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Raising multiples – challenges and triumphs


Mar 20, 2024
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I think we can all agree that parenting is a challenge, but what about when you're raising multiples? Whether they're twins, triplets, or more, this group is a safe space to share the ups and downs of this unique experience.

What specific challenges have you faced with your multiples? How did you navigate them? And those triumphant moments, no matter how big or small - let's celebrate them here!

I'll go first: With my twins, bedtimes were (and sometimes still are) a real challenge. Getting two little ones to settle down and sleep at the same time was (and is) exhausting. We've tried various methods, from rocked sleep to crying it out, and nothing seemed to stick. Until one day, we found a storybook that captured their attention and became our bedtime savior! It's become a special routine that both my children look forward to, and it signals to them that sleepytime is near. Reading that book together has brought some peace into our evenings and created some sweet memories along the way.

What are your stories of success (or failure) with your multiples? I'd love to hear them!
Bedtime is a tricky beast to tame, especially when it comes to multiples! We've also struggled with getting our two to settle at night and often felt like we were navigating uncharted territory.

The biggest challenge for us was keeping them stimulated during bedtime so that they wouldn't keep each other (and us) awake. We tried a few different tactics before finding the right one: creating a little library of age-appropriate books kept them engaged and entertained. We'd take requests from their growing collection, which encouraged them to participate actively in the process. This helped settle them down and also developed into a cute little pre-bed routine that signaled it was time to wind down.

It's amazing how something so simple could make such a huge difference! Now, we don't have any issues getting them to bed, and it's become a lovely bonding moment for the whole family. It's a victory well worth celebrating!
That's a great solution you found! We also had our share of bedtime struggles and tried various tactics too. Having a library of books is an excellent way to keep them engaged and make it a fun routine rather than a battle. Congrats on finding your bedtime groove - it's such a wonderful feeling when things finally fall into place!
That's a great solution you found! We also had our share of bedtime struggles and tried various tactics too. Having a library of books is an excellent way to keep them engaged and make it a fun routine rather than a battle. Congrats on finding your bedtime groove - it's such a wonderful feeling when things finally fall into place!
Ya, I know! It’s the little things hey? That small victory gives me hope for the more challenging moments we're currently navigating with their growing curiosity and energy levels! (😅 Small wins!) Do you have any other challenges you're currently trying to tackle or have conquer as a parent of multiples? Would love to hear how others cope with similar situations.
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Small victories are so important to savour as they give us hope and faith in ourselves during more challenging moments! Some current challenges I'm trying to navigate: keeping up with their different personalities, interests, and temperaments - I feel like I'm constantly juggling three unique individuals with distinct needs. And with their growing mobility and curiosity come constant distractions and short attention spans!

It's a real challenge to keep them engaged in activities that are age-appropriate and stimulating without resorting to screen time. I find myself frequently adapting on the fly - distracting them with toys, games or snacks - anything to keep them occupied safely haha. And keeping the house semi-organised in the midst of all this! That's my current uphill battle. Would love to hear others' experiences and strategies for keeping up with the fast-changing demands of multiple children at this age!
Small victories are so important to savour as they give us hope and faith in ourselves during more challenging moments! Some current challenges I'm trying to navigate: keeping up with their different personalities, interests, and temperaments - I feel like I'm constantly juggling three unique individuals with distinct needs. And with their growing mobility and curiosity come constant distractions and short attention spans!

It's a real challenge to keep them engaged in activities that are age-appropriate and stimulating without resorting to screen time. I find myself frequently adapting on the fly - distracting them with toys, games or snacks - anything to keep them occupied safely haha. And keeping the house semi-organised in the midst of all this! That's my current uphill battle. Would love to hear others' experiences and strategies for keeping up with the fast-changing demands of multiple children at this age!
As the mother of twins, I can relate to the challenge you're facing, stargazer! It's like trying to navigate through a dense forest with two curious explorative kids who want different things and have distinct likes and dislikes.

My strategy isn't fool-proof, but rotating toys and activities seem to work somewhat. I have a collection of their lesser-played-with toys that I store away, and every few weeks, I swap them over so it feels like new things are 'reappearing'. It keeps them somewhat interested and excited, especially when they see 'old' toys again after some time. It gives the toys a longer shelf life before they outgrow them and also saves me from constantly buying new ones!

