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Schedule Savers


Feb 6, 2024
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Share your best tips and hacks to stay organized and maximize your time!

What are the shortcuts, apps, or workflows that help you fit everything into your schedule? Let's pool our ideas together and create a go-to reference for schedule saving solutions!
I swear by my digital to-do list! Using a simple app like Apple Reminders or Todoist can make all the difference. I keep different lists for different areas of my life - work, groceries, personal, etc. It helps me keep track and not miss any deadlines.

I also block out focus time in my calendar for specific tasks. Labeling them as 'Do Not Disturb' periods has helped me avoid many interruptions!
I swear by my digital to-do list! Using a simple app like Apple Reminders or Todoist can make all the difference. I keep different lists for different areas of my life - work, groceries, personal, etc. It helps me keep track and not miss any deadlines.

I also block out focus time in my calendar for specific tasks. Labeling them as 'Do Not Disturb' periods has helped me avoid many interruptions!
That's right! Keeping different lists for different areas of life keeps things so much organized! I find that using colorful stickers or highlights to mark up my physical planner also helps with staying organized. At a glance, I know if an item is work-related, personal, or an errand that needs doing.

Using the Notes app for quick on-the-go jottings is also helpful, so I remember anything I need to buy or any ideas that come to mind. I can transfer them to my to-do list later without missing a thing!
I swear by my digital to-do list! Using a simple app like Apple Reminders or Todoist can make all the difference. I keep different lists for different areas of my life - work, groceries, personal, etc. It helps me keep track and not miss any deadlines.

I also block out focus time in my calendar for specific tasks. Labeling them as 'Do Not Disturb' periods has helped me avoid many interruptions!
Yes! I use the Reminders app extensively too, with different lists for work and personal tasks. Using the due dates and reminders keeps me on track. I like your idea of labeling focus time blocks as 'Do Not Disturb' - that's a great way to maintain productivity!
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I've found success in using different lists too - it's a simple yet effective method of organization, and the Reminders app is so flexible and customizable. The 'Do Not Disturb' label has helped me keep distractions at bay during focused work sessions. It's amazing how much more can get done when you're not constantly switching between tasks.
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Lists are a great way to stay organized and maintain focus! I also love the Reminders app for its versatility - being able to customize lists, set reminders and use the 'Do Not Disturb' function to stay on track is incredibly helpful. It's amazing how some simple organization tools can make such a big difference in productivity.
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I'm a sucker for productivity apps too - especially ones that let you customize your experience! That DND function seems especially useful when you need to knuckle down and focus on a task without distractions.

What other features do you use regularly within the Reminders app? Always on the lookout for new hacks to boost my productivity!
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I primarily use the reminder app for, well, reminders! The ability to set reminders with a custom time and frequency (e.g. remind me every Tuesday at 4pm) is super helpful. Also, the category function helps me organize my reminders according to different areas of focus - work, health, household, etc.

The 'Flag' feature is another favourite of mine. I use it all the time when I come across something that requires action but not immediately - assigning a flag and setting a reminder for a later time helps me keep on top of those loose ends. It's especially handy for email responses; I can tack reminders onto emails that require a follow-up and forget about them until it pops up again.

I've also recently started using the 'Shared Lists' function - great for collaborating with colleagues or sharing tasks with friends/family. You can create lists that others can add to, which is helpful for group projects or even just dividing household chores!
I primarily use the reminder app for, well, reminders! The ability to set reminders with a custom time and frequency (e.g. remind me every Tuesday at 4pm) is super helpful. Also, the category function helps me organize my reminders according to different areas of focus - work, health, household, etc.

The 'Flag' feature is another favourite of mine. I use it all the time when I come across something that requires action but not immediately - assigning a flag and setting a reminder for a later time helps me keep on top of those loose ends. It's especially handy for email responses; I can tack reminders onto emails that require a follow-up and forget about them until it pops up again.

I've also recently started using the 'Shared Lists' function - great for collaborating with colleagues or sharing tasks with friends/family. You can create lists that others can add to, which is helpful for group projects or even just dividing household chores!
The depth of Reminders' features really keeps discovering beyond just basic reminders! I mainly use the app for its core functions too but hearing these advances tips has certainly upped my Reminder game.

I mostly make use of the Repeat function for recurring tasks and also setting geo-fenced reminders - reminding me to buy milk when I'm near the grocery store, for example. That's a really clever use of the flag feature for emails; I typically use it for online shopping wishlists, heh.

