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Pregnancy journey


Mar 12, 2024
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This is the beginning of my pregnancy journal!

I am currently 8 weeks along, due in September! I'm nervous and excited at the same time. Today was my first appointment with the OB and got to hear the heartbeat - it was absolutely magical!! I've had mild symptoms so far - mostly just fatigue and sore breasts, which I'm grateful for compared to some of the tougher symptoms others have. I did have a miscarriage last year which makes me anxious but trying to stay positive and enjoy this pregnancy as much as I can.

How about you? Any due dates or exciting moments you'd like to share? This first stage is such a rollercoaster!
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That's wonderful news! It's amazing how hearing that first heartbeat can make all the anxiety and stress melt away, even if just for a moment. September is just around the corner, so you're in for a wild ride!

It's completely understandable to feel anxious after your previous miscarriage - I hope this journey ends with a healthy arrival, and you have a boring, uneventful pregnancy from here on out! Keep us posted on your milestones and any cute bump pics!
Thank you so much for your kind words and well wishes! Hearing that first heartbeat was incredibly special and definitely eased some of my worries, although I can't help but stay a little cautious this time around after what happened last year.

I appreciate your good wishes for a smooth and uneventful journey ahead - September seems like such a long way off but I'm sure it'll fly by! I'll definitely keep you posted on the milestones (and bump pics!) as we progress.
You've got a thoughtful and realistic outlook, which is a great balance. The first tri can be such a nerve wracking time; I remember counting down the days until the second trimester - and of course, the wait for each milestone seemed endless! But you're right, before we know it September will be here. Enjoy the ride, and keep us posted on your milestones - looking forward to hearing more and seeing those bump pics!
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Thank you! Yes, the countdown is definitely on and I'm trying very hard not to wish my life away haha. I'll definitely keep updating and sharing the journey - this group has given me so much hope and preparation for what's ahead! Not long now until September and the start of the second tri!
Thank you! Yes, the countdown is definitely on and I'm trying very hard not to wish my life away haha. I'll definitely keep updating and sharing the journey - this group has given me so much hope and preparation for what's ahead! Not long now until September and the start of the second tri!
Time really does fly, before you know it, you're entering the home stretch! Enjoy the little moments and milestones along this journey, they are truly special.
Thank you! Yes, the countdown is definitely on and I'm trying very hard not to wish my life away haha. I'll definitely keep updating and sharing the journey - this group has given me so much hope and preparation for what's ahead! Not long now until September and the start of the second tri!
Enjoy every moment and experience of your pregnancy. The anticipation of meeting your little one is exhilarating! Before you know it, that bundle of joy will be here, and your lives will change in ways you never imagined, but you'll cherish every second (well, almost every second - haha!). Keep us posted!
Enjoy every moment and experience of your pregnancy. The anticipation of meeting your little one is exhilarating! Before you know it, that bundle of joy will be here, and your lives will change in ways you never imagined, but you'll cherish every second (well, almost every second - haha!). Keep us posted!
It does all end up being worth it in the end, even when the journey has its tough moments.
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It does all end up being worth it in the end, even when the journey has its tough moments.
the journey is full of ups and downs, but the result makes it so worthwhile! You're right; I should cherish these moments and not rush through them too quickly - it's such a unique time in life, and one that flies by despite the exhausting days! I appreciate your reminder to enjoy this special period.
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the journey is full of ups and downs, but the result makes it so worthwhile! You're right; I should cherish these moments and not rush through them too quickly - it's such a unique time in life, and one that flies by despite the exhausting days! I appreciate your reminder to enjoy this special period.
It's a blur really. One day you're nauseous with morning sickness and the next you're enormous beyond belief, counting down the days to meet your little one. Cherish it while you can; they grow up so fast! You'll have your hands full in no time.
You're absolutely right; it really does fly by! I'm due in a few weeks and am trying to enjoy these last stages and prepare for the arrival of our little one. It's such an exciting time! I'm curious - what were some of your most memorable moments from your pregnancy journey?
The kicks and jabs - there's something so amazing about feeling those little flutters and then eventually the full-on kicks. It's such a unique experience and it always brought a smile to my face.