Keeping up with their personalities and interests is a never-ending journey - but an enjoyable one where we learn what makes our kids tick.
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Small victories are so important to savour as they give us hope and faith in ourselves during more challenging moments! Some current challenges I'm trying to navigate: keeping up with their different personalities, interests, and temperaments - I feel like I'm constantly juggling three unique individuals with distinct needs. And with their growing mobility and curiosity come constant distractions and short attention spans!

It's a real challenge to keep them engaged in activities that are age-appropriate and stimulating without resorting to screen time. I find myself frequently adapting on the fly - distracting them with toys, games or snacks - anything to keep them occupied safely haha. And keeping the house semi-organised in the midst of all this! That's my current uphill battle. Would love to hear others' experiences and strategies for keeping up with the fast-changing demands of multiple children at this age!
I totally relate to what you've shared! Dealing with multiple distinct personalities can be exhausting, especially when they each have different interests and needs. It almost feels like managing three part-time jobs! Managing their diverse personalities has definitely honed my juggling skills, but it's still a work in progress.

I find that giving them individual attention, though challenging, helps me understand them better and keeps their interests piqued without relying on screen time. Even short bursts of focused attention seem to work well, at least for my kids. Also, involving them in age-appropriate chores and activities helps keep them engaged and exhausted so that bedtime becomes easier!

As for keeping the house in order...well, let's just say I've become a master of creative mess containment! 😅 It never ends, but you're certainly not alone!
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Individual attention, even in short bursts, is such a great strategy! My twins also respond well to focused one-on-one time. I make sure to give them each their own special 'job' whenever we have a family chore session - it keeps them feeling involved and important, and the bonus is that it gets some work done around the house!

I love the phrase 'creative mess containment' - that's exactly what keeping a tidy home with multiples feels like! We're all in this together and learning as we go.
Short bursts of individual attention is a great way to make each twin feel seen and heard. I love the 'job' assignment during family chore time - that's a fun way to create bonding moments while getting things done.

The phrase creative mess containment definitely captures the juggling act of keeping a tidy home with multiples! We're all learning, and it's encouraging to hear strategies that work for others too.
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I'm so glad you brought up individual attention because it's such an important one, especially when there's limited adult attention to go around! Assigning specific 'jobs' during chore time is a brilliant way to achieve that and create those precious bonding moments at the same time - it's a win-win strategy.

The creative mess containment strategy definitely resonates, and it's encouraging to hear how others are navigating the multiple demands of multiples with creativity and humour! There's always light at the end of the tunnel (even if it sometimes feels like a very long tunnel!)
Individual attention is a challenge when multiples are involved, and I love the idea of assigning specific jobs for chores - it's a great way to bond with each child individually while also teaching responsibility.

And yes, creativity is definitely the name of the game when it comes to managing all the demands of parenting multiples! It can be overwhelming but finding those strategies that work for your family and seeing the humour in it all can help get us through!
Creative solutions are certainly a must, and it's wonderful to hear how you're managing the challenge of individual attention with designated chore jobs. It's true, finding those strategies that work for your family is key, and it sounds like you've found a great approach!

The bonding and responsibility lessons are wonderful bonuses too. And yes, laughter can help keep us going when things get crazy! What other strategies have you found helpful for managing the demands of raising multiples?
Creative scheduling has been a lifesaver for me. I colour-code activities and appointments, having a different colour for each child streamlined my mental track of who needs to be where and when. Mealtimes became easier with designated kid's meals - prepped and portioned ahead of time - ending the 'who gets what' negotiations. Also keeping older kids involved in meal prep and assigning clean-up duty helps them feel useful and takes some pressure off me.
Color-coding and designated kid meals are life savers! They make everything so much more manageable, especially when you're handling multiple kids' schedules. I hope it works out for you too!
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I'm so glad to hear it's encouraged you! It's amazing how helpful it is once everything has a place and an assigned time, things run much more smoothly when you're coordinated. Best of luck implementing it, it'll be worth it!
Thank you so much for your encouragement! Yes once everything is organized and purposeful, life gets a lot easier! Can't wait to get there and start enjoying the fruits of my labour.
You've got the right attitude! It certainly does get easier once you establish a routine and order - you're almost there! Enjoy the journey and the rewards ahead!
Routine is the key! Order will follow soon, and it gets easier as they grow up. Thanks for your kind words of encouragement!
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