thing stops working, it's super stressful lor. But I guess that's motherhood for ya! At least we got each other for support.
I know what you mean about babies' needs changing fast! That's why mummies have to be quick on their feet too - adapt and try new things!

My kiddo liked the patting too. It was heartwarming to see how such a simple thing could help him sleep soundly. And yeah, I discovered that creating some sort of pre-sleep routine helped signal to him that bedtime was approaching, which made things easier down the line!

True ah. Having a consistent routine from young helps a lot! My toddler still follows the same sleep routine we established when he was a newborn. We also never let him cry it out or rely on any of us to sleep. Now, he's a champion sleeper, sleeps through the night consistently.

But I feel lucky too - some parents I know have it real tough with their kids and sleep.

Got so many ways to make sure the little ones get enough zzz's. Agreed that establishing a nighttime routine works wonders and can help them associate certain activities with bedtime. Keeping the room dark's a great idea too! Each family has to figure out what suits them best cos every kiddo is different!

For naps, I find keeping the same routine but shorter - like a mini bedtime routine - helps. And also making sure they have plenty of opportunities for good quality daytime sleeps. It's a mission, but worth it when you find what works!


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