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Nurture Nighttime Naps


Feb 14, 2024
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Nighttime naps can be a polarizing topic among parents, but they play a crucial role in our family's routine. They help us stay sane during what can sometimes be relentless sleep deprivation. I want to hear about your experiences and thoughts on incorporating nighttime naps into your baby's or toddler's schedule!

I'll share my experience to get the ball rolling: My 7-month-old has never been a great sleeper, and we've been dealing with some health issues that impact her sleep even more. During our most challenging moments, I've found that incorporating an early evening nap, around 6 pm, changes everything! It's like a reset button for the night. She's more cheerful when she wakes up, and so are we! This extra snooze often gives us a second wind and extends the length between her bedtime and the witching hour.

It's comforting to know that if we have a tough night, there's an opportunity to recalibrate the next day. I feel more hopeful and less anxious about sleep when nighttime naps are in our back pocket. Plus, it's nice to have some quiet time while my partner and I take turns napping ourselves!

So tell me your secrets! How do you structure these naps? Are they a rare treat, or a regular occurrence? What benefits or challenges have you found associated with them? Let's discuss all things nighttime naps and how they nurture us through the exhausting phases of parenthood.
For us, nighttime naps are a regular occurrence and a saving grace! Our 7-month-old often takes a short nap from 5:30-6:30 pm, which gives her a boost of energy and sets a positive tone for the evening. It's amazing how that one hour can make such a difference.

When she skips her nighttime nap or wakes up cranky, we know the witching hour is coming. But on days she snoozes peacefully, the cheerful demeanor upon waking up sets a pleasant tone for the rest of the night. It's like the reset button you mentioned - a wonderful phenomenon!

We've found that a consistent sleep routine leading up to this evening nap is crucial for it to be successful. Keeping the room dark and maintaining a quiet atmosphere helps her settle, as does keeping the same pre-nap rituals. Sometimes we struggle with bedtime later in the evening, but knowing we have this backup plan makes it more manageable.

I agree that these nighttime naps give us parents a much-needed break too. I often use this time to take a quick nap myself or catch up on some much-needed downtime, which helps me stay patient and energized for the rest of the night. It's fascinating how such a simple strategy can have such a huge impact!

Are there any other secrets related to nighttime naps you guys swear by? I'd love to hear more, as this strategy has significantly helped us survive sleep deprivation!
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For us, nighttime naps are a regular occurrence and a saving grace! Our 7-month-old often takes a short nap from 5:30-6:30 pm, which gives her a boost of energy and sets a positive tone for the evening. It's amazing how that one hour can make such a difference.

When she skips her nighttime nap or wakes up cranky, we know the witching hour is coming. But on days she snoozes peacefully, the cheerful demeanor upon waking up sets a pleasant tone for the rest of the night. It's like the reset button you mentioned - a wonderful phenomenon!

We've found that a consistent sleep routine leading up to this evening nap is crucial for it to be successful. Keeping the room dark and maintaining a quiet atmosphere helps her settle, as does keeping the same pre-nap rituals. Sometimes we struggle with bedtime later in the evening, but knowing we have this backup plan makes it more manageable.

I agree that these nighttime naps give us parents a much-needed break too. I often use this time to take a quick nap myself or catch up on some much-needed downtime, which helps me stay patient and energized for the rest of the night. It's fascinating how such a simple strategy can have such a huge impact!

Are there any other secrets related to nighttime naps you guys swear by? I'd love to hear more, as this strategy has significantly helped us survive sleep deprivation!
Nighttime naps are a godsend and a necessary ritual in our household too. Keeping the room cool and dark and having soothing bedtime music seems to help my picky sleeper nod off. Also, minimal interaction during the nap time helps my child learn independent sleeping skills and self-soothing techniques that benefit him greatly as he gets older.
That's a smart approach! Keeping the environment conducive to sleep with a cool, dark room and soothing music definitely helps. Minimizing interactions during nap time also teaches self-soothing skills which is beneficial for the long run. Any specific techniques you use to maintain the routine or do you think it's more of an intuitive process?
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A good routine is key! We keep the curtains closed to ensure a dark room and have a white noise machine on hand - especially useful if there's any noise outside the nursery. I also make sure the room is well ventilated so it's not too stuffy, which helps keep my little one relaxed.

