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Prioritizing our self & mental health as moms


Feb 22, 2024
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Mothers find themselves in stressful situations due to the demands of parenting, which often leaves them feeling overwhelmed. The lack of time for themselves also results in exhaustion and a decline in mental health.
To keep themselves grounded, many mothers turn towards finding "me-time", exercise or retail therapy to recharge and feel refreshed. In addition, building strong support systems that they can rely on, as well as incorporating the children into their activities, creates opportunities for bonding and exposure to new experiences. Taking deep breaths and being mindful also brings a sense of peace in the middle of the chaos.

Some mothers find it hard to take time off parenting duties to focus on themselves due to guilt or other priorities. However, they understand that taking care of one's mental health is essential so they can give their best to their children and loved ones. Overall, taking small yet meaningful steps in self-care and creating special moments through various activities contribute positively towards mothers' overall well-being.

It's so easy to get caught up in our busy lives and put others' needs above our own. As mothers, this is especially true; we often prioritize our children's well-being, sometimes at the expense of our own mental health. What are some ways we can refocus our attention on ourselves without neglecting our parenting responsibilities? How do we find that delicate balance between tending to our own minds and bodies while also being present and available for our kids? What self-care practices have you found most beneficial in boosting your mood, energy and overall well-being?

Share your experiences, advice and any tips you've found helpful for prioritizing your mental health as a mom. Let's support one another in this often challenging, but incredibly important aspect of our lives!
True that! So easy to get sucked into the busy-ness of being a mom ah. Self-care is so important because if we're not doing good, how can we care for the little ones right?

Personally, I make sure I have my alone time every day - either to work out, meet a friend or just enjoy some quiet me-time like reading a book or taking a long bath. That way, I feel refreshed and more able to give my best when I'm with my kids again. Also got to keep up with healthy eating and enough sleep, otherwise, everything feels so much harder!

I think it's also essential to be mindful of our thoughts. We sometimes think we're doing okay, but really we're just surviving and letting the housework pile up . When I feel overwhelmed, I try to break down my tasks into smaller ones and focus on what's immediate and important first. Ticking things off a to-do list is a great feeling!

Another thing - and this works well for me especially when I'm feeling really frazzled - is to remember to ask for help. My mom helps out with the kids sometimes, or I'll get some takeaway meals so I don't have to cook every single night. Don't be afraid to ask your loved ones for support; most are usually happy to help!

It's a constant juggling act and balance to find, but definitely possible!
True that! So easy to get sucked into the busy-ness of being a mom ah. Self-care is so important because if we're not doing good, how can we care for the little ones right?

Personally, I make sure I have my alone time every day - either to work out, meet a friend or just enjoy some quiet me-time like reading a book or taking a long bath. That way, I feel refreshed and more able to give my best when I'm with my kids again. Also got to keep up with healthy eating and enough sleep, otherwise, everything feels so much harder!

I think it's also essential to be mindful of our thoughts. We sometimes think we're doing okay, but really we're just surviving and letting the housework pile up . When I feel overwhelmed, I try to break down my tasks into smaller ones and focus on what's immediate and important first. Ticking things off a to-do list is a great feeling!

Another thing - and this works well for me especially when I'm feeling really frazzled - is to remember to ask for help. My mom helps out with the kids sometimes, or I'll get some takeaway meals so I don't have to cook every single night. Don't be afraid to ask your loved ones for support; most are usually happy to help!

It's a constant juggling act and balance to find, but definitely possible!
Yeah, it's super important we take care of ourselves first before we can take care of others! I totally agree with you on the alone time - it helps me recharge and feel fresh to face the little ones again.

I survive on my to-do lists haha. It gives me a sense of achievement when I tick off the completed tasks and break down daunting chores into smaller, manageable portions. Asking for help is also a big one - we shouldn't be shy to accept some relief, be it in babysitting or some takeaway meals to cut down cooking time!

It's a tricky balance but a necessary one to juggle!
Yeah, it's super important we take care of ourselves first before we can take care of others! I totally agree with you on the alone time - it helps me recharge and feel fresh to face the little ones again.

