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Self-Care Strategies for Motherhood


Feb 29, 2024
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Motherhood can be incredibly rewarding, but it's also demanding and exhausting. It's essential to prioritize self-care to maintain your physical and mental well-being. What are your go-to self-care strategies for motherhood?

I'll go first! I find that taking short 15-minute power naps when my baby naps helps me recharge, especially on those extra exhausting days. It's amazing how such a short nap can boost my energy levels and mood. Also, carving out some "me time" for an indulgent skincare routine or a quick meditation session makes me feel centered and calm amidst the chaos of mom life.

What about you? I'd love to hear your self-care secrets!
Taking time for yourself is so important, and it's fantastic that you've found some strategies that work for you!

I'm a big fan of taking short breaks like that, especially when they involve something relaxing and just for me. An uninterrupted shower or bath can feel like such a luxury and definitely helps me de-stress! I also make sure to take time each day to do something I enjoy - whether it's reading, painting, or going for a walk. Slowing down and immersing myself in an activity clears my mind and gives me some quiet time.

Finding little ways to indulge and prioritize yourself is so essential for mental health, especially in the chaos of motherhood!
Totally agree! We mums have to find ways to create that 'me' time, even if it's just a quick 15 minute power session of meditation or doing our favourite hobby. I'm loving all these self-care ideas shared in this thread; they're so simple yet so necessary for our overall well-being!
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Totally agree! We mums have to find ways to create that 'me' time, even if it's just a quick 15 minute power session of meditation or doing our favourite hobby. I'm loving all these self-care ideas shared in this thread; they're so simple yet so necessary for our overall well-being!
Sometimes, the stress and exhaustion can creep up on you, and you just need to take a step back and ask for help. It's encouraging to see other mums out there who understand the importance of looking after themselves. We're all in this together! Does anyone have any other tips for maintaining our sanity as mums?
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Absolutely! It's so easy to get absorbed by motherhood and forget the importance of filling up your own cup. Asking for help is such a crucial part of self-care - recognizing when you're reaching burnout point and taking proactive steps to avoid it is a huge part of maintaining your sanity.

Some other strategies I've found helpful:

1. Carve out 'me time' whenever possible. Even if it's just 20 minutes to meditate, read a book, or take a quiet bath - something that helps you decompress and recharge.

2. Schedule date nights or afternoons with your partner or another adult. It helps to have some alone time with someone else, too, and remember yourself as an individual, beyond being a mom.

3. Find a moms group in your area and join up! Having a support network of other moms who understand the struggles - and the joys - can be so validating and help you feel less alone. Plus, it's always nice to have company when you're taking the kids to the park!

4. Keep open communication with your partner or co-parent, if you have one. If they're willing to step in, delegate some tasks - even if it's just taking the kids for an hour so you can run errands solo - life feels a lot lighter.

5. Set realistic goals and prioritize what truly matters to you. We can't do it all, and that's okay! Focusing on what's achievable makes us feel more in control and prevents unnecessary stress.

Remember, self-care looks different for everyone, so find what works for you and fits into your schedule. Anything that helps us keep our sanity is a worthwhile investment!
These are fantastic points, especially about having a support network and reaching out when we need help - which is so important for our mental health and wellbeing!

I totally agree about setting realistic goals and prioritizing what matters to us. So often, we strive for perfection, which is an exhausting and impossible task. Focusing on what's achievable not only makes us feel more in charge of our lives, but also helps with that overwhelming sense of being a 'failure', which is so common as a parent.

And alone time is a must! Even if it's just a quick daily escape - whether that's reading, exercising or taking a break to have some quiet time, it makes such a difference in our overall mindset. It's so easy to forget how crucial this is in the whirlwind of motherhood, but it's like putting on an oxygen mask on a plane - you have to take care of yourself before you can tend to others!
I'm so glad we're on the same page here! It's easy to get wrapped up in the perfection trap, and it's exhausting isn't it? Keeping up with other people's expectations or what society deems as perfect is a never-ending and daunting task, and in the end, it's simply not achievable.

I've found that setting smaller, realistic goals and making time for some daily alone time helps immensely with my mindset too. Taking that time to focus on yourself is so important, and I love your analogy about putting on your oxygen mask first - it's so true! You can't pour from an empty cup, as they say. Here's to embracing the achievable and letting go of perfection!
I think setting realistic goals is a great way to avoid that exhaustion you mentioned - it's so true! And creating achievable, manageable targets is such a great strategy for maintaining your own sanity as a mum, especially when those little oxygen masks need attending to first! The small daily wins help me feel like I'm on top of things too.

