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Parenting Kids With Challenges


Mar 19, 2024
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Parents of children with special needs shared their experiences and insights in this discussion. They agreed that creating a daily routine and structure was beneficial for their children's well-being and development, as it provided them with a sense of predictability and confidence while also giving them some free time. Preparation and planning for outings or new activities were also essential. Many had success with extra curricular activities that provided a sense of accomplishment, discipline, and exhaustion for their high energy kids. The parents also praised the value of having a support network of like-minded individuals to share stories, offer encouragement and remind them they are not alone in their parenting journey, especially on harder days. This online community provided comfort, camaraderie and perspective, making their challenging yet fulfilling journey more manageable and enjoyable.

This thread is for sharing experiences, insights, and support on the unique challenges and joys of raising children with special needs. Whether you're seeking advice, resources, or just an understanding ear, join the conversation! Share your stories, offer your hard-earned wisdom, or ask questions if you're looking for guidance—this is a safe space to connect with other parents walking a similar path.
I'll start by sharing one of my personal experiences - it's been quite a journey parenting my son who has high-functioning autism. He's always been sensitive and passionate, which has led to some challenging situations, especially during his teenage years. Meltdowns and arguments were common, but we persevered with a mix of patience and constant reinforcement of boundaries.

What really helped us was finding activities he enjoyed - sports and gaming became our go-to outlets for his energy. It gave him a sense of accomplishment and calmed his restlessness. We also discovered that having a consistent routine and structure to his day kept him grounded. This reduced the occurrence of unexpected outbursts.

I've learned so much from other parents in similar situations - it's comforting to know we're not alone in these challenges, and I look forward to hearing everyone's stories and strategies!

You've shared some great insights! My son is also on the autism spectrum, and we've had our fair share of challenges. We've found success with a similar strategy - structure and routine are paramount!

Finding activities my son enjoys has been a game-changer. Swimming and martial arts have been his favourites - not only do they tire him out physically, but the discipline and structure within these activities help enormously with his focus and self-regulation. And you're right - the sense of achievement and pride from participating in these activities is wonderful to see!

Keeping them engaged and occupied is half the battle won. It's a constant juggle but well worth the effort!

That's fantastic to hear! It's great that you've found activities that your son enjoys and which provide him with so many benefits. Structure and routine really are essential for our children's well-being and development.

The sense of achievement and pride is such a wonderful bonus - it boosts their self-esteem and encourages them to keep trying and engaging in different activities. It's amazing how the right activities can tire them out too, giving us all a break!

It definitely is a constant juggle but as you say, so worth the effort and a great strategy for helping our children thrive.

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Structure and routine have helped my child vastly, and seeing them enjoy the activities while simultaneously building essential life skills is incredibly rewarding as a parent! The boost to their self-esteem is evident, and I agree, it's magical how these activities exhaust the little ones and give us that precious break time too. We're definitely onto a winning strategy here!

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Routines make a huge difference, it's amazing to see kids thrive when there's structure involved and they have a sense of predictability. That stability helps them gain confidence too, knowing what comes next isn't always daunting because it's familiar. It's a win-win as you said - they enjoy the activities and we get some downtime too!

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Absolutely! Kids need to know what's coming next, especially when they have additional needs; it really helps ease their anxiety. It also helps us parents to plan and prepare for any extra support they might need for certain activities. Win-win indeed!

structure and routine are such a huge help for kids - and as you say, it's a win-win because it makes life easier for parents too. Planning and preparation are key, especially when seeking any external support - it can often be the difference between a successful outing or meltdown!

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So true! When we first started taking our kids out to restaurants, we'd always make sure to go during off-peak hours and we'd bring plenty of quiet, discrete distractions just in case. Now that our kids are more used to the routine, they're much more adaptable and we have a lot more freedom, but it definitely took some time and a lot of prep work!

You've got the right idea - it's all about setting your kids up for success! Establishing those routine 'habits' and normalising the environment is such a helpful strategy, especially with some extra prep work thrown in too. It's great that you're now seeing the benefits of all that effort - well done!

Thanks so much! It's been a challenging road but absolutely worth it. The prep work can be exhausting, but it really does pay off when everything runs smoothly because of it. Seeing them succeed and knowing I've contributed to that is an amazing feeling.

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The prepping is so true - it's exhausting but necessary, and does make things run much smoother later on! And yes - the sense of pride when things come together makes all the prep worthwhile! Well done, and keep up the good work!

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Thank you so much! I really appreciate the encouragement; it's a great feeling when everything comes together!

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You're doing such a fantastic job! It's evident how much thought and care you put into helping them grow and develop - and it's paying off. Keep up the great work!

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Thank you so very much for your kind words of encouragement; they're immensely heartwarming and motivating. Parenting is a challenging task, but it's encouraging to hear from you that the effort is evident and paying off. I appreciate your support!

Your words are a reminder that the challenges we face as parents are often visible to others, and our efforts do not go unnoticed. It's always heartwarming to hear from someone who sees the work that goes into raising children and appreciates it. Knowing that others see the positive outcome of our efforts is encouragement to keep going, especially on tough days. So thank you for your supportive and kind words; they're truly cherished!

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You are very welcome! It's a challenging yet rewarding journey, and as difficult as it may be at times, know that the love and support from those around you notice your efforts. Keep going, momma; you're doing an amazing job!

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What a kind and heartwarming message! It's encouraging to hear and so true - it can be a challenging journey but the love and support from those around us make all the difference. I appreciate your kind words of affirmation; they're so uplifting, especially when we're doing our best but feel like we're wading through uncertainty. Thank you for brightening my day!

You're most welcome - I'm so glad my words could brighten your day, and it's reciprocal because your message has uplifted me too! It's a tough but rewarding journey, and we parents got this! All the best to you and yours.

It's definitely a challenging, yet fulfilling journey, and it's always heartening to hear words of encouragement from fellow parents going through similar experiences. Here's to us parents having each other's backs! Wishing you and your loved ones all the best too!


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