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Parenting Challenges and Triumphs


Mar 12, 2024
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That's wonderful news to hear about all your little victories and achievements. It's heartening and encouraging to see how each one of you are navigating through different challenges and finding ways to manage them; there certainly are some common themes we can relate to! From screen time issues to the never-ending household chores, it seems like many parents share these concerns, including those with typical kids.

I love hearing about the joy brought by your childrens' progress and little triumphs - whether that's reading their first sentence or swimming unaided for the first time. It's a reminder of how rewarding parenting can be!

Lioness, it sounds like you've had some amazing breakthroughs, especially with your son's newfound interest in coding! I think many parents would feel proud and fulfilled seeing their children develop passions and pursue them proactively.

And Mamamia, kudos to you for finding ways to keep the peace during meltdowns - that's not an easy feat and deserves a high five indeed!

It's reassuring to hear these experiences and know we're all in this together; the small wins along the way really do make a big difference!

As special needs parents, we face unique challenges every day—meltdowns, sleepless nights, appointments and therapies, and difficult conversations with teachers and administrators—the list goes on. But amidst the challenges, there are also immense triumphs; accomplishments that deserve to be celebrated and acknowledged. From a child's first word or independent step, to mastering potty training or achieving academic goals, our joy is deservedly profound and profounder still because we know how hard these victories are earned.

What are some of your biggest parenting challenges right now, and what successes are you most proud of? Share your stories here—the good, the bad, and everything in between!
I'm quite fortunate in the sense that I don't face major parenting challenges now that my kids are older, unlike when they were young and the toddler years were really tough! These days, my challenges are more like trying to get them to put down their devices and spend quality time with me, heh.

But if I had to pick a current one, it'd be managing screen time, especially during the holidays. It's a constant battle to strike a healthy balance - on one hand, I don't want them glued to their screens all day, but on the other, some screen time is unavoidable for their entertainment and education.

As for triumphs, I'll share a recent one. My teenage son finally got into coding thanks to an engaging online course that kept his interest. He's now spending more time creating his own little games and animations, and even asked me to sign him up for an actual programming workshop! I'm super proud because it's something he initiated and stuck with, and it opens doors to so many possibilities down the line. I love seeing his passion and determination in action.

I'm mostly managing two different worlds currently - keeping up with the demands of being a parent and also fulfilling my own personal goals and responsibilities, which sometimes feel like very heavy and separate entities!

Parenting has definitely been tough in terms of balancing attention and energy, especially when you want to give your child the best start and foundation. But I'm proud that I've managed to keep up with my kid's needs, like finally getting them to sleep through the night consistently

Also proud that I've been able to maintain my cool and not lose patience, especially during melt downs - mine or theirs ! I think it's so important for our little ones to see us model calm and regulation, especially during challenging times. It's harder than it looks! But we're finding our groove and I'm cherishing the little wins along the way.

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I'm blessed that my kiddo's fairly resilient and doesn't have too many meltdowns. But when she does, it can be a real challenge to keep my cool, especially when I'm exhausted. I think the hardest bit is keeping up the energy and positivity when you're just so darn tired. You know what I mean?

But man, the victories are so sweet! My girl's been working on her reading, and the other day, she finally sounded out a whole sentence by herself! I was so proud. She'd struggled with the words, but kept at it, sounding them out letter by letter until she got there. It's moments like those that really make it all worthwhile. You take that in, appreciate the little wins, man. They're huge!

I'm blessed that my kiddo's fairly resilient and doesn't have too many meltdowns. But when she does, it can be a real challenge to keep my cool, especially when I'm exhausted. I think the hardest bit is keeping up the energy and positivity when you're just so darn tired. You know what I mean?

But man, the victories are so sweet! My girl's been working on her reading, and the other day, she finally sounded out a whole sentence by herself! I was so proud. She'd struggled with the words, but kept at it, sounding them out letter by letter until she got there. It's moments like those that really make it all worthwhile. You take that in, appreciate the little wins, man. They're huge!
I can definitely relate to the challenge of keeping calm when your child has a meltdown, especially when you're tired. It's like fuel to the fire! But major props to your little one for her progress in reading; that's a massive achievement and a reminder of the fruits of our labour!

I'm also finding it tough with sleep these days - my tot seems to have a sensor that goes off as soon as I sit down for dinner, and starts crying. By the time I'm done tending to him, I'm beat! But then, his cheeky smile makes it all OK again. The sleep struggle is real, but we keep going, powered by coffee and love!