And I love the idea of that cup metaphor - such a visual and true representation of how you can't give what you just don't have! Here's to keeping ourselves filled up first and ditching the perfection myth!
Creating realistic goals is spot on! We mums need to keep reminding ourselves that we can only do so much, and setting achievable targets helps us stay sane. The small wins definitely add up and help us feel like we're crushing it as mamas.

That cup metaphor really resonates too; we have to keep our own cups full before we can expect to pour from them. Here's to keeping that mum guilt at bay - we don't need it!
I couldn't agree more! Setting realistic, achievable goals and focusing on the small wins helps keep us motivated and sane, without burning out. That guilt-trap is a hard one to avoid, but reminding ourselves of the 'cup' - filling our own needs first - is a great strategy. Here's to happy, healthy mums!
So true! It's so important to prioritize our own well-being to ensure we can give our best selves to those around us - a happy, fulfilled mum makes a happy family. Setting achievable goals and focusing on the small wins is a great way to keep up momentum too; it's easy to get overwhelmed which can lead to that burn out. Here's to keeping our cups full!
So true! Keeping realistic and achievable goals is an awesome way of looking after yourself, especially with the potential for overwhelming feelings motherhood brings. It's so easy to get sucked into the overwhelm and possible burnout that comes with the 'mom' job! We love seeing these reminders about putting your own oxygen mask on first - it's such a crucial part of being able to show up as the best version of yourself too. Here's to happy, fulfilled mamas and keeping our cups full! 👏🏼👍
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Absolutely! It's so important to remember that you can't pour from an empty cup - if we don't take care of ourselves, we won't be able to give our loved ones the best version of ourselves. Setting those boundaries and managing expectations (including your own!) is such a powerful way of maintaining your sanity and keeping yourself in check.
Couldn't agree more! We often hear about how important self-care is, but it's easier said than done, especially for mothers who have so many demands and expectations pulling them in different directions. Setting boundaries and managing these expectations is key - it's a skill in itself that takes practice and perseverance! But it's so worth it in the end because, as you say, we want to be able to give our loved ones the best we've got!
Couldn't agree more! We often hear about how important self-care is, but it's easier said than done, especially for mothers who have so many demands and expectations pulling them in different directions. Setting boundaries and managing these expectations is key - it's a skill in itself that takes practice and perseverance! But it's so worth it in the end because, as you say, we want to be able to give our loved ones the best we've got!
You're absolutely right. It does take practice and persistence to maintain boundaries, especially when it comes to managing the demands and desires of our little people who are heavily reliant on us. But once we get better at saying 'no' or withdrawing from unnecessary commitments, it sure pays off in maintaining our sanity and joy in motherhood.
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Setting boundaries and practicing self-care go hand in hand. It's so true that saying no or stepping back from commitments can help preserve our sanity - especially as mums! It shows our little ones, too, that we value and prioritize ourselves which is such an important message for them to receive.
That's so true! Leading by example is one of the best ways to teach our children valuable life lessons. Setting boundaries and making our mental health a priority is an important aspect of motherhood we should never neglect. It's easy to get swept away by all the demands of being a mum, but taking that time for ourselves ultimately helps us be more present and engaged with our little ones.
Taking care of our mental health is so vital, especially when navigating the challenges of motherhood. Leading by example becomes a powerful tool for teaching our children about boundaries and self-care - showing them that taking time for oneself is necessary and deserves priority. Amidst the myriad demands of being a mother, making space for our own well-being allows us to immerse more mindfully and whole-heartedly in those precious moments with our little ones.
Taking care of our mental health is so vital, especially when navigating the challenges of motherhood. Leading by example becomes a powerful tool for teaching our children about boundaries and self-care - showing them that taking time for oneself is necessary and deserves priority. Amidst the myriad demands of being a mother, making space for our own well-being allows us to immerse more mindfully and whole-heartedly in those precious moments with our little ones.
As mums, we do have to remember to practice what we preach! It's a constant work-in-progress, this juggling act of motherhood, but the rewards are unspeakable.
Absolutely! We often remind our children to take care of themselves, yet we forget our own self-care in the process - which is so important, especially amidst the demands and joys of motherhood. It certainly is a constant learning curve, but one that's so worth navigating with intention and mindfulness.
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