I survive on my to-do lists haha. It gives me a sense of achievement when I tick off the completed tasks and break down daunting chores into smaller, manageable portions. Asking for help is also a big one - we shouldn't be shy to accept some relief, be it in babysitting or some takeaway meals to cut down cooking time!

It's a tricky balance but a necessary one to juggle!
True that! Agree totally!

The to-do list is a big help! I feel so chuffed when I can tick off the completed tasks. And ya, asking for help is a huge part - we shouldn't be shy to accept some help with the little ones or household chores. It's okay to have some me-time and recharge, feels like a fresh new person after that!

The juggle is real, but we've gotta do what we've gotta do!
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True that! Agree totally!

The to-do list is a big help! I feel so chuffed when I can tick off the completed tasks. And ya, asking for help is a huge part - we shouldn't be shy to accept some help with the little ones or household chores. It's okay to have some me-time and recharge, feels like a fresh new person after that!

The juggle is real, but we've gotta do what we've gotta do!
It's wonderful that you have found what works best for you. Little victories keep us going, don't they? Here's to many more successful mom days!
It's wonderful that you have found what works best for you. Little victories keep us going, don't they? Here's to many more successful mom days!
Absolutely! The little wins and the sense of achievement keep us moms going! 🎉
Absolutely! The little wins and the sense of achievement keep us moms going! 🎉
Yes! Keep embracing those special moments - it's these little triumphs that help remind us of our strength as moms, which is a great feeling! 👏🏼👍🏻
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Yes! Keep embracing those special moments - it's these little triumphs that help remind us of our strength as moms, which is a great feeling! 👏🏼👍🏻
We should always celebrate our strengths as moms because they come in different forms. Those little victories are the sweet cherries on top 😋!
We should always celebrate our strengths as moms because they come in different forms. Those little victories are the sweet cherries on top 😋!
True, so much of what makes parenting fulfilling comes in various forms - from finding ways to engage the kids actively while being stuck at home, to having peaceful mealtimes together! They're all accomplishments worth celebrating! 😎👏
True, so much of what makes parenting fulfilling comes in various forms - from finding ways to engage the kids actively while being stuck at home, to having peaceful mealtimes together! They're all accomplishments worth celebrating! 😎👏
It's the little things that make us smile and give ourselves a pat on the back - like getting the kids to eat their veggies! 😉
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It's the little things that make us smile and give ourselves a pat on the back - like getting the kids to eat their veggies! 😉
Somehow the challenges in parenting often outweigh the little wins, but we've got to cherish those too! I think many of us can relate to the triumph of getting our picky eaters to venture beyond chicken nuggets and fries! It's a small victory, but definitely one to celebrate! 😊🍾
Somehow the challenges in parenting often outweigh the little wins, but we've got to cherish those too! I think many of us can relate to the triumph of getting our picky eaters to venture beyond chicken nuggets and fries! It's a small victory, but definitely one to celebrate! 😊🍾
True, there's joy to be found in the small successes like introducing variety into their diets. We ought to savor these moments, they give us energy to navigate the tougher times!
I find having a solid support system helps alots. Having someone reliable to help look after the kids once in a while so we can take some time off really helps to re-energise and recharge. Also, making time for some me-time is crucial - like going for a quiet walk or catching up with your girl friends. Another thing that works for me is having small treats like getting manicures or trying a new hairdo just to feel good about myself.

Sometimes, when the going gets tough and we're at the end of our tether, it's totally fine to indulge in some retail therapy or a good old cry too. We are human after all! But remember, these are just temporary stress relief mechanisms and shouldn't be done excessively.

Most importantly, it's good to remind ourselves that we are not alone in this. Every mother goes through their own set of challenges and feelings of being overwhelmed. Talking about our problems helps - sharing our thoughts and concerns with our partners, family or friends can often lead to solutions we didn't think of and make us feel less alone.
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I find having a solid support system helps alots. Having someone reliable to help look after the kids once in a while so we can take some time off really helps to re-energise and recharge. Also, making time for some me-time is crucial - like going for a quiet walk or catching up with your girl friends. Another thing that works for me is having small treats like getting manicures or trying a new hairdo just to feel good about myself.

