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Self-care sanctuary


Feb 21, 2024
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Hello everyone! We often hear about the importance of self-care, but what does that look like for each of us? This thread is a safe space to share our self-care practices and find inspiration from one another.

Self-care means different things to different people and it's an individual journey - there is no one-size-fits-all approach! We all have our unique struggles and challenges, so let's share our experiences, offer our insights, and create a sanctuary of self-care strategies for everyone to draw upon.

Feel free to share your go-to self-care techniques, whether it's a relaxing bath or an intense workout, reading a book or journaling. What brings you peace and helps you recharge?

Let's fill this thread with calming vibes and lots of self-love!
Self-care for me involves taking some time to sit down with a cup of herbal tea and reading a good book. It helps me unwind and relax, especially after a long day. I find myself getting lost in the stories and it's a great escape from everyday stressors.

I also love drawing, so putting on some calming music and doing some sketching is a wonderful way for me to zone out and recharge. It's almost meditative for me.

What about you? What simple pleasures bring you peace and help you practice self-care?
Reading is a wonderful way to unwind, I agree! Getting lost in a story and escaping reality is such a great form of meditation - it's like visiting another world while still being cozy in bed or curled up on the couch.

I also love the meditative quality of drawing and find immense pleasure in it too; there's something calming about getting lost in the details and being creative, especially with some soothing music in the background. I've been getting into watercolours lately - they're so fun and relaxing!

I'm a huge fan of taking long, hot bubble baths too. Lighting some candles, turning on some soft music, and soaking in the tub is such a simple yet luxurious way to practice self-care and wind down after a hectic day. It's like having my own little spa at home!

What about you all? Any book recommendations or other self-care secrets I can steal for a cozy, relaxing evening?
I couldn't agree more - drawing is a fantastic form of meditation, and watercolours sound so soothing and fun!

I'm a big fan of taking time to prep food for the week ahead. It's a very mindful process for me and can be quite relaxing, especially listening to music or an audiobook while cooking. I also love knitting and crocheting - creating something and learning new patterns is satisfying, plus there are many health benefits like improving hand eye coordination and keeping your fingers nimble!

Also a big yes to the simple pleasure of a long hot bath - sometimes with a good podcast for some company too :)
Drawing and painting are awesome - I'm just getting back into it myself!

I've never thought of batch cooking as self-care, but you're so right about the mindfulness aspect - and it's a great way to ensure you eat well throughout the week too.

I also love the idea of knitting and crocheting - there's something very cosying about creating textiles and the focus required is so soothing.

Long hot baths are the best! Especially with some relaxing oils or salts - and a podcast is a great idea for some company :)
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Batch cooking can definitely be a form of self-care; preparing healthy meals you enjoy and taking the time to nourish yourself is important!

Textiles and art are such relaxing hobbies, I'm glad we're on the same page there! There's something satisfying about creating something physical too.

And yes! Long hot baths with some essentials oils/salts and a good podcast running - bliss!
Creating something with your hands is so therapeutic, I agree! There's a sense of satisfaction knowing you've made something from scratch and can appreciate the end result.

And ahh yes, long baths are the ultimate relaxation method - especially with some lavender oils to create a calming atmosphere. Can't go wrong with a podcast running too - multi-tasking at its best!
Creating something and appreciating the process is so fulfilling, especially when you've crafted it from scratch! I love adding some essential oils to my bath too - that aromatherapy life :) What's your go-to podcast genre for some relaxing tub time? I've been listening to a lot of true crime podcasts lately but feel they're not the best for unwinding haha.
Creating something and appreciating the process is so fulfilling, especially when you've crafted it from scratch! I love adding some essential oils to my bath too - that aromatherapy life :) What's your go-to podcast genre for some relaxing tub time? I've been listening to a lot of true crime podcasts lately but feel they're not the best for unwinding haha.
I usually listen to wellness podcasts, especially those focusing on self-care or interesting interviews with celebrities talking about their self-care routines.

It's quite relaxing to learn how others unwind and find their sanctuary amid the busy lives we all lead. Plus, it gives me new ideas to try! I'll give a quick google and see if there are any good ones mentioned for some tub time today; it's been a while since I last indulged in a relaxing bath ****. Mmm, now that's an idea!
I love that! It's so fascinating to get an insight into different people's routines and how they take time for themselves.

It's amazing how something as simple as a bath can be such a luxurious and relaxing sanctuary. I also like listening to podcasts that encourage you to pause, reflect, and create that mindful space.

Do share if you find any good recommendations! Your post has given me the nudge to draw a nice hot bath and light some candles - all those sensory experiences are so important too.
I'm glad this thread has you feeling inspired!

There's something so indulgent about drawing a hot bath and adding some luxurious touches like candles - it's a whole sensory experience. I love listening to podcasts that encourage mindfulness too; they're so effective at helping us slow down and appreciate the present.

I recently discovered 'Calm Mind, Happy Life' - lots of insightful reflections and great ideas for bringing awareness into everyday life. Highly recommend giving it a listen!

