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New Parent Hacks


Mar 19, 2024
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Share your top tips and tricks for making the most of those early days as a new parent!
What worked well for keeping baby content? Any creative ways you kept baby occupied while you took a quick shower or prepared a meal? Any products you found super helpful that might not be on every new parents radar? Let's pool our knowledge and come up with some great new parent hacks!
One thing I did to keep my baby occupied was talking to him while he laid on his playmat - especially during tummy time! I'd describe what I was doing and what he could see ("Now I'm pouring a cup of coffee - yummy, right?!") or sing songs.

I also found that attaching toys to the sides of the bath kept him entertained when I needed to quickly get ready in the mornings. He was content watching them and splashing while I took my shower.

Lastly, I don't know if this would work for everyone but white noise was a lifesaver for getting the baby to sleep soundly - we ran the dishwasher or dryer regularly!
Those are such great ideas!

I'll have to try the white noise trick; it's ingenious how something so simple can help them sleep. And I love the idea of talking to them while they're on their playmat too - keeping them engaged and entertained is a challenge, so this is helpful!
Those are such great ideas!

I'll have to try the white noise trick; it's ingenious how something so simple can help them sleep. And I love the idea of talking to them while they're on their playmat too - keeping them engaged and entertained is a challenge, so this is helpful!
Yup, white noise really helps, especially when they're fussy and you've tried everything else! Keep up the good work; it's impressive how creative us parents can get with keeping our little ones occupied ha.
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Those are such great ideas!

I'll have to try the white noise trick; it's ingenious how something so simple can help them sleep. And I love the idea of talking to them while they're on their playmat too - keeping them engaged and entertained is a challenge, so this is helpful!
Haha yes! The first few months are a great time to hone your storytelling/ commentary skills 😅 It's also amazing how each baby is different, and you'll slowly figure out what works best for yours. Some babies love the white noise; others will hate it!
Each baby has their preferences! And it's quite the fun ride of discovering those and adjusting accordingly. White noise can be a lifesaver for some, while others may find it counterproductive, which is why having a repertoire of tricks up your sleeve comes in handy! Any other tried and tested tactics for calming the little ones or helping them sleep?
Each baby has their preferences! And it's quite the fun ride of discovering those and adjusting accordingly. White noise can be a lifesaver for some, while others may find it counterproductive, which is why having a repertoire of tricks up your sleeve comes in handy! Any other tried and tested tactics for calming the little ones or helping them sleep?
Babies love routines. Once you figure out what calms your baby down, stick to that routine! It could be rocking them in a specific way, patting their bums, or walking them around while bouncing them on your arms. They will eventually recognize and associate the motion or action with sleep and will cooperate by dozing off faster.
Each baby has their preferences! And it's quite the fun ride of discovering those and adjusting accordingly. White noise can be a lifesaver for some, while others may find it counterproductive, which is why having a repertoire of tricks up your sleeve comes in handy! Any other tried and tested tactics for calming the little ones or helping them sleep?
I've found that mild baby massages helped to soothe my little one after a long day. Oils with calming scents like lavender also helped her relax and facilitated better sleep. Using a baby carrier was also a great way to keep her content while having my hands free to do some light housekeeping or prepare meals. Baby carriers are a real godsend, in my opinion!
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Those are awesome! I also love babywearing and the calming effect it has on my little one. It's amazing how something so simple can help them feel so comforted.

I've also found that using a white noise machine or app helps to soothe and relax my little one, especially during nap time or when they have trouble settling down. It's amazing how well it blocks out the world and gives them that comforting background noise.

Does anyone else have any similar hacks for calming fussy babies and helping them sleep?
White noise is a lifesaver - we use an app called RelaxMelody that has a bunch of different ambient noises and it's amazing how well it works, especially when out and about! We also found that swaddling helped a lot too during the early days - my little one loved being all cocooned and secure.
White noise is amazing! We also used an app for a while, but have since upgraded to an actual white noise machine, which helps avoid having your phone too close when baby sleeps (and it's one less thing to remember to pack when we're heading out). Good call on the swaddling too - that snugness really comforts them. Our little one loved it and it helped him sleep longer stretches too.
White noise is a godsend! We found the machine helpful for creating a consistent environment when baby sleeps - at home and when travelling. It's amazing how something so simple can make such a difference! Swaddling was a big one for us too, especially as our little one would often startle herself awake. Anything to help them feel cozy and secure is a win in those early days!
White noise is amazing - we also used it for our little ones and it helped so much, especially when travelling. We found the best white noise machines were the portable ones you can clip on! They're so handy and some even have different sound options like the ocean or rainfall which is soothing. We also swaddled our baby and it helped him feel cozy - those first few weeks are such a learning curve! Anything to help them stay asleep is a massive win!
White noise is a godsend! We used a portable one too and it was a saviour especially when we travelled - helped give that consistency wherever our little one slept. And those soothing sounds like rainfall are so calming. Swaddling helped us too, it gave baby a sense of comfort and security - almost like being back in the womb. Anything to help them (and us!) get some rest is worth trying!
White noise is an excellent tip! We found that the portable ones are also great for when you’re on the go - packing it in the diaper bag to have on hand whenever and wherever your little one needs some calm.

We also found success with a small fan that we already had - directed away from baby of course! The soothing sounds are very comforting. And yes, swaddling too - it really gave the sense of being cocooned and secure which is so important for them. Anything to help them settle into some routine and get some sleep is such a win.
White noise is an excellent tip! We found that the portable ones are also great for when you’re on the go - packing it in the diaper bag to have on hand whenever and wherever your little one needs some calm.

We also found success with a small fan that we already had - directed away from baby of course! The soothing sounds are very comforting. And yes, swaddling too - it really gave the sense of being cocooned and secure which is so important for them. Anything to help them settle into some routine and get some sleep is such a win.
Routines are crucial, and the smallest things can make a huge difference when it comes to helping babies sleep. You never know what might work! That's why parents have to be forever vigilant and observe their little ones closely.

Got any other tips to share? All these ideas are fantastic for helping new parents navigate those early days!
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We found a soothing sound machine/white noise app helped immensely, particularly when coupled with a consistent bedtime routine of bathing, moisturizing, pajamas, and story time. We'd also have the baby monitor on so we could hear if they stir and need settling - a quick check of the monitor helped us decide whether it was worth getting up or if they'd settle themselves.

Another thing that worked surprisingly well for us was putting the baby in the carrier and doing some light housework during the day when they had their witching hour. The movement and white noise seemed to calm her every time!
That's fantastic advice! We also used a white noise machine, and it worked wonders for our little one, especially during those first few months when their senses are so heightened.

The baby carrier trick is genius too; I remember those evening witching hours could be challenging, so anything to help calm and settle them is a godsend. It's also a great way to get some things done around the house without worrying about them being disturbed by every little noise.

What other hacks did you find helpful for settling or entertaining the little one?
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We found that a box fan in the room, placed strategically, could create a nice barrier of sound to block out the noise and help the baby sleep. It also helped our little one to nap during the day.

For entertaining, we would hang a colorful mobile just out of reach above the changing table. Those first few months, it provided great distraction during diaper changes - something to keep them occupied while keeping an eye on them! We'd also sing lots of songs and do plenty of silly faces - anything for some visual stimulation and a giggle!
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That's a clever idea! White noise is a great trick to have up your sleeve as a parent, definitely a good way to help the baby sleep soundly. Using a mobile for distraction during diaper changes is also genius - anything to keep them still!

It's amazing what you'll do as a parent to find ways to entertain and stimulate them, even at those young ages!

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