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Shortcuts for a less hectic life


Feb 19, 2024
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Life these days can be so busy and demanding - what are your top tips for making it easier?

Do you have any handy shortcuts, apps or life hacks that help you save time, reduce stress and increase efficiency?

Let's pool our resources and create a go-to guide filled with timesaving tips!
Life these days can be so busy and demanding - what are your top tips for making it easier?

Do you have any handy shortcuts, apps or life hacks that help you save time, reduce stress and increase efficiency?

Let's pool our resources and create a go-to guide filled with timesaving tips!
As a busy mom and a passionate environmental scientist, I've had to learn some quick lessons in time management! Here's a few hacks that work for me:

- Meal prep once or twice a week: I spend a few hours over the weekend whipping up big batches of hearty, freezer-friendly meals like chili or stew. This saves us from eating out or ordering in during busy weekdays. Plus, it cuts down food waste, which is a win for the environment and my wallet!

- Set up automatic payments and paperless billing: This ensures I don't miss any bills and saves me the hassle of manual payments, which often takes time and effort to remember. It also reduces the chance of late payment fees!

- Subscribe and save: I use this for household essentials like laundry detergent, diapers, and shampoo. Having these regular deliveries means I never run out of essential items and there's always stock on hand. It's a useful timesaver and ensures I don't have to keep buying the same products every week.

- Congratulate yourself for doing a good job; you're essentially multitasking! Being a parent and managing household responsibilities is no easy feat, so give yourself some credit and pat yourself on the back! It's a great stress reliever and motivates you to keep going!

What about you? Any other useful shortcuts or life hacks to share that help make modern living a little easier?
Meal planning is a great one! I do something similar and it's amazing how much time it saves. Also love the congrats at the end of the day - we are often too hard on ourselves, so giving credit where it's due is a great idea :)

I find shopping and preparing for the week ahead helps too. I spend one day doing all my grocery shopping and prepping fruits and veggies, so they're ready to go when needed. It makes cooking during the week much faster and easier - and encourages me to eat healthier too!

Also, if you have a fairly static schedule, try to batch similar tasks together. For example, I do all my errand-running in one go; it's more efficient that way and means I don't have to keep returning to the same places.

And of course, a good old checklist is my ultimate life hack! I use it for everything - work, home, you name it. There's something satisfying about ticking off completed tasks and it helps ensure nothing gets forgotten :)
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Meal planning is a great one! I do something similar and it's amazing how much time it saves. Also love the congrats at the end of the day - we are often too hard on ourselves, so giving credit where it's due is a great idea :)

I find shopping and preparing for the week ahead helps too. I spend one day doing all my grocery shopping and prepping fruits and veggies, so they're ready to go when needed. It makes cooking during the week much faster and easier - and encourages me to eat healthier too!

Also, if you have a fairly static schedule, try to batch similar tasks together. For example, I do all my errand-running in one go; it's more efficient that way and means I don't have to keep returning to the same places.

And of course, a good old checklist is my ultimate life hack! I use it for everything - work, home, you name it. There's something satisfying about ticking off completed tasks and it helps ensure nothing gets forgotten :)
Batching similar tasks together is a great way to maximize efficiency especially for parents who have limited time. We often do this unconsciously but optimizing your itinerary based on locations visited certainly saves time and effort! And you're right about the satisfaction of ticking items off a checklist - it's like a tangible sense of progress and an encouragement to keep going!

What other hacks do you all employ to streamline your weekly routines, especially with regards to maximizing time spent on essential tasks while minimizing actual time and effort exerted?
I'm a huge fan of using my calendar for time blocking - essentially allocating specific time slots within my week to tackle different tasks, especially those that require deep focus and attention. By setting aside dedicated time blocks, say 90 minutes for tackling emails, you can maintain momentum and also ensure the task gets done without constantly having it hanging over your head.

I've also started using a 'brain dump' method where any ideas, to-dos or random thoughts get jotted down in one place - it's like having an external hard drive for your memory! This means that you don't have to keep mentally tracking all the things you need to remember, which is especially helpful when you're time-pressed and want to focus your attention on the task at hand. You can use pen and paper or digital tools like Notes or Todoist.

Another recent discovery is the power of setting specific goals within a given timeframe - for example, if you have a big project ahead, break it down into actionable steps and assign realistic deadlines to each. Again, there's something satisfying about physically ticking off these mini achievements and it keeps you on track!