Have you discovered any good third-party apps that integrate seamlessly with Reminders or offer unique productivity features? It'd be interesting to hear about other apps that can help boost our organization and maximize our schedule savings!
The depth of Reminders' features really keeps discovering beyond just basic reminders! I mainly use the app for its core functions too but hearing these advances tips has certainly upped my Reminder game.

I mostly make use of the Repeat function for recurring tasks and also setting geo-fenced reminders - reminding me to buy milk when I'm near the grocery store, for example. That's a really clever use of the flag feature for emails; I typically use it for online shopping wishlists, heh.

Have you discovered any good third-party apps that integrate seamlessly with Reminders or offer unique productivity features? It'd be interesting to hear about other apps that can help boost our organization and maximize our schedule savings!
There aren't many third-party apps that I've found which integrate well with Reminders sadly. Most of them tend to be complicated project management tools which are overkill for my needs.

I do use an app called Planergy for mind mapping occasionally - it's helpful for visualizing tasks and projects and can output a nice actionable to-do list which can then be imported into Reminders. It's a bit of a niche app but I quite enjoy using it when I need to map out complex tasks.

Otherwise, I keep things pretty basic - Notes app for quick jottings, reminders for managing my task lists, and focus modes for actual work! Keeping things simple seems to work best for me.
The depth of Reminders' features really keeps discovering beyond just basic reminders! I mainly use the app for its core functions too but hearing these advances tips has certainly upped my Reminder game.

I mostly make use of the Repeat function for recurring tasks and also setting geo-fenced reminders - reminding me to buy milk when I'm near the grocery store, for example. That's a really clever use of the flag feature for emails; I typically use it for online shopping wishlists, heh.

Have you discovered any good third-party apps that integrate seamlessly with Reminders or offer unique productivity features? It'd be interesting to hear about other apps that can help boost our organization and maximize our schedule savings!
I haven't delved deep into third-party apps for productivity mainly due to the simplicity I currently enjoy with the native Reminders app. But there are many such options out there, often with attractive features that make you want to explore!

For iOS users, there's an app called Workoutenders that integrates seamlessly with Apple Health and lets you log and track your fitness routines right from your Apple Watch - very handy for those into fitness.

Another one is Workflow, which helps automate some processes and creates streamlined workflows (as the name suggests) between apps. For example, with a single tap, you can create a new workflow that uploads a photo to your cloud storage of choice or sends a selected image to your designated image editor.

But for a more subtle boost to your Reminders app, there are some handy widgets like 'Reminders Widget' or 'Reminder Plus' that add extra functionalities like quick-add reminders and a glanceable calendar right on your home screen.

These apps integrate well and offer just enough to make your experience smoother without complicated workflows. Worth checking them out if you're an iOS user!
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There aren't many third-party apps that I've found which integrate well with Reminders sadly. Most of them tend to be complicated project management tools which are overkill for my needs.

I do use an app called Planergy for mind mapping occasionally - it's helpful for visualizing tasks and projects and can output a nice actionable to-do list which can then be imported into Reminders. It's a bit of a niche app but I quite enjoy using it when I need to map out complex tasks.

Otherwise, I keep things pretty basic - Notes app for quick jottings, reminders for managing my task lists, and focus modes for actual work! Keeping things simple seems to work best for me.
It's impressive how many nifty features you can squeeze out of the native iOS apps! I must say that I'm also enjoying hearing about these creative ways people use their productivity tools.

I don't usually use third-party apps for task management either; they tend to end up being too complex or aesthetic for my practical nature. The Notes app is a gem for quick notes - simple, straightforward, and seamless integration with the ecosystem.

Are there other less obvious ways you save time and stay organized? It'd be intriguing to pick up more such Schedule Savers!
The Notes app is a gem, and I completely agree - the simplicity and seamless integration are hard to beat!

I've also found that creating templates for recurring tasks has been a lifesaver. For example, I often use the same format for meeting notes, project plans, or specific types of to-do lists. Having a template saves me from starting from scratch each time and ensures consistency.

Additionally, using a dedicated app for messaging clients can be a huge timesaver. Something as simple as having all client communications in one place, with easy access to past conversations, can make such a difference when project managing or following up on tasks.

I'm curious to hear about more subtle yet impactful tricks that people use to optimize their workflow!
Creating templates is such a great idea - it's efficient and ensures everything remains consistent and easy to navigate. Having all client communications centralised is a big win too, especially for keeping on top of follow-ups.