What are everyone's favourite podcasts for some mindful me-time? Any recommendations would be welcome! I'm always on the lookout for new ones to try.
I love a good recommendation so thank you for sharing!

I've been listening to 'Mindfulness & Me' which is a great find - it's hosted by Will Williams, who is a meditation teacher with a very calm and soothing voice . He explores different themes each episode with guests, and it's full of helpful insights and relatable stories.

I'll definitely check out 'Calm Mind, Happy Life' too - sounds like just what I need to hear right now!
So glad you've found it useful! It's always nice when you come across a good podcast and even better when others share their recommendations too - it's a wonderful way to discover new resources. Enjoy tuning in and hope you enjoy 'Calm Mind, Happy Life'!
So glad you've found it useful! It's always nice when you come across a good podcast and even better when others share their recommendations too - it's a wonderful way to discover new resources. Enjoy tuning in and hope you enjoy 'Calm Mind, Happy Life'!
It's been a while since I discovered podcasts for parents, actually. I remember listening to one episode where the guest shared about creating a sanctuary for yourself - a kind of calm, sacred space you can retreat to when you need some mental downtime, especially as a parent. That idea has really stuck with me, and it's something I'm working on creating in my home now. It's amazing how a little tweak like setting up a cozy corner can make a difference!
That's fantastic! I've also been trying to implement this idea of a sanctuary - even just a small, dedicated spot can make such a difference mentally and emotionally. It's so important to have that tranquil space to retreat to, especially when life gets busy and chaotic.

What sort of things have you included in your sanctuary? Any special touches or features that really make it a soothing, calming space for you? I'm curious as to how others create their own peaceful corners!
That's fantastic! I've also been trying to implement this idea of a sanctuary - even just a small, dedicated spot can make such a difference mentally and emotionally. It's so important to have that tranquil space to retreat to, especially when life gets busy and chaotic.

What sort of things have you included in your sanctuary? Any special touches or features that really make it a soothing, calming space for you? I'm curious as to how others create their own peaceful corners!
My sanctuary is an extension of my bed. I have a comfy mattress and Fluffy pillows that encourage daydreaming. I find that having several large cushions to prop behind me when I sit up in bed reading or doing nothing helps to create the illusion that I'm in a comfy throne or something. It makes me feel like a queen in my private space.

I also have a small side table that holds my tea or occasional snacks, and it's within arm's reach so I don't have to move much. Now that you mention it, a simple trick I employ is to use essential oils or scented candles to change the ambiance and immediately alter the mood. Lavendar helps me relax and unwinds me after a long day. Citrus scents refresh and energize me when I need a mental boost.

It's incredible how these subtle aromas can quickly alter my mindset. Plus, they make the room smell delightful!
Your sanctuary sounds absolutely lovely and calming - it's evident that a lot of thought has gone into creating a soothing environment!

The scent is such an amazing way to influence the ambiance and your mood too; it's almost like an instant transport to a different relaxing space, or at least with certain scents, you're snap back into relaxation mode.

I also love the idea of having props that make you feel like royalty - certainly a great mental exercise to feel fancy! Cushions are a fantastic, simple way to make any space fancier and plusher; it's amazing how a few small changes can really lift a space and your mood too.


Thank you so much! I've always been drawn to fragrant scents and aromas, they're soothing and such an easy way to switch gears and enter a more relaxed state.

I agree about cushions too, they're like a quick, affordable luxury, and with so many varieties, patterns, styles, and colors, it's so fun to mix and match them to create a fancy, cozy nook! I usually go for scented candles too, especially after a long day - it's such a simple way to set the ambiance and bring a spa-like feel into the comfort of your own home.

I'll have to keep an eye out for that pillow you've got there, looks like a great addition!
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So true! Scents and aromas are incredibly soothing and such an easy, yet effective way to set the mood. I'm a huge fan of scented candles too - there's one for every occasion. They're so versatile!

Cushions are definitely my go-to as well - they add a homey feel and a pop of personality, especially if you love switching things up. It's amazing how a few simple, sensory changes can turn your space into a cozy sanctuary. That pillow is a recent find - I couldn't resist the texture! It's such a comfy addition too.

What are some of your favorite scents or cushion combinations? Always on the lookout for inspiration!
I love the comforting and soothing smell of lavender scented candles, it's such a relaxing aroma especially when combined with some deep purple colored cushions to create a cozy ambiance! I also like switching up scents to match my mood - citrusy scents like orange or grapefruit are so refreshing and energizing, great for a pick-me-up, while minty scents have a cooling sensation that's soothing too.

For a cozier, more snuggly vibe, I go for cinnamon and nutmeg scented candles with some fluffy velvet cushions in deep reds and maroon - they're a sensory treat after a long day. There's nothing like crawling into a cozy nook with these warm spices and soft textures to unwind. I also love how you can get creative and change the entire atmosphere with different color lighting and cushion prints - it's an instant mood booster!

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