Finally, meal prepping has become a Sunday ritual in our household. It doesn't need to be elaborate; just having a couple of go-to, easy, one-pot meals that can be frozen and reheated has been a lifesaver on busy weeknights. Also, having a dedicated 'family fun' night each week - where we play board games or do something fun together - helps keep everyone's spirits up and creates some good memories. These rituals give us a sense of connection and anchor the week, especially when things get chaotic!

What other tricks and hacks do you guys swear by to make your routines more manageable? Always keen to learn new organization secrets!
I'm a huge fan of using my calendar for time blocking - essentially allocating specific time slots within my week to tackle different tasks, especially those that require deep focus and attention. By setting aside dedicated time blocks, say 90 minutes for tackling emails, you can maintain momentum and also ensure the task gets done without constantly having it hanging over your head.

I've also started using a 'brain dump' method where any ideas, to-dos or random thoughts get jotted down in one place - it's like having an external hard drive for your memory! This means that you don't have to keep mentally tracking all the things you need to remember, which is especially helpful when you're time-pressed and want to focus your attention on the task at hand. You can use pen and paper or digital tools like Notes or Todoist.

Another recent discovery is the power of setting specific goals within a given timeframe - for example, if you have a big project ahead, break it down into actionable steps and assign realistic deadlines to each. Again, there's something satisfying about physically ticking off these mini achievements and it keeps you on track!

Finally, meal prepping has become a Sunday ritual in our household. It doesn't need to be elaborate; just having a couple of go-to, easy, one-pot meals that can be frozen and reheated has been a lifesaver on busy weeknights. Also, having a dedicated 'family fun' night each week - where we play board games or do something fun together - helps keep everyone's spirits up and creates some good memories. These rituals give us a sense of connection and anchor the week, especially when things get chaotic!

What other tricks and hacks do you guys swear by to make your routines more manageable? Always keen to learn new organization secrets!
Having a system for organizing one's time and energy is so crucial, especially for parents with young children. I also utilize the brain dump method, it's called an external hard drive for my mum-brain!

I've found that designating a specific area in the house for completing certain tasks is a helpful shortcut. For example, having a designated spot near the entrance for shoes, bags, and jackets ensures that we're not running around looking for them when we're already late. Similarly, keeping all my cooking tools and ingredients in one place makes cooking and cleaning up easier, especially since my toddler likes to help out these days. Everything has its place, and it becomes a breeze to put things away as well as to find them later. This method helps me save time and keeps the clutter at bay.

Also, pre-planning our outfits for the week on Sundays has been a major timesaver and ensures we don't pick the same outfit repeatedly (or worse, discovering that favorite top is in the wash when everyone's in a hurry!). Laying them out also allows me to see if an outfit is reasonable or if I need to plan an alternate option.

What other little hacks have helped you streamline your weekly routine?
Having a system for organizing one's time and energy is so crucial, especially for parents with young children. I also utilize the brain dump method, it's called an external hard drive for my mum-brain!

I've found that designating a specific area in the house for completing certain tasks is a helpful shortcut. For example, having a designated spot near the entrance for shoes, bags, and jackets ensures that we're not running around looking for them when we're already late. Similarly, keeping all my cooking tools and ingredients in one place makes cooking and cleaning up easier, especially since my toddler likes to help out these days. Everything has its place, and it becomes a breeze to put things away as well as to find them later. This method helps me save time and keeps the clutter at bay.

Also, pre-planning our outfits for the week on Sundays has been a major timesaver and ensures we don't pick the same outfit repeatedly (or worse, discovering that favorite top is in the wash when everyone's in a hurry!). Laying them out also allows me to see if an outfit is reasonable or if I need to plan an alternate option.

What other little hacks have helped you streamline your weekly routine?
I've found keeping a 'family command center' by the entrance very helpful. A simple board with columns labeled for each family member's activities, meals and reminders ensures everyone knows their schedules without having to ask. I also keep a basket of emergency snacks hidden there - a quick fix for hangry kids (and adults) before rushing out the door!
Having a system for organizing one's time and energy is so crucial, especially for parents with young children. I also utilize the brain dump method, it's called an external hard drive for my mum-brain!

I've found that designating a specific area in the house for completing certain tasks is a helpful shortcut. For example, having a designated spot near the entrance for shoes, bags, and jackets ensures that we're not running around looking for them when we're already late. Similarly, keeping all my cooking tools and ingredients in one place makes cooking and cleaning up easier, especially since my toddler likes to help out these days. Everything has its place, and it becomes a breeze to put things away as well as to find them later. This method helps me save time and keeps the clutter at bay.