I've found that a consistent sleep schedule is a real help too. My baby is used to having naps at certain times and having specific cues helps her settle without a fuss. During the day, we have a play routine which signals that nap time is coming - this way she's cue'd into the rhythm of the day. It becomes intuitive after a while and she starts yawning and getting sleepy around that time!

For nighttime, a bath before bed is a lovely wind-down activity and I make sure to keep the lighting soft and dim so it's not too stimulating. We also have a bedtime story routine which signals to her that sleep is approaching. She seems to enjoy the predictability of it all and it helps her relax into sleep mode.

I think keeping things consistent and intuitive definitely helps!
Consistency is key, it's great that you've found a wonderful routine that works so well for your little one!

The play routine during the day to signal nap time and a bedtime routine with a bath and stories is a wonderful way to help them understand the rhythm of the day and night. Using cues like lighting and keeping the room dark for naps and having a wind-down period makes it more intuitive for them to settle.

What other tricks do you have up your sleeve for those tricky nap times? Keeping things calm and relaxed is definitely an art!
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We've found success with creating a soothing, relaxing environment leading up to nap time. Soft music, dim lighting, and a quiet, cozy space help signal that it's time to wind down. Sometimes, we even incorporate some gentle massage or stretching - it helps relax those little muscles and promotes sleepiness.

Keeping things calm is definitely a challenge, but the prep work leading up to naps makes a world of difference!
That's a smart way to prime them for nap time! It's amazing how a touch of massage and stretching can help relax kids, and the whole soothing atmosphere you create sets them up for some peaceful downtime. Calming techniques are so important for little ones to learn too, so it's great that you're helping them develop those skills early on!
That's a smart way to prime them for nap time! It's amazing how a touch of massage and stretching can help relax kids, and the whole soothing atmosphere you create sets them up for some peaceful downtime. Calming techniques are so important for little ones to learn too, so it's great that you're helping them develop those skills early on!
It definitely takes some creativity and experimentation to discover what works best for each family. I've also found Ava likes a bit of aromatherapy in her room, with a few drops of lavender essential oil creating a soothing atmosphere. But I'm curious to know what other families do to nurture nighttime naps!
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Lavender oil is an excellent calming scent - a great choice for winding down! We also like to experiment with different soothing sounds, from white noise machines to calming music playlists and even the sounds of nature. Creating a dark, cool atmosphere with blackout curtains also helps signal to little ones that it's time to sleep. Sometimes we also swaddle our daughter and that seems to help too!
Some great tips here! We use a white noise machine at our house too - it's amazing how well it lulls the little one to sleep, and sometimes even helps mom and dad! Also love the idea of using lavender oil; we'll have to try that. We've found that creating a wind-down routine with the same steps every night also helps - dim the lights, then story time, followed by a relaxing bath, and lastly some soft massages with calming lotion before snuggling into bed.
A consistent routine is such a great idea! We agree that having a set of steps to follow each night signals to your little one that bedtime is approaching and helps them prepare for sleep. A calming pre-bed routine can definitely help with transitioning into those nighttime naps.

Keep us posted if you try the lavender oil - we'd love to hear how it goes! And enjoy those precious moments of quiet during some peaceful nighttime sleeps.
A consistent routine is such a great idea! We agree that having a set of steps to follow each night signals to your little one that bedtime is approaching and helps them prepare for sleep. A calming pre-bed routine can definitely help with transitioning into those nighttime naps.

Keep us posted if you try the lavender oil - we'd love to hear how it goes! And enjoy those precious moments of quiet during some peaceful nighttime sleeps.
Sure, I'll let you know how it goes! Here's hoping for some relaxing and peaceful nights ahead for all our little ones. Have a great evening ahead!
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