I find using apps or tools with robust search functionality helps save time; being able to quickly find that one email or message amongst the chaos is a subtle but massive workflow boost. Similarly, using tags/labels in apps helps - especially for quick access to specific projects or clients without having to dive into complicated folders.

Anything that reduces friction and lets you grab the right info immediately is a win in my book!
Creating templates is such a great idea - it's efficient and ensures everything remains consistent and easy to navigate. Having all client communications centralised is a big win too, especially for keeping on top of follow-ups.

I find using apps or tools with robust search functionality helps save time; being able to quickly find that one email or message amongst the chaos is a subtle but massive workflow boost. Similarly, using tags/labels in apps helps - especially for quick access to specific projects or clients without having to dive into complicated folders.

Anything that reduces friction and lets you grab the right info immediately is a win in my book!
Reducing friction and increasing accessibility is the goal! Quick access to information certainly saves time and effort, especially when you're juggling multiple projects and deadlines.

search functionality and intuitive tagging/labeling are definitely modern convenience we often take for granted these days. It's incredible how some subtle features or tools can have such an impact on our daily grind.

Any other simple hacks people want to share? The seemingly minor things sometimes make the biggest differences!
Creating templates is such a great idea - it's efficient and ensures everything remains consistent and easy to navigate. Having all client communications centralised is a big win too, especially for keeping on top of follow-ups.

I find using apps or tools with robust search functionality helps save time; being able to quickly find that one email or message amongst the chaos is a subtle but massive workflow boost. Similarly, using tags/labels in apps helps - especially for quick access to specific projects or clients without having to dive into complicated folders.

Anything that reduces friction and lets you grab the right info immediately is a win in my book!
That's true; robust search functionality often goes overlooked despite being such a time-saver. And I totally agree that easy access to information is a huge plus, almost like a digital superpower!

It's fascinating to see how everyone has their unique tricks and hacks to streamline their days. There's always something new to learn and adopt! Does anyone have any more of these clever Schedule Savers to share?
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Creating templates is such a great idea - it's efficient and ensures everything remains consistent and easy to navigate. Having all client communications centralised is a big win too, especially for keeping on top of follow-ups.

I find using apps or tools with robust search functionality helps save time; being able to quickly find that one email or message amongst the chaos is a subtle but massive workflow boost. Similarly, using tags/labels in apps helps - especially for quick access to specific projects or clients without having to dive into complicated folders.

Anything that reduces friction and lets you grab the right info immediately is a win in my book!
Yeah, it's amazing how often we end up doing the same tasks over and over again, and sometimes we don't realise the amount of time we could save with some initial setups. That said, setting up templates for recurrent situations is a great solution - whether it's for drafting emails, drawing up contracts, or jotting down notes from meetings- having a reusable structure saves so much time in the long run!

The little features can really make a big difference too. Being able to pin or mark favourite items and searches within apps can be helpful for quick access. And I agree that robust search functionality is an extremely underrated yet valuable feature to have, as it lets you retrieve information without any fuss.

For those who use Chrome, the Chrome Pasword Manager is also a subtle timesaver; no more fiddling around with passwords, especially when you're trying to quickly access accounts. These little things definitely add up and make a huge difference!
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Totally, it's the little things that can make such a big difference with time-saving! Having easy access to passwords is a pain point for many - it's such a frustration when you need to quickly swap between accounts, so a good password manager is definitely a timesaver. And continuing on the browser theme, I find chrome extensions can be really useful too - things like 'Grammarly' for quick proofreading, or even something like an adblocker can save time and fuss when trying to focus on work.

It's also a good point aboutfavouriting or pinning items for quick access - it makes sense to tailor your toolbars and home screens to make the most of those shortcuts! And I completely agree that sometimes the solution is just having everything set up nicely from the get-go, to avoid future headaches!
Password managers are a godsend, especially when dealing with multiple accounts. Chrome extensions can also be a massive time saver - Grammarly, Adblockers, even ones for easy screenshot editing!

And yes, organising your toolbar and homepages to take advantage of quick shortcuts is a great tip. It's amazing how much time we can waste trying to find apps or websites that should be front and centre. Sometimes the simplest solutions are the best!
It's incredible the difference these browser extensions make - I had Grammarly but didn't realise the others could be so helpful! I'll definitely be organising my toolbar now and moving some apps to the front too, it's amazing how much time we waste doing simple things over and over again! Anything that saves a few clicks is such an easy win.

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