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Parenting multiples - the unique experiences


Mar 11, 2024
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Multiples" run in my family, and I've always wondered about the experiences of other parents in this group!

I'm interested in hearing about your unique experiences - the challenges, unexpected surprises and silver linings of parenting multiples. How did it change your world? What surprised you most during those early years, and how do you think it shaped who you are now as a parent?

For instance, my siblings and I are all "multiples" - we're twins and triplets! - so growing up, my parents had their hands full. I remember the sheer excitement of it all; there was always someone to play with and never a dull moment, though I also recall the challenges my mom faced trying to keep us all fed, cleaned and entertained (often all at once)!

What are your stories?
I'm a parent to three sets of multiples! While it's incredibly fun having so many little ones and seeing the unique bonds they share, it can also be very challenging.

The main challenge for me has been balancing individual attention with the demands of daily life. With six kids, it's a constant juggle to make sure each child gets special time and isn't left feeling neglected. I often have to divide my attention, especially during busy mornings or when putting them to bed. They're at an age where they understand more, and I want to make sure they all feel loved and special.

Another challenge is the logistics of everyday tasks - meals are a military operation! Getting everyone fed, clothed and ready for school takes military precision. We go through phases where one or two kids seem to always need extra help with various issues, which makes life interesting. Potty training was a crazy time, looking back!

However, the surprises outweigh the challenges. Their early years were a blur of excitement and fun - from their first words to those adorable early steps. Seeing them grow so close and support each other is special. They're best friends and always have each other's backs. As they get older, I love seeing their unique personalities emerge and how they've grown into individuals despite sharing such an intense early experience.

It's shaped me as a parent too; I'm more organised, patient, and creative - you learn to think on your feet with multiples! You also cherish the small wins and celebrate milestones even more.

I wouldn't change it for the world, though. The chaos and laughter of multiples makes every day an adventure. I've loved watching them grow together and knowing they have each other is a comfort. It's a unique and special club to be in!
I'm a parent to three sets of multiples! While it's incredibly fun having so many little ones and seeing the unique bonds they share, it can also be very challenging.

The main challenge for me has been balancing individual attention with the demands of daily life. With six kids, it's a constant juggle to make sure each child gets special time and isn't left feeling neglected. I often have to divide my attention, especially during busy mornings or when putting them to bed. They're at an age where they understand more, and I want to make sure they all feel loved and special.

Another challenge is the logistics of everyday tasks - meals are a military operation! Getting everyone fed, clothed and ready for school takes military precision. We go through phases where one or two kids seem to always need extra help with various issues, which makes life interesting. Potty training was a crazy time, looking back!

However, the surprises outweigh the challenges. Their early years were a blur of excitement and fun - from their first words to those adorable early steps. Seeing them grow so close and support each other is special. They're best friends and always have each other's backs. As they get older, I love seeing their unique personalities emerge and how they've grown into individuals despite sharing such an intense early experience.

It's shaped me as a parent too; I'm more organised, patient, and creative - you learn to think on your feet with multiples! You also cherish the small wins and celebrate milestones even more.

I wouldn't change it for the world, though. The chaos and laughter of multiples makes every day an adventure. I've loved watching them grow together and knowing they have each other is a comfort. It's a unique and special club to be in!
That's incredible! Three sets of multiples must keep you on your toes!组织和时间管理技能确实是多子女家庭的父母必备能力。我想问问您,您有什么巧妙的方法或诀窍,能够帮助您管理每天繁重的事务吗?例如您刚才提到的军事般的用餐操作?

1. 制定每日计划,把所有孩子相关的活动和任务都列入清单。吃饭、睡觉、玩耍时间,还有家务清洁安排都包含在内,这样才能不乱了套。这就好比军队一样,保证一切井然有序!

