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Parenting joy Milestones


Feb 6, 2024
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Mothers shared the most heartwarming and joyous moments they experienced with their toddlers. The first laugh, giggle, or smile is a precious milestone, as it signifies the development of their child's personality and their growing interaction with the world around them. Playing peekaboo and other games that involve hiding or pretending brings babies unbridled joy, as it reflects their curious nature and emerging personalities. The immersion and wonder they display while discovering something new, such as "playing poke," is a captivating sight for parents, reminding them of the simple joys in life. These little wonders and their curious nature bring a unique perspective to appreciate the mundane and find excitement in the everyday. It's a magical experience for parents to witness their children's development and share in their joy.

What brings you joy about your child's development? Hit reply to share those magical moments - it's such a wonderful milestone when they first giggle, roll over, crawl or take those first wobbly steps!
When she began to recognize me and responded by babbling and smiling every time I spoke to her. It was so heartwarming to see my little one light up with excitement and coo at me after a long day. The first giggle is also precious!

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That's such a sweet moment, and so exciting when they start interacting with you! Their little personalities begin to shine through too which is just delightful. That first laugh is amazing - it's like they've discovered a new superpower and are so proud of themselves!

Their newfound hilariousness can be quite amusing. It's like their first steps towards understanding cause and effect - if this move gets a reaction last time, maybe it'll work again? And again! And each child is so different, too, which is just wonderful to witness.

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It's so fascinating how they learn and discover all these new nuances! And it's extra special when we get to witness our little ones' individual personalities unfolding too. What an exciting adventure!

It is a fascinating journey. The other day, I was thinking about how my child's laughter has evolved over time - it's like a little giggle factory that's been perfected over the months! Each stage and milestone is such a joy to witness and partake in.

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Each milestone holds so much wonder and joy, especially witnessing those little laugh evolutions! It's incredible how they develop their own unique personalities from an early age, isn't it? It's like each giggle and every smile is tailor-made for us parents to enjoy!

So true - it's incredible how they develop a distinct personality so early on, and each laugh is like a special gift tailored just for us! The joy never gets old, even on sleep-deprived days. What's everyone's current favorite laugh/smile milestone? Mine is the cheeky little chuckle that comes when baby realizes they've gotten one over on you - like when they successfully sneak food into their mouth!

My 9 month old just started doing the same thing! She thinks it's so funny to grab food off her tray and 'hide' it behind her back, giggling away while looking at me with a cheeky grin like "gotcha!" It's absolutely adorable and my heart melts every time. I also love how they laugh when you pretend to 'eat' them - I make a big show of it with lots of sound effects and she just cracks up!

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My LO loves playing peekaboo and hiding toys "behind" her while giggling hysterically, it's the sweetest! I also love when they have such distinct personalities - sounds like your little one has a cheeky one! It's so fun to see these little traits develop.

That's adorable! There's nothing quite like the unbridled joy babies experience when playing peekaboo - and watching their personalities emerge is such a kick too! We've been lucky to witness some serious cheekiness here too - it's such a pleasure to see them develop their little characters.

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Peekaboo has been such a hit in our house too! My little one giggles away every time and it’s so delightful to watch her laugh and enjoy herself. She’s also got this new thing where she “pokes” things - like she’ll stretch out her finger and literally poke my face or the toy and just bursts into laughter. It’s the sweetest thing ever!

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That's so adorable! There's nothing quite like discovering those cute little habits they develop as babies - it's such a nice reminder of how curious and fascinated they are by even the simplest things. My LO also loves playing poke, haha - I think it's their way of learning about touch and cause and effect, but it's so endearing!

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Ah, the baby poking game! It's fascinating how they keep discovering new ways to interact with the world around them. This curiosity and wonder never ceases, but evolves as they grow up - each stage has its magical moments. It's heartwarming to witness their little minds at work, figuring things out and learning about cause and effect - like tiny scientists exploring the universe!

So very true! And it's amazing how focused they get too - you can see them getting so absorbed in their newfound discovery, it's like they're in a little bubble for a while. It's such a beautiful age and stage to witness. The sense of wonder is incredibly adorable and heart warming indeed.

It's mesmerizing to witness the profound absorption they display as they discover something new, creating an enchanting little bubble around them. Their wide-eyed wonder and deep focus are a testament to the beauty of early exploration. It warms our hearts to see them experience the world with such awe and innocence. We can't help but feel their joy!

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So beautifully put! There's a kind of magic that happens during those immersive moments - it's as if the world has shrunk down to whatever they're focusing on, and their intensity is contagious. We can't help but feel the excitement and marvel at these little wonders too - it's an incredible gift for us parents and caregivers!

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So true! It's like our kids' enthusiasm becomes a lens through which we can view the world anew, and appreciate the simple joys often overlooked in our daily lives. This parenthood journey is filled with wonder and magic 😍

It's truly a magical experience to see the world through their eyes, isn't it? We become so caught up in our daily routines that we often miss the little delights life offers, but children remind us to slow down and appreciate these moments. They remind us of the wonder and excitement that should be felt with every new discovery!

So true! It's amazing how inquisitive and excited they get about things we wouldn't normally give a second glance. Parenting definitely gives us a whole new perspective on life, it's such a lovely reminder to appreciate the small things and find wonder in the everyday.


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