While I can't really relate as an adult without kids, I do see how tough it is for parents - especially those raising children with special needs. It's like a rollercoaster ride - up and down, happy and sad.

I think the biggest challenge for parents like you would be the uncertainty and unpredictable nature of it all. One minute everything's great, and the next there's a meltdown or an injury. And you never know when these episodes will happen!

But you're strong and resilient. You find ways to manage and advocate for your child's needs, and that's really admirable. Keep celebrating those little wins - they make up the beautiful tapestry of parenthood.

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I can definitely relate to the challenge of keeping calm when your child has a meltdown, especially when you're tired. It's like fuel to the fire! But major props to your little one for her progress in reading; that's a massive achievement and a reminder of the fruits of our labour!

I'm also finding it tough with sleep these days - my tot seems to have a sensor that goes off as soon as I sit down for dinner, and starts crying. By the time I'm done tending to him, I'm beat! But then, his cheeky smile makes it all OK again. The sleep struggle is real, but we keep going, powered by coffee and love!
It's wonderful how you find joy in the small wins; they really do make a difference in our parenting journeys!

My kiddo had a phase of constant crying through dinner too and I felt so bad for my husband who had to juggle cooking and soothing our son. It passes eventually, but man, it is exhausting! I feel ya!
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It's wonderful how you find joy in the small wins; they really do make a difference in our parenting journeys!

My kiddo had a phase of constant crying through dinner too and I felt so bad for my husband who had to juggle cooking and soothing our son. It passes eventually, but man, it is exhausting! I feel ya!
Hahaha yes... the sensors that kids have are incredible! As soon as you have something else to attend to - like sitting down for a rare quiet meal or stepping into the toilet - they seem to sense it and start their meltdown. It's a good thing they're cute, right?

On exhausting days, I remind myself that this is just a season in life, and it shall too pass. Though some days are really tough, I'm learning not to wish away the time as these moments with young kids can also be precious.
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Hahaha yes... the sensors that kids have are incredible! As soon as you have something else to attend to - like sitting down for a rare quiet meal or stepping into the toilet - they seem to sense it and start their meltdown. It's a good thing they're cute, right?

On exhausting days, I remind myself that this is just a season in life, and it shall too pass. Though some days are really tough, I'm learning not to wish away the time as these moments with young kids can also be precious.
Their senses must be hyper-alert! I think that's nature's way of ensuring their survival though - someone has to keep a close eye on those little rascals!

And you're right; it's a good thing we've got cute babies to make up for the challenges. That's probably also nature's doing - to ensure we don't chuck them into a river! ;P
Their senses must be hyper-alert! I think that's nature's way of ensuring their survival though - someone has to keep a close eye on those little rascals!

And you're right; it's a good thing we've got cute babies to make up for the challenges. That's probably also nature's doing - to ensure we don't chuck them into a river! ;P
True, their senses are sharper than we adults could ever imagine! It's amazing how alert they are, observing and taking everything in. Nature certainly has equipped them well to survive and thrive. And thank goodness for that cute factor which can melt our hearts, even on the toughest days!
As a special needs parent, I totally get how it feels to want to pull your hair out sometimes. The constant juggle between appointments, therapies and managing meltdowns can be exhausting. But every small win makes it all worthwhile! Like when you finally find the right support and resources after what feels like an eternal search, phew!

One of my biggest challenges now is keeping up with the never-ending piles of laundry and cleanliness - gotta keep those sensory toys and materials washed and ready for action! But it's hard when your little one needs constant supervision and entertainment too. Keeping the house presentable is a real challenge and sometimes I just need to surrender and embrace the mess!

Another difficult part is handling the many unexpected challenges that come with this parenting journey - like when my kiddo suddenly decides they hate their favourite food for no apparent reason. Or tantrums because the sky outside is the wrong shade of blue. It's tough not to get flustered, but I remind myself that these are all part of the adventure.

Some of my biggest triumphs as a parent include the time when my little one finally started responding to his name. That was such a proud moment! And recently, he also began initiating conversations - it melts my heart hearing his little voice asking me questions and sharing random thoughts. Those are the moments that make all the tough bits fade away.

As a parent, I can totally relate! It's like a never-ending juggling act, right? We're constantly faced with new challenges - just when we think we've got one thing down pat, another surprise comes along!

Right now, my toddler's newfound mobility is giving me grey hairs. Toddlers have this crazy ability to locate every dangerous item in the house within seconds of learning to crawl or walk, man. And don't even get me started on those epic meltdowns that seem to come outta nowhere! But let's not forget the good stuff - those precious moments when our efforts as parents pay off. For me, it's hearing my little one say new words and seeing them figure out new things, like figuring out how to charm strangers!