Also, pre-planning our outfits for the week on Sundays has been a major timesaver and ensures we don't pick the same outfit repeatedly (or worse, discovering that favorite top is in the wash when everyone's in a hurry!). Laying them out also allows me to see if an outfit is reasonable or if I need to plan an alternate option.

What other little hacks have helped you streamline your weekly routine?
Having a "zone" for each daily essential activity helps to streamline my routine too! My toddler's meals are prepared the night before and packed into her bag, so is my work lunchbox. This saves me from early morning prep time and the stress of forgetting something!
I've found keeping a 'family command center' by the entrance very helpful. A simple board with columns labeled for each family member's activities, meals and reminders ensures everyone knows their schedules without having to ask. I also keep a basket of emergency snacks hidden there - a quick fix for hangry kids (and adults) before rushing out the door!
That's a smart way to keep everyone's schedules organized and avoid last-minute surprises. The snack basket is a great idea too; hungry kids make for grumpy company!
Thanks! It's amazing how a little preparation can go such a long way - especially with hungry kids around! We all tend to be a little grumpy when our tummies are rumbling...I'm guilty of stockpiling snacks too, better safe than sorry as they say!
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Stocking up on snacks is definitely wise - and making sure they're nutritious can help keep tempers in check too! It's amazing how hangryness can escalate situations..better to be prepared and have a peaceful day!
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Absolutely! I always make sure to have some healthy snacks on me at all times - you never know when you might need them. And avoiding hanger is definitely one of the secrets to keeping your cool! What are your go-to snacks? I'm a sucker for trail mix and energy bars these days, but I'd love some new ideas too!
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Absolutely! I always make sure to have some healthy snacks on me at all times - you never know when you might need them. And avoiding hanger is definitely one of the secrets to keeping your cool! What are your go-to snacks? I'm a sucker for trail mix and energy bars these days, but I'd love some new ideas too!
My snacks have to be nutritious and portable, like bananas, apples with peanut butter or homemade oat energy balls. Sometimes I indulge in some dark chocolate too - a sweet treat that's good for de-stressing. :)

Do you have any secret, time-saving recipes that can be prepared ahead of time and kept handy for those hectic mornings or days out?
Absolutely! I always make sure to have some healthy snacks on me at all times - you never know when you might need them. And avoiding hanger is definitely one of the secrets to keeping your cool! What are your go-to snacks? I'm a sucker for trail mix and energy bars these days, but I'd love some new ideas too!
I normally stock up nuts like almonds and cashews, which are filling and nutritious. Sometimes I throw in some home-popped popcorn for variety but the ready-packed kind laden with butter and salt are delicious too. Dried fruit is also another handy and healthy snack to have around.
I normally stock up nuts like almonds and cashews, which are filling and nutritious. Sometimes I throw in some home-popped popcorn for variety but the ready-packed kind laden with butter and salt are delicious too. Dried fruit is also another handy and healthy snack to have around.
My personal favorite is dried mangoes - they're sweet and succulent, and provide a good balance to all the nuts I consume. They're nature's candy!
My snacks have to be nutritious and portable, like bananas, apples with peanut butter or homemade oat energy balls. Sometimes I indulge in some dark chocolate too - a sweet treat that's good for de-stressing. :)

Do you have any secret, time-saving recipes that can be prepared ahead of time and kept handy for those hectic mornings or days out?
I usually prepare some no-bake energy balls made with oats, peanut butter, and chocolate on Sundays, which the kids can grab on their way out the door. They stay fresh in the fridge for about a week.

I also like to pre-cut fruits and veggies like washed strawberries, blueberries, carrots and celery sticks ahead of time, so they're readily available when the kids are hungry. I store them in little disposable containers, which makes it handy for packed lunches and easier for the kids to grab and snack on them throughout the day.

Additionally, I sometimes freeze fruit like grapes or berries - it's a nice, cold treat, especially during the hot Singapore weather, and a good alternative to ice cream! Just ensure you wash and dry the fruit before freezing them in ziplock bags.
Good tip! They're also a nutritional boost with all the vitamins and natural sugars. Great energy booster too.
The healthy benefits are a great plus, especially with people who lead busy lives. It's a win-win to have a convenient snack that also boosts your energy levels!

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