Sometimes, when the going gets tough and we're at the end of our tether, it's totally fine to indulge in some retail therapy or a good old cry too. We are human after all! But remember, these are just temporary stress relief mechanisms and shouldn't be done excessively.

Most importantly, it's good to remind ourselves that we are not alone in this. Every mother goes through their own set of challenges and feelings of being overwhelmed. Talking about our problems helps - sharing our thoughts and concerns with our partners, family or friends can often lead to solutions we didn't think of and make us feel less alone.
True that! A support system's a big help - having someone to lean on so we don't feel so weighed down is comforting. Me-time's important too - do enjoy those quiet walks, they're refreshing especially when you get some peace and quiet.

Retail therapy can be fun but gotta watch the $$$. Talking helps loads - sometimes sharing our problems makes them seem smaller! We're not alone in this parenting journey so might as well reach out and keep things in perspective!
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As a mum myself, it's real easy to forget about ourselves when we're so caught up with taking care of the little ones. But if we don't take care of our own mental health, we might not be at our best in caring for them either.

For me, I make it a point to have some "me time" every week, even if it's just an hour or two. I find time to exercise, meet a friend for coffee, or do something I enjoy like painting or reading. Having that bit of personal space helps me de-stress and feel refreshed when I'm back at mom duties.

Also, I try to involve my kids in some of my hobbies. Like bringing them along for a nature walk or having a dance session together - it's a great way to bond and show them the things I love. We create special memories this way, and it helps keep me sane too!

What about you guys? How do you recharge and keep yourselves grounded as moms? Any simple hacks to share?
Being a mom is like being on a rollercoaster - exciting and fulfilling but also exhausting. Taking care of our mental health is super important, otherwise we'll burn out.

Finding 'me time' can be tough cause there's so much going on, but I make sure to carve out some space for the things that make me happy - catching up with friends, doing some gardening , and treating myself to a nice long bubble bath sometimes! Also can't forget exercise - walking or yoga helps clear my head and boosts energy levels.

I think it's also about making the most of little moments. Taking a few deep breaths and being mindful when I'm out in nature, or just taking 10 mins to close my eyes and zone out when the kids are napping. And of course, it helps to have some mom friends to chat with - venting and hearing other perspecitives makes me feel less alone!

We juggle so many things as moms, but keeping our sanity is priority number one!
For sure, our mental health is so impt! I think one thing that helps me is to remember that I'm no good to anyone - my kids, hubby, friends, if I'm not okay. So taking that me-time and doing the things that help me stay sane - like meeting up with friends , exercising or just having some quiet alone time - is actually an investment in everyone's happiness, including the little ones!

It also helps to remember that 'selfish' isn't always a bad thing. We need to put ourselves first sometimes; our loved ones will understand and benefit from us being at our best.
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As a mum, "me time" is super impt. Agree that sometimes all we need is just a couple hours to recharge and feel refreshed. Can also think of bringing the little ones along for some of our own activities - like going on nature walks or having dance-offs at home. They will enjoy the special attention and it's a great way to expose them to different experiences!


For me lah, it's all about finding little ways to keep up with my own interests and passions. I love reading, so I make sure to set aside time each day to read a few pages of a good book, even if it's just 15 minutes! Also try to go for long walks when the husband is home, to get some exercise and clear my head.

I think it's really about acknowledging that we need to take care of ourselves first before we can take care of others. My mood definitely affects my parenting, so if I'm feeling good, then everyone benefits! Also make sure to check in with your friends regularly - especially the ones who live alone or seem a bit more isolated. A quick phone call or message can go a long way and remind you that you're not alone!

It's easy to forget, but taking time to relax and do nothing is also important! We're always so caught up with being productive, but sometimes just chilling does wonders for the soul.


Yeah true ah. So hard to juggle being a mom and also take care of ourselves mentally. Can feel so draining leh.

For me, I find exercise helps -- get those happy hormones flowing. Also, trying out new things - recently started painting as a hobby and it's quite therapeutic.

Got to also make sure to carve out some me-time, which is super important. Although tough with the kids around, got to find ways to keep them entertained or occupied so I can have some quiet time. Me-time is essential to recharge and refocus. Cannot let the candle burn out, right?
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