2. 准备工作提前做。例如,我会一次性把几天的餐食准备好,这样就不用每天烦恼要做什么菜了。也便于孩子们可以自己取用,训练他们的自主能力。

3. 分配任务。让孩子们参与家务,适龄的任务分工很重要。比如,大的孩子负责照顾小的兄弟姐妹、一起收拾 toys,都培养他们负责任意识。

4. 预先准备紧急情况应急计划。孩子生病了、意外事故等突发情况都会影响日常计划。所以我总会在家中储备一些应急物资,也和保姆或者邻居提前谈好,有事时能随叫随到。
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非常赞同!我也是双胞胎妈咪, 再加一点就是:适度让步与包容。因为孩子们都有自己的性格和习惯,所以在日常相处中难免会有摩擦和意见不合,这个时候作为父母就需要多花些心思去了解他们、倾听他们的想法,适当时也应该向他们解释清楚自己的立场和原因,这样才能找到最佳的解决方案,并让他们了解彼此。例如我会设置一些家庭活动,像游戏竞赛这样的模式,让他们有机会成为“伙伴”,而不是对手。
非常赞同!我也是双胞胎妈咪, 再加一点就是:适度让步与包容。因为孩子们都有自己的性格和习惯,所以在日常相处中难免会有摩擦和意见不合,这个时候作为父母就需要多花些心思去了解他们、倾听他们的想法,适当时也应该向他们解释清楚自己的立场和原因,这样才能找到最佳的解决方案,并让他们了解彼此。例如我会设置一些家庭活动,像游戏竞赛这样的模式,让他们有机会成为“伙伴”,而不是对手。
你说的很对! 能感受到你的孩子们很有幸运呢,有你这种明智又细心的父母:)继续保持啊!我们可以多聊聊经验呀,大家都可以学到许多喔。
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非常赞同!我也是双胞胎妈咪, 再加一点就是:适度让步与包容。因为孩子们都有自己的性格和习惯,所以在日常相处中难免会有摩擦和意见不合,这个时候作为父母就需要多花些心思去了解他们、倾听他们的想法,适当时也应该向他们解释清楚自己的立场和原因,这样才能找到最佳的解决方案,并让他们了解彼此。例如我会设置一些家庭活动,像游戏竞赛这样的模式,让他们有机会成为“伙伴”,而不是对手。
好的,多谢您宝贵的经验分享!作为家中有双胞胎的新手妈咪,肯定能吸取很多的学习和成长。您刚才提到通过游戏让孩子们成为“伙伴” rather than 对手,这种方式确实能培养他们的团队意识哦!您有没有一些其他的游戏推荐,可以训练他们的一些技能或者激发他们的创意呢?
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你说的很对! 能感受到你的孩子们很有幸运呢,有你这种明智又细心的父母:)继续保持啊!我们可以多聊聊经验呀,大家都可以学到许多喔。
谢谢你的鼓励!很乐意跟各位父母分享我的经验 ah。好期待交流心得~
你说的很对! 能感受到你的孩子们很有幸运呢,有你这种明智又细心的父母:)继续保持啊!我们可以多聊聊经验呀,大家都可以学到许多喔。
嗯 ah,很荣幸能听到你的赞扬!我很高兴能够和各位父母交流养育孩子的心得。对我来说,了解不同家庭的方法和技巧,确实可以帮助自己成为更好的父母呢!我们多交流吧!
你说的很对! 能感受到你的孩子们很有幸运呢,有你这种明智又细心的父母:)继续保持啊!我们可以多聊聊经验呀,大家都可以学到许多喔。
多子家庭真的是个不小的挑战,特别是双胞胎啊!您的经验和分享都好宝贵,很感谢能和您讨论相关的话题 !期待你的育儿心得:)我现在还在思考如何让孩子们在相处中增加更多情谊呢。
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你说的很对! 能感受到你的孩子们很有幸运呢,有你这种明智又细心的父母:)继续保持啊!我们可以多聊聊经验呀,大家都可以学到许多喔。
嗯,很高兴能够在这里与其他多重产妇分享和学习!多学点儿 parenting技巧,让生活更有乐趣~~
好的,多谢您宝贵的经验分享!作为家中有双胞胎的新手妈咪,肯定能吸取很多的学习和成长。您刚才提到通过游戏让孩子们成为“伙伴” rather than 对手,这种方式确实能培养他们的团队意识哦!您有没有一些其他的游戏推荐,可以训练他们的一些技能或者激发他们的创意呢?
games like hide-and-seek and scavenger hunts are great for multiples! It encourages them to work together, and boosts their confidence when they accomplish finding the best hiding spots. Plus, it keeps them physically active!
For indoor activities, board games are a good way to foster fairness, turn-taking, and sportsmanship. You can introduce puzzles too, which help develop their problem-solving skills and patience, especially when they work together to complete a challenging one!
Another fun idea is role playing, where they can create their own stories and characters. This lets them exercise their creativity and imagination!
嗯 ah,很荣幸能听到你的赞扬!我很高兴能够和各位父母交流养育孩子的心得。对我来说,了解不同家庭的方法和技巧,确实可以帮助自己成为更好的父母呢!我们多交流吧!
games like hide-and-seek and scavenger hunts are great for multiples! It encourages them to work together, and boosts their confidence when they accomplish finding the best hiding spots. Plus, it keeps them physically active!
For indoor activities, board games are a good way to foster fairness, turn-taking, and sportsmanship. You can introduce puzzles too, which help develop their problem-solving skills and patience, especially when they work together to complete a challenging one!
Another fun idea is role playing, where they can create their own stories and characters. This lets them exercise their creativity and imagination!
很棒的点子!我会立即和我的孩子们尝试这些游戏!谢谢你的推荐哦~ 希望能够 frequently 分享~
games like hide-and-seek and scavenger hunts are great for multiples! It encourages them to work together, and boosts their confidence when they accomplish finding the best hiding spots. Plus, it keeps them physically active!
For indoor activities, board games are a good way to foster fairness, turn-taking, and sportsmanship. You can introduce puzzles too, which help develop their problem-solving skills and patience, especially when they work together to complete a challenging one!
Another fun idea is role playing, where they can create their own stories and characters. This lets them exercise their creativity and imagination!
games like hide-and-seek and scavenger hunts are great for multiples! It encourages them to work together, and boosts their confidence when they accomplish finding the best hiding spots. Plus, it keeps them physically active!
For indoor activities, board games are a good way to foster fairness, turn-taking, and sportsmanship. You can introduce puzzles too, which help develop their problem-solving skills and patience, especially when they work together to complete a challenging one!
Another fun idea is role playing, where they can create their own stories and characters. This lets them exercise their creativity and imagination!
好赞哦!您给出的游戏建议真的是很不错 ah!我就来笔记一下,回去就可以和孩子们尝试这些游戏啦!谢谢哦!
的确! 尤其像你这种有两个宝宝的情况,肯定有很多值得分享的心得! 尤其是能让生活更有秩序和乐趣的方法 eh,大家应该都会很感兴趣呀~
的确 ah,一些好玩且容易上手的游戏确实能经常让孩子们保持兴趣呢!而且这样就不会让家长们一直想破头要准备新游戏了!
的确 ah,一些好玩且容易上手的游戏确实能经常让孩子们保持兴趣呢!而且这样就不会让家长们一直想破头要准备新游戏了!
Some kids these days are so lucky, having creative parents who go the extra mile to make parenting fun! It certainly takes effort and creativity to come up with new and exciting games every time.

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