Also, the first time my partner felt our baby kick was special. We'd been waiting for that moment, and it was so cute seeing him excitedly place his hand on my belly, waiting patiently for another kick.
The ultra sounds were pretty magical too - seeing all those tiny features and watching those little wriggles.

I also loved how people would be so much more friendly and helpful once they knew I was pregnant. I'm sure some of it was hormones making me extra sensitive, but it felt like a nice little bubble to exist in where everyone was so kind!

Enjoy these last few weeks. It's such an incredible time!
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The kicks and jabs - there's something so amazing about feeling those little flutters and then eventually the full-on kicks. It's such a unique experience and it always brought a smile to my face.

Also, the first time my partner felt our baby kick was special. We'd been waiting for that moment, and it was so cute seeing him excitedly place his hand on my belly, waiting patiently for another kick.
The ultra sounds were pretty magical too - seeing all those tiny features and watching those little wriggles.

I also loved how people would be so much more friendly and helpful once they knew I was pregnant. I'm sure some of it was hormones making me extra sensitive, but it felt like a nice little bubble to exist in where everyone was so kind!

Enjoy these last few weeks. It's such an incredible time!
All expectant mothers ought to cherish every moment of their pregnancy; it flies by in a blur! The excitement you feel is understandable, and I remember the curiosity and anticipation during my own pregnancies too.

For me, some memorable moments were quite mundane but special nonetheless. I liked going through the motion of preparing the baby's things - packing hospital bags, setting up the nursery, and picking out adorable outfits. It made everything so real. Each time was such a unique and exciting experience, especially selecting adorable mini clothes - tiny shoes and itty bitty hats were too cute!

Another memory that stands out was when my boys would kick - sometimes hard enough to surprise me! But I loved the wonder on people's faces when they'd see my bump moving; it made it all so much more real for them too. And of course, hearing those first cries after hours (or days!) of labour was the most amazing sound - an incredible adrenaline rush, like nothing else.

It's such a wonderful ride; enjoy every bit of it!
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Thank you so much for this; it's lovely to hear about your experiences and recommendations! I'm sure many mundane yet special moments await me, and I can't wait to experience them all - the preparation and planning is so exciting!

I've been daydreaming of decorating the nursery and packing my hospital bag, making sure everything is perfect for the little one's arrival. Your reminder to cherish these moments is much appreciated; I definitely want to appreciate every kick and wonderment as best I can! It's an incredible journey and your words have added a lovely perspective to it all - thank you again!
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Thank you so much for this; it's lovely to hear about your experiences and recommendations! I'm sure many mundane yet special moments await me, and I can't wait to experience them all - the preparation and planning is so exciting!

I've been daydreaming of decorating the nursery and packing my hospital bag, making sure everything is perfect for the little one's arrival. Your reminder to cherish these moments is much appreciated; I definitely want to appreciate every kick and wonderment as best I can! It's an incredible journey and your words have added a lovely perspective to it all - thank you again!
I'm pleased my words could add some value to your journey. Enjoy the thrill of preparing for your new addition - there's nothing quite like the anticipation of meeting your little one! It truly is an incredible adventure; take it all in, mamma!
You're so right - I'm soaking up every second and can't wait to meet our little one! It's an amazing experience and I'm loving seeing my body change as baby grows. Can't believe there'll be a tiny human at the end of it all 😍
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Enjoy every moment - it’s such an incredible adventure and your body is doing an amazing job! It’s mind blowing what our bodies can do - growing these tiny humans!! The wonder of it all...it blows my mind! You look radiant and so happy, enjoy every second, it goes by in a blur!! Can’t wait to see your wonderful announcement when the little one arrives xxxxx
Thank you so much! It's truly an amazing experience and I'm trying my best to cherish every moment - the kicks, the movements and all the little wonders along the way as my body prepares for this tiny human's arrival. It's a wonderful journey Can't wait for the big day, but also enjoying the process and this lovely bump of mine xxx
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Thank you so much! It's truly an amazing experience and I'm trying my best to cherish every moment - the kicks, the movements and all the little wonders along the way as my body prepares for this tiny human's arrival. It's a wonderful journey Can't wait for the big day, but also enjoying the process and this lovely bump of mine xxx
All the best for your delivery! May everything go smoothly as you welcome your new tiny human!
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Thanks so much! Can't wait to meet our little one, hope it all goes well!
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