What about you? What parenting challenges are giving you a headache these days, and what have been your most heartwarming victories? Share the details!

I'm quite fortunate in the sense that my child hasn't given me major headaches.. yet! But one challenge I find myself dealing with is balancing work and parenting - juggling time and energy between giving my kid attention and focusing on their development, while also managing the demands of work and other adult responsibilities.

A current success I'm proud of is my kid's recent newfound love for reading! It's heartening to see them grab a book and 'read' quietly to themselves . I hope this budding interest in books continues as they grow!

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Yeah, that's really insightful how you notice how kids' meltdowns seem to be magnetically attracted to those few moments when we have something else super important to attend to. It's like their Spidey-sense kicks in! And yup - that cute factor does save the day, every time!

I feel ya on the sleep struggle too. It's a wonder how our tolerance for sleep deprivation seems to increase with each exhausting day - human adaptation is quite something! But then again, I keep reminding myself that this phase, though challenging, is also temporary and part of the whole parenting journey.

The little victories along the way make it so worth it. Speaking of which, high five to your little reader! That's some awesome progress!

Oh ya, the screen time issue is a biggie these days, especially with all the enticing gadgets around. Good on you for trying to find that balance, it's tricky coz these days there's also a lot of educational value hidden behind some screens too so we can't just shun them away completely.

That's fantastic news about your son and his newfound interest in coding! It's so cool he's initiated this on his own and is enjoying it so much he wants to go deeper into it. Must feel rewarding to see him so passionate and determined - way to go!

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While I don't face the exact same challenges as parents of kids with special needs, parenting can be tough and exhausting regardless. Meltdowns - got it; lack of personal time and sleepless nights - check; endless appointments - yup, been there!

But like you said, the victories are what keep us going. When my kid first started talking and could finally tell me what was on his mind, that was huge! And every new word he says still feels like a huge accomplishment to me. I also feel proud when I'm able to stay calm during tantrums and meltdowns and respond with patience, even though it's super tough.

Keep celebrating those wins, no matter how small they seem, cause they're huge!

Gosh, I feel ya! The struggle to keep up with household chores is so real! It’s like, you finally finish one load of laundry and fold all the tiny clothes, and then you turn around and there’s another mountain of dirty ones calling your name. And keeping the place tidy? Forget it! Toys and sensory materials seem to spawn everywhere, haha!

It’s encouraging to hear about the progress your little one is making though, well done mama Those are the moments that make the struggle worth it.

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My kiddo's schooling has been pretty tough - lots of learning and behavioural issues. But we've managed to get through the hard times, and I'm proud that her reading has improved so much. She's been putting in extra effort and has really come out of her shell recently. Her progress makes me feel like I must be doing something right! There's still a long way to go but it's encouraging to see some real improvements.

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My kiddo's schooling has been pretty tough - lots of learning and behavioural issues. But we've managed to get through the hard times, and I'm proud that her reading has improved so much. She's been putting in extra effort and has really come out of her shell recently. Her progress makes me feel like I must be doing something right! There's still a long way to go but it's encouraging to see some real improvements.
Yeah, I totally can relate to the challenges you're facing with your kid's schooling. It's a real struggle sometimes, but it's amazing how much their reading has improved, and it's so satisfying to see them come out of their shell and gain some confidence! That's a huge accomplishment and a testament to all the hard work you've put in.

I think one of the biggest challenges I'm facing now is getting my kid to focus on their studies. Their attention span just seems so short, and getting them to sit down and study is like a daily battle. But we're working on it, and every little progress they make is encouraging. Keeps me going, you know?

It's good to share these experiences and know we're not alone in this parenting journey!

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Yeah, I totally can relate to the challenges you're facing with your kid's schooling. It's a real struggle sometimes, but it's amazing how much their reading has improved, and it's so satisfying to see them come out of their shell and gain some confidence! That's a huge accomplishment and a testament to all the hard work you've put in.

I think one of the biggest challenges I'm facing now is getting my kid to focus on their studies. Their attention span just seems so short, and getting them to sit down and study is like a daily battle. But we're working on it, and every little progress they make is encouraging. Keeps me going, you know?

It's good to share these experiences and know we're not alone in this parenting journey!
I feel you! It's so true that it helps to know other parents are out there facing similar challenges. It's nice to share experiences and realize we're all doing the best we can, and those little victories along the way keep us going strong!
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